Recruting Robbie and Pacifaca

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After he got home there was not much time left. "We have to recruit Robbie and Pacifaca!!" Dipper shouted. "Why Robbie and Pacifaca you know not all the people in this group like everyone the same." Wendy said. "Yeah!" Mabel said like she was a entourage girl. "But remember guys they are two Cipher protectors." Dipper said. "Do we really need all of them?" Mabel asked. "Yes we need all of them to defeat BILL COME ON LET'S DO IT.........

NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dipper screamed in a terrifying scary voice." They all gasped in fear. "Ummm so let's go." Dipper said nervously. They all were to scared to say no so they drove to Pacifaca's house. When they got there Mabel was forced to be the one to talk into the gate's remote control. "Hello I'm here to see Pacifaca." Mabel said. "Granted." The voice from the remote said. The large gate opened revealing a fountain with peacocks and a huge mansion!!! She didn't even need to go into the building to know where Pacifaca's room was.... The ,biggest most pinkest most colorful room in the whole house. Just then Pacifaca opened the large door. "Uhh Mabel have you come to ask for fashion advice because that is what we all have been waiting for." Pacifaca said in a snobby voice. "We need your help with something." Mabel said. "Probobly something stupid." Pacifaca said. "I'll pay you extra moola!" Mabel said.

"You know me it's a deal!" Pacifaca said. Both girls hopped in the car. "Next up Robbie's house." Roger said. "I'll go." Wynter said. She knocked on their door. It opened with nobody behind it..... Clomp clomp she heard foot steps coming closer and closer. Robbie opened the door. "Uhh just what I need more toddlers!" Robbie said as he slammed the door.

"Please Wynter I'll handle this." Wendy said. She walked up to the porch step. She saw Robbie peaking threw a crack in the window. "WENDY!!!" He shouted as he ran at her for a big hug. As he was about to get to Wendy she steeped over a few paces and Robbie plummeted of the porch summer salted on to the grass. "Hey Wendy." He said groaning. "So why are you here?" Robbie asked. "We need your help with something."  Wendy said.

"Well whatever it is I'm just glad your here." Robbie said. Robbie leaned in for a kiss but Wendy just walked back sending Robbie into a rose bush. "Yikes!" Wendy said helping Robbie up. "So are you gonna help us?" Wendy asked. "Yes!!!" Robbie said. When he saw Dipper they were insulting each other the whole car ride.

"All right you two break it up... I can call my DAD!" Pacifaca shouted. Then the got back to the shack. "Ok Stan and I have been waiting to have this conversation with all the Cipher protectors since the first decipher crew a while ago." Stanley said. "Why is this conversation more important than the other talks we've had?" Gideon asked. "Because this conversation is about what all the Cipher protectors can do when they work together." Stanley said. "Wait all together we have power?" Pacifaca asked confused. "Yes well the power is stronger when we are all together." Stanley said wisely. "So that was that lightning that Wynter shot out of her hand." Dipper said. "And that is why I was so strong to free Dipper from that game!" Mabel said. "What?!" Stan shouted. "We will tell you later." Dipper said.

"No you wont." The voice said. Dipper just ignored Bill. "So you think were ready to defeat him?" Wynter asked. "Yes are big journey begins." Roger said. And they raced into the woods to the area where they saw the gremloblin army.

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