1: Anger-management issues

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I sat in English, bored out of my mind and wishing I could be anywhere else. Even Maths would be heaven compared to this. I only half listened as the teacher blabbered on about essays and techniques and poems and analysing and boring stuff like that. I thought about more entertaining things, like Minecraft and flying and the holidays.

The bell came as a blessed relief and I was the first one out of the classroom. Not waiting for my friend to catch up, I ran to my locker and dumped all my books, not bothering to get the books for my next class. There would be time for that when lunch was finished. I ran back to the classroom to see if my friend had already gone out and, seeing that she had, proceeded to walk across the large playground.

I pressed through the usual high school lunch crowd, ignoring the loud calls of random people. Finally reaching the usual place, I dropped my bag to the ground and stood there, looking for my friend. I was slightly surprised that she wasn't already here, but my surprise disappeared when I heard voices being raised louder than usual. I growled and went over to the commotion. Pushing aside everyone, I reached the source: The school bully picking on my friend. She was standing in the middle, her head down and holding her arms across her chest. Her small figure was shadowed by the massive, muscly form of the bully.

"What are you doing Sophie?" he taunted. "Are you scared girl?"

I barged forward and stood in front of my friend.

"Piss off," I growled.

The crowd jeered but I stood my ground. The bully chuckled and stepped closer.

"You think you can take me on Riley?" he said.

"Piss off bastard."

His bushy eyebrows came together. "You can't talk like that to me."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" 

"I run this place! You friend," he spat, "was stepping out of line."

"Oh yeah! How?"

The bully shrugged and smirked. "By existing. And being a useless waste of space."

My friend whimpered but my anger was kindled. And I punched him. Right in the nose.

He reeled back, clutching his nose as blood started coming out of it. He swung at me but I dodged and punched his cheek.

By now, the teachers had finally realised that something was wrong and they were started to break up the crowd. They pulled me back and took the bully to the office for First Aid. My friend tried to stay close to me but was pushed away by the teachers. They escorted me out of the playground and to the principal's office. Again.

Yes, first chapter is out! This chapter is shorter than the rest of the chapters are because it was just introducing the main character Riley (who is a girl).

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