Chapter 14: A Long Wanted Assaulter

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"So you finally found your...answers?" Said Lance Hunsterson.

For a moment, Carson forgot all about his fear of consequence. As soon as he read that traumatizing article, he felt like raging and bursting every insult he can think of in his mind.

" dare you do that to an innocent woman." He said in a serious tone. Carson was clenching his fist. He looked up at Lance with tears escaping his eyes. Traumatized at his long time comfort character's actions and raged at the liar, Carson yelled, "YOU LIAR! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!"

Hunsterton only chuckled. But not the chuckle Carson once knew. "Just because you had dreams of the 'innocent woman,' your yelling at me for...

...murdering her?"

Carson grinned his teeth. "You were a dad to me..." He whimpered.

"But here you are."

Lance only laughed more. As soon as he was done teasing Carson, an evil smile crept his face. "You know, Carson. Ever since that day when you told me about your...'dream,'" Carson looked like he was ready for stabbing. "I knew one day you'd find out about...the truth. But yet, I still played 'father' for you.

...Now didn't I?"

"Your a terrible person." Carson felt more tears escape his face. Many things were happening in his mind right now. Carson shot his angry teary eyes at Lance before throwing a lamp at him, only to miss.

Lance dodged out of the way as Carson stepped infront of the work desk. "That's disrespectful~" Lance laughed. "You can't do that to your headmaster.." He teased.

"Your no headmaster." Carson scoffed. "Your a criminal." Lance acted out a fake yawn. "A MONSTER!" Carson yelled. "If the cops find out about this-"

Lance acted quick. He buzzed to Carson and covered his mouth from behind. Carson struggled getting out of his grasp.

"Let me go!" Carson let out a fainted muffled. He was losing oxygen.

Lance finally let go which left Carson catching for air. "If you tell anyone about this, you'll end up dead, like Heather." Lance threatened. Harshly, he kicked the 10 year old to the floor.

Carson landed face down, hitting his lip and nose. He turned around and looked up at Lance. He was wiping his lip, feeling as if he was bleeding. "The best thing you can do is own another orphanage."

Lance walked over to him and stepped a foot on Carson's back, getting him to grunt. "Don't underestimate me, young one." Lance growled. "Cause you know full well I can do more than 'owning another orphanage.'"

Lance smirked as he bent over to Carson, who was still on the floor. He was now on top of Carson with an evil smile. He saw Carson's tears, but yet, he ignored them. Carson was now full of anxiety, knowing full well, what Lance was going to do.


The moon was out of his mind, so was the glimmering ocean that dazzled him. All Carson could think of was what had just happened. He was behind his door, alone and scared. He was shivering and shaking, regardless of his bed infront of him, he refused to leave from behind his door.

Carson was too traumatized to go anywhere. Never once, he thought, has he cried or was this horrified this much before. All he wanted was to get out of this nightmare hole, safe some where else, anywhere but here.

How he wish he could be with his twin brother right now. Even though he only found out about him yesterday or if Edward probably doesn't even know him, he needed someone to comfort him. Hence, he'll take the woman in his dreams, Heather Harterman, as someone to comfort him.

At this point, he couldn't trust anyone. Not even his coach, his teachers, the janitor. Experiencing that with his former father figure, he felt like nobody he knew could comfort him.

He spoke softly, his own brother's name being the first word he speaks, "Edward...

...where are you...?"

Carson laid his head back down on his knees. His face was covered by an ocean of tears. He was calling out for his brother, even though he wasn't even around. Edward probably didn't even know him, but he knew Edward. And he needed Edward.

Out of hope, calling for someone seemed to be the only thing Carson could do.

'I'm weak.' He thought. 'I never say anything, I keep quiet.' Carson growled. He began to say things out loud, "Because I'm scared. Scared of what might happen." Carson had anger in himself. "Always worrying about consequences...risks. Those stupid words holding me back." He said.

But then he stopped.

"But I'm never going to do anything." He sobbed. "Even if I sound determined, I'm not." At this point, he didn't care if anyone was listening to him from behind the door. He needed to get his words out, but to himself.

"I'm not confident."

"I can never be."


He couldn't focus in class after what happened. Carson couldn't even look at Lance without shaking and shivering. And everytime he was near Lance, he always had a teacher with him.

Carson grew trust issues. Even if he was deciding not to trust anyone in the orphanage, he still made sure an adult was closed to him when he was near Lance.

"Andre?" Ms. Serenity called. "Please come up and answer the question." With that, Andre got up from his seat. He sat two rows infront of Carson.

While Andre was trying to answer the question, Carson was covered up in his thoughts. He wasn't paying attention to class. The only thing he focused on was how confident and fearless Andre looked. How lack of consequence-thinking Andre and his friends were. It was one thing Carson had to be jealous of. If he were as careless as them, he'd be shouting out comebacks and venting inner emotions without giving a care what people think.

He was jealous of three guys hes been despising since who knows when, as much as he was jealous of his own coach. She was as confident, even more confident and self-assured. Avery, or Amelia, it doesn't matter anymore. She was strong and careless, the complete opposite of what Carson is today.

After that traumatizing moment he had with Hunsterton, Carson grew more fearful and less confident than he was before.

"Carson? Carson?" The voice of Ms. Serenity's snapped Carson out of his thoughts. He turned to the teacher. "Can you please repeat of what Andre said?" She asked. Carson sighed quietly so she wouldn't hear.

"Umm..." Carson mumbled as he looked at Andre who was wearing that face of 'haha, that's so embarassing.' He felt dumb right now. He felt dumb and scared. Carson turned to the board and read,

Roman Map

The loss of sleep affected his mental abilties in thinking. Recently, he noticed that his grades were brought down because of low test results and missing work.

"I..." Carson mumbled. "...don't know." He finally responded. He felt humiliated. Carson's life was already bad before Lance did that. What could a 10 year old possibly do to make his life worst?

Ms. Serenity sighed. "Andre? Could you please explain again?"


The embarrassment from earlier couldn't stop Carson from thinking about the horrifying moment that happened between him and his very own headmaster. He couldn't stay calm when he saw other children near Lance, smiling and laughing with him, having no idea what path their crossing in.

But no matter how much Carson gave signs (avoiding Lance, keeping a sadden face, distancing staff members) nobody saw any.

Carson was now sitting on his bedroom, once again, thinking about life. It was Saturday and he couldn't think of anything else better to do. Recently, hes been losing sleep, avoiding all social workers, failing tests, getting bad grades, skipping fencing practice, eating less, and thinking about negativity more than before. But what surprised him the most is that the honey haired woman, Heather Hartman

"I need to get out of here." After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke. Carson looked out of the window and slightly smiled. 'Miss you.' He said to the ocean and the imaginary moon. He hadn't gotten a good smile after that one night.

Carson looked down on his knees again. "But how?" He asked himself. "This place is a whole island on water. It's an orphanage strayed from the cities!" Realizing he was speaking outloud, he switched to thought.

'But Edward...'

The name of his brother made him smile. After a few days, he finally got a good smile.

'I want to meet him.' He thought. 'I need to meet him.' Carson smiled wider. "And then we can do all the plans I plan to do! Board games, fencing, coming up with new handshakes..." Carson stopped talking.

He looked up at the door and when he did, his smile faded into a frown. 'I just need to know what orphanage hes in.' He dared thought about going in there again. "No...I can't." Carson whimpered.

"But Edward..." He spoke. It was either experience that traumatic moment again or risk it and find out where Edward's at.

"If I escape, I won't have to experience that moment at all again." Carson said. "But how will I escape? And what if the orphanage is in a different country? Edward doesn't even know me. How would I even know what he looks like? I'll have to leave children here, I can't just let them...experience what I experienced."

Carson sighed. There was nothing he could do. The best thing to do now is wait for a random family to come and adopt him and from there, he could escape and find Edward. But it's been 7 years since anybody wanted him. Was he really that unwanted?

Carson stared out in the window again. He heard and saw the waves crashing and the birds calling. The wind howled and instead of the moon, the sun shined. It looked a beautiful day out. And for some reason, something about the outside seemed to be inspiring him to get in that office, find where Edward is, and track him down.

Depression and lack of confidence held him back. The thought, 'What if I didn't get caught' tried pushing him ahead. The sea reminded Carson of running free and getting out of this place.

He kept turning from the sight to the door.


After a moment of thinking, Carson finally made a decision. He had the same confidence he had those other nights when he snuck in the headmaster's office.

He peeped his head out, no one was there. Everyone was either in there rooms, eating lunch, or somewhere else in the orphanage. He closed the door. He finally made a stop to his thinking, summing up to a decision. And that decision is finding out where Edward is.

He didn't care about the possible negative things that could happen. All he thought about was bonding with his brother,


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