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When Eira awoke in the morning, she didn't feel like she was on the hood of the car. Instead, she felt like she was on some cushion.

She opened her eyes in alarm to find she was on some unfamiliar couch and she sprung up. She got to her feet to find she was now inside of the place she'd been outside of last night.

"Hey, it's okay. Thor brought you inside so you'd be more comfortable," a brunette woman by the stove said. "I'm Jane by the way along with Darcy and Erik."

"Where is Thor?" she approached them carefully.

"He went to go change but you can sit down and have breakfast if you want," Jane said politely.

"Thank you," she uttered as she sat down at the table diagonal from who she assumed was Erik. He gave her a polite smile.

She started introductions with Erik while Darcy talked with Jane quietly at the stove.

"Okay, if Thor is a god then she has to be an angel which means I need to start praying," Darcy uttered to Jane while she stared at Eira.

Jane whacked Darcy on the arm, "She's not an angel. Thor said she's normal."

"Not looking like that," Darcy sighed wistfully. "I wish I could look like that."

Jane huffed and took the plates of food to the table. She was a bit bitter because everyone adored Eira even Erik who was now giving the girl a genuine smile. But, most importantly, Thor adored Eira. It was easy to tell by the way he was glancing at her every two seconds to make sure she didn't disappear.

"So, Eira, is it?" Jane asked as she sat down.

"Yes," she gave Jane a small smile.

Darcy quickly joined the table, "So do you have like a brother?"

"Uh, no. Not that I know about," she answered.

"Is your hair natural or do you dye it?" Darcy questioned.

"Darcy!" Jane warned. She may have been jealous of Eira but she certainly wouldn't let Darcy be Darcy and harass her. "Leave her alone."

Eira chuckled, "It's natural."

"Cool," Darcy nodded.

"Eira!" his voice was like thunder. "You're awake."

He sat down next to her and he looked at her like the dawn had only come because she opened her eyes. She smiled bashfully.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered and she thought she heard Erik mutter that he needed more coffee before leaving the table but she didn't quite notice as her eyes never left Thor's.

"Good. That's good," he replied nervously.

He looked away from her before she held a teasing smile, "Did you have sweet dreams?"

He smiled before his eyes went back to stare at hers like gravity, "Plenty."

Jane and Darcy shared a look at what was occurring at the table. It was like Thor and Eira were one of those unbearable couples (because secretly you couldn't help but be envious of a relationship that was so open and loving).

Pounding on the windows broke up the staring contest between Thor and Eira. Erik dropped his coffee at the four figures standing there. They were dressed in armor.

"My friends!" Thor exclaimed happily as he got up to let them in before hugging them all. Eira stood up and followed shortly after along with everyone else.

"Oh, excuse me," Volstagg greeted them. "Lady Sif and the Warriors Three."

Eira smiled cutely, "Hi."

Fandral studied her before looking at Thor incredulously, "You have found the girl from your..."

           "Yes, I have found Eira," Thor interrupted and his voice was set in a warning. "She has been most kind."

             Eira furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. All the warriors were staring at her with curiosity and one had spoken like he'd heard of her.

         "My friends, I've never been happier to see anyone," Thor said as he looked at Eira before redirecting his attention. "But you should not have come."

         "We're here to take you home," Fandral stated.

        "You know I can't go home," Thor responded with sadness. "My father is dead because of me. And I must remain in exile."

       "Thor, your father still lives," Sif revealed.

          Eira suddenly got a bad feeling. She had them before where the hairs on her arms would stand to attention and goosebumps formed.

           She looked outside to see a cyclone forming in the distance and she moved towards the entrance, "Thor."

          He looked towards her before looking in the direction she was which got everyone else's attention. The ground shook (but not where she stood) for a moment as another alien dropped down to Earth.


          They had all traveled outside including innocent civilians. What had dropped down from the sky was a giant metal robot of some kind.

           "Eira, you have to leave," he looked down at her.

         "What are you going to do? You told me you were powerless."

        "Thor's going to fight with us!" Volstagg exclaimed.

       "My friends, I'm just a man," Thor responded. "I'll only be in the way, or worse, get one of you killed. But I can help get these people to safety."

        "If you're staying, then I'm not leaving you," Eira said.

       "We'll need some time," Thor said to his friends.

       "You'll have it!" Fandral shouted as the warriors went to distract the robot while they got people to safety.

          They got as many people as possible to get out of the area. All the while Thor had a firm grip on her hand and wouldn't let go.

             The robot showed up once most every civilian left. She and Thor were hidden behind a building with Jane and the others while the warriors were going to try to take care of the robot.

             Eira tugged against his grip and he looked at her in question. "I can help, Thor. Let me go."

               "Eira, I don't think you understand the threat you face."

                She stepped closer to him and he felt like he couldn't breathe from her proximity.

               "Let me tell you a secret," she smiled up at him. "I love storms."

            Lightning hit the ground right in front of them. He looked up at the sky that suddenly had dark clouds before he looked back at her. She noticed how everyone was looking at her in amazement instead of estrangement and she realized that with Thor, she felt free to be herself.

              And he let go of her hand.


            Sif and the Warriors Three had failed. They stabbed it right in the chest and it was still alive. Sif jumped off of it as the metal seemed to simmer with fire and a large blast fired through the air.

             The warriors started running as she walked down the street. It was about to fire another blast again before they could find cover but lightning struck down and hit the robot. It stunned it and the fire inside died down before it set its sights on her.

             The fire inside of it started growing and simmering again but she flicked her hand out and wind picked up that threw the robot backwards and sent it toppling to the ground. Then vines grew out of the asphalt and over the limps of the robot, holding it in place.

              "By Odin's beard, I've never seen anything like that," Volstagg praised.

              "That was amazing," Fandral smiled.

                "Thanks," she uttered shyly as she became distracted.

               She didn't notice that the robot simmered with fire and it burned through the vines before it sat up fully charged and a blast was aimed right at her.

               It hit her directly and the warriors were sent flying in different directions. Her body was sent sailing before skidding across the ground.

              "Ow," she cried in pain.

              She started to rise to her feet as the robot went to fire at her again but Sif jumped and knocked her out of the way. They both were now hidden behind a car.

                "You are not burnt?" Sif asked in curiosity.

                "Fire doesn't hurt me," she answered but skidding across the pavement did. She probably had enough cuts to last a lifetime.

                Eira went to go back out there but Thor joined them, grabbing her wrist, "You are not going back out there."

              "Someone has to."

              "You are no match for the Destroyer and I will not lose you when I have only just found you," he said as he stared at her like he needed to know that she'd stay. In the sunlight, she noticed his eyes were the color of blue lightning. His eyes were her safe zone and she nodded.

                 "What will you do, Thor?" she asked sadly.

                "I have a plan," he smiled convincingly at her but his eyes screamed that he was memorizing her.

               "Keep her safe," he pushed her gently towards his friends and Sif grabbed ahold of her. "After this, you must return to Asgard. You have to stop Loki."

            Thor turned and walked towards the robot with a shield that he let clutter to the ground.

         "Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry," Thor spoke loudly to the person controlling the robot, apparently, his brother. "But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine and end this."

            The Destroyer turned around almost as if swayed by the speech before it turned back and whacked Thor with its arm. The hit sent him soaring through the air before he landed roughly on the ground and rolled a couple of times.

              Eira immediately ran to him and Sif let go of her. She knelt next to him and she gently touched the bloody wounds on his chest.

              "Thor," tears gathered in her eyes. "And I thought you were seeing the errors of your ways and wouldn't be foolish."

                He smiled, somehow, even near death, "For you, I would."

               "You were my dream..." his words died as his eyes closed.

                 "Thor," she shook him as tears fell down her cheeks. "Thor."

                 "Wake up," she cried.

              Her sadness turned to fury as she turned her head to face the Destroyer. She picked herself off the ground and went after it.

                "Eira, no," she heard shouts and cries. But she didn't listen.

              "Hey, I'm not done with you," she yelled and the robot stopped to turn. It tilted its head as if curious.

                "You think this is fire?" she gestured to the destruction around them. "I will show you fire."

              She raised her hand and fire erupted around the machine. Flames licked at the metal and the machine tried to simmer with fire but it flickered before it looked down.

                Its metal was melting.

                Eira felt her power start draining away like a vortex erupted in her chest. Her face scrunched in pain but she forced herself to keep going and let her anger fuel her.

                 All the while the hammer had gone soaring across the sky and landed into the hand of Thor as a large bolt of lightning shot down and covered him in its light.

                 It was the hammer that broke her concentration as it hit the Destroyer and made it tumble to the ground in a mess of smoking molten metal. That thing wasn't getting back up.

               She turned to look at where the hammer went back to. She swayed on her feet as Thor came into view in an entirely new outfit. A red cape and gleaming armor. He really was a prince.

              "And I thought the God of Anger was the worst fury I'd ever seen," he smirked as he walked towards her.

              She was relieved to see him but she was also angry at him for being so foolish. She pointed her finger at him.

             "If you ever do something like that again, I will murder you myself."

              "Very well," he gulped at the anger in her eyes. "I swear."

                 Her anger started to dissipate at the sincerity in his voice before she hugged him.

                "Sorry," she clung to him tightly. "I wouldn't really murder you."

              He wrapped his arms around her and he chuckled. "I'm glad."

               Now that he had his powers again, the feeling of her touch was so much more amplified. It was like her mere presence made him stronger.

               She pulled away from him and she felt a liquid run down her nose. She wiped it away to find blood.

                "Eira..." Thor started in concern.

                "I'm fine," she assured him. She'd dealt with it before whenever she used too much of her powers.

                While these two were reunited, the Warriors Three had a conversation.

                "Do you think Eira is as powerful as Thor?" Fandral questioned out loud.

                "No," Hogun disagreed.

                "No," Volstagg said. "She can't be."

                "Please," Sif smirked. "She's more powerful than he is."


              Eira was smiling widely.

            Thor had asked her if she wanted to fly and she of course said yes. They had flown threw the clouds while she held on to him before they landed at the Bifrost site.

               "That was amazing," she gushed. "You can do that all the time?"

               "Yes," he smiled at the wonder in her eyes. "As long as I have Mjolnir."

              The others had shown up and Thor called to the sky.

        "Heimdall, open the Bifrost. Heimdall? Heimdall!" he shouted but nothing happened. "He doesn't answer."

        "Then we are stranded," Hogun stated.

       "Heimdall! If you can hear me, we need you now!" he called one last time before a cyclone started to form that held a rainbow bridge.

          The warriors ran to where the mirage of colors were coming down. But Thor looked down at her before his thumb gently grazed the cut on her cheek.

         "I must go back to Asgard, but I give you my word, I will find you again."

"It was never me you needed to find," she gazed into his blue eyes. He had become worthy all on his own.

He sighed as he smiled sadly. There was so much she didn't know but he didn't have time to tell her right now. It wasn't about his worthiness but his hope as that was what she was in his heart: his hope for the future to come. That's what she'd always been for the longest time as he waited to meet her. That meeting her would bring a brighter day. And it had and now he couldn't wait for all the days he could spend with her.

"It always will be," he promised before he gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead that lingered a little too long.

And then he left and disappeared along with the rainbow. But he left her with a promise that she could believe in and a whole new world that had seen her as she truly was, powers and all.

She smiled.

AN: so I finished Thor. This took me so much longer than I planned.

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