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DESTINY CHAPTER 32 [14th April 2010]

There was a knock on the door, “Girls lunch is ready.”

Taeyeon quickly kept away her notebook and headed out the door with Sunny.

“Thanks Soo-yeon,” Sunny said cheerfully.

Taeyeon followed behind and the three of them settled at the table.

“Look at the spread, whoever marries Soo-yeon sure is lucky,” Sunny said with the intention of teasing Taeyeon.

“It’s not much, I have to learn how to cook since nobody else at home does,” said Soo-yeon.

“Oh,” Taeyeon suddenly interrupted, “when are the both of you heading back? My ticket is booked for the twentieth.”

“I have to fly back by the seventeenth so yeah,” Sunny said.

“My flight is booked for the twentieth too. Why don’t you change your flight and return with Sunny instead?” Soo-yeon suggested.

“Oh no the later she returns the better, otherwise she’ll want to stay over at my place again until she’s fully recovered. You know with her mum and all,” said Sunny with every intention of giving both of them some time together.

Soo-yeon looked at Taeyeon and waited for her to say something.

“I’m not changing my flight, we can go back together Soo-yeon,” Taeyeon said as she dipped her spoon into the soup.

“Mmmm..” Sunny said as she licked her lips, “Soo-yeon you sure are a good cook.”

“Eat more then,” Soo-yeon said.

“By the way I spoke to the manager of Treetops Lodge Estate, he said that he’d give us one more room on the house,” Soo-yeon shared with the other two.

“Wow Soo-yeon you sure are amazing. How did you do that?” Sunny asked in awe.

“I just told him the truth, that Taeyeon got hurt in a mugging and that I needed the room for her otherwise I wouldn’t be able to go,” Soo-yeon explained.

“And how are you going to explain Sunny’s presence?” Taeyeon asked.

“It doesn’t matter she’ll just stay in your room so it’s fine,” Soo-yeon said.

“Well thanks Soo-yeon, I heard that the place is amazing!” Sunny said with great excitement.


Sunny and Soo-yeon had already returned to their room.

Taeyeon was still up in hers, her brown leather notebook in her hands.

Her fingers trailed the pages of the notebook. She was thankful that her brain was not injured and that she could still think.

Sunny had told her everything and Taeyeon had worked out the entire timeline in the short one hour that Soo-yeon prepared lunch.

Taeyeon had her speculation but she needed time to prove it.

Taeyeon switched off the side light and went to bed.


[15th April 2010]

The car from Treetop Lodge had just arrived at the car porch of the apartment.

The driver got off and helped the girls with their luggages.

“I’ll take the front, you can sit in the back with Taeyeon,” Soo-yeon said to Sunny.

Just as Soo-yeon was about to get in, Sunny stopped her.

“Oh no no I may get car sick, you can sit in the back with her,” Sunny lied.

Taeyeon wanted to roll her eyes but she knew that Sunny was doing all of that for her.

“Oh ok, sure,” Soo-yeon replied and she got into the backseat instead.

Taeyeon got in as well.

The moment they got into the car, Sunny got some shut eye.

Since Taeyeon and Soo-yeon were alone in the back, they had to talk.

“So how was it the past few days with Kang-In? I see that you’ve gotten closer,” Soo-yeon started the ball rolling.

“Oh yes we have, he’s a nice guy but I don’t fancy him that way and he knows it too,” said Taeyeon.

“He does? You told him?” Soo-yeon was surprised that it panned out that way.

“Yes I did it tactfully of course,” Taeyeon continued.

It took a while for them to reach the estate since Soo-yeon requested for the driver to drive slowly.

By the time they were there, Sunny had fallen asleep.

The car pulled to a stop at the gate and waited for it to open.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” Taeyeon said in awe of the place.

“Wait till we get to the top,” Soo-yeon said with a smile.

Beyond the gate was a dirt path that led all the way up. They were surrounded by trees and fields of green.

On the way up to the lodge, they passed a helicopter that had just landed on the field.

After a few minutes, the car finally pulled to a stop at the front of the lodge.

There was a water feature just by the front door with fishes swimming in it.

Taeyeon identified that the fishes were trout.

They went through the heavy wooden doors into an area with cosy arm chairs anda beautiful fireplace.

The entire area in front of them were installed with full length glass windows and the view was magnificent.

All three of them were blown away.

They manager of the lodge welcomed them and showed them to their rooms personally.

On their way to the rooms, Soo-yeon was busy conversing with the manager when Sunny whispered to Taeyeon, “You’re going to sleep with her tonight.”

“And how are you going to do that?” Taeyeon returned the question in yet another soft whisper.

“You’ll see,” Sunny smirked.

They were walking down a narrow corridor towards the rooms when Taeyeon heard the manager say to Soo-yeon, “I’m so thankful to have you here. I heard that you actually paid for your own ticket just to make it down to do the review of our lodge.”

“Don’t mention it, it’s a beautiful place and I want people to know about the place,” Soo-yeon replied politely.

Taeyeon was not a hundred percent sure that she got the sentence right since her command of english was not the most fantastic.

If she heard right, it just supported her theory more.

They walked through to two rooms at the end. Taeyeon and Sunny were given the one on the left and Soo-yeon was given the one on the right.

They went into their respective rooms and settled down.

When they were out of earshot, Taeyeon asked Sunny how she was going to execute her plan.

“I’ll just say I can’t sleep beside you since I can’t stand your sleep talking or something,” said Sunny.

“Are you retarded? She can just end up sharing a room with you again,” said Taeyeon.

Sunny bit her lip, “hmmm...that’s true...”

“Anyway don’t try anything funny, let’s just sleep together. I need to make an observation and this shall be the experiment,” Taeyeon instructed.

“Oh you mean like to see if she’ll be jealous?” Sunny said in simple words.

Taeyeon smiled, “You’re just so smart aren’t you?”

“Of course I am,” Sunny agreed.

“The thing is what are you going to do if she gets jealous, will you then confess to her?” Sunny asked Taeyeon.

Taeyeon pondered for a moment before she replied.

“I don’t know...”

DESTINY CHAPTER 33 [15th April 2010]

“What do you think Soo-yeon is doing now?” Taeyeon asked Sunny as she lazed in bed.

“I don’t know but I know that I’m going to go out and find something to do soon,” Sunny replied.

“I think Soo-yeon wants to give us time alone so that I our feelings for each other can develop,” analysed Taeyeon.

“Yes, I think so,” Sunny agreed, “plus this place is so romantic.”

“You don’t think she just sees me as a friend do you?” Taeyeon asked looking at Sunny for reassurance.

“Yes I don’t think it’s that simple. Like I said, the night you were drunk whatever she told me definitely did give me the impression that you’re more than just some good friend,” Sunny explained, “and that was why I needed to talk to you. Who knows you would get mugged and then play hero that night.”

“I wasn’t playing hero, I just didn’t want Soo-yeon to come to harm,” Taeyeon clarified.

“And you say that isn’t playing hero,” Sunny rolled her eyes.

“Run Soo-yeon, without me!” Sunny mimicked Taeyeon.

“How did you know that?” Taeyeon questioned.

“Duh! She told me of course,” Sunny said with a grin.

“Of course she had to, the guy would catch up if I ran with her and who knows what would happen,” Taeyeon said in her own defense.

“Yes yes hero Taeng,” Sunny teased.

“By the way, she doesn’t know what your real job is?” Sunny asked Taeyeon.

“No she doesn’t,” Taeyeon replied.

“Are you not intending to tell her? You realise you’ll have to tell her you’re not really a photographer don’t you?” Sunny said in exasperation.

“I just haven’t found the right opportunity,” said Taeyeon.

“Well tell her soon. If the both of you ever get together, she has to know what you do for a living,” Sunny advised.

“Whoever says we’re getting together,” Taeyeon remarked.

“Ok whatever. I’m heading out now you should just rest in bed,” said Sunny as she headed for the door.

“Enjoy,” Taeyeon said.

Taeyeon was about to sleep when the door opened.

It was Sunny again.

“Oh just so you know, Soo-yeon is out on the deck reading your favorite book. The both of you really are made for each other,” Sunny teased before disappearing behind the door again.


By the time Taeyeon woke up, it was already dark out.

She reached for her phone and checked the time. It was already close to evening and she had slept through lunch.

Sunny was nowhere to be seen.

That good friend of mine must be having a blast,thought Taeyeon to herself.

Taeyeon was thirsty so she decided to head outside to get some water.

After she got her hands on some water, she decided to take a walk around the place.

The lodge was so beautiful and serene. The entire place was made for relaxation.

Taeyeon went outdoors and took in every bit of the spectacular view.

The back of the lodge overlooked a valley filled with trees and tons of greenery. Everything just came together in a perfect blend.

It was a pity she missed the sunset.

Taeyeon really wanted to take in a deep long breath of air but she knew she could not afford to. Her sides would surely hurt if she did.

Taeyeon was about to return to her room when she caught sight of Soo-yeon in her room.

Soo-yeon’s room overlooked the valley and the room could be seen from the deck since the room had a few panels of full length glass windows.

Soo-yeon was still reading the book.

Taeyeon stood there for a while and just watched Soo-yeon.

She started to imagine how it would be like to be sitting in bed with Soo-yeon, cuddling close to each other as they watched the Sunset.

Somehow the thought of that seemed very attractive.

Taeyeon had the impulse to confront Soo-yeon about her feelings at that moment but she stopped herself when she arrived at Soo-yeon’s door.

Instead, she returned to her room and climbed back in bed.


It was almost dinner time and Sunny had finally returned to the room.

“Wake up it’s time for dinner!” Sunny shouted in an attempt to wake Taeyeon.

“Shhh...You’re too noisy...Plus I’m not asleep,” Taeyeon replied.

“So what are you doing? Thinking of Soo-yeon with your eyes shut?” Sunny teased.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Sunny.

Taeyeon got out of bed slowly, “Come on let’s head over to Soo-yeon’s room and ask her to go for dinner,” Taeyeon suggested.

The both of them went to Soo-yeon’s room and knocked on the door.

They could hear footsteps and they knew that Soo-yeon was approaching the door.

Sunny turned to Taeyeon and started running her fingers through Taeyeon’s hair.

Taeyeon knew what she was doing so Taeyeon played along.

Just as Soo-yeon pulled open the door, she was met with the sight of Sunny running her hands through Taeyeon’s hair.

Sunny timed it perfectly and said, “Silly your hair’s all messy from sleeping.”

Immediately after that Taeyeon pretended that she had just noticed the door open and said, “Oh Soo-yeon, come on let’s go for dinner.”

“Ok,” Soo-yeon replied.

Taeyeon picked up a slight hint of pain in Soo-yeon’s expression. She too flinched slightly when she saw what was going on in front of her.

Perhaps she does have feelings for me,thought Taeyeon to herself.

Three of them made their way to the dining hall and the waiter asked them if they had any seating preference.

Taeyeon and Sunny both said at the same time, “A corner seat please.”

They then looked at each other and smiled.

Once they settled down in their seats, they looked through the menu.

After about five minutes the waiter came back to take their order.

“What would you like to have today?” the waiter asked with a polite smile.

“Can I have a ribeye steak please,” Sunny said.

“How would you like that done?” the waiter asked.

“Medium,” Taeyeon said on Sunny’s behalf.

“How about you, what would you like to have?” the waiter directed at Taeyeon.

“Hmmm...” Taeyeon thought for a while, “I would like to have...”

“Give her the lamb chops please, well done,” Sunny said showing that she knew Taeyeon as well as Taeyeon knew her.

“Yes, I would like that, Thanks,” Taeyeon said as she closed the menu.

She then turned her head to Soo-yeon and asked, “What will you be having?”

Soo-yeon made her order and proceeded to close the menu.

Taeyeon noticed that what Soo-yeon ordered had cucumbers in it but she held her tongue.

“How about drinks ladies? What would you all like to have?” the waiter prompted.

“I’ll have an earl grey tea and she’ll have the chocolate freeze,” Taeyeon said ordering for herself and for Sunny.

“And how about you?” the waiter directed at Soo-yeon.

“I’ll have the earl grey too,” Soo-yeon said.

While they waited for their food, Soo-yeon kept silent most of the time.

Sunny and Taeyeon did what they set out to do and did not bother to engage her in their conversation.

Taeyeon felt bad doing all that but she really wanted to know how Soo-yeon felt about her.

It took a while but the food was finally served. Once her lamb chops were placed in front of her, Taeyeon said in an instant, “Wow it’s too much for me to finish, someone has to help me out with this.”

Taeyeon said that because she knew that Soo-yeon would probably not eat her food all thanks to the cucumbers.

“Oh and your food looks really delicious, I shall order that the next time around,” Taeyeon said to Soo-yeon with the hopes of Soo-yeon exchanging the food with her later on.

“You can have some,” Soo-yeon told Taeyeon.

“Nah, I’d probably not be able to eat so much,” Taeyeon said.

Sunny knew that Taeyeon was up to something so she just kept quiet.

It did not take long before Soo-yeon finally exclaimed, “Drat! It’s cucumbers.”

Sunny then smiled a knowing smile.

“Why don’t you swap with Taeyeon since she wanted to try that anyway,” Sunny suggested.

“You don’t mind lamb do you?” Taeyeon asked Soo-yeon.

“No I don’t, anything is better than cucumbers,” Soo-yeon wrinkled her nose and she said that.

“Cool, let’s swap then,” Taeyeon said with fake enthusiasm.

All throughout dinner, Soo-yeon was exceptionally quiet except for the few comments here and there.

Even after they were done eating, Sunny and Taeyeon intentionally carried on with their conversation.

It took a while before Soo-yeon said, “Girls I’m tired, I’ll head back first ok? Enjoy the rest of your night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Taeyeon and Sunny both nodded, “Ok, Good night,” they said in unison.

Once Soo-yeon was out of ear shot Taeyeon asked Sunny immediately, “So what do you think?”

“I think she likes you, I’m serious,” Sunny said.

Sunny started explaining why she thought that way and Taeyeon could not help but agree.

“So what are you going to do now?” Sunny asked Taeyeon.

All Taeyeon could say was, “I don’t know...Whatever will be will be.”

DESTINY CHAPTER 34 [16th April 2010]

Taeyeon woke up to a loud incessant ringing. It was the nasty sound of Sunny’s alarm clock.

“Wake up...” Taeyeon slurred. She wanted to continue sleeping.

Sunny did not move.

Taeyeon reached over and nudged Sunny, “Wake up you pig, you’re supposed to watch the beautiful sunrise and supposedly find your rich husband.”

Sunny just groaned.

Taeyeon got out of bed and begrudgingly walked around the bed so that she could shut Sunny’s alarm.

By the time Taeyeon got back to bed again, she could not sleep any longer.

Taeyeon got out of bed in frustration and threw her pillow at Sunny.

Sunny took the pillow that was tossed at her and hugged it.

“Pfft...Pig...” Taeyeon remarked snidely.

She washed up and then headed out of her room and towards the deck that overlooked the valley.

When she stepped out the door, she felt a cool rush of air that sent a shiver down her spine.

It was cold but very refreshing.

It did not take her too long to realise that she was not alone.

The sky was still dark and the moon was still out. In the pale moonlight, Taeyeon made out a figure sitting at the table towards the end of the deck.

By the time she realised who it was, there was no where else to hide.

Soo-yeon spotted her the same time she recognised Soo-yeon.

Taeyeon had no choice but to walk over.

“Good morning,” Taeyeon said to Soo-yeon as she sat down casually at the same table.

“Good morning,” Soo-yeon said in a voice that sounded more tired than refreshed.

“What are you doing up so early?” Taeyeon asked Soo-yeon.

“The same thing you are,” said Soo-yeon.

“Well I’m pretty sure it’s a different reason. I got woken by Sunny’s alarm,” Taeyeon complained, “She wanted to watch the Sunrise but here I am instead because that pig of a Sunny refuses to get up.”

“You should try to wake her up so that you can watch the Sunrise with her,” Soo-yeon said, “it’s a once in a lifetime experience since it’s so beautiful here.”

“Nahhh, she can stay in bed and regret her decision later,” Taeyeon said with an evil smile, “maybe we should take pictures of the beautiful Sunrise and make her envious later.”

Taeyeon caught Soo-yeon with a puzzled frown. The expression was only there for two seconds but Taeyeon saw it.

In that moment the sky turned slightly brighter than before. A light orange hue was creeping its way towards them.

It was then that she noticed Soo-yeon’s puffy eyelids. It was obvious that she had been crying.

Taeyeon’s heart ached with guilt.

Did my actions from last night make her cry?

Do I....mean that much to her?

Taeyeon pondered for a while before she decided to say it.

She could not bear to see Soo-yeon in this state.

“I have something to tell you,” Taeyeon said as she stared out at the horizon.

Soo-yeon kept quiet and waited.

“Sunny is really just my best friend and I don’t have feelings for her,” Taeyeon admitted.

“Ok,” Soo-yeon said, “Why are you telling me this only now?” Soo-yeon asked in a slightly accusing voice.

“Because I think you should know.” Taeyeon kept it at that.

“So why didn’t you correct me before?” Soo-yeon questioned. It was obvious she felt cheated.

“I just did not know how to,” Taeyeon said as she looked towards Soo-yeon.

“I’m not a person who talks a lot about affairs of the heart and I...” Taeyeon trailed off. She did not know how else to defend herself.

“I’m sorry,” Taeyeon said earnestly.

She was apologising for both the night before and for not telling Soo-yeon earlier.

“It’s ok,” Soo-yeon said forgivingly.

“Don’t you want to take a picture of the sunrise?” Soo-yeon reminded Taeyeon.

“Oh yes,” Taeyeon said absent mindedly, “do you have a camera?” Taeyeon asked Soo-yeon.

“Yes I do, I’ll get it quickly,” Soo-yeon said as she ran off to her room.

Taeyeon sat out there alone.

As much as she wanted to confess, she could not bring herself to do it.

It just did not seem like the right moment.

Soo-yeon appeared shortly with her camera dangling in her hands.

“Here you go,” Soo-yeon said as she handed Taeyeon her camera.

Taeyeon slipped it out of its case and fiddled with the settings before taking a shot.

It was a semi-pro camera and the picture was absolutely beautiful.

“I’ll take one for you too,” Taeyeon said as she motioned for Soo-yeon to get down from the deck and stand on the grass.

Soo-yeon did so and Taeyeon took yet another shot.

Even though the background was stunning, Taeyeon could see that Soo-yeon was not smiling as brightly as she used to.

Taeyeon felt a pang of guilt and she wanted badly to make things right.

“Let’s take one together,” Soo-yeon requested meekly.

Taeyeon agreed.

Taeyeon set the camera’s timer and then tried to hurry down, but she was too slow since she was still hurting.

All the camera captured was Taeyeon attempting to walk over and Soo-yeon running towards her.

Soo-yeon ended up setting the timer and Taeyeon was the one standing in position.

The both of them finally took a picture together successfully.

That was their first photograph together and a beautiful one at that.

They sun was almost fully out when they were done and Sunny was obviously still somewhere in dreamland.

Taeyeon and Soo-yeon went back to the table and sat down at their seats.

“You really don’t want to wake Sunny up?” Soo-yeon asked once more.

“No point, she wouldn’t get up,” Taeyeon said knowingly.

“The both of you really know each other very well, I’m surprised she’s not the one you’re in love with,” Soo-yeon said.

“Yes I know her well and we get along very well. I just don’t have feelings for her,” Taeyeon said. She did not change the topic nor lead the question elsewhere.

If Soo-yeon asked her who she was in love with, Taeyeon might just speak the truth.

Soo-yeon picked up the camera and fiddled with it.

“The pictures you take are so beautiful, you sure are a talented photographer,” Soo-yeon complimented Taeyeon.

“I have something to tell you,” Taeyeon said as she lowered her head.

Soo-yeon looked up from her camera and at Taeyeon.

“Go on,” Soo-yeon said.

“Well...there’s something you should know,” Taeyeon continued.

“What is it?” Soo-yeon asked.

Taeyeon thought for a while before she continued with her sentence, “I...don’t know where to start...but...I...

DESTINY CHAPTER 35 [16th April 2010]

“I...don’t know where to start...but...I’m not really a photographer,” Taeyeon admitted sheepishly.

“Huh?” Soo-yeon was obviously confused at Taeyeon’s sentence.

“I’m not really a photographer,” Taeyeon reiterated.

“You’re not?” Soo-yeon asked.

“I never meant to lie or hide it from you, it’s just that people in my line, we don’t usually go around telling people what we do,” Taeyeon continued with her explanation.

“To be honest, even my parents don’t know what I do. Sunny is the only one that knows,” said Taeyeon.

“Ok...in this case I have to say you seem like you’d make a good photographer,” Soo-yeon said.

“Well I’m supposed to be able to blend in well in different environments,” Taeyeon continued, “I’m actually an investigator.”

“An investigator?” Soo-yeon said almost as if she had never heard of the word before.

“Yes,” Taeyeon nodded, “I’m actually a private investigator.”

“Wow,” Soo-yeon said in amazement.

“I was actually following someone when I got into the accident near your place,” Taeyeon revealed, “I lost him after I got into the accident.”

“This is so cool,” Soo-yeon said, still in disbelief.

Her reaction garnered a laugh from Taeyeon. Taeyeon did not expect Soo-yeon to react in this manner.

“So you’re not mad that I didn’t tell you earlier?” Taeyeon asked worried.

“Why would I be?” Soo-yeon said with a smile.

Taeyeon returned the smile and said, “I promise that from now onwards I won’t ever keep anything from you again...”

Taeyeon then thought for a while and then added on, “...unless of course absolutely necessary.”

“What do you mean by unless it’s absolutely necessary?” Soo-yeon said with a frown.

All Taeyeon did was give Soo-yeon a sheepish grin and went “heeee...”

“You’re soooooo cheeky!” Soo-yeon exclaimed.

“I promise you the same,” Soo-yeon said as she stuck her tongue out.

Taeyeon wanted to laugh once more but she held it back, “Stop making me laugh, it hurts.”

Soo-yeon just smiled.

The sullen atmosphere from before just vanished like that.

“You know what, I think it’s time to wake Sunny up for breakfast,” Taeyeon said as she stood up.

“Ok, I’ll freshen up and see the both of you once I’m done,” Soo-yeon said as she too stood up.

The both of them returned to their rooms.

Taeyeon entered the room to see Sunny still sleeping soundly.

Taeyeon walked to the side Sunny was sprawled and tapped her on the shoulders, “Wake up, let’s have breakfast. It’s your last day here so you better not waste it sleeping,” Taeyeon reminded.

Sunny sprung up in an instant, “Oh yes I totally forgot.”

“How can anyone forget,” Taeyeon said as she rolled her eyes at Sunny.

“Come on and wash up, we’re meeting Soo-yeon for breakfast,” Taeyeon urged Sunny out of bed.

Sunny dragged herself over to the bathroom after a while.

When she came out, Taeyeon told her, “By the way I told Soo-yeon that you’re not the one I’m in love with.”

“You did?” Sunny said in exhilaration, “like Finally!”

Sunny then stopped in her tracks, “No no wait a minute.”

She turned to face Taeyeon, “You did not tell her she’s the one did you?”

Taeyeon gave a sheepish smile and it answered Sunny’s question.

“Why didn’t you do it??” Sunny groaned.

“It just didn’t feel like it was the time to do it, she didn’t ask me who the girl is so I didn’t say,” Taeyeon said in her own defense.

“You know you can tell her even if she didn’t ask?” Sunny pointed out.

Taeyeon knew it was true but she did not have the courage to do it.

“You can’t blame me, I haven’t done anything like this before,” Taeyeon continued.

“Gee...the both of you are SO passive,” Sunny said as she threw her hands up in the air.

“Hey at least I already told her that I’m not a real photographer...If I were to confess I would like to do it with nothing else to hide,” reasoned Taeyeon.

“That’s why now’s the time ain’t it?” Sunny said with a smirk.

“Stop pushing me, I’ll do it somehow...when the time comes it will happen,” Taeyeon said in an attempt to get Sunny off her tail.

“We’ll see,” Sunny said as she pulled open the room door.

Taeyeon followed.

Soo-yeon was already waiting at the seating area.

“Good Morning Soo-yeon,” Sunny said with energy.

“Good Morning,” Soo-yeon greeted.

All three of them went for breakfast and then parted ways.

The manager had invited Soo-yeon to go on multiple guided Safaris so that she could give her review. Sunny of course tagged along.

Taeyeon was left behind since she was not going to risk horse riding and falling off a horseback. It was also not fun to be sitting in a 4WD and going across bumpy terrain since her rib would suffer.

Taeyeon ended up sitting in the games room watching people play on the billiard table.

It was quite a pain to do that since she could already see from the way they were aiming that the ball would not be pocketed.

She decided to return to her room.

When she entered she saw that there was a book sitting on the edge of the bed.

The Solitaire Mystery? Isn’t that my book.

She picked it up and saw a note written on it, ‘I left it here for you just in case you got bored.’

Soo-yeon must have returned to her room and slipped it on the bed while Taeyeon was out ‘exploring’ the lodge.

Taeyeon took the book and returned to the games room to read. It was one of the brighter rooms in the lodge and it overlooked the trout pond.

The skies were getting darker and darker as the day went by quickly.

Taeyeon stopped after reading this particular sentence, ‘There are five billion people living on this planet. But you fall in love with one particular person, and you won’t swap her for any other.’

Taeyeon identified with the sentence. In fact there was one person she was thinking about when she read that.

Soo-yeon happened to walk into the room then, “So there you are, we were hunting high and low for you.”

She looked up at Soo-yeon and smiled.

Soo-yeon was the one person she would never swap any other for.

All Taeyeon wanted to say at that moment was ‘I love you, please be with me and never leave my side.’

It was of course just a thought that could not be translated into words.

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