Chapter 7: A Negative Theory

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It's been days after the "mistake" Carson did. He still couldn't believe he forgot to check Andre's paper. He couldn't find the reason why Andre, Jack, and Jaceson hated him. But Carson did know why he, himself hated them.

The reason couldn't get more simpler: they were mean and annoying.

You can tell why they were mean. But annoying?Everytime Carson was forced to do something for them, and he fails, the three would get all angry about it. Carson would face-palm inside. This ridiculous reaction left him thinking, 'then why'd you ask me to do it?' He wished, just wished, he could say those things out loud to them. But unfortunatley, the words "risks" and "consequences" held him back. He may have confidence, but only for things that don't involve Andre, Jack, or Jaceson.

Speaking of the three,

Carson didn't see the three for days. They lived in the same orphanage but it seemed like they randomly dissapeared. But that was a good thing, right? Besides, the last people Carson would want to see are his bullies.

Recently, people have been avoiding Carson. It was more normal to him but the fact that everytime he would approach someone or be close to someone, and they walk away, worried Carson. It was like he was someone they don't like. But he decides not to care. According to him, having thoughts of negative things was a waste of time. 

The warmth of the library satisfied Carson. He loved the quietness the library gave him. The place was like an imaginative place Carson would often go to to escape the bullying he was going through. Even if it doesn't really bother him, the abuse discreased his confidence level.

The bookshelves covered him, like the clouds covered the sun in a rainy night. He was, of course, sitting by himself (introvert.) Reading a red book, all he had was fantasy and thriller related things inside his mind. He was reading a sci-fi book, enjoying the peace. That is, until it lasted. Carson's focus was dragged out of reading when he heard Andre's voice.

Ever since Carson forgot to do one thing, hes gotten a little more scared with Andre, Jack, and Jaceson. He would always get nervous. But this time, he chose to try and stay calm. With Andre in the room, Carson couldn't focus on the book he was reading. He couldn't hop onto the next sentence, he kept reading the same "and when he did..." sentence all over again. The same sentence began to mess with his head. He finally came to a decision where he gave up reading. Carson carefully placed the book back on the same exact place where he got it.

His back was turned. But what caused him to turn around was the gasping of a girl's voice. Carson tried looking through a bookshelf. Whatever that girl gasped at, got Carson's attention.

He gave up trying to see behind the bookshelf that was covering his view. Eventually, Carson took off. He left the library.


Class was awkward.

Since Carson couldn't see the girl's (from earlier) face or any detail of her appearence, he didn't know if the girl who was staring directly at him was her. A black haired girl with green eyes stared at him with a dead look: a death stare. Every 5 minutes, she would turn around, stare a death stare, and roll her eyes. After all those unecessary and ridiculous attitude traits, she'd turn around and face her back against him.

Well, won't you look at that! Carson's second week in 3rd grade and apparently, some girl already seemed to hate Carson.

The 77th time (according to Carson's annoyance) of the girl turning around and death staring him, Carson flashed an attitude look back at her.

The girl looked surprised and annoyed at his look back. She looked like she was about to fight him. The blacked haired girl turned to another girl sitting beside her. She had blonde hair and green eyes.

Carson heard her whispering about something. He didn't know what, but for sure, she was whispering something. He decided not to pay attention to what they were saying. Carson looked back at what the teacher was teaching.

The blonde haired girl gasped.

The sight of her turning around to face Carson caught his attention. He stared at her, confused. But then the girl switched her face into a death stare.

He didn't know what was happening. The sound of Andre's quiet laughter gave him an idea. Just because he was a small 7 year old dreamer doesn't automatically mean hes not intelligent. Carson accidentally getting Andre in trouble, Andre and his friends dissapearing, people avoiding him, Andre whispering something to someone else, the (possibly, theoretically) same girl death staring at him, her whispering something to her friend, the other girl giving Carson a similar death stare, Andre's laughter- summed up to one thing.

They were spreading rumors.

He wasn't for sure if this theory was real. But the face of those two girls, everyone's attitude towards him, and Andre laughing was his evidence. He sure hoped his theory was wrong though. Carson could take three guys hating him, not every orphan in the whole entire orphanage.

Either way, Carson doesn't talk to alot of people. He sure hoped those kids had intelligence. Since he barely talked to anyone and everyone barely talked to him, he sure hoped they would use their brains and think "I don't know much of this guy, who am I to believe in such stuff?"

But even if these kids have an ability like intelligence or anything like that, Carson still sits on a lunch table alone. Even if they were spreading rumors, Carson would still read by himself. Even if every orphan did hated him, he would still be his quiet introvert self, not giving a care about what other people think. As long as he knew the truth about himself, nobody would prove him wrong.


Carson felt like one small sunflower, small and little. He saw his fellow orphans as big sunflowers, tall and huge. Everybody in the cafeteria was looking at him. He acted like they weren't, but they were.

They just stared at him. Some were death staring, some were afraid, and some just...stared. Like they were staring into the distance.

'Talk about staring problems.' He thought.

One day. Just one day, he will yell proudly "SHUT UP" or "Your saying I'm cringe, when your the one with bunny teeth for bangs." He will yell all of those comebacks leaving people speechless. Sometimes, he wished he didn't have the word "consequences" inside his mind. Hence, he wished it left his mind. He wished instead of "consequences," he'd have "confidence." He hoped that one day a sentence will replace "Don't say that, they'll beat you up!" He didn't want that. He didn't need that. But what he needed was: a sentence like..."Prove them wrong." A confident sentence. A motivating one that'll trigger him to defend himself.

'One day,' he says. 'One day. But that day is not this day. For now, we shine like the stars. Small, but shining. After all, the stars are still stars as much as the sun, right?'

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