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DESTINY CHAPTER 61 [8 April 2012]

Taeyeon was standing in the dark on the second storey balcony. She had just sneaked into the premises of a mafia boss.

Her task was to retrieve some incriminating evidence that was locked away in the computer that sat in the study.

She had been observing them for weeks and she had finally found the right time to break-in.

Taeyeon started to pick the lock of the balcony door and succeeded minutes later. She knew that all that she was doing was illegal, but she knew that she had to get the leader of the gang behind bars.

She slipped into the study room and shut the sliding door very slowly. Taeyeon walked towards the computer with light steps and quickly extracted a screwdriver from her bag.

She knew that she would not have enough time to crack the hard drive containing all the information so her plan was to physically extract the hard drive and work on it elsewhere.

Taeyeon started unscrewing the screws that held the computer in place so that she couldcomplete her task as soon as possible. She had another twenty minutes to do so safely.

She knew that if she got caught, she would be as good as dead.

It took her about five minutes to extract the hard drive and replace it with a faulty drive. Her plan was to mislead the gang leader into believing that his computer had crashed.

She needed to buy time because once they realise that the hard drive is stolen, their first suspect would be the client that hired her. Besides, the gang leader would definitely make his escape and all that she was risking her life for in this moment would be in vain.

The person who tasked Taeyeon this job was non other than the leader of the gang that assisted Taeyeon in the case of Mr Ok. He knew clearly that Taeyeon was smart and nimble, and he had always wished for her to be his daughter-in-law.

Taeyeon fitted the cover of the computer back and started replacing the screws. By this time, beads of perspiration were already forming on her forehead. The room was stuffy since all the doors and windows were shut and locked, except for the one that she just came in from.

It was then that she heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

Adrenaline pumped through Taeyeon’s veins as she tightened the last screw. She pushed the computer back in place and slipped the chair back into position.

She heard the jiggling of keys and she knew that someone was going to come through the study door in less than a minute.

She pulled the sliding door and slipped out hurriedly. She shut the door as quickly and silently as she could before she climbed over the balcony railing and dropped onto the ground below.

It was unfortunate for her that she landed on the ankle that had been injured before. Taeyeon felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg as she did.

Lucky for her, she hasn’t been detected and there was no need for her to run from anyone.

Taeyeon looked around and checked that the coast was clear before she limped towards the part of the garden wall she scaled to enter the premises.

She started making her way over the wall as fast as she could, but her ankle slowed her down.

It was all almost over and she was just one second from dropping down the side of the wall into safety when she heard someone shout, “What are you doing! People! Intruder!”

Crap!Taeyeon thought to herself. She was spotted.

Taeyeon took out the hard drive and quickly slipped it into a padded envelope that she had prepared earlier. She dropped in the tracker and taped the envelope to the underside of a nearby stone bench.

Taeyeon quickly made her way to the bike that was parked meters away and got onto the bike. She was glad that she had decided to ride a sports bike today instead of her dinky little scooter.

Taeyeon slipped on her full-face helmet and prepared to ride off at full speed. She knew that this was the beginning of the chase and she had to ride as fast as she could to stay alive.


Soo-yeon was back visiting Soo-Jung and her father together with Jonghyun. It was just after lunch and Jonghyun and her father had gone out to buy some supplies for the home.

Soo-yeon was sitting alone in the living room since Soo-Jung was in the shower. It was then that she felt a tinge of nostalgia, and decided to walk into her bedroom.

It was exactly the way she left it.

It has been ages since she entered the room. Everything in the room reminded her of Taeyeon, which was why she avoided entering the room ever since she made the decision to keep the baby and be with Jonghyun.

She didn’t know why but she just felt like she wanted to be in the room today.

Soo-yeon walked towards the cabinet and opened it. She bent very slowly to retrieve a little box that sat in the corner. She brought it to the bed and she sat down at the side where Taeyeon always slept.

Soo-yeon removed the lid to reveal a helmet — Taeyeon’s helmet. Soo-yeon picked it up carefully and cradled it to her chest.

She then set the helmet aside and started looking through the contents of the box. She had chucked everything into the box the very day she felt that Taeyeon had really chosen to abandon her for good.

She was so close to tossing the entire box, but Soo-Jung stopped her. She was mad at Soo-Jung previously, but she now appreciated that Soo-Jung did what she did.

Soo-yeon looked through the contents of the box one by one. It was then that the feelings she kept locked away for so long were suddenly released.

Soo-yeon experienced a high flux of emotions so she had so many things she wanted to say to Taeyeon.

She picked up the book Taeyeon bought her and she started writing in it. She wrote and she wrote and she wrote until she could write no more. Soo-yeon knew that Taeyeon would never hear of the words, and she too knew that it was all too late.

Soo-yeon returned the book to the box when a sparkle caught her eye. It was the diamond pendant that Taeyeon had gotten her for Valentines day.

“Unnie? Where are you?” Soo-yeon suddenly heard Soo-Jung calling out to her. She quickly returned the box to the corner of the cabinet and started towards the door.

It was then that the door opened. She could tell that Soo-Jung was quite surprised to see her in the room. “Unnie what are you doing in here?”

“It’s my room isn’t it? I was feeling a little tired so I thought to rest in bed,” Soo-yeon lied.

“You should rest then,” Soo-Jung said as she helped her sister to the bed.

Just as Soo-yeon got in bed, she felt the contractions.

“Soo-Jung ah I think I’m having contractions. Call Jonghyun, I need to get to the hospital.”


Soo-yeon was in the hospital in preparation for labor.

The contractions were getting progressively stronger. It was already evening and Jonghyun knew that Soo-yeon would be going into labor soon.

After staying by her side for most of the day, he finally had to go for a quick toilet break.

Jonghyun left the room and headed for the toilet. When he arrived he saw that the toilet was under maintenance so he had no choice but to head downstairs.

Just as Jonghyun stepped into the toilet, he caught sight of a figure that really looked like his father.

“Dad?” Jonghyun called out.

The man turned and Jonghyun recognised that it was his father.

“Dad. How did you know that Soo-yeon is about to give birth?” Jonghyun asked.

Jonghyun’s father wore a frown on his face as he replied, “I’m not here because of Soo-yeon. I’m here because of Taeyeon.”

DESTINY CHAPTER 62 [8 April 2012]

Jonghyun stood by the door to Soo-yeon’s room. He had his head and his fist against the wall. He was angry and at a loss.

The conversation he had with his father made it even worse.


Jonghyun had just left his father and he decided to get some drinks for Soo-Jung and his father-in-law. He was just standing by the vending machine around the corner when he overheard his father having a conversation.

“Did you find the package Taeyeon left behind? She said that if anything were to happen to her, we would be able to track it.”

Jonghyun cocked his ears at the very mention of Taeyeon’s name.

Package? Taeyeon?

It then occurred to Jonghyun that it was weird his father was the first at the hospital instead of Taeyeon’s mother.

“Good. Retrieve the data and send it in to the police. That will stop that scoundrel from causing me or my family any harm. Do it quick.”

Causing me or my family any harm?

Jonghyun was extremely confused at the sound of things. He stepped out from around the corner and approached his father.

Just as his father ended the call, Jonghyun spoke.

“Dad, is Taeyeon in this state because of you?” Jonghyun’s eyes were on fire when he said that.

When his father turned to face him, Jonghyun could see the weary look in his eyes.

“Son, it’s not because of me. It’s because of us.”

“What do you mean by us?”

“Someone threatened to harm you and Soo-yeon. Taeyeon was just helping me to get that man behind bars.”

*End of Flashback*

Jonghyun already felt bad towards Taeyeon ever since he got Soo-yeon pregnant, and whatever he just found out made him feel absolutely rotten.

There he was leading a happy life with Soo-yeon while Taeyeon risked her life trying to keep his family safe.

He was aware that Taeyeon’s life was in danger and there was a chance that she would not survive.

If anything, he knew that this could be the last chance for anyone to see Taeyeon.

He knew that Soo-yeon would blame him if she found out that he kept her in the dark.

On the other hand, Soo-yeon was going into labor soon.

Jonghyun was in a double-bind.

Jonghyun tightened his fist and walked into the room. He knew that he had to do something about the current situation.

Soo-Jung and his father-in-law were by Soo-yeon’s bed. There were beads of perspiration trickling down her forehead, and her lips were pale.

The sight of her in so much pain made it even more difficult for him to speak, but he knew he had to do it.

“How are you feeling?” Jonghyun asked Soo-yeon before he continued.

“The contractions are getting more frequent, the baby should be due soon” Soo-yeon replied weakly.

“Ok. Anyway I have something to tell you,” Jonghyun said as he looked at Soo-yeon straight in the eye.

He felt all three heads turn to look at him as he said that. He shifted his feet and looked away before he continued.

“Taeyeon has gotten into a serious car accident and she is in the emergency room."

Jonghyun paused momentarily and turned to the side, "Her mother can’t be reached and I think the doctors need to know of Taeyeon’s medical history and the sort. If you are aware, I think that you should tell the doctor. It will increase her chance of survival.”

“I..I..don’t know..” Soo-yeon muttered.

“I need to see her,” Soo-yeon said as she shifted herself and attempted to get out of bed.

"Soo-yeon stay in bed," her father said authoritatively.

“No!” Soo-yeon protested, “I need to see her!"

"No! You stay here!" Her father insisted.


[17th April 2011]

Taeyeon was still in shock from what she just heard from Soo-Jung.

The words rang repeatedly in her ears.

“He’s downstairs chasing Unnie’s ex away.”

Taeyeon felt her world crumble down on her as the truth of the matter stared her blatantly in the face.

“Taeyeon? Are you ok?” Soo-yeon asked as she tapped Taeyeon gently on the arm.

“Oh yes. Yes I’m ok. Just feel a little faint, must be because i’m too hungry.” Taeyeon faked a laugh.

“Silly, my dad will be back soon. We’ll have lunch soon alright?"

Soo-Jung then added on, "Taeyeon Unnie are you nervous? Kang-in Oppa will also be joining us. Don't worry everything will be fine.”

“Yes. Speaking of which, I forgot something I wanted to pass to Kang-In Oppa. I’ll be back soon.” Taeyeon said as she made for the door.

“I’ll go with you.” Soo-yeon said quickly.

“No, No. Stay here. I won’t be long.”

“Ok.” Soo-yeon gave Taeyeon a gentle peck on the cheeks.

It made Taeyeon sick just thinking of the entire situation they were in. She hurriedly left the house and shut the door behind her with her trembling hands.

The lift arrived shortly and she entered.

Taeyeon was still in shock. It was just too much for her to handle.

When the lift arrived on the ground floor, the doors opened to reveal her father.

Their eyes met and his face turned pale when he saw his daughter standing in the lift.

The moment Taeyeon saw her father, all she could feel was hate and resentment, but she knew that she had to try to handle her emotions.

“Oh Taeyeon what are you doing here? I’m just about to meet my friend for some drinks, I’ll see you at home.”

Taeyeon glared at her father. She knew he was lying through his teeth.

“I know why you’re here. I know everything.” Taeyeon said in a shaky voice. It was not due to fear, but anger.

Taeyeon could see the change in her father’s expression when she said that.

“We need to talk. Outside.” Taeyeon said as she walked out of the lift.

Her father stood still, without the intention to follow her.

"You don't want Soo-yeon or Soo-jung to see us."

Upon completion of her sentence, her father followed her quietly.

After they arrived at an area that was not visible from Soo-yeon's apartment, Taeyeon turned to face her father.

"Do you still love my mother?"

Taeyeon's father replied without batting an eyelid, "No."

Taeyeon tried her best to refrain from hitting her own father.

"Why are you still with my mother?" Taeyeon continued.

"Because of you my child."

Taeyeon took a deep breath before she continued. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"So..." Taeyeon took a long pause, "...I have two half sisters?"

A tear rolled down Taeyeon's cheek as she completed her sentence.

Her father nodded in affirmation and her world fell into total darkness.

DESTINY CHAPTER 63 [17 April 2012]

Tears streamed down Taeyeon's face as she stood facing her father. Taeyeon had always been a strong individual, but the situation she was in now was out of this world. It broke her down and it tore her completely apart.

"What are you doing here and how did you find out?"

Taeyeon continued tearing quietly. She could not bring herself to answer her father's question.

"Are you the close friend that Soo-yeon has been talking about? I don't think you should meet them anymore."

Her father's words pushed her over the tip. "You have no right to tell me what to do!"

"Don't speak to me in that tone! I may have done wrong but I am still your father!"

"You have no idea what you have done to us!" Taeyeon retorted in between sobs.

"Whatever it is! Don't you dare breathe a word to them. They have no mother and I'm all they have."

Taeyeon never intended to tell anyone the truth. She knew how much hurt it would cause. She did not want Soo-yeon to experience the same pain as she did.

"I never...intended..to.."

"I think you should not join us for lunch," Her father continued.

"No. It will be suspicious if I don't. Don't worry, for Soo-yeon's sake, I won't ever allow the truth to be known."

Her father agreed after giving the matter some thought.

He headed up first as Taeyeon stayed downstairs to calm herself down.

Taeyeon was taking deep breaths and trying to stop her tears from flowing when she saw a familiar figure looking at her sheepishly.

It was Kang-In.

He approached her and stood beside her, "Are you....ok?"

"Please don't breathe a word to anyone," said Taeyeon as she wiped the tears off her face.

"Don't worry. You can trust me. I won't tell anyone what I heard," Kang-In said reassuringly.


Taeyeon stood outside the door with Kang-In.

"Do I look ok?" She asked Kang-In once more.

"Yes." Kang-In said with a nod.

"You don't have to do this you know."

"No. I have to."

"Ok, knock the door when you're ready."

Taeyeon raised her hand and knocked.

A few moments later, Soo-yeon opened the door. She smiled when she saw Taeyeon.

"My dad is back, come on in," Soo-yeon said as she took Taeyeon's hands.

"Oh Kang-In you're here too," Soo-yeon said slightly surprised to see Kang-In standing beside Taeyeon.

"Yes, bumped into Taeyeon downstairs," Kang-In said with a chirpy smile.

"Anyway happy birthday my friend," Kang-In said as he gave Soo-yeon a quick hug.

Taeyeon was thankful that Kang-In was there. He lightened the atmosphere greatly.

"Hi Mr Kim! It's been a long time since I've seen you!" Kang-In said as he waved to the girls' father.

"Dad, this is the friend i've been telling you about, Taeyeon."

Taeyeon bowed her head before her own father as if he were a stranger. "Nice to meet you Mr Kim."

"Nice to meet you," Her father replied, equally polite.

"Alright since everyone is here, let's go for lunch! I'm starving!" Soo-jung stood up and clutched her father's arm as she whined.

Her father then scuffled her hair playfully and nodded with a smile. "Let's go."

It was weird for Taeyeon to see Soo-jung holding on to her father like that. It was still unbelievable that he was their father.

He seemed like a totally different man from what Taeyeon was used to.

"Are you ok?" Taeyeon felt a hand on her arm. It was Soo-yeon.

"Oh yes, I'm just envious that the both of you have such a nice father."

"Don't be silly, he can be your dad too. Right dad? You can treat Taeyeon like she's your daughter too right?" Soo-yeon said as she turned to her father.

That sentence hit too close to home.

He is my dad.

Taeyeon felt a stabbing pain in her heart as she thought that.

"Come on come on let's go. I'm starving too!" Kang-In suddenly interrupted and dragged Soo-yeon towards the door.


They were done with lunch and Soo-yeon waved goodbye to Soo-jung and her father.

Taeyeon gave a polite bow and said goodbye to her own father.

"Hey Kang-In oppa, thanks for coming. I'll see you soon." Soo-yeon said as she turned to Kang-In.

"Sure thing. Have a good rest of the day. I'll catch the both of you soon."

Taeyeon caught sight of Kang-In throwing her a look of pity before he left.

"So where should we go?" Soo-yeon asked Taeyeon.

"If tomorrow were the end of the world, where would you like to spend the last day with me?"

"Silly why are you speaking such words. You know it isn't the end of the world and we have forever with each other."

Taeyeon felt a tug at her heartstrings. They had forever as siblings. That, was what they had.

"But if tomorrow were the end of the world, I would like to relive the last valentines day we had. On a yacht, out at sea."

"Ok. Let's go." Taeyeon said as she pulled on her helmet. If this was their last day together, she wanted to make Soo-yeon the happiest person on earth.

"Silly where are we going to find a yacht now?"

"Just hop on." Taeyeon said as she started the engine.

Moments later, the both of them were on Taeyeon's scooter and they were heading towards the Han river.

It was a long journey but they both of them arrived at a marina filled with Yachts.

"Come on," Taeyeon said as she took Soo-yeon's hand.

"Baby it's ok, I was just kidding. We can just take a walk along the marina."

Taeyeon did not say a word and she led Soo-yeon along.

Taeyeon took out her phone and she made a phone call.

"Hello Mr Kim, I need to borrow your yacht for the night. Is it ok if you do me the favour? I'm at the marina now...Ok..Sure. Thanks a lot Mr Kim."

After Taeyeon hung up, she felt Soo-yeon gazing at her.

"Who was that?" Soo-yeon asked.

"Just someone I know."

It didn't take long for Taeyeon to get the keys from the caretaker and then head out into the waters.

Some part of her wished that she could just ride the waves out into the horizon and disappear with Soo-yeon.

She knew it was wishful thinking and that no matter how far they went, they will never be able to run away from the fact that they were bound by their blood-ties.

Taeyeon gripped the steering wheel tightly and tried hard to fight the pain the truth was causing her.

Whoever thought such a situation even possible. What were the odds?

"Baby, thank you for this," Soo-yeon said, interrupting the thoughts that were spiraling out of control in Taeyeon's mind.

"Anything for your happiness."

"Why are you so sweet," Soo-yeon said as she placed her arm around Taeyeon's neck.

"Just because you deserve the best."

In Taeyeon's mind she then thought to herself that Soo-yeon didn't deserve to experience the same pain she did. Nobody deserved it.

"Let's just stop here." Taeyeon said as she released the anchor and killed the engine.

Soo-yeon went out front and she stood with her arms wide stretched. "It's such an amazing feeling to be out here with nothing to worry about."

Soo-yeon then inhaled deeply before she continued, "Life without you can neverbe so perfect."

Taeyeon stepped out front and gave Soo-yeon a back hug. She was beginning to miss Soo-yeon already.

If only you knew how perfectly wrong our relationship is.

"I wish we can spend the rest of our lives out here and never have to go back," said Soo-yeon as she placed her hands gently upon Taeyeon's.

Taeyeon truly wished it too.

"I wish the same."

Taeyeon and Soo-yeon ended up sitting on the deck with one another until the sun had set.

By then, Soo-yeon was feeling a little hungry so she decided to prepare some dinner.

They ended up having ramyun since that was all they could find stowed away in the food cabinet.

After dinner, they sat under the blanket of stars and just immersed themselves in the comfort of the other's presence.

For Soo-yeon it was yet another sweet day with Taeyeon, but for Taeyeon, it was going to be the last bit of time they had with each other.

Taeyeon knew that it wasn't right, but she convinced herself that this would be the last time she allowed herself to be this close to Soo-yeon.

It was in that moment that Soo-yeon moved in and gave Taeyeon a kiss on the lips.

My last kiss...with my...

Soo-yeon had the intention to bring the kiss a step further but Taeyeon took it to a halt.

It just felt wrong to be kissing her...sister?

"Let's not," Taeyeon said slightly out of breath, "I just want to hold you in my arms for the rest of the night."

Taeyeon was conflicted. She undoubtedly wanted more and yet at the same time, she was repulsed by her own desire.

Soo-yeon nodded and snuggled up against Taeyeon.

It did not take long for Soo-yeon to fall asleep in Taeyeon's arms.

Taeyeon on the other hand fought hard to stay awake no matter how much effort it took to keep her eyes open.

It was her last night with Soo-yeon and she wanted to savor every single second of it.

Before she knew it, an orange tint appeared in the horizon, and Taeyeon knew that her moment with Soo-yeon was coming to an end very soon.

DESTINY CHAPTER 64 [5th May 2011]

Taeyeon had just gone out for a ride. It hasn’t been too long since everything happened and she found herself near Soo-yeon’s apartment again.

It wasn’t the first time and tonight definitely wasn’t the last.

Taeyeon still missed Soo-yeon and she always hid in the background, hoping to catch a glimpse of Soo-yeon.

It was her lucky day.

Soo-yeon was just walking past the gate and towards a convenience store. She appeared a few minutes later with a plastic bag filled with what seemed like cans of beer.

Instead of walking home, Soo-yeon started off in another direction.

Taeyeon was honestly worried so she started to follow Soo-yeon. She made sure to keep in the shadows so that she wouldn't get seen. It was of course an easy task for Taeyeon.

A while later, Soo-yeon stopped at a park bench and started drinking.

Taeyeon recognised that bench. It was the bench the both of them always sat at.

Taeyeon got more and more worried as Soo-yeon went through the cans of beers quickly.

"Kim Taeyeon!" Soo-yeon suddenly shouted.

Taeyeon was startled by the shout of her name. She pressed herself tightly behind the tree trunk.

"Where are you!" Soo-yeon continued. Soo-yeon broke into tears and sobbed uncontrollably.

She had thought for a moment that Soo-yeon had caught sight of her. All Taeyeon felt like doing was to walk up to Soo-yeon, hold her tenderly and tell her that everything was ok.

That was of course never going to happen. Everything was not ok. It was not ok for Soo-yeon, all the more so for Taeyeon.

They were sisters. Whoever heard of sisters being lovers? Even Romeo and Juliet made a better pair than the both of them.

Taeyeon started crying silently as she watched Soo-yeon down even more beer.

It wasn't long before Soo-yeon passed out on the bench. Taeyeon had the impulse to walk over and help her out, but she knew better than to do that.

It was not easy for her to disappear without a trace, she was not about to risk getting caught unless absolutely necessary.

Taeyeon decided that Jonghyun was the best person to call.

Taeyeon called and it happened that he was out. He agreed to make his way down to the park, but he would only make it down within an hour.

It was then that Taeyeon saw two teenage boys approaching Soo-yeon. They wore a look of ill-intent on their faces and Taeyeon ran over quickly.

The moment the boys saw Taeyeon, they turned in another direction.

Taeyeon cleared the beer cans and sat down beside Soo-yeon. It pained her heart to see Soo-yeon in this state.

Taeyeon took off her jacket and wrapped it around Soo-yeon before lifting Soo-yeon's head and placing it on her lap.

Taeyeon ran her fingers through Soo-yeon's hair very gently. It then translated into a loving stroke.

"Tae..." Soo-yeon murmured in her drunken state. It was as if she was sleep talking.

“Soo-yeon...I love you...please stop thinking of me.” Taeyeon felt like a stake was being driven through her heart as she said that. She knew that Soo-yeon would probably not hear anything, but she said it anyway.

Whoever expected ‘I love you’ and ‘stop thinking of me’ to ever be spoken in one sentence.

In most cases only one of the two could be true, but in this instance, they were from the bottom of Taeyeon’s heart.


Jonghyun ran towards the bench when he saw Taeyeon. “How’s she?” Jonghyun said as he pointed at Soo-yeon. She was laying peacefully in Taeyeon’s lap, soundly asleep.

“Please take care of her. I know you’ve held a torch for her for the longest time. She’s not in the best of state now, but she’ll get over me soon enough. Stay here with her until she sobers up. It will be like I wasn’t even here.”

Jonghyun was speechless. He didn’t know how to react to what Taeyeon said.

He ended up saying a simple ‘Ok.’

Taeyeon lifted Soo-yeon’s head gently and motioned for Jonghyun to take her place.

He did so quickly and her jacket was also quickly replaced with his.

“Thank you Jonghyun. I’ll be off now, before she wakes up.”

Taeyeon threw one last glance at Soo-yeon before she walked away.


[1st July 2011]

Taeyeon was just done speaking to Mr Kim, Jonghyun’s father.

Even though he was a mafia boss, he was a nice man by nature. It was he who lent her a helping hand many times.

He was also the one who loaned Taeyeon the yacht to fulfill her last memory with Soo-yeon.

He now needed some help and Taeyeon offered her services to him free of charge.

They were just done with their discussion and she was just making her way out of his study.

She pulled the door open only to be met with the sight of Jonghyun carrying a familiar figure in his arms.

Taeyeon had recently stopped following Soo-yeon around ever since Jonghyun started spending most of his time with her.

The interactions between the both of them were slightly too much for Taeyeon to bear. As much as she wanted Soo-yeon to find someone else soon, it still hurt to see it happening before her eyes.

"Oh, Tae—" Taeyeon got out of her daze and clamped her hand over Jonghyun’s mouth. She did not want Soo-yeon to hear anything.

Taeyeon held a finger to her lips and then pointed at Soo-yeon. It was then that she smelt the alcohol.

Soo-yeon was still drinking.

Jonghyun started walking towards a room and Taeyeon walked beside him. She then opened the door and held it open as Jonghyun entered with Soo-yeon in his arms. Taeyeon’s eyes never left Soo-yeon’s face the entire time.

It was a face she missed waking up to.

Jonghyun joined her shortly and he shut the door behind him. “Did you just meet with my dad?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts.

Taeyeon nodded and asked about Soo-yeon.

She heard from Jonghyun that Soo-yeon had been drinking senselessly and nobody could stop her. It worried her and it pained her, but she knew that there was nothing she could do to help the situation.

The best thing she could do was to fly under the radar and let Jonghyun do his thing. She had given him plenty of advise and passed on everything she knew about Soo-yeon to Jonghyun.

Taeyeon knew that it wouldn’t take too long before Soo-yeon developed some feelings for Jonghyun.

"Jong, I trust that you'll take good care of her. Try to help her as best as you can. She'll forget about me soon enough. It'll take time, but she'll eventually not remember a thing about me."

"I promise to take care of her for as long as I live," Jonghyun replied.

"Good. I'm counting on you," Taeyeon said as she squeezed his arm, "I'll be glad if she ends up with you."

“Ok. I’ll do my best. I’m going to get a towel and a basin to sponge her.” Jonghyun then walked away, leaving Taeyeon standing in the corridor.

Taeyeon knew better than to enter the room, but all she wanted was to look at Soo-yeon as she slept.

Taeyeon placed her hands on the door knob and twisted it very slowly. She slipped into the room and shut the door as softly as she entered.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the dark room, but the moment it did, she saw the most beautiful face lit by the dim moonlight.

Taeyeon approached the bed and kneeled beside Soo-yeon.

She tenderly placed a hand on Soo-yeon’s cheeks. They were still warm and flushed from the alcohol.

Taeyeon brushed a strand of hair away from Soo-yeon’s forehead, before she leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on the same spot.

Taeyeon pulled away and gazed at Soo-yeon.

Soo-yeon’s eyes were shut and her lips were slightly apart. The lips that once felt so familiar against her own were calling out to her.

Taeyeon lost all control in that moment and pressed her lips against Soo-yeon’s. The moment their lips met, Taeyeon felt her determination to stay away from Soo-yeon crumbling.

It was then that she felt a sudden stir and a warm tongue on her lips.

The feeling was all too familiar. Taeyeon unknowingly returned the kiss and before she knew it, their tongues were engaged in a sensual dance.

It was the vibrating phone in her pocket that brought her back from her foolish act.

Taeyeon shortened the kiss and she pulled apart. She then felt a hand on her cheeks.


Warm tears started trickling down Taeyeon’s cheeks. Without saying a word, she gently caressed Soo-yeon’s cheek and patted her to sleep.

It didn’t take long for Soo-yeon to slip back into her previous state of sleep.

Taeyeon stood up very quietly and went out of the room. She had almost wasted all the effort of hiding away from Soo-yeon with that one single kiss.

She started to worry that Soo-yeon would remember it when she woke up.

It was then that Jonghyun walked down the aisle towards Taeyeon. He was holding a basin of water and walking with cautious steps.

It was then that she devised a plan.

After he set the basin down, Taeyeon gave Jonghyun a long hug to thank him, and at the same time transfer as much of her scent as she could to him.

If anything, Soo-yeon would then think that she mistook Jonghyun for Taeyeon after she sobered up.

DESTINY CHAPTER 65 (Last Chapter) [8th April 2012]

Soo-yeon struggled to get out of bed as her father tried to stop her.

“Dad please! I have to go!”

“No! Jonghyun make sure she stays here.” He walked out of the room after completing his sentence.

Soo-yeon was already in tears by then. She pleaded with Jonghyun to let her go to the emergency room.

Jonghyun stood there silently with a pained expression. It was not an easy decision to make.

“I’ll bring you down, but promise me that you’ll wait for me to get a wheel chair so I can bring you down.”

Soo-yeon nodded and Jonghyun disappeared from the room.

Soo-yeon was still crying and Soo-jung tried her best to calm her down.

It was just this afternoon that Soo-yeon had an impulse to look through the stuff Taeyeon gave her. It was odd that she had this urge to want to see Taeyeon. It almost felt like if she didn’t, there wouldn’t be anymore chance to see her.

Soo-yeon didn’t know why she felt that way, but that was why she insisted to go to the ER even though she was in no state to do so.

Jonghyun returned shortly with the wheel chair.

“Promise me that if I bring you down, you will listen to whatever I say and not do anything on impulse.”

“Yes I promise, just bring me to her!”

Jonghyun let out a discreet sigh and helped Soo-yeon onto the wheelchair. It was as if he resigned to his fate.

“I’m sorry,” Soo-yeon said to Jonghyun as she got onto the wheelchair.

“What are you sorry about.”

“I’m sorry for making you do all this.”

“I’m doing this for myself. I don’t want you to hate me when you find out that I kept this from you.”

‘Thank you’ was all Soo-yeon could utter as Jonghyun pushed her through the long passageway towards the lift.

Jonghyun finally arrived at the ER with Soo-yeon and Soo-jung. He got approached by a nurse and was told that he was in the wrong department.

It was while he was explaining the situation to the nurse that a bunch of people started wheeling someone towards the lift area.

Soo-yeon saw her father and her father-in-law trailing behind the stretcher when Soo-jung spoke.

“I believe that’s Taeyeon unnie.”

In the moment the stretcher passed them, Soo-yeon couldn’t really see her face as she was covered in blood, but Soo-yeon was sure it was Taeyeon. She recognised the matching scar that ran along her arm.

“Taeyeon! Taeyeon!” Soo-yeon called out loudly hoping to get her attention.

“Soo-yeon what are you doing here! Jonghyun what are you doing!” her father bellowed.

Taeyeon’s eyes were open but she seemed disoriented and confused. It was as if she couldn’t register the situation.

Soo-jung took control and started wheeling Soo-yeon alongside the stretcher as Soo-yeon kept calling out to Taeyeon.

Soo-yeon reached out and barely got a hold of Taeyeon’s hands. In that moment, Taeyeon looked down and straight into Soo-yeon’s eyes.

“Someone get the pregnant lady out of the way!” One of the doctors shouted.

It all happened so quickly that before she knew it, Taeyeon’s hands slipped out of hers and the stretcher disappeared into the lift.

All through that moment, they never lost eye contact. Soo-yeon wanted to believe that Taeyeon recognised her and that was her way of saying ‘I still love you.’

Soo-yeon clutched the star shaped diamond pendant that sat around her neck. Her blood-stained fingers were trembling.

“God, please give her life. I’ll gladly exchange my life for hers.”

It was said that if you wish upon a star, your wish would be granted.

Soo-yeon prayed hard that hers would come true.


Jonghyun sat on the seat outside the operating theatre. He held tightly to the side of the chair.

Everyone was anxious to know what was going on inside.

Soo-jung and her father had just donated some blood to the hospital some hours ago. They did it when they found out that the hospital was low on their blood type.

They did it for Taeyeon.

“How long have you known?” Jonghyun asked Soo-jung in order to kill some time.

“For a while now. I don’t blame anybody. Everybody makes mistakes. He’s still my father and we can’t change the fact that I have two sisters.”

It was impressive that Soo-jung was actually aware of the entire situation. Even though she was the youngest person in the family, she was quite sensible.

Kang-In appeared from around the corner and he rushed over when he saw all of them.

“How’s she?” Kang-In asked out of breath.

“I don’t know. I just hope she’ll be ok.” Jonghyun said with a deep crease across his forehead.

“How’s Taeyeon’s mother holding out?” Jonghyun asked in return.

Kang-In kept quiet. All he could do was shake his head.

It was then that the lights went out on the operation in progress sign.

Jonghyun stood up and rushed to the door.

The surgeon stepped out.

“I’m sorry Mr Kim,” the doctor said apologetically.

“She lost too much blood and we couldn’t save her.”

Jonghyun started crying as did Soo-jung.

Jonghyun’s father-in-law sat in shock.

Nobody was prepared for such an unexpected turn of events.

Jonghyun entered the operating theatre. When he went in, he saw Soo-yeon laying lifeless on the operating table.

His tears flowed uncontrollably.

He walked over and held on to her cold and lifeless hands. He did not even have the chance to say goodbye.

It was then in her hands that he found her clutching tightly to her star shaped necklace.

He took it and kept it in his pocket. It was after all the last thing that she died holding on to.

The nurse then approached him with a baby girl in her arms.

“Mr Kim, your wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Before we put your wife on anesthesia, she told us that she wanted the baby girl to be named Taeyeon.”

Jonghyun held his baby girl in his arms.

“Taeyeon it shall be,” Jonghyun said in between tears.

His heart was aching and he knew from this event that Soo-yeon had never stopped loving Taeyeon.

It was just past midnight on the 9th of April and they were faced with two deaths all within a few hours. Today was supposed to be a happy occasion, but it had translated into a terrible day.

Taeyeon had bled out during the surgery and the doctors had no way to save her. She was too far gone.

Soo-yeon too suffered complications halfway through the delivery and had to go through a C-section. It was apparent that she too suffered from complications and too much blood loss in surgery.

Jonghyun touched Soo-yeon’s pale cheeks gently.

“If there were a heaven, I hope that the both of you will find peace now.”


Jonghyun was leaning against the glass panel at the nursery.

All the babies were sleeping in their own small little plastic boxes that acted as their bed during their stay at the hospital.

Jonghyun just stood there and watched little Taeyeon. He didn’t know what else he could do. There was nothing to go home to.

There too was as a couple standing beside him.

They were there for a different reason. They probably hadn’t had enough of admiring their own child.

He was envious that their family was whole and had many happy days to come.

He was still trying to recover from the loss of his wife and his dear mentor. They were both important people to him.

Looking at baby Taeyeon seemed to make him feel slightly better.

She was all that Soo-yeon had left behind for him. He vowed to be a good father and raise Taeyeon well.

Jonghyun watched as Taeyeon refused to sleep like the rest of the babies.

She had her eyes open and she was looking at the baby to her right. It was unusual that the baby beside her was doing the same thing.

Every single baby besides the both of them were all sound asleep, but Taeyeon and the baby beside her were just looking at each other. That by itself was unusual.

It was then in that very moment that the babies did something very strange.

Taeyeon held out her right hand to the baby laying next to her. The other baby girl did the same thing, but only with her left hand.

It was then that Jonghyun noticed the birthmark on his daughter’s right arm. There was a strange disjointed looking line running down her wrist.

The couple beside him then spoke to each other in perfect adoration for their child.

“Look at our little Jessica, she’s making friends already.”

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