Chapter 27: Edward

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The destruction that was part of their fault was slowly healing again, turning into something he never thought he would have.

Carson ran through each direction, each way he found gore and boulders. Wondering if this was the right decision- to fight someone for another person.

Many people might think hes insane for risking his life, but he decided to do it. This was his decision and there was no turning back.

Either way, if he were to turn back, there'd be a huge boulder blocking him or he'll probably get too disgusted at the sight of dismembered limbs scattered across the floor.

He was unprepared for this- fighting his bully that's been his enemy since who knows what. His allies were probably there too with fists and kicks ready for him. If he was unlucky, maybe even weapons.

Carson already saw the ropes that came out of the helicopter and three familiar looking people climbing down: Jaceson, Jack, and Andre. With each metal thing he could find while running, he sharpened the tip of his sword- ready.

There was no time to be afraid, there was no time to doubt.


After a while of running, he finally came to the place he could've sworn the three headed to- his room. Carson didn't know why they were going to his room out of all places, but thats where he saw they were heading to.

He was only getting closer to his room, and just by the sight of the door, Carson's memories began flashing. The many times hes cried in there, spent in there, and stayed there- out of all places, this was where they decided to fight.

Before he entered, he took a deep breath and kicked the door wide open. To his surprise, there were no cracks and only a small amount of his ceiling was broken. Everything else remained the same. There were only things knocked down from the intense shaking.

'They're here.' He thought to himself.

He was right.

All the sudden, he felt a large and strong blow hit his back, making him fall a few steps forward. He turned around, on which he regretted. Turning around only made him fall back again, the person punched his face and striked their elbow on his stomach.

He grunted at the pain- totally unprepared. Carson's mind snapped back to focusing, catching the person's fist and kicking them backwards. Carson got a better look of this perso. Their appearance was the same the last time he saw them- light brown hair, pistachio eyes, and fair skin: Andre.

"You finally came." Andre said. "Been a while." With that, he striked his fist going for Carson's neck. The rage in his green eyes explained everything that was going on his mind. No matter how much trauma Andre was in, Carson didn't decide to hold back.

He stopped his fist from hitting his neck and tried striking a fist across Andre's face. They began punching each other, but with each fist someone tried to lay in, the other dodged. The pattern only stopped when Andre managed to punch Carson across the face. He tried going again but Carson dodged and tackled Andre on the wall.

"LOOK AT ME!" Carson yelled. Out of sorrow and anger, Andre tried escaping his grasp. He threw in his hands to try and hit Carson. Carson only moved right and left when he did. He managed to avoid his hits until he was hit in the stomach.

He fell backwards but Andre didn't stop from there. Andre tried kicking Carson's stomach but was blocked by both of Carson's hands. He launched a kick on Andre's stomach, and continued to kick him on the same spot until he crashed on the wall.

Carson quickly took out his fencing sword and lunged it on Andre's chest. They both looked at each other with rage and sorrow. Carson could hear Andre's heavy breathing. The sword tip was still on Andre's chest.

"Cancer didn't kill your brother." Carson began explaining the truth. He panted- both from running and fighting. "He did. Lance Hunsterton."

"You don't want revenge, Andre. You just want him back."

The rage in Andre's eyes dropped. His sorrow was still there, you could see it by just looking at his eyes. Carson continued, "You just want someone there for you, Andre. I can be that someone, just please let me-"

"I DON'T NEED ANYONE ELSE!" Andre yelled. He pushed Carson's sword away from his chest. "I want him, Carson. No one else."

"Hes gone, Andre." Carson said in a soft tone. He felt like crying when he pointed that out.

"But your's isn't." Andre smirked. "You wanted to fence with your brother, do everything with each other. I wanted the same for mines!" Andre cried in grief. There were angry tears coming from his sorrowful eyes. "You can have that with someone you can have, but I can't."

"He may of had been killed, but your the one who really took him away."

Andre striked another fist at Carson right at his nose. Andre tackled Carson to the floor and began punching him everywhere in the face.

Carson kicked and punched back. He managed to lay a kick on Andre's stomach. That kick got Andre off of Carson. Carson stood up but was knocked back on the ground by someone else.

He looked up and saw a familiar person helping Andre off the ground. Brunette hair and greyish blue eyes- Jaceson.

After helping Andre get up, Jaceson looked towards Carson with a raged look. He ran towards him and kicked him on the lip. Carson fell backwards and caught his whole body on the ground. Already, his lip was bleeding. Jaceson was always the most aggressive one anyway.

Sudden flashbacks started to flash again as Jaceson grabbed a chunk of Carson's hair. Carson remembered this.

Jaceson dragged Carson's body like a ragdoll closer to the bed's wooden part. Before he could bang his head on the wooden part of the bed, Carson headbutted Jaceson's stomach.

He stepped backwards a little bit. Carson stood up and tackled Jaceson on the wall. Andre tried to kick him from the back, but Carson kicked his stomach first, pushing him away. Jaceson was about to strike again until Carson kicked him across the head.

And that's when another person came in. The orphanage's former most cheeky person- Jack. Carson was kicked backwards, away from both Jaceson and Andre.

The three all gathered together as they stared at Carson with a cold look. Three guys- one boy.

But that's alright.

This wasn't the first time anyway.

The three charged towards Carson with fists and kicks. Carson jumped to kick Andre across the face. The kick pushed Andre away and while one of them was away, he punched Jack in the stomach and shoved him on the same spot with his elbow. Jaceson almost striked a punch on Carson, but Carson grabbed his fist and punched his arm. He kicked him in the stomach with one leg and on the thigh with the other.

"The person who gets hit, gets out of the platform."

'So when I hit, they get out of the room.'

Andre came charging back, Carson dodged and punched him in the lip. He was about to punch him across the face if it weren't for Jack and Jaceson. They grabbed Carson's arms and held him back.

Just like old times.

Andre got up and kicked Carson across the face. Carson broke out of Jack and Jaceson's grasp by elbowing the spot underneath Jack's clavicle. Jaceson harshly wrapped both his arms around Carson- which Carson slithered under. He flipped Jaceson over him, making him crash onto Andre.

While the two struggled to get up, Carson decided to eliminate Jack first. Andre was blinded by revenge and these two were beyond loyal to their friend, there was no way he could get a proper conversation with Andre otherwise. The truth was spoken out but letting go was something Andre was going through- which Carson had experienced.

Andre wanted to kill Carson, but Carson just wanted to talk.

Carson kicked Jack with his knee on the stomach, striking and charging for his face while he tried pushing him off the window. It was a dance of offense and defense while Andre and Jaceson tried charging again.

He couldn't eliminate Jack with Jaceson and Andre trying to hit him from the side and back. Carson kicked Jack on the face- making his nose and lip bleed. He hoped that would keep him busy while he tried to fight off Andre that was on his side and Jaceson that was on his back.

Carson striked Jaceson's chin with his knee before quickly punching Andre across the face. While Jaceson was backed away, Andre tried punching Carson on the face only to have his punch blocked by both of Carson's arms.

While Carson blocked Andre, he kicked Jaceson's stomach. After that, he punched Andre's stomach making him fall to the ground.

Carson kicked Jaceson's ribcage on the drawers, making him fall with the drawer. He grabbed a chunk of Jaceson's hair and banged his head on the drawer.

Jack kicked Carson away from his friend and they continued their dance of hitting and dodging. Eventually, Carson grabbed his fencing sword and ripped Jack's arm when Jack punched him in the stomach. There was a huge cut on Jack's arm, which he began groaning at.

Carson kicked Andre's lip, making his whole body fall to the ground while he tried eliminating Jack off the window. Finally, after dodging Jack's hits from left to right, Carson managed to kick Jack off the window.

He watched Jack groan as he felt his stomach in pain. The amount of times Carson had punched him in the stomach got Jack knocked on the ground.

Carson turned around and got his body slammed on the wall. Jaceson grabbed Carson's neck and he tried getting his hands off his neck.

He couldn't afford to lose air now. Carson kicked Jaceson's stomach once again, making him fall back. As Jaceson was about to charge again, Carson grabbed his hair and slammed him on the wall.

He pulled his hair and dragged him until he was out the window. Carson looked at the floor with the broken pieces of glass. Jack and Jaceson were groaning from pain. He was too busy at them, he didn't realize that Andre was still behind him.

Carson caught himself rolling out the window from Andre's kick. He got himself up and watched as Andre stepped out of the window.

Jaceson and Jack were helping each other stand up from the ground. They went to Andre's right and left, as they walked towards Carson with raged eyes. Carson stepped backwards- prepared and confident.

He was with no doubt this time.

"I wonder what Edward would feel like if his brother was dead." Andre smirked, punching his palm with his fist. He looked both sides to his friends, who were smirking back at him.

This was completely out of plan. Carson wanted to get Andre alone so he could talk about the truth- the real villain. It wasn't like his plan was already a fail anyway.

It seemed like here- no matter how much Andre knew about Hunsterton actually killing his brother, nothing could replace the hatred Andre had for Carson. He didn't want Carson's symphony. To Andre, no symphony of another person can replace all the memories he had with his brother.

And even if it wasn't technically Carson's fault, Andre blamed him for not getting a chance to say goodbye.

"He'd be down on the ground cradling your body." Andre said. "Just like what I would've done to my brother." He took a sharp breath. "IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU!"

 "ANDRE!" Carson yelled but Andre had already striked a punch on Carson's face. Carson grabbed Andre's fist, preventing it from hitting his face again.

He was kick on the ribcage by Jack and on the waist by Jaceson. "I DIDN'T KNOW!" Carson yelled again. "I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!" His voice and mind of everything that was happening kept him from defending himself by Jack and Jaceson's hits and kicks. All Carson could do was defend himself from Andre's punches and strikes while he tried screaming out his side of the story.

"Well you should've!" Andre yelled. He harshly moved Carson's hands away and kicked his stomach. Carson fell to the ground and only then did all three stop with the offense. "The day he admitted that you were the favorite brother! NOT ME!"


"He found you as a brother more than me..." Andre scoffed. "Don't you remember? When we were younger, he started to pay more attention to you than he did to me." He began explaining. "That night I escaped, I found his death letter that the police were keeping." He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and hurled it at Carson.

If anyone's reading this,

I just wanna let you know, that I don't think I have that much time left.

There's blood everywhere on the floor, and my whole leg was cut off. Its so scary over here, I just wanna go home.

Where its safe.

And cozy.

But ever since that day, I don't think I'll ever get to experience those feelings ever again.

Everything hurts- and I'm dying. I don't wanna die.

 There's so many things out there that I wanna see, wanna feel, and wanna experience. And I don't think he'll like it when I'm gone.

I don't wanna lose him, my little brother.

I should've said goodbye more.

One way or the other, I'm gonna reunite with him again.

My brother, Carson.

"That's your name." Andre said. "Not mines." He said with tears forming from his eyes. "That letter was for you, Carson. Not for me."

"Wow..." Carson opened his mouth. He placed it on the ground and said, "That can't be. I mean, what if he wrote something for you? And the police haven't found it-"

"Not a single sign." Andre cut him off. "That my name was supposed to be mentioned there. In any way. You see, Carson? Not only did you stole my chance, but you stole him."

"And I don't need your damn symphony to cover up that fact." Andre said with a cold and deadly tone. He scoffed, "And to think- you guys aren't even biological brothers! Hes not your Edward, hes not your fencing opponent, hes not your damn brother."

"Hes mine."

One tear escaped Carson's eyes. Suddenly, he started to regret all those punches and kicks he laid on Andre. He didn't realize how much pain Andre was in- having your dead brother's death letter be for someone else, someone more special than your own. 

"If it's my fault, then kill me." Carson said. "Leave Edward out of this."

"I told you once, I can tell you again." Andre said. He took a step closer to Carson- who was close to tearing up on the ground.

"If my brother dies, yours does too."

He kicked Carson across the face, and landed another one across his forehead. Carson caught his whole body on the ground. Before Andre could lay another kick, Carson took out his fencing sword and stabbed the tip onto Andre's leg skin.

Lunging the sword deeper, he managed to push Andre away to his friends. Jack and Jaceson caught Andre and all four began throwing in kicks and punches again.

They were all blinded by revenge.

And at this very momeng, there was no convincing.

Carson dugged his sword onto the ground. He jumped up, spinned, and kicked all three over the face. He kicked Jaceson's stomach away while stabbing his sword onto Andre's abdomen. They were small stabbings, but they still hurt. Carson dugged out his sword from Andre and ripped Jack's shoulder.

His sword was the only supportive thing he had. This dance of hitting and dodging soon ended when he heard something that seemed like it was falling.

The helicopter.

Carson managed to push all three of them away to make some time to look at the helicopter. And that's when he saw Avery bowing.

"NO!" Carson yelled. He ran towards the shores, leaving the three behind. They all chased after him- all the way to the ocean. "AVERY!" He yelled with tears flowing from his eyes.

He got closer to the ocean and when he did, he was already too late.

The helicopter crashed onto a huge rock. It left a massive explosion that made Andre and his friends step back a little. The waves were pushing Carson back. But that didn't make him step away.

He covered himself with his arms, blocking the smoke and the fire sparks that flew. After a moment of fire sparks flying and the after effects of an explosion, Carson coughed from the smoke.

He now had red eyes from crying. Once he saw that, he felt like dying at that very moment- already wanting to end it all. Carson wanted to be in that helicopter crash, along with Avery, so he could die peacefully. That, or just die at this very spot- that shared his favorite memories with his favorite person.

With each tear was a strand of memory.

He cried his heart out. Carson closed his eyes, knowing he couldn't see anymore. Not because of the smoke, but because he really didn't wanna see the cause of Avery's death. He grew more sorrow and even more anger when Andre stepped up.

Heartlessly and coldly, he spoke. "Next is Edward."

Carson screamed in anger and vain. He reacted quickly and punched Andre in the face. He kicked him in the stomach once more before strangling his neck and tackling him on the ground. Then started the punching.

They got Avery, but they weren't getting Edward.

Carson had already busted Andre's lip. He kept punching his mouth until two teeth fell off. Carson went for the nose- which was already bleeding. Blinded by rage, Carson had stuck the tip of his sword inside Andre's nose.

His eyes turned purple and they bled even more as Carson punched. Somehow, he was stronger than him. Out of all the times Andre had beaten Carson, at this very moment, he grew angerier and stronger.

Jack and Jaceson stepped in as soon as possible. But Carson grabbed Jack by the neck and hurled him over to the ocean. Andre was already beaten and by the looks of his broken face, he was starting to grow unconscious.

Carson flipped Jaceson's whole body over him before he could tackle him. Carson kicked inside of Jaceson's mouth, taking out two of his front teeth. He stepped on Jaceson's eye- making it bleed and making him scream.

Carson ran over to Jack and shoved his head down the water. He pushed his head deeper onto the water to the point where he couldn't breathe anymore. The water had suffocated Jack and finally, Carson pulled Jack's head back and aggressively hit it on a rock. Blood came out and the water around Carson and Jack's dead body turned greyish red.

"JACK!" Jaceson cried. Carson quickly reacted when Jaceson was about to punch him on the face. Carson took out his sword and stabbed it inside Jaceson's mouth. He deepened it making blood drip from inside of his mouth. Carson shoved it deeper and finally, he shoved it down Jaceson's throat- making him fall to his death.

Carson released his sword from Jaceson's mouth. He turned towards Andre- who was laying on the ground. He then turned towards the two deceased bodies- realizing it was his ex tormentors' bodies.

Regretting nothing, Carson turned towards the ocean. He was sweating, his heart was racing, his mind was out of sanity, and everything was hurting. He tried processing everything that was happening and then suddenly realizing that he had enough with the process of his mind.

Now, all three and Hunsterton were dead. And there was no one coming after Edward. Carson looked down on the sand with tears coming from his eyes. He didn't take glory into killing any of these guys- but he took pride into protecting his brother.

He couldn't save Avery, but he did save Edward.

Carson managed to make a smile despite everything that was happening. Tears ran down his cheeks. He took a deep breath and spoke in a soft tone, "Brother."

This was it.

This was the end.

Carson never liked the sun. But he felt its heat on his face. The sand was still as soft as ever. But now that no one was hear to feel it with, it wasn't the same anymore. The screaming of people ended and thats when Carson realized that he was the only alive person left in this burden.

The waves had gotten louder. But not as loud as the voices in his head and the flash memories of every good thing he had with anyone in this orphanage. He could feel his tears and the pain in his eyes from crying. The scars he got from his former bullies were still hurting. But the things that were going on in his head were hurting more.

There would be no more sorrow with anyone else now that these four were dead. But the thought of Avery dying and even by just the smell of the smoke, Carson grew a flood on his face. And also the fact that this burden had fallen into ruins just like his peony dream got him in vain aswell.

Holding his fencing sword, he felt like this was enough and that Edward was safe. Carson felt confident into thinking he was safe aswell.

But he got too confident.

He didn't realize that one of them were only hurt, not dead.

He had picked up a huge rock. With all his might, he threw it as soon as Carson turned around. The rock hit Carson's head and when it did, his whole world had just stopped.

Blood dripped from the upper left side of his head. It dripped all the way from his upper left side to his neck. The rock fell on the sandy floor. One last tear escaped Carson's eye before falling to his death.

The culprit, the one responsible, Andre stood up, watching his victim die. He heartlessly stared at him, regretting nothing.

But if anything, nobody was going to survive this.

Andre fell on his knees, hitting the ground. His death was growing closer because of the amount of injuries and pain Carson caused. He had his whole body on the sandy floor and took his last breath. Just like everyone else.

There were cracks everywhere and many boulders thrown inside. Bodies were underneath either ceiling parts or boulders, or were killed by bombs exploding- scattering their limbs. This whole place was destructed.

And at this very place, was where he had to do chores and pressure himself from strict teachers. Was where he got bullied by three people- the ringleader only being a broken world. Was where he found out someone he once trusted was a long wanted criminal. Was where he experienced trauma and had people abuse him in any way possible. The place where he shared memories with a person who only then became a memory, a hero. And the place, where he fought to save his brother. Carson's whole world was destructed.

It was all, Destruction.

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