destiny part 2

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Swara was running behind a small girl around two and half year taking milk glass in her hand.

"bachha plz drink milk,  don't trouble your mamma " Swara huffed seeing her little buddle of joy who became too naughty.

"no no......mamma Ashi dot (don't ) want to dink (drink ) ith (it)  (was) yukk" Ashi barber with her sweet voice while running.

"Ashi plz drink your milk you don't want to become big" swara tried to make understand her.

"no maama......I dont (don't)"

"plz ashi, don't trouble your mamma your mamma was really tired"

"no means no" Ashi twitch her nose angrily and runs from there while running she hit with sanskar, she about to fall but with time sanskaar hold her. sanskaar pic Ashi in his arms. Swara looked towards Sanskaar with shock. She don't know how to react. Due to fear Ashi start crying.

Listening Ashi crying voice swara come into sense. She immediately run towards Sanskaar and tries to take Ashi from him but Ashi was not ready to live Sanskaar due to fear.  She wrapped her small hand around his neck and hide her face in his neck.

"Swara leave it , she is still in fear" Sanskaar said angrily while patting her back lovingly.

" Ashi what happen dear? See nothing happens" Sanskaar said looking towards Ashi who was  towards him with teary eye's.

After sometime Ashi stop crying but still sobbing then she remove her hand from Sanskaaar neck and extended her arms to swara so she can take her.

Swara immidetly took her in arms and start carressing her hair lovely.

" Why are you crying Ashi?" Swara kissed her cubby cheeks.

" Ashi dal(dar)gai thi" saying this she tightly hug Swara.

After sometime she sleep in her arms were Sanskaar eyes still on them. Swara gave ashi to maid to sleep and told her she is comming.
Swara turning to sanskaar who was waiting for her answer.

" wo Sanskaar "

"what you want to tell me Swara. you have baby? Tell me Swara whoes baby is this? Don't tell me you have boyfriend and  you are in living relationship with your boyfriend?" Sanskaar angrily pulled swara towards him and shout angrily making swara flinched

He don't know himself what he is even speaking. He have some hope to that he still try to win swara love but seeing baby his hopes all died. His heart burning in pain.

Here Swara don't know what to say. Her heart crying in pain listening sanskaar words which stabbing her heart more. Tears are falling from her eyes.

"why are you silent swara? Answer it damit? Don't you have answer? " Sanskaar shout again.

" He leave me making me pregnant" swara pushed Sanskaar and goes from there cryingly..
Sanskaar stood numb and walk from there.

Swara come to the room and goes in the bathroom and sat down on floor making shower open making water fall on her.

"How could you say that Sanskaar?  We both are reasonable for that night but why only I am suffering? You don't even asked me that day how I am feeling? " Tears rolled down from her eyes.


3 year ago

Full college was decorated with balloon and other materials because today was farewell. All students ready giving each other tashan. Swara enter in college wearing pink gown looking more beautiful. Her eyes was searching someone, she got smile on her lios when she saw him entering in college looking extremely handsome wearing white shirt and black pant with tie.

Swara pov

Today is last day Sanskaar. I don't know how I will live without seeing you from tomorrow. I don't know how I fell in love with you. But I have to live without you. I know you never loves me because you don't even know someone deeply loves you.

Swara Prov end

" Why you don't tell him that you love him instead of staring him"  said kavya bring out from her thought

"Are you mad kavya? He will never accept me.  Many girls prapose him more beautiful then me but he rejected them.  Instead of getting rejection I am happy like this only" Swara explain herself still looking towards him who was busy with friends.

"Ok.. now lets go " Kavya made face and drag her. swara about to go after ferwell but kavya hold her. 

"Where are you going Swara?" Kavya asked stooping swara.

"where I  will go? home only na" swara smiled.

"Are you mad? You are not coming in your saskar maheshwari party? Kavya smrink rising her eyebrows.

" what I will do coming in party and you know I don't like party" swara gave excuse.

"please na swara let's go. you don't want to see Sanskaar last time?" Kavya emotionally blackmail her.

Finally swara got agreed for going to the party. They reach in hotel were party was organised. They enter in party but swara's eyes only searching for Sanskaar . She notice Sanskaar was dancing with girl very closely. Her eyes filled with tears and feel jelous. Kavya give her juice . She angry drank juice without seeing it was juice or not. She again order juice but kavya exchange into alcohol. Now she totally turn on. She about to go towards Sanskaar.

"All my friends, today is our last day in our college. we don't know when we will meet in future or may be not so enjoy today like kal ho na ho" Sanskaar shout taking mike. All start dancing.

Those who are couple they start there dance with there partners. But who are singles they are start dancing friendly with each other. Suddenly one boy pulled swara on the dance floor due to alcohol affect she starts dancing. Suddenly all changes there partners. Swara comes to sanskaar. Swara's heartbeat start  get fast due to his closeness. Sanskaar place his hand on her waist were swara's hand on his shoulder. Sansksar dance with swara casually. Suddenly waiter come and by mistakely hit with swara and drink fall on her dress.

"I am sorry maam" Waiter start apologising. 

" its ok" Swara said.

"thank you ma'am" saying this he want from there.

Swara murmured herself because of this Waiter spoil my dance with Sanskaar now I have to clean this dress but were is bathroom???

" need any help?" Sanskaar offer help seeing her struggle. 

"ya i want washroom" swara said hesitantly.

"Go straight then right " He show her way.

Swara about to go but stumbled due to alcohol effect. 

"ohh carefully you are drunken" He hold her from shoulder. 

"who told you I am drankan
I drink yummy juice " She said with cute face were Sanskaar laughed seeing her. He also stumbled due to alcohol effect.

"See you also drink yummy wala juice" swara laughed seeing her stumbling.

" mai b sharabi tu b sharabi lets go" saying this he drag swara.

"see here is bath room" He showed  to her.

"when bathroom become like room?  see this big bed, cupboard"  saying this she put finger on chin.

"what will do thinking this we only need washroom. see there is bathroom" saying this he holds swara's hands and wents in washroom and put her under shower and start making them both wet.

"what are you doing saskar? I want to clean my dress not bath" Swara huffed in anger cutely.

"solly" He made sorry face.

" you are so cute " saying this she pulled his cheeks

" I am not cute I am handsome" swara made face. Listening this swara start laughing loudly making Sanskaar irritated

"swara please stop laughing"
But swara was still laughing

He irritadly pulled swara towards himself attaching her small body on his chest. Swara looks towards him with widen eyes. Sanskaar eyes fell on her wet lips which inviting him to kiss her. He unknowingly place his lips on her wet lips making it dry, after sometime swara also start responding. After sometime due to lack of oxygen they broke there kiss. Swara shyly hug him hiding her face in his chest.
Sanskaar desire raised in his body. He looks at swara up to down which ditched her dress due to water which perfectly attached to her body. Her br**st slightly visible from her dress. He immediately took swara in his arm and went towards bed and placed her on bed and came upon her and they got intimate.

Next morning sun rays fell on their both face making there eyes open. First swara open her eyes lazily. She try to get up but she feels sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She immediately looks herself were she only cover with sheet which make her shock. Tears start coming from her eyes she slowly look her side which make her shock. She gives her dignity to that person whom she loves deeply but that person don't even know. She held her head to remembering last night. All last night fleshes start moving in her mind.

Listening  sobbing sound sanskaar also open his eyes and saw towards sobbing sound and shock to see swara covering herself in sheet while crying. He immediately get up and sat on bed. He also remember last night. He don't know how to talk finally he gain some courage and speak

"Look swara it was not yours fault and not mine. This was happen due to alcohol effect its better to this thing remain between us. you go yours road and hope we never meet again" saying this he fastly dress up and goes from there living swara shattered.

" what I had done" saying this she starts crying but no one there to give her shoulder to letting her pain.

Swara come down from bed with great difficulty and wore her dress and goes from there.

After two months

Swara sitting with her mother father and brother doing her breakfast. Suddenly she feels like vomiting she immediately ran from there and start vomiting. After cleaning face she come out from room.

"what happen swara? many days you are doing vomiting. I told you do check up" Her mom said.

Swara about to answer but she fell unconscious. Shekher immediately took her in hospital.

After sometime swara gain her consciousness. Swara about to ask but she received tight slept from shekher.

"whoes baby is this? With whom you sleep?" Her dad angrily shout on her.

Listening baby all past memories revolve around her mind and tears start coming from her eyes.
She remain silent. 
" I don't want to listen anything. If you want to come home first abort this baby then come"  saying this shekar went from there.

Swara looks towards Shomi but she also went from there angrily. Swara start crying. After sometime swara goes into doctor cabin and told her she wants to do abotion. Doctor told her to she wants to know how month she was pregnant then she starts further process

Doctor lied down swara on bed and apply jelly on her tummy and start doing check up suddenly small sound come from machine dak dak dak. swara slowly look towards screen which showing small dot doing some movement and sound coming from there.

"what Is this doctor?

"It is your baby heartbeat sound "

Listening this swara feels happiness in her heart. She starts looking that dot lovegly. After doing check up doctor went from there. After going doctor swara slowly touch her tummy which makes her happy.

"how can I kill my child. It was not my child mistake. No I didn't do abotion. I have to rise my child" saying this she went from there


Precape: Last part

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