Chapter 3 : visit of the "academy"

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(Art above isn't mine.)

normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

After the demons took the heads of the deads off and planted them on pics while also taking the wings, Y/N stood at his work with a smile.

Y/N : Just like everyday's casual massacre back in Hell.

He turned around to see Athena with a scared look on her face.

Y/N : Athena ? Is everything okay ?

Athena : They... helped Atlas during my...

Y/N put his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N : You don't need to worry about this anymore. You're at your new home.

Athena gaved Y/N a warm smile.

Y/N : How about you visit the academy ?

Athena : ... I wouldn't mind to.

However, an Imp runned to Y/N before bowing down to him.

Imp : My lord !

Y/N : Speak up Imp.

Athena : Not a good way to call your soldiers.

Imp : ... We're actually called Imps.

Athena : oh...

Y/N : Yeah, sometime us demons lack originality.

Imp : We've got reports of a future attack from the Kingdom of Mistral.

Y/N : Oh really ? Then prepare a counter force and attack the kingdom once their forces left.

Imp : Yes sir !

He then ran to gather the forces.

Y/N : Wanna visit my newly founded Beacon fortress ?

Athena : eh, sure.

Y/N and Athena then entered the academy.

Once inside, Athena saw that the inside was very castle-themed yet very advanced technologically.

Athena : Wow....

Y/N : Amazing right ?

Athena : Indeed. J-Just what are yo-

Y/N : A destoroyah.

Athena : A what ?

Y/N : A Titan race born in hell, unleashed by accident.

After a long walk, they arrived at a room with a giant flame in the middle.

Y/N : Let me show you.

Then the flame began to grow as it then showed the outerwordly landscaped of Hell.

Y/N : Hell. A name everyone associate with pain, suffering, chaos and misery... and they are right.

It then showed Hell demons invading other worlds.

Y/N : We were born and lived for one thing : to conquer and destroy, that was always the way of life for demons like us. There are more pacifist demons but eh, they're just ignored by everyone else.

Then it showed some demons toying with what seemed to be a weapon.

Y/N : Then they've gotten their hands on a weapon knowned as the "Oxygen Destroyer" and decided to blow a random place in Hell just for the funnzies. *chuckled* Big mistake.

Then the flame showed the demons watching the explosion of the Oxygen Destroyer while laughing before they were attacked and ripped to shread by a massive wave of smaller Destoroyahs as the bigger ones were flying from the pit.

Y/N : They ended us briging my kind to life. And from then, we arosed into the top of Hell's power chain.

It then showed the Destoroyahs destroying other demons before the flame showed an Icon of Sin trying to fight two Destoroyahs but was then grabbed by two of them.

Y/N : Not even the Icons of Sin, Hell's greatest weapons, were unable to compete with us.

It then showed a third Destoroyah charging at the Icon of Sin with it's horn glowing before it ot only decapitated the Hell Titan, but also cutted him in half. The three Destoroyahs then roared in victory.

Y/N : In the end, we became the Alpha Titans of Hell, only inferior to our bosses : the Hell Lords.

Athena : The... The Hell lords ?

Y/N : The equivalent of Gods in Hell.

Athena : To think... it tooked gods to stop your species.

Y/N : Well yes... and no. They were not our true difficulty.

Athena : Then who ?

Y/N : The bane of all demons in Hell, the one who brings fear even to the Hell Lords. The Doomslayer.

Then the flame showed the appearance of the Doomslayer, standing over a field full of corpses of demons, Hell Titans and even Destoroyahs.

Athena : Th-That's the Doomslayer ?!

Y/N : Yep. Luckily he's sealed now. And dear Satan may he stay sealed.

Then the flame went back to normal.

Y/N : Oh ? It seems we've arrived to the Argent Factory.

Athena : The what ?

The door then opened to reveal a long hallway with countless souls being tortured and bodies being put on top of each others into mountains of corpses.

Athena : Oh my...

Y/N : Welcome to the most known face of Hell : Suffering.

They began walking through the hallway and saw the demons working on the souls and even twisting the dead bodies into revived and cybernetised demonic infantry.

Athena : That's horrible.

Y/N : It's just good business.

Athena : What's happening here ?

Y/N : We're basically torturing souls for eternity to manufacture a better version of Argent Energy.

Athena : Argent Energy ?

Y/N : Hell's energy which can give "infinite power" to thoses worthy of it said some of our former working partners.

Athena : Then why torturing souls then ?

Y/N : That's because, by doing this, we're producting an even better version of Argent Energy nicknamed : "Suffering Argent Energy" that only the strongest demons can use, it's also the energy of our technology. Best part : By torturing thoses souls, Suffering Argent Energy is basically Infinite.

Athena : Oh God...

Y/N : Although, we prefer certain individuals.

Athena : What are they ?

Y/N : Sinners. The more sins a being possess, the greater and fester it produce Argent Energy.

Athena : And thoses who haven't sinned ?

Y/N : eh, we just kill them, take their bodies and let their souls go to "Heaven".

Athena : You truly are a demon.

Y/N : Thanks.

They then tooked an elevator that brought them to Y/N's office, where Ozpin's former office was.

Y/N : Welcome to my office.

Athena : Wow.

Then the two Marauders near Y/N's sit tooked out their weapon and were about to slash Athena down until Y/N stopped them.

Y/N : Don't. She's with me.

Then the Marauders putted their weapons down and bowed in respect before Athena.

Marauders : Apologies milady.

They then jumped back near Y/N sit as he sat on it.

Y/N : What do you think Athena ?

Athena : Very... terrifying.

Y/N : Glad to hear it.

But then Y/N looked through the window to see a few Bullheads approaching along with a small support from the Three factions.

Y/N : Seemes they didn't learned the first time...

He then tooked out his wings and flew outside, breaking the window in the process.

When the group from Union landed, they were greeted by the monstruous sight of the impalled Fallen Angels' heads on spikes and the Fortress that stand where Beacon once was.

Huntsman : what the-

Angel : What did they-

They then saw Y/N walking toward them as they tooked out their weapons.

Y/N : Welcome to Beacon fortress everyone !

Fallen Angel : SHUT YOUR MOUTH !

Pro Hero : What did you do to the acade-

Y/N : I asked a friend to destroy it and see if he could build a fortress on it's remain. And he did, and I thank him for that.

They didn't noticed the Grimm rising from the hidden pools.

Angel : You demonic abomination. In the name of Michael and the Lord, WE-

Y/N : will make you repend blablablabla I get it !

Angel : Don't interupt me you-

Y/N just blasted him with his Micro-Oxygen beam fired from his hand, leaving only a decomposing skull where the Angel formerly standed.

Y/N : Seriously you guys, find something where you're useful for one.

Pro Hero : We will, by-

He was then jumped on by Grimm beasts and reaped to shread as other Grimm beats were gathering near the Union squad as they looked at Y/N with fear. They tried to shot at him but realised nothing worked as Argent energy was near them.

Devil : You... monster !

Y/N : aww, thank you, you're so kind~

He then snapped his fingers and the grimm began slaughtering the entire squad as they screamed in agony. All the while Y/N smilled before laughing evilly.

He then camed back to his office with a smile on his face.

Athena : What happened ?

Y/N : Nothing, just a day where I see people getting massacred, just like I like them.

Then, a hologram appeared with a embarassed Cacodemon on the other side.

Y/N : Well well well. How is the invasiong going.

Cacodemon : uhhh.........

Y/N : Well ?

He asked as his eyes glowed.

Spider demon : Well sir, w-we were ready to launch the invasion and all that stuff until...

Y/N : Until ?

Imp : We arrived at the kingdom.

Y/N : And ?

Arch-vile : J-Just watch boss.

They then showed the Kindgom of Mistral being completely gone and on fire. It was already destroyed.

Athena : NO WAY !

Y/N : Okay, what happened ?!

CyberDemon : Well......... Apparently they organised a hunt for worshippers of you, and pretty much didn't cared about innocent lost, that's what they've said right ?

Imp : Yep.

Y/N : I'm... not sure it would be enough to case the kingdom to end up like this.

Spider Demon : I told you guys !

Athena : Then what could have destroyed Mistral so quickly ?!

Somewhere near the destroyed Mistral, a gigantic creature with blue-glowing dorsal plates looked back at the kingdom.

The monster then dissapeared in a bright flash of light.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 4 coming next.)

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