Part IV - Continue

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Published: July 12, 2023
Words: 1228
{Blaza PoV}

The snap in the forest was far too loud to ignore, it sounded like something dropping, and being so close to the potential origin of the virus, we couldn't risk anything. And surely, it was a broken peice of machinery on the ground, still squirming wildly. I made sure it was completely done before heading back to the group. I made a note to listen carefully for crashes nearby.

Such a waste of time, but I guess it was better than risking it... Once I returned to the group, they were all happily talking, even Muffin was involved in the conversation. At least now we were all free from Woolf and Dino's bickering.

I sat down on the ground, leaning back on a tree. Meme and Tbh were happily messing with each other while Nad and Muffin talked quietly. It wasn't something I expected, but I realized how much I missed Socks.. I still had Meme and Tb, but I was closest to Socks... but I shouldn't complain about it, everyone else missed him too. Whatever, it didn't matter now, he's gone, it's not worth dwelling on.

I'm glad everyone was okay, we were about to head into a risky situation in a few hours, and it was nice to see them so comfortable. I picked up my book off of the ground and read for a bit, and before I knew it, Nadwe had fallen asleep with Muffin in his hats while Meme and Tbh were asleep beside eachother on the grass.

I extinguished the fire they had lit and sat back against the tree, resting my head on my backpack.


It's been two hours, and I still can't fall asleep... that's weird.. I usually sleep fine... mabye it's the new setting? That must be it... I got up, not knowing what to do with the night, I'm fine not sleeping though, it doesn't bother me that much. Mabye I'll go for a short walk? Yeah, that might get me tired..

The night was cold;  snowflakes were carried through the strong air currents. It was nice, but kind of hurt my legs as I was wearing shorts.. mabye not the best choice. But nevertheless, it was refreshing.

To be honest... it was quiet.. a bit too quiet.. the silence quickly went from comfortable to eerie, and my walk became more of a gateway for anxiety to start creeping in. I tried to tell myself nothing was going to happen, but who was I kidding? Something was definitely going to happen... all out here, by myself..? Of course something is going to ha-


{Tbh PoV}

Ahh.. it was about an hour before dawn, so still a ways away from morning, but that's usually when I woke up anyway. Again, I made sure everyone was still here, of course everyone wa- wait.. where's Blaza? I hastily woke up Meme, I knew he wasn't out gathering or taking care if R.E.Ms.. his machine gun was still propped up on the tree, along with his backpack.

We let Nadwe sleep, but Muffin woke up and looked really concerned, I asked him where Blaza was, he of all people should know he was.. supernatural..? In a way..

"I'm sorry.. I don't know where he is... mabye search the area? I'll take care of Nad while you two go look for him." Muffin said, slipping out of Nadwe's hats.

I sighed, I guess that was our only other option.. "Thanks anyways Muffin.." With that, Meme and I set off into the dark night, even a corpse would be better than this uncertainty...

{Blaza PoV}

Ugh.. why does my entire body hurt... I.. can't even open my eyes...

I heard footsteps around me.. where was I? Was I back at camp...? I felt my shirt being lifted up, and more pain.. what had happened to me..? Was that Meme?

"Shit.. I thought I took care of that.." Someone said, that was definitely not Meme. That's when I managed to open my eyes, it was all blurry, but I could see the source of my pain, I had a massive cut along my stomach, and a slightly smaller one across my chest.

I muttered the few words I could, it was hard to breathe at this point.. "Who.. are you...?"

"God damn it.. that's not the main problem here. Close your eyes, this will hurt like a bitch." They said, pulling my sweater up again. I knew this wouldn't fly if I couldn't see what they were doing, I managed the strength to sit up, they didn't make me lie back down, so I opened my eyes as much as I could.

Now that my vision was clearer, the cuts were very deep, and bleeding alarmingly. I didn't want this weird person to touch the wounds, that seemed like their intention, but what choice did I have?

"I'm disinfecting the wounds now, hold still." They said, I could feel the coldness of their hands on my bare skin, it wasn't a feeling I was used to, as I kept my sweater on at all times, usually. The pain was sharp the second the disinfectant touched the open wound, but I didn't dare to move.

"There, all done. I just have to bandage you up, Blaza." They said while wrapping some medical bandage around the cut on across my waist. Again, I didn't know who this person was, they were wearing a hood and a gas mask, wait- it was that person who helped us a few days ago..! Why were they here?

"T-Thank you.." I said, pushing off the bed and wincing a bit as I stood up, almost tripping before the person caught me. "Be careful,you're in no condition to be walking right now, take a rest, I have painkillers if you need them.

This person confused me, why were they helping me? Medical recourses are valuable.. why use them on a stranger? "If you don't mind me asking.. what happened?" I said, swallowing the medication.

"Well, there was quite a large army of R.E.Ms.. they came behind you, I destroyed them, but the first one got to you before I could take them out. So, I took you here." They said, placing their first aid kit back on the ground.

We both heard some shouting in the distance, the person sighed and walked me out of the forest, giving me some painkillers to take with me.

"Sorry, but who are you? I know you're the same person who helped us before, but I think we're on first-name basis now." I mumbled as I saw Tbh and Meme approaching.


"BLAZA!! OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU OKAY!?" Meme shouted, finally spotting me, the person walked back into the forest.. it was a shame, but hearing Meme's tone, it wasn't as important as them at the moment.

"We've been looking for you forever.. what are you doing out here..?" Tbh said, looking down at the blood on my sweater.

"It's okay.. I got help." I said, starting to walk back to camp, not without struggle though.


"Okay guys, we're heading out! Onward to Polus!" Tbh said as we started walking to Polus again, all I could think about was that person and what intentions they could possibly have had to do that for me..

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