Welcome to the team Spot!

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In a flash Mabel and Dipper woke up at the same time. They smiled at each other. Soos came running through their door and threw balloons into the room. Grenda comes in "YEAH LETS GET THIS BIRTHDAY PARTY STARTED!" Grenda shouted like The Hulk. Then Candy ran in with forks taped on her fingers with pancakes on the forks. "Birthday pancakes!" Candy said. And as always Wynter came in threw the window. She threw out party hats to everybody and a present to Dipper and Mabel. "Open them!" She yelled. Mabel  opened it and it  was a new grapling hook but this one was purple with sparkles. She smiled. Dipper opened it and there in the box was...... A PUPPY! The puppy was white with a brown circle around it's eye. Dipper gasped as the puppy jumped into his arms and licked his face. Dipper laughed. Mabel shot out the line on her new grapling hook. The line shot around the room and then hit WYNTER! Wynter fell out the window.

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