Chapter II

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 Three weeks after I shot the Arrow, I was sure I was gonna die. I totaled my truck as a result, though, and it was my only way to school. Mom and I's only way anywhere. Let me give a rundown.


I didn't know where the armoured van came from, but it was there. And I had brakes that needed fixing. I hit the side of the van, leaving a considerably sized dent in the side of it. I no longer had a nose on my truck, and blood pouring from a gash in my forehead. I groaned, looking out the no-longer-existent windshield. People in SWAT suits jumped out of the van, and a couple walked to my driver-side window.

"Hello? Miss?" One of them asked, and not a bad looking one, either, from what I could tell under the helmet. I turned to look at them.

"Yes?" It hurt to have my neck moved, so I left it where is was.

"Are you alright?" I looked at him apologetically.

"Yeah. I don't know about your van, though. Or my truck." He nodded slowly, inspecting the damage.

"You're lucky you weren't killed on impact, miss." I smiled and nodded.

"I guess so, huh?" He smiled back, then looked at his co-workers, standing at a distance.

"When you're better, call me," he said, giving me a card with his number. I smiled, nodding.

"I sure will," I said, hearing the sirens in the distance. He nodded, opening the door and helping me out. I groaned, my right ankle collapsing. I glanced down, noticing the way my boot had expanded. I caught a glimpse of my right arm, twisted at the complete wrong angle. I swallowed thickly at the sight of the blood, the cute SWAT member's arm wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't catch your name," he said. I smiled at him, before quickly dropping the smile, my forehead throbbing.

"Ow. That hurt. I'm Aaliyah Griffin. And you are?" He smiled, taking my hand gently.

"Atami Ponce. Nice to meet you, Aaliyah." He pulled his fingers away from my shaking ones, ducking his head and pulling his helmet off. He had short, black hair that stood up, despite his removing of the helmet. He pulled his goggles away from his eyes, replacing them on his forehead. They were crystal blue, standing out against his tanned face. He was about six inches taller than me, which wasn't really saying a lot, since I stood at about five-foot-five. I reached my left hand up and pushed back my auburn bangs. My finger grazed a cut on my scalp, where some of the shattered windshield cut me. I inhaled sharply, the ambulance coming to a stop. The EMTs hopped out, pulling the gurney out with them. They pulled it over, then Atami gestured to me, and the EMTs helped me onto the gurney. I sat on it, leaning against the back. As I was wheeled away, I could see Atami making the universal 'call me' gesture.


Of course, after the whole crash, Mom let me buy another truck full out. I called Atami after I bought it.


"Yes. Who is this?" I smiled into my end of the phone.

"It's Aaliyah Griffin. The girl who crashed into the-"

"Oh! Aaliyah!" I heard the smile in his voice.

"Hey. Yeah, so, um..." I trailed off.

"You wanna stop by Starbucks or something?" I smiled.

"I work at Dunkin' Donuts. We could get coffee at a discount," I said.

"That sounds good," he said. "I'll see you there." I agreed before hanging up. I clutched the phone to my chest and squealed like a little girl. I had my first date, ever. I went to my closet and pulled out a band shirt and a clean pair of jeans. I changed into them before walking downstairs and pulling on my boots. Mom poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I flinched, looking at her.

"Out to meet up with one of the SWAT members that was in the van I'd hit," I stated. She smiled.

"My baby's growing up so fast," she said. I smiled. "What's his name?"

"Atami Ponce. He kinda looks like John Sheppard." She nodded evenly.

"," she stated. I bobbed my head from side to side, then full out nodded.

"Yeah." She nodded, raising her mug to me.

"Well, have fun. And be careful!" She called as I walked out the door. I smoothed my Daughtry shirt before climbing into my truck. It didn't have the same feel as my other one, but one can only adapt. I drove to Dunkin' Donuts, finding Atami in a silver Chevy Malibu, I pulled into the spot next to him and parked. He stepped out and I did the same. I closed my door, hitting the lock button on my key fob twice. The truck honked briefly, letting me know it was locked. I walked inside, standing by Atami in the line. My coworker, Elizabeth, looked up.

"Hey, Aaliyah! Who is this?" She asked. I smiled, introducing Atami and ordering my usual. She put down the discount on the receipt after Atami ordered.

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