11: Truth and Lies

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I've been in Minecraft for a month now and I must say, it's been pretty crazy. Sky, Bajan and Sub have all developed their gifts and they are seriously good fighters now. Bajan has even disarmed Herobrine a few times (when Herobrine wasn't using his gifts). Jerome's gift is being super strong, so he has just been chucking around heavy stuff and throwing axes with deadly accuracy. Herobrine has also been showing what he can do: hovering above the ground, being extremely skilled, very resilient against wounds and pretty agile. 

As for me, I want to say that I have one of the coolest if not the coolest gift, something like shooting lightning bolts or controlling swords with my mind or something amazing like that. But the truth is that I haven't got any gift. I'm okay with weapons, but not amazing like Bajan and Sky. I'm not that strong like Jerome and I'm not fast and I can't run up walls like Sub. I'm just normal. Everyone has been trying to help me find my gift but I'm starting to doubt if I even have one. Herobrine insists that I do but it's getting harder and harder to believe him.

So now I'm sitting in the corner of the training room, watching the others as they do awesome things and use their gifts, and bitterly regretting that I haven't found mine. My eyes flick to the door as Herobrine comes in. Everyone stops training as they see him too.

"We need to face Entity and Null in one week," he said.

"WHAT? Why?" Sky asked bewildered.

"Because if we wait any longer, they will become more powerful. Besides, you guys are ready to face them."

I stood up and joined the group. I saw Herobrine's point: Everyone (except me) was ready, and it would be next to useless to continue training when we knew everything. I looked at my friends, seeing the steel in their eyes and the readiness in their stance.

We stopped training and had a break, going up into the castle. Bajan talked to Herobrine on the way up, trying to see if he had any more information on Entity. I listened closely, wondering if Herobrine would talk about that room that I had found with the photo. I had been trying to find out more information for the past month, but I found nothing. He didn't mention anything of the sort, choosing instead to keep to his story that he didn't have any contact with Entity. 

I didn't believe him. I knew that there was something that he wasn't telling us, and I was going to show the others the truth. With all of us, we should be able to convince Herobrine to tell us the real story about Entity.


After dinner I went to bed, along with everyone else. I lay awake, waiting for time to pass. Finally, when the moon was high in the sky, I got up and went to my friend's rooms, waking them up and telling them to come with me. It took all four of us to wake up Jerome, and Bajan had to continually nudge him to keep him awake.

I quietly led them to the turret and up the 200 or so stairs. We coughed as we disturbed the dust, and upon reaching the door, I opened it and showed them inside.

"What is this?" Sky asked as he looked at the pictures.

"I found it ages ago," I said, standing next to the box.

"This place is old. Really old," Jerome commented, kicking some dust from the floor.

I hummed in agreement. "But here's what I brought you up here for." I showed them the picture on the wall, the one with Herobrine holding out his hand to Entity. They had the same reaction as I did: shock and confusion.

"But Herobrine said that he didn't have any contact with Entity," Bajan said.

"Not exactly. He said that he was keeping an eye on him, but he definitely didn't mention helping Entity," Jerome corrected.

"Guys, look at this picture," Sky said.

We gathered around him. It was another picture of Herobrine and Entity. They were standing side by side, Herobrine's arm over Entity's shoulders and they were laughing together.

"What does this mean?" Bajan asked.

"It means that Herobrine hasn't been telling us the truth," I told him.

"And I told you not to come up here again Riley."

We spun around guiltily. Herobrine was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed on his chest and anger written on his face. Bajan was the first to recover.

"Herobrine, what's up with these pictures?" he asked, pointing. Herobrine frowned.

"Get out."

"Not until you tell us the truth," Sky said, stepping forward.

Herobrine glared at him so hard, I'm surprised he didn't spontaneously burst into flames. 

"Get out," Herobrine said slowly, his teeth clenched.

"Tell us the truth Herobrine, or we won't fight," Bajan said. We all echoed his words. He looked at us one by one, his eyes coming to rest on me. I gulped but didn't break eye contact. The stand off continued for what felt like hours but eventually Herobrine gave in.

"Fine. What do you want to know?"

I latched onto the opportunity. "Did you tell us everything about Entity?"

Herobrine shrugged. "No, not really."

"Then tell us. Everything," Sky said.

Herobrine sighed and began talking. "When I first saw Entity, I thought he was meant to help me protect Minecraft. I took him in, taught him and helped him. He was very good, and became powerful. I never suspected anything bad of him. But after a while, I started noticing that he was sullen around me and he started giving me dirty looks. When I asked him about this, he challenged me about what I do. He said that Minecraft could never grow with me looking after it and that he could do a much better job. We started fighting and I sent him out of the castle, saying that if I ever saw him again, I would kill him. He left and I thought it was over. But he came again that night and stole my sword." Herobrine gestured at the box. "My sword was one of the reasons I was so good, and I think that he thought if he could take my sword, I would be weaker." He shrugged. "That's not quite true."

"Who took these pictures?" Bajan asked.

"They are randomly created by the world. In a way, they represent my timeline. Look there."

We looked to where Herobrine was pointing. A section of the wall looked like it was melting and changing colour. A few seconds later, it solidified again and a new picture was added to the collection. It showed Sky, Bajan, Sub, Jerome and I facing Herobrine, who had his arms crossed.

"That's kinda creepy," Jerome said.

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