Destiny (last part )

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I am so sorry for late.......🙏🙏🙏🙏

No epilogue

Let start.....


Saskar come in room and lied down in bed and start thinking

Saskar provo

How can I say that to swara??? Ohh shit in anger I sad to much to swara. Don't know how she struggle for Ashi as a single mother. I should apologised to her. But I don't know seeing Ashi I felt unknowingly happiness in my heart. She was too cute. She must be 2 years(some thing strike in his mind ) he widen his eyes....

Kahi yeh.... meri beti toh nahi????? No no..... if Ashi was my child swara would told  me...... she herself  told that her boyfriend left her (he trying to  convince himself) if she lie to me  (restlessly ) I have to  confirm from swara.

If Ashi was not my daughter than also I will accept Ashi as daughter. Ya if I love swara than y I can't love Ashi???? Ashi also part of swara what will happen if she was not my daughter? ? Sometime heart relation enough for pure relation. Get ready swara falling in love with me......said saskar  with determination

Next morning

Saskar wake up morning with smiling face. He got ready and drive car towards swara's house to get his answer. Saskar rang bell and swara open door. Looking saskar swara first shock but she composed herself and said rudely.

Swara : y are you coming here saskar? ?

Saskar :I want to talk to you

Swara : but I don't want to talk? ?

Saskar : I am sorry swara..... I know you are angry on me....plz forgive me in anger I said your so much.... plz I am sorry

Swara : go from here.....after sometime I will come your office and give my resignation letter....

Saskar : you can't because you already contacted for 1 year and plz I want ask one more question....plz

Swara (Annoyingly ): ask

Sanskaar (hesitatly): wo ashi my child? ??

Listening this swara looks saskar with shock expression but she  composed herself and said :  no

Saskar : plz swara look into my eyes and tell plz only ones

Swara directly look saskar eyes and said : no...... because now in this three years very know that how to hide her emotions.

Here Saskar also try to read her eyes but he only see her blank eyes. Listening her no he felt pinch in his heart but he composed himself. 

Saskar : swara I want to marry you? ? I also accept Ashi like my own daughter. Will you marry me???

Swara : i said na i don't want to marry. ...

Saskar : ok...... saying this he went into house

Swara : saskar....we're you going? ??

Saskar : to meet my daughter.......

Swara : you can't do that. ...

Saskar : I can do that.....saying that he went in Swara's room which was decorated with swara and Ashi's pic. He looks at Ashi were she was playing with her doll sitting on bed.

Saskar pic Ashi in his arms and kiss her cheeks while Ashi try to remember who is he making faces.

Ashi : who aal luu (who are you)..she asked blinking her eyes

Saskar : wo(looking at swara ) I am your papa....

Ashi : lially luu  aal my paapa...??? (really you are my paapa ).(looking at swara ) mamma see paapa tam (come )

Swara fakely smile her and gave saskar deadly glare swara. She wanted to shout on saskar but she quite due to Ashi.

Saskar : Ashi you don't feel hungry...... your papa feel very hungry.....

Ashi : i ayso feel hugli (I also feel hungry) (looking at swara ) mamma plz mate bekfast fol (make breakfast for) me n paapa yummy wala...

Swara  (making faces): ok ashi..... saying this she went from there cursing saskar

After sometime saskar enter in the kitchen. Saskar slowly went near swara and  stand behind swara and loudly shout what are you cooking? ??

Listening sudden shout she Shetland but composed herself and shout

Swara (angrily ):  what you want now? ?? Why you said Ashi that you are her father? ?

Saskar : After marriage she will my daughter na then what's problem? ?

Swara : i don't marry you saskar so plz don't play with her heart ??

Saskar : I know swara you don't love me but at least you can give this relationship chance .

Swara : i don't want.....

Saskar : but I will..... I will don't give up till make you mine...

Swara : let's see....... now come i make your breakfast ready

Saskar have his breakfast while swara feed Ashi and eat herself. After breakfast get ready to go in the office.

Saskar: now let's go...... saying this he pic Ashi in his arms and start to go

Swara : saskar were are you going taking Ashi....

Sanskaar: were will I office.

Swara: buy Ashi? ???

Saskar : she also go with us.... (looking at Ashi) hai na Ashi

Ashi (cutely):yet(yes) I altoh (also) go with papa

Swara : no saskar she will not go with us.....who will see her I will not take any risk.....

Sanskaar : you don't worry miss ohh sorry would be Mrs maheshwari I already  arrange....saying this he wink at swara

Swara : shut up Saskar......lets go...

Swara takes Ashi from Saskar and sat in the car while saskar sat on drivers seat and drove towards office.

Swara provo

I want to be with you saskar but don't know I am fearing if again you will live me. I lost my family but I don't have straight to bear anything like this. I only live for my Ashi. I think you had just attraction towards me so it will gone some days. Many girls standing behind you for marring... y you will come to me.???

Swara pov end

They reach in office and sanskar enter in cabin with Ashi and swara. Saskar open one door and entered into room which was decorated with many dolls and teddy bear.

Saskar : This is for my Ashi saying this he kiss her cheeks.

Ashi : tachi (sahi) paapa.....I love you saying this she jump from his arms and start playing with teddy.

Swara : saskar what is this ??

Saskar : This is for our daughters swara

Listening our daughter swara feels happiness in her heart. She always want to listen this word

Saskar : were you lost swara? ??

Swara : nothing.... don't make habitual Ashi with you saskar....

Sanskaar : i also make you habitual of me Swara....

After 2 month

Saskar always try to impress swara. He always irritated her to calling in cabin without any work. But swara also love his irritation. Swara  talk with one offices boy name Arjun casually to make saskar irritated. He made great bond with Ashi which made swara jealousy but swara also happy to see them. But still she don't accept saskar's praposal.

Swara enter in cabin and see Saskar playing with Ashi. Ashi was playing with saskar hairs. She was trying to pull saskar's hairs.

Saskar(making faces) : what are you doing Ashi? ? Beacause of I cut my hair but still you pulling my hair...

Ashi: I lov youl (your) hail (hair) papa..........heeheee

Saskar(seeing swara ):  you know Ashi many girls are dieing  on me... but unfortunatly your mamma not love me.....

Swara(making serious faces ) : I want to talk to you

Sanskaar : ya tell me...... don't tell me you love me (winking )

Swara : saskar I am serious....

Sanskaar : ha tell..

Swara : wo today Arjun prapose me for marriage.....

Saskar (stammering): A..nd wh..t y..ou say

Swara : wo I don't know how I start like him so I tell him yes....

Listening this tears come out from his eyes. He wants to control it but tears betrayed him. He immediately got up from chair and give Ashi to swara

Saskar : congratulations swara..... I hope he will keep you and Ashi happy......

Swara : saskar listening to me........

Without Listening he went from there taking key of car

Swara : ohh god what I have done..

Time pass..It was now 10 pm but still there was no sign of saskar. Swara try to call many times but still switch off. She call many times to saskar home and office but still no sign of saskar. Now she starts fearing whether he was ok or not.  Swara make Ashi sleep and start waiting for saskar. But suddenly someone ring door bell. She immediately open door and shock to see person.

Swara: saskar

He was totally drunken. His hair was totally messed, due to crying his eyes became red and puffy. Seeing saskar.... swara immediately hug saskar and start crying

Swara(Crying ) : are you mad..... you know how much I am in  tension... jaan niKal di thi meri

Saskar immediately hugs swara.

Saskar (cryingly ):swara plz don't live me... I can't live without you and Ashi I will die without both of you....

Swara : i will never live you saskar.... but now  first come in Saskar. ....

Saskar: really....

she takes him room were Ashi was sleeping....

Saskar : swara I want to sleep with you...

Swara : but saskar this house only one room have....

Sanskaar open her cupboard and bring blanket and arrange on floor...

Swara  : what are you doing saskar? ???

Saskar pic swara in his arm and place her on floor and lied down besides her and take her in his embraced.

Saskar : swara please don't live me.....I know you don't love me because of that night.... you know swara I am still guilty..... but that happen because of alcohol.... i know dignity how much important for girls.. I know I did one mistake living there lonly without consoling you.... that's why I never touch alcohol but today I can't control myself. Plz Swara l love you very much. You also know I am a good boy.... I never played any girls heart and I never touch any girl without you....

Listening this swara's eyes filled with tears.

Swara : i love you....... she finally said

Saskar(happily ) : really.....I love you so so much....... saying this he feels unconscious.

Next morning

Sunray fell on there face making there eyes open. First Saskar open her eyes and he feels some heavy on his chest. He looks towards and see swara peacefully sleeping upon him.

He first get shock but remember last night. He slowly kiss her cheeks . Feeling touch swara open her eyes and see Saskar was staring her. She got up from him.

Swara : good morning

Saskar : you say good morning like this

Swara (casually ): ya

Saskar (pulling towards him): but I want like this morning....saying this he went towards her lips he about to place her lips but he stop..

Saskar : can I

Swara close her eyes giving him positive sign he immediately run his lips on her juicy lips and start kissing her. She also kiss him back. After sometime they broke there kiss due to lack of oxygen.

Saskar : I love you

Swara: i love you too....

Something strike saskar mind he immediately ask swara

Saskar : you agree for marriage with Arjun na.....

Swara  (suppressing laughing ): it was just prank saskar....

Sanskaar : if you will married him na....I will kill him.

Swara : really..... some one said congratulations swara..... I hope he will keep you and Ashi happy......

Saskar : its was just...

Listening this swara starting laughing.....

In Afternoon swasan was doing shopping along with Ashi.

Swara(giving Ashi to saskar ) : saskar you wait here..... I want some clothes for me...I will come taking it

Saskar : ok come fast...

Sanskaar was waiting for swara while holding Ashi.

One girl comes towards saskar

Girl : hey....Saskar remember me...

Saskar : ohh ya kavya right....

Kavya : this was your daughter? ??

Saskar : yes

Kavya : so finally most handsome boy are married now buy the way were is your wife? ??

Saskar(pointing towards swara ): there was she ...Swara

Kavya : ohh my god...... finally swara got her love..... you know how much she loves you in college

Saskar : love ???

Kavya : she really love you in college...... and thank God you  married after that night.... if you had don't married her how she will bring her child in this world as a single mother.????  Her parents told her to do abotion but she was not ready. So she left her parents house. After that I also lost contact with her..

Listening this saskar don't know how to react. One side he was very  happy that Ashi was his blood and sad due to swara hide this much to him.

Kavya : ohhh i am sorry I know you are all know about it but still I told you. Because she shares all things about her in college.

Meantime swara comes there. She immediately hug kavya. After sometime kavya left from there. Swara had fear that if kavya told thruth saskar. But she didn't know kavya already told. Saskar also prepended like he don't know anything.

After reaching reaching home.

Swara : what happen saskar y you don't talk to me properly? ??

Saskar : In college you love someone? ?

Listening this swara shock

Swara : kavya said anything to you? ??

Saskar : I want answers swara

Swara : yes. ....

Saskar : who? ??

Swara (closing her eyes:) you.....

But saskar did not react...

Saskar :  Is Ashi was my blood? ??

Swara (tears comes in her eyes ): yes

Saskar pulled swara towards him and shout

Saskar : y you don't tell me Swara.... why??? (Cryingly ) I am that much bad swara. I know because of me you suffer so much. I am sorry swara....plz forgive me..

Swara(cryingly ): i am sorry saskar not telling about Ashi...... but I don't want to burden on you...... but now you love me so I was planning to give surprise...... but everything spoil. (Making pout )

Saskar : I am sorry swara because of me you suff...

Swara : shhh don't talk about past now everything fine. It was our destiny we can't fight  with it but.... Now we will live happily.

Saskar : I love you....

Swara : i love you too..... and hugs saskar

I lov you both of you...... said Ashi coming towards swasan.

Saskar pic Ashi in his arms.

We love you too.... saying this swasan kiss her both cheeks....

After some day's they do simple marriage but held grand reception.

                            The End

And ya i am very  lazy person this degree given by all family members and I also Belive....


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