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DESTINY CHAPTER 46 [1st May 2010]

It was already 1am and there was still no sign of anyone. Taeyeon had to go to the bathroom so she woke Soo-yeon up first.

"Hey, hey. Wake up," Taeyeon nudged Soo-yeon gently.

Soo-yeon looked at Taeyeon, bleary eyed. "Hmm?"

"I'm going to the bathroom, you can continue sleeping if you want." Taeyeon released her arm from Soo-yeon's grip.

She went to the back and shook Jonghyun. "Wake up, I need to pee."

Jonghyun sat straight up and nodded. He rubbed his eye before waving Taeyeon out the door.

Taeyeon walked to a nearby petrol kiosk to use the bathroom. She also bought some drinks and some snacks for the night.


"So how long have you worked with Taeyeon for?" Soo-yeon asked Jonghyun as the both of them sat in the vehicle alone.

"About half a year?" Jonghyun replied. He was seated in his own seat and staring out the window as well.

“How about you? How long have you known her? It seems like the both of you have been friends for the longest time.” Jonghyun asked Soo-yeon in turn.

Soo-yeon laughed. “We got to know each other on her birthday.”

“You mean like this year? I didn’t know her birthday was over already.” Jonghyun said slightly surprised.

“Yup,” Soo-yeon said smiling.

“Wow, I thought the both of you have known each other forever. Anyway I have no idea when her birthday is and I have no idea about her personal life. Come to think of it, everything with her is all work, she’s kind of a private person,” Jonghyun analyzed.

Soo-yeon laughed out loud. “Don’t worry she’s like that to everyone. She clams up like a shell.”

“So how did you get to her?” Jonghyun asked with great curiosity.

“I don’t know, I just did.” Soo-yeon said dreamily, “Just like how she did to me.”

“Cool.” Jonghyun said with a laugh.

The door to the van slid open at that moment and Taeyeon was welcomed by two smiling faces. “Now now, it’s not nice to be talking about me when i’m not around.”

“What makes you think we were talking about you?” Soo-yeon challenged Taeyeon with a mischievous smirk.

“Don’t get her started,” Jonghyun said knowingly.

“Here’s some food and drinks,” Taeyeon said as she placed the bag on the seat.

Jonghyun was about to reach for the bottled drink in the bag when Taeyeon suddenly entered the vehicle and shut the door swiftly.

“Jong get into the drivers seat now. Soo-yeon you shall stay in the vehicle with Jonghyun. I’m getting on my bike, you’ll follow him halfway and I’ll follow him the other half of the way.” Taeyeon quickly grabbed another jacket along with her full-face helmet and got off the van.

Jonghyun had a mutual understanding of what Taeyeon was talking about. She knew that their target had appeared. He climbed into the front seat quietly and swiftly.

“Soo-yeon toss him a cap,” Taeyeon instructed. Soo-yeon followed her instructions obediently.

Before she shut the door, she reminded Jonghyun once more, “Drive safe and keep out of sight. If anything, leave it to me.”

Taeyeon shut the door and started towards her scooter. She threw on the other jacket over her current one and zipped all the way up.

She quickly put on her helmet and kicked-start her scooter.

Within seconds, she was on the road, trailing behind the van.


“Seems like my lucky day isn’t it?” Soo-yeon said to Jonghyun as he went another way, allowing Taeyeon to continue on the trail of their target.

“I guess, but we still don’t know where he’s headed.” Jonghyun said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Jonghyun switched on a device that looked like a GPS tracker and he drove towards the same direction.

“So you have a tracker on him?” Soo-yeon asked.

“Nope, that’s Taeyeon. We’ll be able to find her and then him.” Jonghyun explained.

“So does she always split up with you or whoever when she follows someone? Isn’t that dangerous?” Soo-yeon asked in her most innocent voice.

“Yeah, she does. At times she even follows some dangerous characters alone.” Jonghyun told Soo-yeon, “I would say she’s very witty and very good at what she does so she always gets out of sticky situations.”

“I see...but there’s always the danger of something happening isn’t there?” Soo-yeon continued with her questions.

“I would say so, but it’s part of the job.” Jonghyun continued, unaware that he was creating a potential problem for Taeyeon to deal with later.

Soo-yeon saw from the GPS tracker that they were nearing Taeyeon. When they arrived, all Soo-yeon saw was an empty scooter.

“Where is she?” Soo-yeon asked Jonghyun.

“No idea.” Jonghyun replied honestly.


Taeyeon had already removed her jacket and stuffed it into her scooter’s basket. She had also abandoned her helmet together with the jacket.

She now donned a pizza delivery top and a pizza box she whipped out of her scooter basket.

Her outfit gained her access into the private apartment block past the security officers.

She trailed him and saw him walking towards a certain block. Instead of following him to the lift lobby of that block, she walked past that block towards another.

After Taeyeon was certain that he had gone into the lift, she ran back to the block and saw that the elevator was still moving.

It finally stopped on the 9th floor.

She pushed on the button and waited for her own lift. It came after a while and she went onto the 8th floor. Once she was there, she went into the stairwell and went up the stairs towards the 9th nimbly.

She pulled the door open just enough to look out and see that the coast was clear.

There was no one around.

Taeyeon emerged from the stairwell and looked around quickly. There were four units in total and only two of them had light coming from beneath their doors.

She quickly identified a pair of shoes that she knew belonged to the target. Taeyeon quickly disappeared behind the doors of the stairwell and waited.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Jonghyun a text message to report her location. She also instructed him to just wait in the van with Soo-yeon.


“Let’s just wait in the van for her, I don’t know how long that’ll be but I’m sure it wouldn’t stretch for more than 2 hours.” Jonghyun said counting backwards, “I’m sure he has to get back to his wife before daybreak.”

“It’s hard work isn’t it, your job?” Soo-yeon said with Taeyeon in mind.

“Yes, but it’s cool. At least it’s something I enjoy doing.” Jonghyun said with great passion.

“So what are we going to do now? Are we really going to just wait?” Soo-yeon asked. She missed Taeyeon.

“Yes. We wait, talk and snack,” Jonghyun said as he reached for the back of snacks and drinks Taeyeon bought for them.

Soo-yeon smiled when she looked into the bag. It was obvious that Taeyeon was thinking of her when she bought all that. Everything in the bag was suited to Soo-yeon’s palette.

Soo-yeon took the opportunity to spend the time she had asking Jonghyun more about Taeyeon and her work.

It proved to be a fruitful night.

DESTINY CHAPTER 47 [1st May 2010]

Taeyeon sat in the stairwell, waiting.

It was a long wait.

I wonder what Soo-yeon is doing now. I hope she isn’t too bored.

It was then that she heard a door being unlocked.

She was positive it was her target, Mr Ok.

Taeyeon stood up quickly and peered through the crack in the door. She witnessed Mr Ok bending over and giving a petite woman a kiss on the cheeks before he left.

When the woman shut the door, his face changed to that of what Taeyeon identified as contempt.

The sheer fact that he displayed such a look on his face supported Taeyeon’s deduction that the woman had a hold on him.

After he was gone, Taeyeon slipped out of the stairwell and pushed on the doorbell of the unit Mr Ok had just exited.

The same woman opened the door as she said the following, “Did you miss me already?”

It was obvious that she thought that it was Mr Ok pushing on her doorbell. Her face turned red when she realised it was a pizza delivery person standing at her door.

“Here’s your delivery mdm, that’ll be twenty-three dollars,” Taeyeon said with a forced smile as she clutched her tummy.

“I’m gonna **** in my pants, would you be so kind to lend me your bathroom?” Taeyeon pleaded in desperation.

“Umm I think you got the wrong unit but yes, you can use my bathroom.” The woman replied.

Success!Taeyeon said in her head, her face still contorted in ‘pain’. She was almost certain she would succeed since she was a female.

If it were Jonghyun, the woman would have qualms about letting a male stranger into the house. With Taeyeon, it was different.

“This way,” The woman said pointing Taeyeon in a certain direction.

Taeyeon ran towards the direction of the bathroom and took in as much as she could of her surroundings as she could in that short time.

She locked herself in the bathroom and proceeded to take a crap, for real.

As she was seated on the toilet bowl, Taeyeon thought of the things she saw when she entered the house.

She recalled seeing a tin of milk powder sitting on the table and a big packet of diapers at the corner of the living room. Those were the two things that caught her attention.

Taeyeon was quite sure that there was a baby in the house, and that it was the little boy they were looking for.

After Taeyeon was done, she flushed and washed her hands.

She stepped out of the bathroom to see the woman sitting on the couch, waiting.

“Thank you so much,” Taeyeon said to her, “I’m so sorry I interrupted your sleep.”

“It’s ok,” the woman replied. It was clear that she was in a good mood.

Taeyeon walked towards the dining table, where she left the pizza box. When she picked it up, she noticed a few packets of medicine sitting on the table.

Prozac. Hmmm. Interesting.

"Thanks once again." Taeyeon said with a polite bow as she picked up the pizza box.

She stepped out of the house and the woman shut the door behind her.

Taeyeon went back into the stairwell and reversed her jacket. She was now a completely different person. She went downstairs and disposed the pizza box in a bin nearby.

Minutes later she was already walking out the main gate.

She strolled casually towards the direction of her scooter, feeling quite confident that she has solved the entire case. All that she lacked now, was proof.

Upon reaching the van, Taeyeon entered, startling the both of them.

“Jong you really should be more aware of your surroundings, I can’t believe you didn’t see me coming.” Taeyeon chided.

“You’re just too stealthy,” Soo-yeon said in response.

“I see the both of you have formed an alliance while I was busy working,” Taeyeon said with a disapproving frown.

“Oh come on, you know you’re my strongest ally,” Jonghyun said.

“And you know what you are to me,” Soo-yeon said with a smile. Up till now, Jonghyun was still totally unaware of their relationship. It said a lot about his observational skills.

It was also because of his bad skills of observation, that kept him unaware of his family’s true dealings.

It was also something Taeyeon kept well-guarded from him.

Taeyeon got down to business once she shut the door. “Anyway Jong, this is what I think happened. Mr Ok had an affair with Miss Kidnapper. Something happened, he wanted to leave her, she is down with depression, she kidnapped the boy. For whatever reason, he’s seeing her against his will.”

Jonghyun jotted down the points into his notebook quickly. “So what should we do from here?”

“Jong, seriously?” Taeyeon said feeling exasperated, “Do you need me to tell you everything?”

“Well I just don’t want to screw it up.” Jonghyun said softly.

“Be more confident of yourself,” Taeyeon said with a piercing stare.

Jonghyun nodded. “Ok.”

“Why don’t you tell me what we should do next?” Taeyeon said as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat.

“We find out more about the woman. Make sure that the baby is held captive. Talk to neighbours. Get proof of the affair?” Jonghyun said making a list as he spoke.

“Yes,” Taeyeon nodded, “We shall split our tasks now. You concentrate on gathering information here, I’ll keep an eye on Mr Ok.”

Taeyeon’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration before she continued. “Make sure you don’t let the baby or the woman come to harm.”

“Ok.” Jonghyun replied.

“Alright, get some rest and we’ll go full force tomorrow. I’m confident that we’ll get the baby boy back within the week.” Taeyeon said in sheer confidence, “Before we do that, we make sure to get enough evidence to incriminate Mr Ok.”

Jonghyun nodded, determined to crack the case soon.

“Alright, Good night.” Taeyeon said as she opened the door of the blue vehicle.

Taeyeon tossed the jacket in the backseat and hopped off the van.

“Soo-yeon ah do you need me to send you back?” Jonghyun asked.

“Oh no, I’ll just ride with Taeyeon,” Soo-yeon said quickly.

“Yes Jong, don’t worry and get some rest, I’ll send her back and then head home.” Taeyeon said as she shut the backdoor.

Soo-yeon got out of the front seat and both of them waved goodbye to Jonghyun.


Taeyeon was standing with Soo-yeon outside her front door. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night?” Soo-yeon asked as she held on to Taeyeon’s hands.

Taeyeon shook her head. “Yes, I don’t think it’s nice since your dad is home. I’ll head home alright?”

“But I’ll miss you,” Soo-yeon said with a sad pout. She grabbed Taeyeon by the waist and pulled her in for a hug.

“If I can I’ll stay over at your place the entire week ok? When your dad isn’t around. I mean I might as well since your place is so near to Mr Ok’s.”

“Promise?” Soo-yeon said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Promise.” Taeyeon said as she gave Soo-yeon a kiss on the forehead.

“I love you.” Soo-yeon said in her sweetest voice.

“I love you too.”

DESTINY CHAPTER 48 [2nd May 2010]

Taeyeon and Jonghyun were in the van. It was Sunday morning and Taeyeon had just spent the night in the van together with Jonghyun. They took turns to keep watch.

It was a quiet Saturday night and nothing particularly interesting happened. In fact, nothing happened at all.

Taeyeon had already spent the entire Saturday trailing Mr Ok to find no extraordinary behavior. She decided to join Jonghyun for the night so that he could get some rest.

It was already daybreak on Sunday and Taeyeon was exhausted. She nudged Jonghyun awake. “Wake up, It’s my turn to get some rest.”

Taeyeon snuggled into the seat as soon as Jonghyun was fully awake.

By the time Taeyeon woke up from her nap, it was already close to noon.

“I’m assuming nothing happened since you didn’t wake me.” Taeyeon said to Jonghyun the moment she woke up.

“Uh huh, nothing at all.” Jonghyun said looking bored.

“I tell you what let’s go back to Mr Ok and wife to give them a report.” Taeyeon said with a wink. She nudged Jonghyun and prompted for him to get out of the vehicle.

“We’re not driving?” Jonghyun questioned.

“Yes, we’re riding. I don’t want him to recognise the van.” Taeyeon said sensibly.

The both of them were at Mr Ok’s place within twenty minutes. Taeyeon had parked her scooter a few blocks away from Mr Ok’s place since it was best if he did not see her transport as well.

“What’s the report gonna be?” Jonghyun asked Taeyeon and waited for her expert advice.

“Well just watch and learn.” Taeyeon said as she gave him a pat on the back, “We have failed terribly and we can’t find the boy.”

Taeyeon smirked. “We’re such bad detectives aren’t we.”

Jonghyun laughed at Taeyeon’s sarcastic joke. He understood what she was planning to attempt.

*Ding Dong* Taeyeon rang the doorbell to Mr Ok’s apartment.

They waited a while. Jonghyun was going to ring the doorbell again but Taeyeon stopped him. “Failed detectives are usually not that urgent for their clients to open the door. It should mostly be dread, so play the role.”

Jonghyun’s hands returned to his sides and they waited.

Seconds later they heard footsteps and Taeyeon saw the peephole black-out. She knew someone was looking so she pretended to take a deep breath and displayed a look of remorse.

The door opened to reveal Mr Ok. “Hi guys, did you find my child?”

“We’re here to give you a report. We thought we should do it...face to face.” Taeyeon said making the matter sound very serious.

She observed him closely at the same time and saw the worry in his eyes for a moment.

“So...Where is Mrs Ok?” Taeyeon asked intentionally. “We really need her to be here too.”

Taeyeon saw Mr Ok shift his weight uneasily. “She’s...in the room. She’s not feeling too great so she’s resting.”

“I see, I’m sorry but I need her to be here so that I can speak to her personally.” Taeyeon said in an apologetic tone.

“You can tell me all the same, I can tell her later.” Mr Ok insisted.

“Ok,” Taeyeon said with her head down.

Mr Ok invited the both of them to sit down before they continued.

Once they were all seated, Taeyeon started the ball rolling.

“Mr Ok, we have gone through the investigation as best as we can. I’m afraid to say that we have not been able to find anything concrete with regards to the child’s whereabouts.” Taeyeon said in a regretful tone.

“I’m so sorry,” Jonghyun added.

“I’m disappointed but I guessed as much. If the police couldn’t find him, who can.” Mr Ok said.

Taeyeon caught sight of a quick flash of relief on his face before he changed it into a disappointed frown.

He’s good.Taeyeon thought to herself. She was quite certain Jonghyun did not notice the look of relief.

“I’ll write you your cheque, hang on.” Mr Ok said as he stood up.

He returned after a while with a cheque in his hands. “Here you go.”

Taeyeon stood up and took the cheque with both hands. “Thank you. Before we go, a word of advice, we suspect that the person who took your child is a female.”

Taeyeon saw Mr Ok flinch slightly.

Taeyeon quickly continued before Mr Ok could say anything. “If it is a male, a ransom call would have came in already. Only a female would want to kidnap a child and nurture the child as their own.”

Mr Ok’s body then relaxed a little, but there was still an uneasy look in his eyes.

“Ok, we’ll just have to leave it in the hands of the police. I don’t think we need your services any longer. I think it’s time for you to leave,” Mr Ok said as he directed them towards the main door.

After they left the apartment, Taeyeon said to Jonghyun immediately. “I can see that he’s feeling quite insecure about the entire matter. I have a feeling that he’s going to do something about it. I’m not sure what he’s gonna attempt, but I’m pretty sure he’s gonna act soon.”


It was late at night and Taeyeon finally arrived at Soo-yeon’s place. Before she could call Soo-yeon to inform her of her arrival, her phone rang.

It was her mother.

Taeyeon answered the phone and spoke to her mother for five minutes before they hung up. Her mother was feeling very lonely and she wanted Taeyeon to return home.

Taeyeon was not home often due to the nature of her work. She also had to work irregular hours. She knew that it was tough on her mother and she felt bad about it.

The call with her mother drained her emotionally. Taeyeon felt the resentment for her father grow. She did not know what he spent his money on, but he never did provide for the family much. The burden was on Taeyeon’s shoulders.

Taeyeon shut her eyes and leaned on the wall. She tried to relax herself.

She did not want Soo-yeon to see her this way. She did not want any questions and she did not want to give any answers.

It took her about fifteen minutes before she finally managed to force a smile.

She took a deep breath before she dialed Soo-yeon’s number.

All it took were two rings. “Hi baby are you here yet?”

“Yes my dear, I’m at your door.” Taeyeon said in her best voice.

She heard footsteps followed by the sound of the door unlatch.

Soo-yeon opened the door and Taeyeon could not help but break into a smile.

Soo-yeon ran out and gave Taeyeon a big hug. “I missed you.”

“I miss you too.” Taeyeon said as she buried her face in Soo-yeon’s neck.

“Baby are you ok?” Soo-yeon asked after the both of them stood there, locked in an embrace for a good minute.

“Yes I am, I’m just exhausted.” Taeyeon said as she let go of Soo-yeon and started walking in to the house.

“Baby take a quick shower and come to bed.” Soo-yeon said as she shut the door and latched it.


Taeyeon was laying in bed beside Soo-yeon. She could feel Soo-yeon’s smooth, slender fingers stroking her cheeks lovingly.

It was very comforting.

She snuggled up to Soo-yeon and held her closer.

Soo-yeon was like her safe-house.

It made Taeyeon forget all her worries and all her pain.

All Taeyeon felt, was love.

DESTINY CHAPTER 49 [3rd May 2010]

Taeyeon got up quite early in the morning. It was a monday and Mr Ok had to go to work.

Taeyeon was sure that he would take some sort of action soon. He did not seem like the passive type.

Taeyeon sneaked out of bed without waking Soo-yeon up. When she got out of the room she met Soo-jung at the dining table. “Good Morning.” Taeyeon said to Soo-jung.

“Oh..Good morning,” Soo-jung said as she ate her breakfast, “Are you doing shift-work with my dad?” Soo-jung joked.

Taeyeon laughed and shrugged her shoulders, “Apparently so.”

“Want me to make you some breakfast too?” Soo-jung offered, pointing at the piece of half-eaten sandwich in her hands.

“Sure, if you have time,” Taeyeon said as she walked towards the bathroom.

When she got out of the shower, she headed for the dining table. There was a plate of sandwich waiting for her.

“Thank you,” Taeyeon said as she sat down beside Soo-jung.

Halfway through the meal, Soo-jung brought attention to the scar on Taeyeon’s arm. “That sure is a long scar, did you get that saving my sister from the bad guy? Do you think it will fade away ever?”

Taeyeon looked at the scar casually. “By the looks of it, I would say it’s gonna be there forever, like the love I have for your sister.”

Soo-jung sighed. “You sure love my sister a great deal. Are you intending to meet my father?”

“As Soo-yeon’s friend maybe, as her lover...I don’t think so.” Taeyeon answered.

“My father is a nice man, I’m sure he’ll be ok. You should meet him.” Soo-jung encouraged.

Taeyeon knew better than to take Soo-jung’s word for it. A father however nice, would never like to see his daughter in a relationship with another person’s daughter.

“Well Soo-jung, he may not accept me as readily as you would. When the time is right, perhaps I’ll meet him.” Taeyeon replied. She knew that it would definitely not be anytime soon. She was not ready and her relationship with Soo-yeon had barely started.

“Anyway I got to go now, I’ll see you soon. Hopefully tonight.” Taeyeon said as she devoured the last piece of her sandwich.

She walked to Soo-yeon’s room and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Baby I’m going off, I’ll see you soon.”

“You’re going to leave already?” Soo-yeon groaned as she slipped her arms around Taeyeon’s neck.

“Silly girl, I have to. Lives are at stake.” Taeyeon said as she planted another kiss on Soo-yeon’s lips.

Soo-yeon deepened the kiss and the both of them held a passionate kiss for quite a good while.

Taeyeon then pulled away with all the self-control she could muster. “Ok Baby, I gotta work.”

Soo-yeon pouted.

Taeyeon slipped her a light kiss on the cheeks. “I’ll see you soon ok? I love you.”

Soo-yeon unwillingly released her grip on Taeyeon. “You be safe ok?”

“I will because I love you.” Taeyeon said as she moved forward for another kiss to the lips.

Soo-yeon smiled. “I love you.”

*** %sC/p>

It was afternoon and Taeyeon was loitering near Mr Ok’s office. She was camping in a cafe opposite of his office building. It was a good spot since she could see all the exits of the building.

It was lunch time and everyone was flooding out of the office building, all except for him.

What’s he doing? No lunch?

Taeyeon sat and kept watch as the crowd slowly thinned. There was still no sign of Mr Ok.

Perhaps he’s driving.

Taeyeon whipped out the device that displayed the location of his car and she saw that it was still stationary. They planted the tracker on his car the day they collected the cheque.

Minutes later, Taeyeon spotted his car exiting the carpark.

She strolled towards her bike and she gave Jonghyun a call. She instructed him to stay alert and watch out for Mr Ok.


Taeyeon trailed Mr Ok to a bank. She looked through her camera zoom lens to see that he went to a teller. Moments later, they went into a room.

It was obvious that it was a big amount of money he was withdrawing.

For what? His kid isn’t held ransom and I’m sure money isn’t what the woman wants.

Taeyeon pondered on his actions.

It did not take her long to realise what he was attempting. She recalled telling him that a male would request for a ransom and here he was, faking the entire thing.

Taeyeon quickly called Jonghyun and requested the status on the woman and the baby.

Jonghyun made a phone call to the woman’s home and pretended to be a real estate sales person. She was still home.

Taeyeon instructed Jonghyun to keep close watch on the woman. She was affirmative that Mr Ok was going to try something drastic.

She also reminded him to keep his camera at hand and snap pictures if they left the house together.

Mr Ok returned to his vehicle with his leather bag filled. It was a big bag.

He sure is a greedy man.

Mr Ok moved off and travelled towards the woman’s home as expected.

Taeyeon kept a steady distance behind Mr Ok’s car. She wasn’t afraid of losing him since they had the tracker installed.

So. He’s going to fake the ransom exchange, which means that he’ll get the baby back....which means that...

Taeyeon did not know how he was going to do it, but she had one thing in mind — ensure the safety of the boy and the woman. She had a feeling that one of them was going to be in harms way.

It wasn’t another fifteen minutes until he arrived at the apartment.

Taeyeon parked her scooter right behind Jonghyun and quickly joined him.

“Jong, something is definitely going to happen so let’s stay alert. We may need to intervene at some point in time. I hope not though.”

Mr Ok’s vehicle was in plain sight and he wasn’t alighting. Jonghyun snapped a few photos.

Moments later the woman appeared, with the baby craddled in her arms. It was the money shot.

Jonghyun snapped more pictures.

The woman entered the vehicle with the baby and Mr Ok helped her with her luggage.

Luggage...Mr Ok has no luggage...

Taeyeon bit her lip and thought hard.

“Ok we’ve got all the shots we need, should we follow them?” Jonghyun asked as Mr Ok moved off.

Taeyeon held her hand up to stop him from talking. It was then that she saw two gruff looking men get on their bike and follow behind Mr Ok’s car.

“Yes we have to.”

DESTINY CHAPTER 50 [3rd May 2010]

Jonghyun and Taeyeon were trailing the bike with the two men. It was a good thing that Taeyeon caught sight of the tattoo on their left forearm before they rode off. She knew which gang they belonged to.

Taeyeon made a quick phone call and requested to know what they men were hired to do. She too made sure that they were not to follow through with whatever it was. She made it a point to inform them about the money in the leather bag.

Taeyeon was thankful that the two men were from the only gang she had connections with. It made things a whole lot easier.

After her phone call, she told Jonghyun, “You know what, that heartless man wanted to get the woman killed.”

“*******.” Jonghyun said in anger.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he gets what he deserves.” Taeyeon said as she looked down at the GPS tracking device. “The guys on the bike would probably only get the message when they get off. I hope they stop and check their phone before they proceed.”

“You are super,” Jonghyun said in admiration, “How did you get such connections?”

Taeyeon chaffed, “You give me more credit than I deserve, it’s just someone I know.”

After a long while, Mr Ok’s vehicle finally slowed. They were along a beach at an extremely secluded area which used to be a fishing settlement. The area was now abandoned.

Before they alighted, Taeyeon quickly made a phone call again to ensure that the two men were aware of the situation. She also gave clear instructions on what they were supposed to do.

After that, she made a phone call to the police to report the matter.

“All is good,” Taeyeon said with a smile, “Now let’s take care of business.”

The both of them got off the van and took cover at a dinky abandoned fishing hut just meters away from where Mr Ok and the woman were standing.

“Is the boat coming soon?” the woman asked Mr Ok innocently. It was clear that she had absolute faith in the man — the man who was lying through his teeth.

“In a bit, we’re supposed to meet the men here.” Mr Ok said emotionlessly.

Jonghyun took the opportunity to snap a few more pictures. There was no harm in getting more.

“Jong, make a video recording.” Taeyeon instructed.

Jonghyun did so with the professional camera.

Mr Ok then started to stroke the baby boy’s head, “We’re gonna lead a happy life elsewhere, just you me and mummy.” Mr Ok looked at the woman with a loving smile which was obviously fake.

He then wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in for a hug. He was a great actor.

Taeyeon recalled the contemptuous look he wore when he left her house the other day. It was sad that a woman’s life was wrecked because of him. It was very sad that she allowed her life to revolve around him.

It was then that the two men appeared.

“Here let me carry him,” Mr Ok said to the woman, “You must be tired.”

The woman looked at the two men and then back at Mr Ok. It was clear that she was suspicious of the situation.

Mr Ok reached for the baby and the woman stepped back quickly. “No. I’ll carry him.”

“So be it.” Mr Ok said coldly.

“Gentlemen, do whatever it is you want with her before you kill her. She’s very good in bed.” Mr Ok said looking at the two men with a cold evil smile.

Little did he know.

“What’s going on!” The woman ranted, “He’s going to die first!” She said as she shook the baby.

“I’m sick of this sh!t, you have had me under your thumb for long enough. What matters is that you die! Kill him for all I care. I’ll just have another baby.” Mr Ok said cruelly. His cold hard stare said it all — he truly did not care if the baby died.

“It’s time,” Taeyeon said to Jonghyun as she ran towards the woman who was backing into the water.

By the time they made their appearance, the two men had already had their hold on Mr Ok.

The situation took both Mr Ok and the woman by surprise.

“What’s going on you thugs! Kill her!” Mr Ok shouted as he struggled to free himself.

The woman made her way further into the water. The water was now at her waist level. The baby was already crying and wailing by now.

“Say goodbye to your SON!” The woman shouted at Mr Ok.

“WAIT!” Taeyeon shouted, “If you want revenge, I have a proposition!”

“Who are you!” The woman shouted, “Why should I listen to you!”

“I’m someone who hates that man as much as you do! Listen! You should let the world know that he has been seeing you! That will ruin his life! Killing the baby won’t help anything.” Taeyeon said persuasively.

The woman stood still for a moment. It was clear that she was making her consideration.

“Come on,” Taeyeon said in a soothing voice as she had her hands outstretched.

Taeyeon pointed at Jonghyun, “He’s got everything on tape, we’ll make sure this goes on national TV. It will ruin his life for good.”

Taeyeon inched her way towards the woman slowly. She was now only an arms length away.

“Why do you want to get blood on your hands because of this man? He’s not worth it. Make this known so that his wife will leave him. Cheating man are not worth anything.” Taeyeon said as she held her hands out towards the baby.

The woman finally relented. She handed the baby to Taeyeon and broke into tears.

“Jong help her,” Taeyeon said as she got out of the water quickly.

The two men had already knocked Mr Ok unconscious since he proved to be extremely uncooperative. They were quickly tying him up.

“Thanks guys, get his car keys. The bag is in the trunk. Get out of here quickly, the cops are coming soon.” Taeyeon said to the men.

The men nodded and left as soon as they tied Mr Ok up securely.

It took a while before the police arrived. They were quite surprised to see that Mr Ok was all tied up and unconscious.

The woman was handcuffed and brought to the police vehicle. Jonghyun and Taeyeon started explaining matters to the police officer in charge.

All that was followed by a call to the mother of the child.

Their job was finally done.

The rest of the day after the entire saga was spent in the police station, having her statement taken down.

She also spent some time talking to Mrs Ok and made Jonghyun show her the clip. It was then that she finally believed that her husband was a cheating two-faced liar.

Mrs Ok was upset, but at the same time she was glad that she has gotten her precious son back.


It was a long day and Taeyeon was now back at Soo-yeon’s place.

Taeyeon sneezed as she stepped out of the bathroom. Her nose was red and her eyes were watering.

“Baby you look like rudolph.” Soo-yeon said as Taeyeon walked towards her.

“Who’s that?” Taeyeon asked as she rubbed her nose.

“Santa’s best friend, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.” Soo-yeon continued to tease.

“Haaahaa...Very funny.” Taeyeon said with a sniffle.

“Ok Rudolph Kim, have some medicine and go to bed.” Soo-yeon said as gave Taeyeon a glass of warm water and some medicine.

Taeyeon downed the pills with one mouthful of water. “Thank you Santa,” Taeyeon teased.

“Time for bed, Santa can’t live without Rudolph you know?” Soo-yeon said as she moved in to kiss Taeyeon on the lips.

Taeyeon stopped her, “Uh uh, we don’t need two Rudolphs.”

Soo-yeon laughed and then kissed Taeyeon on the forehead.

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