Chapter 2 : the academy of the Devil & a new member

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N was looking at his new base of operation : the former Beacon Academy, now turned into a fortress where souls are damned for all eternity.

(The ground are Beacon's ground and there's still Beacon's tower on the back of the fortress with the top looking like a nest for the Grimm wyvern. Art isn't mine. Many thanks to @DGPrimal for fiding this palace and created it.)

Y/N : Now that's the way I like it. My friends really did a good job on this one. I should call it : the Beacon Fortress.

He then flew toward the Beacon tower and enter his office, looking like Ozpin's office, but more hellish with grimm statues heads close to the elevator. He then sat on his throne as two marauders, some of Hell's elite soldiers, were standing on his side.

(the Marauders)

Y/N : This office... I hated that place but now, I'm loving it now that I'M the one in control.

He then surmond multiple orbs of different kind of magics and make them spin around.

Suddendly, a holographic demon trooper appeared in the center of the room and bowed before Y/N.

Demon trooper : Sir ! We have detected something destroying anything on it's path and heading toward Beacon fortress !

Y/N : I thought I'd said that all reinforcement must come from Vale.

Demon trooper : That's the thing, it has the power of Ghidorah and a demon, but it's not on our side, unstabble and we preferred to stay away.

Y/N : *facepalm* Don't tell me more, I'l take care of it. (cut transmittion and look at the Marauders) make sure no one try to attack the fortress. If they do, show them why we're call demons.


Y/N flew off of his office and then transformed into his Destoroyah form.

After a hour of flight, Destoroyah landed on a forest area and saw a town with the Vale's emblem and Atlas and Supernaturals troops. Y/N smiled as legions of demons and grimms appear behind him.

Destoroyah : At least we've got somewhere to practice.

They began to walk toward the town but then red lightnings stroke the town and set it on fire. He saw some Atlas troops trying to run away but three balls striked them, reducing them to atoms. Destororah was smilling at what he just witnessed but wondered who did this. He then saw a dragon-like figure inside clouds with red lightnings. Something then landed before him and he now saw what the demon decribed : It looked like Ghidorah, but it has a drak grey body with two pairs of red wings and four legs.

(The lower wings are as big as the upper ones and are separated. Art isn't mine.)

Destroroyah : This is stange. I can sence you're different from the Ghidorah I know but... I also sence a part of her in you. You must have been supercharged with her cells.

??? (enraged) : Humans... Faunuses... Supernaturals... kill them. Kill them ! KILL THEM ALL !!!!

Destoroyah : You might make a great addition to my army, after I show you that I am NOT human ! (look at his army) Leave it to me.

The Ghidorah then stood on two legs and took a fighting stance as Destoroyah prepared to battle the Kaiju before him.

(Replace Ghidorah by the Desghidorah from the picture above. Art isn't mine.)

The ground opened and lava came out of it as the battle started. The Ghidorah roared at Destoroyah before charging at him. Destoroyah dodged and biten the Ghidorah's shoulders, gaining it's abilities. The Ghidorah roared in pain before turning to Destoroyah and firring Hell's flames at Destoroyah from it's three heads, forcing Destoroyah to let go and making him clench his teeths. Destoroyah instantatly healed himself before looking at the Ghidorah, who also instantatly healed itself before the trees began to die. Destoroyah noticed that and knew what's happening.

Destoroyah : So, you can absorb the nearby life. Impressive. (his horn glow) But let me show you that this was a bad idea doing it while fighting me.

Destoroyah fired his micro-oxygen beam at the Ghidorah, causing explosions to happend on the beast and around it as it roar in agonizing pain. the Ghidorah replicated by firring red gravity beams at Destoroyah, causing explosions and fire around him but it didn't hurt him. Destoroyah charged and punched the Ghidorah with his fists, the Ghidorah punched him in return but Destoroyah didn't react since it didn't hurt him. Destoroyah then slashed the Ghidorah's chest with his horn, making it scream in agonizing pain. the Ghidorah then bited and grabbed Destoroyah before discharging lightning in his body and tried to suck his energy out of him. Destororah freed his right hand as a blade came out of his flesh.

(Like this.)

He then slashed the Ghidorah's middle head as the beast let go of him and scream in agonizing death. the Ghidorah eventually regrow it's head back but was then meet with Destoroyah's chest beam, causing it to fall on it's back. Destoroyah then began to fly before charging at the Ghidorah and pinded it againt the ground. Destoroyah look at the beast to see something off in it's eyes.

Destoroyah : I should have known that they would do that.

He then stabbed the Ghidorah's middle head with his claw and rip of a part of it as the beast eyes changed from red to blue and the Ghidorah collapse. Destoroyah looked at his hand to see a device implanted on the Ghidorah's flesh. He saw Atlas symbol on it and felt it possessed the magic of the Supernaturals, explaining how the device was still on the Ghidorah even after he cut it's middle head.

Destoroyah : Fucking insects !

He crushed the device as the micro-oxygen reduce it to atoms. Destoroyah looked at the Ghidorah who regain couciousness before looking around in panic.

??? : W- Where am I ?! What happend ???!!!

Destoroyah : It seems the vermins tried to turn you into a living weapon.

??? : wh- WHO ARE YOU ???!!!

Destoroyah : I am Destoroyah.

??? : Y- your voice. It's the same !

Destoroyah didn't understand what she meant by that but soon figured it out.

Destoroyah : I guess my roar made you go out of control. Desghidorah.

Desghidorah : what ?

Destoroyah : That's the name I've decide to give you.

Desghidorah : I... kinda like it.

Destoroyah smilled at Desghidorah's words, knowing he has someone with him.

Destoroyah : Do you wish to take revenge of thoses who made you like this ?

Desghidorah (smilling) : You bet I want !!!

Destoroyah : Then how about you join my legion as my new servant ?

Desghidorah didn't answered as it simply bow before Destoroyah. Destoroyah smilled, seeing that Desghidorah indeed accepted.

Destoroyah : I see this is a "Yes". Then follow me, Desghidorah.

Both kaijus began to fly and headed toward Beacon's Fortress. After a hour of flight, the two landed on the fortress' ground. Destoroyah then transformed back to Y/N as he saw multiple Fallen Angel's dead bodies on the ground and his demons and grimms with blood on their bodies.

Y/N : I suppose someone asked for trouble.

Demon captain : Yes. A Fallen Angel named : Kokabiel tried to force his way in the fortress with his troops to force you to become his slave my lord. He was the only survivor of the following massacre.

Y/N : Good. (look at the bodies) cut the heads and impale place them on sticks, they shall serve as a warning against all who dare defy us.

Demon captain : Yes my lord. (look at his troops) You heard Lord Destoroyah, get the bodies and cut the heads !

The demons proceed to follow Y/N's orders. He then looked at the shocked Desghidorah.

Y/N : You can de-transform can't you ?

Desgridorah began to shrink down before burning. Once the flames were gone, Y/N was shocked by who he saw : a female Adam.

(Adam's sister. She has Desghidorah's horns on her head and wings on her back. She doesn't have her mask on and both her eyes are their normal azur color. Art isn't mine.)

??? : What ?

Y/N : You look just like Adam.

??? : You know my brother ?

Y/N : Yes, he's a good friend of mine. You're related to him ? *facepalm* of course you are what am I saying ?

??? : Well... My name is Athena Taurus. I was a commander of the White Fang until...

Y/N : Until ?

Athena : They betrayed me. They left me behind to save their asses. I becamed Ironwood's plaything during my time in Atlas. *began to cry* I thought I would die here !

Much to her surprise, Y/N hugged her.

Y/N : Yet you are still alive. Adam will be happy to know that his sister is back.

Athena : Don't ! He wouldn't want a monster like me.

They eventually broke the hug.

Y/N : Speaking of that, how did you became that Desghidorah ?

Athena : During my young age, I stubond upon a altar with a dead body. I touched the body and it suddendly dissapear before going inside of me and reappear as a gauntlet similar to that Shitssei. Eventually, they injected mysterious cells in my body and then I heared your roar. After that, everything went black.

Y/N scratched his head in embarassment.

Y/N : Well... I'm sorry for making you go throught that whole thing.

Athena : It's fine. I wouldn't have meet you if you didn't.

Y/N : So, you want me to pay you a tour of your new home ?

Athena : Gladly.

Y/N (whisperring) : Damn ! She's so goddamn hot !

Athena : What did you say ?

Y/N : Nothing.

They then headed to Beacon fortress as Athena felt something wrong inside of her as she was near Y/N while Y/N felt the same for her.

Y/N's legions are growing stonger thanks to their new general : Athena Taurus aka : Desghidorah, the three headed inferno.

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 3 coming next.)

Who do you want to be added in the harem ?

Should I make a small chapter about Kokabiel and his troops getting their asses rip and teared by Y/N's troops ?

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