Part II - Shadowed Help

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Published: July 3, 2023
Words: 1007
{Blaza PoV}


I jolted up from my sleep and held my machine gun close while slowly exiting my tent, I had done this yesterday morning, I assumed it was just more R.E.Ms and I'd have to deal with them. (A/N R.E.Ms stand for Rogue Erudition Machinery/Animalia yes I did just come up with that.)

Nobody else in my tent was awake, this was usually the case. People tell me they've moved their arm and I've been holding my gun before they could blink, but I don't recall that. I stepped outside and saw at least half a kilometre of big and small R.E.Ms shooting venom from all angles.

I didn't hesitate for a second before running to the R.E.Ms to hold them off from the tents, my eyes still clouded with sleepiness. But when I got around the tall bushes, I didn't see the overwhelming amount of Machinery and Animals charging to us, instead I saw.. someone else holding them off. They weren't just holding them off, they were taking out all of them. I couldn't see anything but a black blur and the falling of R.E.Ms.

My instincts told me to kill the person, but I ran forward and helped them finish them off, my hands shaking with adrenaline. Once we finished, I pulled my pocket knife out of my sweater and held it against their throat, even if they helped us, they can't be trusted so easily.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"That's on a need to know basis. And I want to help you." Hearing that, I softened my press on the knife. I've had to kill so many people who just wanted to hurt us, but never have I seen someone who wanted to help.

"Hm. Fine. Could you at least lose the gas mask and hood? I can't see shit about you."

"No. And take these other gas masks, the venom has started to become airborne, you'll need it. Give them to the other people."

"Wait! Why are you helping us?" I asked, it was strange this complete stranger was giving us help, and even weirder they wouldn't show their identity. A question came to mind as they wandered away while I held the several masks, it was worth a try.. I would ask eventually.

"I've seen too many people die, and I've lost people. I don't want you to go through that."

"Well.. thank you..."

"It's no problem. Take care of yourself, Blazabee." I got confused at how this person knew my name, but that question wouldn't leave my mind.

"Have you seen someone named SocksFor1..?"

They stopped and looked at me, well.. I couldn't see their face, but their head was turned to face me, so I continued. "He's about as tall as my chest.. brown hair, brown eyes.. usually wearing orange..?"

"..No. I haven't. I'm sorry you've lost them." Well, what did I expect..? But I guess it was worth the try.

"Thanks for the help anyways." I said as they walked away. That was strange, definitely not how I expected to start my morning. I sat outside and watched the sunrise as people slowly woke up and joined me outside.

Nadwe had information to back up what the stranger said about the virus contaminating the air, so everyone agreed to wearing the masks. I was surprised when there was actual evidence behind what they said, but it was better than dying. The air was lively, everyone happily talking as Laff made breakfast, but there was still a lot of tension considering we had to leave the area at noon.

We all ate some food and got to packing up the tents, I didn't tell anyone about the weird person. No shot they would believe me, but apparently I looked off because Tbh asked me, "Hey, you look like something's on your mind, what is it?"

I finished packing up a case full of ammunition and turned back to face him, "..I got some help from a stranger this morning... and it's bugging me how they knew my name."

Tbh smiled as he continued packing his things up, asking me to continue. "Well.. uhm... I don't understand why they helped us. So many people have tried to steal from us, and I can't help but feel they had some ulterior motives..."

"Blaza, you need to learn how to let loose and trust people again, I know it's hard but you shouldn't assume that all people are bad from first sight."

"And get held hostage like a certain someone?"

"Shut it bear boy."

I laughed it off, I couldn't believe we were already taking down the tents and packing them into the smallest cases we could manage. And yes, Tbh had been held hostage, they didn't talk much after having several bullets to the head, but either way, it still happened.

It was close to noon and everyone was gathered outside, getting ready for whatever came next. Minutes ticked by and then came noon, everyone looked over the map before setting off. It would be a long journey, but mabye, just mabye, we would get somewhere.

{Time skip}
{Nobody's PoV}

The cold night breeze laced around the buildings as the group walked farther and farther away from the city. Some people were talking, some were just staying silent.

" 'Ome on everyone, under 'his tree, we'll stay the night here and get rest before settin' off." Laff said while placing his bag down. There were a few people who wanted to keep walking, but who was going to argue with Laff while Joocie was at his side?

Everyone set down their bags and started to get back into their lively chatter and bickering, Dino and Woolf arguing about something dumb while Ally watched, Nadwe burying himself in his computer with Muffin by his side and Blaza, Meme and Tbh talking off to the edge of their temporary camp.

It wasn't the greatest situation, but it was something.. it was a start.

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