13: "I'm on the road again..." SKY SHUT UP!

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The next two days were spent training and then we were off, off to fulfil our destiny or something really cheesy like that. All I can say is that after hours on the road, I'm tired, my legs hurt and this bag of potions that I'm carrying isn't getting any lighter. I kept my mouth shut and tried to distract myself by thinking of anything else. My friends seemed to be doing the same. Except for Sky. A few hours into our journey and he was already singing random songs, especially ones that he doesn't know the lyrics to. He was good at singing, so that wasn't the problem. The problem is that he sings the words then goes "Blah blah, hum duh, doedo, hmhmhm.' Finally, Jerome couldn't handle it anymore.

"SKY IF YOU'RE GOING TO SING, COULD YOU PLEASE SING WORDS!" he yelled exasperatedly. Sky jumped at the sudden noise (Jerome has a very loud voice) but took the criticism in his stride, simply shrugging and then singing full songs. I didn't know most of them but a did recognise a few, especially the song that he made, New World.

Night came very slowly, too slowly for my liking. The worst part of the day is when it's almost dark but not quite, aka twilight. And not the book Twilight: I don't even know how the author came up with that name (And no, I have not read the books). Anyway, Herobrine finally suggested that we stop and I readily agreed, setting my pack of potions down at the base of a tree. Sky and Bajan got to work on a cold dinner (Herobrine said we couldn't have a fire) while Sub and I set out sleeping spaces and Jerome and Herobrine scouted out the area.

Dinner was cold meat sandwiches and an apple (or fish for Jerome). I tried to eat mine slowly but it was gone before I could think. So I contented myself with water. There wasn't much conversation as everyone was tired from the trek, even Sky, who was quiet for what felt like the first time that day. This pattern re-occurred the next day, until Jerome spotted something in the distance.

"Hey Herobrine, what's that?" he asked, shading his eyes and pointing into the distance. I squinted my eyes and just made out the faint outline of a building.

"Yep. That's where Entity and Null are. Come on, not long now!"

The idea that we were almost there spurred us on for the last hour, where Herobrine said we'll set up our temporary camp. It was only midday, so after we set up camp, we relaxed and I slept. Sky woke me up in what felt like minutes, but the sun was down and the stars were out. I quickly got up and strapped on my sword. The others were mimicking my movements, and Herobrine was looking towards the stadium.

"Okay, there's six of us, so we should split into half," Bajan said, gesturing us to come into a huddle. "Jerome and Sub, you're with me. We'll go to the right of the stadium. Sky, Herobrine and Riley, you three will go to the left."

"Remember to stay out of sight, stay silent and stay in the trees," Herobrine added.

We nodded and headed off, sticking to the shadows. Herobrine had given us some tips on staying hidden and the knowledge came in handy now as we slunk in-between the trees. Sky was leading the way, Herobrine was on the right side/stadium side and I was on the left side, with nothing to look at but trees. I wasn't enjoying it. Then Sky suddenly ducked down.

"Down quick!" he hissed at us. We both dropped down, looking ahead to see what had caused the commotion. I didn't see anything until Sky pointed him out. 

"Ahead of us. He's completely black," he whispered softly. And then I saw him. A black patch in the middle of the dark green forest, shaped like a man. He was about 10 metres in front of us, and I kept losing sight of him as he blended in so well with the forest. We stayed still for several minutes, barely breathing until the man walked away towards the stadium.

"That was Null," Herobrine said softly. "Entity must be here with him."

We continued on our way, not seeing Null again or Entity. We headed back when the moon was just starting to rise, as we had agreed earlier that we would go back to camp when the moon was in the sky. Our group was first, so we waited for Mitch, Jerome and Sub to get back.

"Did you see anything?" Sky asked them when they arrived.

"We saw a possible way to get closer to the stadium without being spotted," Jerome said. "On the west side, a few columns fell down and the rubble is strewn across the ground. And the treeline comes up fairly close to the ruins too."

"So it'll be useful if we want to sneak up on Entity," Bajan summed up.

Herobrine nodded slowly. "Okay. We'll do that but for now, everyone go to sleep. I'll take the first watch. Sub, can you take the second?"

Sub nodded and Bajan volunteered for the third watch. I rolled myself up in the sleeping bag Sub had found back at the castle. I lay still and closed my eyes, but sleep eluded me. The thought of fighting Entity and Null, two famous and powerful figures, kept me awake. Eventually, my tired brain started turning off and thinking of strange things. Just before I fell asleep, I wondered what my dad would say if he knew that I was about to fight someone. He'd probably smack me on the head and ground me until I'm 100 years old.

Hey everybody! At the top of the chapter, you would have seen a picture. It is a screenshot of the stadium that the group are approaching. It looks north, so the ruins are in the west/on the left.

Until I see you next chapter, have a great day!


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