bailing the creepiest kid in the universe

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Then they all ran to the others. "So did you get a vision??" Stan asked. "Yeah and it sure was weird." Wendy said. "We were in this place called Cipher world/ EVERYTHING!" Dipper shouted. "And that is not even the worst part.... We have to bail.... Lil Gideon!" Mabel shouted. All the adults gasped. "Yeah it's true!" Wendy said. "Why!" Susan asked. "Because he out of all the people in this universe he is a Cipher protector.... HIM!" Wynter said surprised. "Wait that kid... Stan tells me that he is the creepiest kid in this universe." Carla said. "Yep he is totally right!" Dipper said. "So we have to bail the creepiest kid in this universe?" Roger said confused. "Yep exactly!" Wynter said. "Well if we are it must be urgent so what are we doing standing here! LET'S GO!!" Susan shouted. They all ran outside and squeezed in stan's car. "Stan I know you have been using my car all these years but why has it shrunk?" Stanley said. "Wait this is your car?" Dipper asked. "Yep Stan and I used to call it the Stanley mobile." He said. "The Stanley mobile..... HAHAHA THAT SOUNDS STUPID." Mabel said. "Oh you be quiet!" Stanley shouted. "Is this it?" Wendy asked. "Yep it is.. I know because I have been there before... Twice." Stan said. They all glanced at a medium sized ratty crumbly mossy building. "Wow this looks like a nice place!" Mabel said as they walked in. When they were in the building the saw sheriff Blubs and deputy Durland standing by one of the cells. "Were here to bail somebody." Soos said. "Who?" Blubs asked. "Your butt!" Wynter shouted as she knocked them out cold with her fists. Then she grabbed the keys. "Score!" Wynter said. "How do we know witch key or cell it is?" Carla asked. "I know!!!" Mabel shouted. "How do you know?" Stanley asked. "Because it says here on this key in marker." Mabel said. Mabel was right. On the key in marker it said Lil G Cell 4.

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