Chapter 19: Regret & Forget

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It wasn't all that easy, to just forget that fast. To process every single thing that you've done with them inside your mind, only to vanish away into a strange memory, you feel like you wished never happened.

But regret was different. It was easy to regret, the flash memories inside your mind, happening quickly, and after that happens, it's easy to wish those things never happened in the first place.

"Moon, moon..." A voice called out. He would hear the same familiar voice each night. It constantly tried to wake him, but every time he tried to, the voice would always vanish.

Here he was, hearing the same voice all over again. 'Blink', he thought. But nothing happened. Blink again, and another. Nothing. He was unconscious, he wasn't waking up. But just because he wasn't waking up, doesn't mean hes dead.

"Moon...moon." The voice called again. "M00n"


The whole room was empty. Nothing but a bunch of nurse supplies that Carson had no idea of using or even a familiar memory of it. A window, it was next to Carson's nurse bed. He looked at the other side of his bed, and only then realized he was in the hospital.

Carson found himself laying on his bed with pain in his eye. He looked around and saw no one, just the same old setting with the unfamiliar nurse stuff and the bandadges that covered him. He looked outside the window and heard unfamiliar noises coming from outside.

The streets. He was in the streets, a long time dream he wanted to achieve since he was a small kid. But being all joyful for the streets wasn't somthing he wanted to be happy about right now.

"Carson?" A woman's voice called. It was a familiar voice, Nurse Lilian's. The door was slightly opened and Carson saw Lilian, peeping her head out the door. She smiled softly at the young child and said in a sweet voice, "How are you feeling?"

'Hurt.' Is what he really wanted to say. But Lilian would never understand, the closest person to ever understand so far was Claire Bernadett. He took a deep breath, smiled, and shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Are you hungry?" Lilian smiled. She opened the door fully and revealed a stack of food on top of a cart. She pushed the cart in and opened one of the lids. "We didn't knew your favorite, so we just made you everything we could." She smiled shyly and slightly embarrassed.

"Thank you, ma'm." Carson smiled.

"A nurse of this hospital is going to ask you some things, alright?" Lilian said.

"What about you?" Carson asked. "Aren't you a nurse?" He managed to say before winching at the pain of his eye.

"I am but, they asked me to work here to assist." Lilian shrugged. "I'm only here to check on the patients and report the actual nurses that work here that the patient is awake."

Carson slowly picked up a fork. He was going in for the spaghetti until he stopped when the blonde nurse asked, "Do you need help with that?" Carson stopped. He looked at her and then his food. He slowly shaked his head in a sign of "no, thank you" before taking a bite of the rolled up spaghetti.

"A nurse is coming over here to help you." Lilian said. She walked away, but before she could exit, she took the moment to say, "Enjoy your food." And with that, she exited the door.

Lilian closed the door behind her. She looked down and felt a tear escape her eye. She walked over to the right of Carson's door, covering her mouth and nose as she cried softly. Her concerned heart, shattered and scared, because of the fact a child was beaten up to a hospital bed.


"And your all good?" A male nurse asked.

Carson nodded in response. Another nurse said "Positive?" to make sure of it. Carson nodded to the female nurse.

Carson's face was still bandadged up. The rest of his body was doing fine, but his eye still had pain. It wasn't a massive pain like what he felt those past nights, but it was doing okay and it was healing for each day he stayed at that hospital.

He was about to board a boat to his orphanage. He was standing on a raft that led to a small boat. Carson was carried to the shores by an ambulance. Everywhere he looked were unfamiliar faces, a bunch of people with cameras, behind a tape.

He looked at Nurse Lilian and Ms. Serenity. "What are they doing?" He asked innocently.

Ms. Serenity and Lilian looked at each other before turning back to Carson. "Picturing us." Serenity finally responded.

"Why...?" Carson asked. "Did we do something?"

"No." Lilian smiled, trying to cover up the fact people were trying to get attention and interviews out of a beaten up kid. "Their just...curious." Lilian slightly scowled at the people as she pushed Carson forwards.

Carson finally reached the boat and Ms. Serenity and Nurse Lilian hopped on. The three facinated their seatbelts, Serenity starting the boat.

The two other nurses waved a goodbye and off they went.


Carson really wished he could've enjoyed the actual cities once he had the chance. But finally, at this way, he could get a better look at the ocean and some time to process about what happened that night. Still, he didn't want to go to that hell of a place, Hunsterton Orphanage.

The car ride to the shores was a bit a awkward. Carson didn't even make eye contact with anyone. He just stared into the streets and the tall buildings that stood before him. For as long as he could remember, all Carson could familiarize was his orphanage. It looked like a modern boarding school for proper students, and advanced classes, and let's not forget the "dorms."

But it wasn't a school, it was an orphanage. The buildings in the new city didn't looked that much different from Carson's orphanage. The orphanage's classes and rooms were inside a round shaped two story building. If you were to look at it from the sky, it would look like a round shaped donut. In the center, was the main area, where the announcments were made. The cities were rectangular buildings with multiple windows for each floor.

Carson's orphanage, did too, had parallelogram buildings. The check out area stood in the way front, it was a square shaped place. From the right and left of his orphanage were similar tall shaped buildings, which he could remember held the classes and rooms of disabled kids. Next to the tall shaped building in the right was the gym that held all kinds of sport equipments. To way left was the cafeteria.

That was all he could think about to forget what happened that one night. He had a talk with Lilian and Serenity. They were explaining to him things that happened after Carson fell unconscious.

"When you fainted, the cops came in and finally took Lance." Serenity explained as she looked at Carson staring out in the streets. The boy didn't bother to look at her. He didn't feel like it, but so far he liked this conversation of Lance getting arrested.

"You know, Carson, everyone's sorry that happened." Lilian mumbled. "And anyone that had anything to do with this was either taken to a hospital, had a talk with the cops, or is in jail."

"Is Andre in jail?" Carson muttered. A side of him wanted to cheer and throw a party now that Andre was finally in jail. But another wished he could've got something else that was still a punishment but not as worst as going to jail. Andre has been through a lot, but all Carson did was shake his head. 'Maybe he deserved it.' He thought. 'Afterall, he did try to kill Edward.'

"Yes." Serenity answered. "And so is Jack and Jaceson. Their all staying there until further notice. Well, Lance is staying there permanently." She continued to explain. "Ms. Bernadett was taken to the hospital too."

"Why?" Carson asked.

"I think it's because after the fight, she felt like her baby was coming out." Lilian shrugged. "Avery had the most talk with the police but some police are still there. When we get there, they're going to have to ask you every exact detail that happened."

"Where's Avery now?" Carson asked.

"She's fine." Lilian said. "But because of her broken arm, she can't fence right now."

"We're still under the police's watch because of what happened. Everything's still getting taken care of and everybody needs a break because of that night. We won't have normal classes and everyone has the whole entire month to take a break." Serenity said.


And now here they are, in the ocean, driving back to the orphanage. Everything Carson was just remembering brought him to a new conversation, "I broke into the headmaster's office." He spoke. "After suspicions that something was off-"

"You should explain this to the police." Serenity cut him off.

"I figured you two should know this now." Carson almost scowled, annoyed. He took a deep breath and continued. "I saw the map, and I didn't see our orphanage anywhere."

Serenity bit her lip. "It's not supposed to be in the map."

"What do you mean?" Carson asked. He shifted his gaze away from the water and turned to Serenity. Lilian stayed quiet.

"Did you see how Hunsterton has been an assaulter? Anywhere?" Serenity asked.


"Well, my best guess is, he hacked into the system and removed the orphanage location from the map." Serenity explained in theory.

"Was it to avoid the cops?" Carson asked. What he saw that night was odd, and it did say Hunsterton owned an orphanage before he started this one.

"Maybe." Serenity shrugged. "Not alot of people know this but, the orphanage we have now used to be a morgue."

Carson's eyes widened. He blinked blankly at the employee. He knew she teached history but things like that?

"It's a dark secret I have, but, when I was younger, I used to work in that morgue. I was around 19 or 20, maybe. My father worked there, and that morgue was something barely anyone knew about." Serenity explained. "I'm not sure if it's been removed from the map, but my father was a mysterious man. He would escape in the middle of the night to work in that morgue, and even in family dinners."

"Do you think he had something to do with Hunsterton?" Carson muttered, shivers running down.

"He did." Serenity responded. "My father killed himself to avoid the cops. He knew everything that was going on, and before he died, he smiled at the last footage I found of him, 'I'd rather die than suffer.'" Serenity bit her lip.

"So he gave away the morgue to Lance." Carson mumbled.

"I guess he gave away the dead body parts to a black market, and then he used that money to build-"

"You know all this?" Carson asked. His suspicions grew.

"I do know thats what Lance could've done." Serenity shrugged. "Carson, I'm on your side." She assured.

"I know you are." Carson said. "You should be."


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