Wind and Sun!!

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On Morning, At Viraj's Room

Like Everyday, When Viraj feeling Hungry,He received Food Delivery which sent by some unknown Person

Viraj : Arey..Who is sending me food whenever I feel Hungry?

Delivery Boy : Sorry, Sir..We don't know that..They mentioned Your House Location only for Delivery..

Viraj : Fine..

Viraj took that Food Order and came out to search anyone observing him..But No one are there..

Viraj (Inner Voice) : Who is this unknown Person?

At College

Akshara chatting with Viraj with Happiness..

Rupa said to Akshara

Rupa : Hey..Listen..Don't Propose Your Love to him First?

Akshara : What?

Rupa : Once You say "I Love You"to each other, After that nothing will be there, Your Life will get bore..And These Boys will chase us till we "Yes'..So, Enjoy this Feeling for a few days..

Akshara : Love? Feelings? What are You talking?

Rupa : I mean You Loves Your Phone Friend..?

Akshara blushed for this but covered that..

Akshara : Shut Up!!We Just Friends , Okay?

Rupa : Oh..Really?

Akshara left to Library after saying this..

Inside Library

Akshara and Rupa came to Library and saw her Classmate crying in Library

Akshara : Why She is Crying?

Rupa : Her Face is like that..leave it..

Akshara : No, She is Crying seriously..Come, Let's see..

Akshara asked her Classmate

Akshara : What Happened? Did somebody die?

Classmate : He cheated on me..

Akshara : Are You Pregnant?

Classmate : Chi..Chi..No..

Akshara : Then..It's Ok..What happened?

Classmate : We have been chatting online from one Year.. Intially, He said we are Just Friends..I agreed..But Later We fall in Love..

Akshara looked at Rupa for this..She smiles for this..

Akshara asked her Classmate

Akshara : After that.?

Classmate: After that, I gave him Rs. 50,000 for my Sister-in-law's wedding..

Rupa asked her

Rupa : Are You mad? When it is Your Sister-in-law's wedding, Why you gave money to him?

Classmate : His Sister becomes my Sister-in-law right? So, I gave him..

Akshara became angry on heard this and scolds her

Akhara : Did You lost Your Mind? Do you even know How he looks?

Classmate: No..

Akshara : But You sent him the money..

Classmate : Yes..

Akshara : Idiot!! Without knowing Who he is, How can You chat with him?

Akshara stopped on remembering that she too chatting with Viraj without knowing Who he is..

Akshara thinking about this and sent Message to Viraj

At VB News Channel

Viraj got Message from Akshara "Let's Meet".

Viraj became confuse for this and called Akshara

Akshara who is in irritation lifted Viraj call

Akshara : Tell me..

Viraj : Hey..I wanted to call You..

Akshara : Why?

Viraj : Actually I need a small favor..

Akshara became angry on heard this

Akshara : I know this..That's Your Next Step right?

Viraj became confuse for this..

Viraj : Step? What are you saying?

Akshara : Steps means Downstairs..I'm sorry..You use only Elevator..right? So, You don't know..

Viraj : I didn't get You..

Akshara : But I'm Pretty Clear..

Viraj : Fine..Leave about that..Why you wanted to Meet me? We thoughts some conditions applied..

Akshara : May be You don't know this...Conditions applied are subjected to market risks..

Viraj laughed for this..

Akshara : Now Stop Your Questions and Meet at Clock Tower sharp 5PM..

Viraj : Ok..See You!!

On that time, Bunty came to Viraj and said with Emotion

Bunty : Viraj..I have been meaning to tell you something..I Love You, Man..

Viraj understood why He said like that and Replied to Bunty

Viraj : How much money do you want?

Bunty : Rs. 5000

Viraj : Fine..Then Come with me..

Bunty : To the ATM?

Viraj : No, Clock Tower..

Bunty : Why?

Viraj : Akshara wanted to meet me..

Bunty became angry on heard this..

Bunty : Shit!! You said You both are chatting, I listen that..Later You said You both are talking on Calls, I bear that..Now You say You are meeting her..You are Really became Mad!!

Viraj : I'm worried about why she asked me to meet her..So, Come with me..Please..

Bunty : What is Today?

Viraj : Feb 14th..

Bunty : Not Date..Today is Valentines Day..May be she wants to Propose her Love to You..

Viraj became shock on heard this..

Viraj : Is it? Are You Sure?

Bunty : Don't overact..You are not Eshwar Prabhas anymore, Now You are Bahubali Prabhas ..Please show some Maturity..

Viraj : Fine..Are You coming or not?

Bunty : No!!

Viraj : Pora..(Go!!)

Bunty : You only Go..I'm not mad unlike You..

Viraj left from there ignoring him..

Bunty went to Murty and asked him

Bunty : Boss, I Love You..Rs. 5,000 Please..

On Evening, At Clock Tower

Akshara sit on Yellow Bench and waiting for Viraj

On that time, Viraj also came there and sit on One Yellow Bench..

Viraj called to Akshara Mobile and she lifted the call

Akshara : Hello!! I'm here only..Where are You?

Viraj : I'm also here..

Akshara : Here means where?

Viraj : On Yellow Bench..

Akshara searched for another Yellow Bench..But there are no more Yellow Bench except her Yellow Bench..

Akshara : Here How many Yellow Benches are there?

Viraj searched for another Yellow Bench..But he also didn't find another bench except his Yellow Bench..

Viraj : One only!!

Akshara : I'm also sit on Yellow Bench..If We are Sitting on same Bench..Why aren't you beside me?

Viraj : Even You are not beside me either..

Akshara : Are You really here? Or Are You lying?

Viraj : Hey..Why would I lie? I'm here only..

Akshara : I'm also here..You are definitely lying..I know You are not here..

On that time, Suddenly wind is blowing heavily..

Viraj : Are You in India Hyderabad? Or Pakistan Hyderabad? Akshara Please stop Your jokes and come fast..The wind is blowing heavily..

Akshara became shock on heard this

Akshara : What? Wind Blowing?

Akshara saw the surroundings that there is No wind Blowing in her Place..Instead of that Summer Heat is there in her Place..

Akshara : Again Lying?

Viraj : No..Why I will say lies on this?

On that time, One small Boy gave Umbrella to him..Viraj became confuse for this..

Akshara shouted on Viraj on call

Akshara : It's 40 Degrees here and You are saying it's windy?

Viraj became shock for this..(On his place, Wind is blowing Heavily)

Viraj : What!!

Akshara became angry for this and shouted on Viraj

Akshara : You Cheat!! Now I see it clearly..

Viraj : Hey..Why are you talking like mad? Tell me, Where are You?

Akshara : Just Shut Up!! You are cheater..Actually I should blame myself for trusting You blindly..Just Get lost!!

Viraj : Yes..It is my mistake to come here for You..Chi!!

Akshara and Viraj cut the call with angry and left from there

At Akshara's House

Akshara came to Home with angry on Viraj

Viraj called Akshara, She lifted with angry

Akshara : Hello!!

Viraj : Hey...If You don't want to come, Why You asked me to come? Do you know how much I waited in that wind blowing..

Akshara : I will kill You..If You again said about Wind blowing..I didn't see No Wind Blowing here..

Viraj : Fine..See the News..They showing how Roads became..

Akshara on the TV and put Volume high..

Akshara : Did You heard it..OU Students are protesting for Telegana Agitation for Separate State..

Viraj became shock on heard this..

Viraj : Separate State? What are you talking? It been 5 Years since Telegana become Separate State!!

Akshara : Oh..When?

Viraj : It became Separate State on February 18th, 2014..

Akshara : They have been protesting from 10 Years..Are You going to make it happen in next 4 days?

Viraj became shock for this..

Viraj : 4 Days? What's Today Date?

Akshara : 14 th February

Viraj : Year?

Akshara : February 14th, 2014!!

Viraj became stunned on heard this..

Viraj : Akshara!! Seriously?

Akshara : Viraj..Stop this..Don't try to cheat me anymore.. Don't talk with me anymore.. Good Bye!!

Viraj became shock on seeing Today Date in his Place..

Other Side, At Akshara House

The Calendar Date in Akshara House..

Percap : Viraj Hurts Akshara..Twist?

I am Very Very Very Sorry for Late Update..Little Bit Busy..Please Forgive me, Friends.

Plesse Forgive me If this Update makes You Confuse and any Mistakes are there..

How was Viraj, Akshara Conversation? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was the Bunty Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How Viraj and Akshara in different Years? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Akshara believe Viraj words? Any Guess.. Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Viraj and Akshara came to connect? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

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Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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