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        Eira stared at the hammer.

        She knew it obviously wasn't a normal hammer as it lied stuck in rock despite the strongest trying to set it free. So it wasn't about strength but maybe about something deeper.

            It needed the right wielder.

             As she approached the hammer from her spot on the stairs, she was going to try and lift it. But once she was in front of it and started to reach for it, she thought better of it.

             She thought about how the hammer seemed to mean so much to Thor. Perhaps, this task was meant for Thor alone when he was ready. The object was obviously here for a reason and she wasn't apart of that.

              So she retracted her hand.

             While she had her internal battle, Loki had watched her. He had wanted to see if she could after his own failure.

             He knew exactly who she was. He remembered Thor told him about her: the girl he dreamed about.

             "She has hair as white as snow, Loki," Thor described. "She looks like a fantasy."

                A fantasy, indeed, Loki thought as he stared at her. He would even go so far as to say she had the beauty of a goddess. He could now know see why Thor was so smitten for centuries over a mere dream.

           He wondered why a mere mortal would be intertwined with the fate of his brother and Asgard. But he wouldn't have to wonder for long.


          Phil Coulson thought Eira was a sweet girl. In fact, the first time he met her vines sprouted out of the ground and formed a heart made out of flowers (he had framed it). It was why he didn't really like that Fury dragged her back into this world. After all, she was only nineteen.

              But agents followed orders and made due with what they were given. He wasn't the only one with the assumption that Eira was sweet and he used that to his advantage.

            Which is why Eira now sat in a car with Thor in the passenger seat. She had orders to get information out of the buff man and find out who he was. More, specifically, is that she was ordered to take him to a bar and get him drunk. She was under a lot of pressure.

            "Are we going to move?" he questioned after they sat in the car for a couple minutes.

             "Right. Yes," she smiled anxiously and put her hand on the gear shift but it remained frozen.

"Is something the matter?" he asked as he went to comfort her and gently place his hand atop hers. As soon their skin touched, his hand sparked with lightning and their hands jumped apart immediately.

Thor was absolutely confused as he thought his powers had been stripped from him. She was staring down at her hand and inspecting it.

"Did I hurt you?" he questioned.

"No," she answered. Her hand just felt really warm. It felt nice.

"You know if you're trying to kill me with lightning, I feel like I should know your name," she said.

"Thor," his lips quirked.

"Eira," she smiled.

"It is lovely to meet you, Eira." His words hid all his thoughts about how he'd been waiting to meet her and to learn her name. He already loved speaking it.

Eira put her hand on the gear shift again and put it into drive before they were off.


They were at a bar. She ordered drinks and she didn't even have to show ID. The bartender was really nice and she thanked him. She didn't notice but the bartender kept ogling her and Thor kept glaring.

She took a large gulp of the beer which made her cough and sputter before she spoke, "Okay, I can't lie because lying is bad. It's a bad, bad thing. So...I'm supposed to report everything you say."

She had closed her eyes like she was waiting for him to get mad but he only smiled. It was already refreshing knowing he wouldn't have to guess which were truths or lies with her.

"Alright," he shrugged.

She opened her eyes to see his smile and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Eira, you can ask me whatever you like and you shall have an answer. I will keep no lies from you as long as you do the same."

She smiled, too, and repeated his response, "Alright."

"I have lots of questions, though," she said and frowned. "You might get annoyed with me."

"Impossible," he uttered like a promise.

"Okay, so where did you come from and where did you learn to fight?" she asked, remembering the questions from Coulson.

"If I told you I used to be a god, would you believe me?"

"I think you'll find that I'll believe anything," she answered as she thought about her own abilities.

"And...what happened when our hands touched?"

"I'd like to believe..." Thor leaned towards her. "...that it's fate."

His face was really close to hers and her cheeks heated up. She turned her head away from him.

"What about the hammer? Why can't you lift it?" she said as he pulled away with a bitter look. "I-I wanted to lift it...for you."

That got him to smile as he glanced at her. His voice was sure as he spoke, "And I'm sure you could have. You would be worthy of it."

He turned his head from her with a bitter look again and took a swig of alcohol (but it was more like a gulp). Worthy, was that what this was about? If it was, she was glad she didn't touch the hammer. Self-worth wasn't something to mess with and she would've felt awful if she somehow messed with his.

She reached her hand out to him and laid her hand on his arm. There were no sparks this time but there were the same feelings. Warmth shot up her arm like lightning.

Thor had an electric feel like her touch revealed hidden charges beneath his chest that collided and turned into electricity. He looked over at her and fixed her with an intense stare that captured her.

She had the intent to say something to comfort him but his stare made her freeze. But her touch healed more than words ever could. Instead, she said something stupid, "Sorry about your, um, hammer."

He smirked, "I can learn to live without it."

He leaned towards her again and her breath caught. Was he going to kiss her? He did call her a pretty mortal earlier. Did he want to kiss her because she was pretty?

Before she even allowed him the chance to kiss her, her phone rang and pulled her hand away from him to fumble for her phone. But without his touch made her mind think clearly.

She pressed answer.

"Janet," she breathed as Thor watched her. "Yes, I'm fine."

She answered all of Janet's questions quickly as she thought about whether touching him was poisoning her but she quickly decided that poison wasn't like that because poison wasn't addicting and his touch was. Poison was also probably painful and his touch was the most pleasant thing she ever experienced. She wanted to hold his hand again to feel the warmth she felt like his touch made her feel alive somehow even though she'd been alive all her life.

Once she hung up the phone, she kept her hands to herself.

"Was that your mother?" Thor asked. From the voice he could hear, she sounded worried like mothers did.

"Oh, uh, no. It was Janet. She's like my mother, though," she said.

"Where is your real mother?"

"I don't...remember anything before SHIELD found me, before Janet," she answered uneasily. "So...I don't know."

She looked away from him, "I should probably go, Thor. Will you be alright on your own?"

"You're leaving?" he asked as she got up and he blocked her path.

"You..." he thought for a moment to somehow get her to stay. "You should meet the friends I made. Yes, that's an excellent idea."

"I don't know..."

He had started to frown and she didn't like making people sad.

"Alright," she quickly fixed.

"Alright?" he questioned as he started to smile.


"Come on," he held out his hand hoping she'd grab it.

Instead she grabbed the material of his shirt and he smirked as he led the way to the car. It meant his touch affected her just as much as hers did to him.

AN: I hope this was okay. I'm gonna try to finish Thor 1 tomorrow which I should be able to do.

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