What's happened to Destiny?

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Hey guys, Destiny here. Welp, it's been awhile again. So much has changed and was going on, but now I think I'm back to stay.

Recently if you didn't know, my Grandpa died in a car accident on Mother's Day. We had to settle my Grandma and drive her back to Florida, and then get the funeral ready. My birthday is also in 7 days, which I guess I'm kinda excited about.

Also, I'm not able to do any sort of digital art ATM due to the fact that I forgot my art tablet at home :/

Anyways, I'm going to try to be a bit more active, due to the sake of my friends, mostly for  Helsing1 and Cloudemoon9, since those are the only two I've recently messaged besides Steph. I really want to be there for them again, and I've been a pain not being for them now. I'm trying to get Wattpad back on my phone, but I probably will mostly update on my iPod, which I also left at home :/ I will update on the computer sometimes as well. \

So much has changed. On my Instagram, I've almost hit 500 followers in less than a year, while this account on Wattpad still has only 200+. I'm kinda depressed about that, but I'll get over it sooner of later, there aren't as many people on Watty like Instagram.

Anyways, I hope to catch up with Hels, Cloude, Silver, and Skywarriorbird soon. Check your inbox peeps! C:

Also, requests are on hold atm due to the fact I LEFT MY DAM ART TABLET AT HOME GAHh

Anyways, expect more updates soon C:


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