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"Shiho-chan, are you done?" asked Sera, who had just finished wearing the yukata, and was ready to go out. Both of them were going to celebrate the summer festival with Ran, Kudo and others since they invited both Sera and Shiho to join them. The tomboyish girl peeked through the door gap, finding the woman around her age before she slowly pushed the door, featuring Shiho who just finished fixing her hair ornament. 

Light makeup that barely could be noticed by anybody, made Shiho's face even fairer than usual. One thing that Sera respected the woman was her fashion sense, she could pull everything and leave a great impression on others. 

"Looking fancy and fashionable as usual huh?" said Sera as she leaned on the door frame, looking at the woman from afar. 

"Of course, oh, it seems like you're trying the same things too. What's with that earring? I didn't know you got a piercing" said Shiho as she turned around, facing Sera and grabbed the pouch bag that matched her Kimono. 

Sera's face flushed as she crossed her arms and looked away. 

"It's not exactly an earring and no, I didn't get a piercing either. It's the earring type that doesn't require piercing. Ran-chan gave me this, so I thought it would be wise to wear it now" said Sera. At first, Sera was refusing to wear the earring since she didn't think it would suit her. Yet maybe she got influenced by Shiho who was always looking fashionable and modest whenever they hung out together. 

Another reason why she decided to use it was that she wanted to look a little feminine once in a while as she got tired of listening to people mistook her as a guy. Maybe she was interested in looking more feminine.

"Anyway, how do we get there? Did you call the cab already? I don't think riding your motorcycle would be wise" said Shiho as she walked in Sera's direction. 

"Ah wait, I'll talk to Shuu-nii" replied Sera before she shifted her body and found her way to search for him, her oldest brother. It didn't take her a while as she found him on the balcony, smoking. Her whole family was here, including Shiho, they moved into a new house and live here together- they were family after all. 

Of course, there was some conflict and misunderstanding between all of them back in the days after they finally learnt the truth, and surely it was hard to persuade Shiho. She was as hard as a stone as if no words could get through her mind. However, it was all in the past and they already moved on from that, it didn't matter anymore as what mattered was that their family relationship slowly strengthened and they bonded pretty well. 

The black-haired girl approached the guy who was staring at the sky, with the cigar placed between his fingers. She was unsure whether he had yet noticed her or not, and looked like he was in deep thoughts. Sera stood beside the guy as she looked at his face. 

"Shuu-nii, would you mind giving Shiho-chan and me a ride? To the festival since Ran-chan and others invited us to celebrate it together. Or do you already have a plan? If not, you can join too" said Sera. 

"Sure, I can give you a ride, Shukichi asked me the same thing as well. We'll wait for him. And no, I don't think I am suited to join you youngsters" said Shuuichi as he finished the remaining cigar before he placed it in the ashtray. 

"Shukichi-nii took this long, he probably has a date," said Sera as she sighed. He even took longer to groom than a woman- she couldn't believe it. Shuuichi shifted his face as he looked at his sister, looking at what she was wearing. Then he shifted back, without saying anything. 

Sera was dumbfounded on the spot. She was expecting him to tease her about the earrings that she wore or at least said something about it. In other words, she wanted to get noticed. It took her a lot of time to decide whether to wear it or not, there was no way they could just slide this rare moment that they witnessed. 

"You were smoking, again? I thought you quit smoking after hours of nagging that I gave the other day. Honestly, stop that, or else you'll die early. It stinks too" said the scientist as she leaned on the balcony door frame, with both of her arms crossed while glaring at the FBI member. Shuuichi turned his body around to look at the woman at the door frame. He chuckled. 

"Why? Are you afraid that I will die early? Will you miss me?" he replied. Shiho looked away. A hint of red tint that anyone barely could notice arose in her cheeks. 

"Stupid. Keep dreaming while you can" she said. Sera was once again dumbfounded on the spot, this moment she realized that she was trapped between these two human beings that keep exchanging sarcastic remarks. She hated it if she ever got caught in this spot- it happened a lot of times in the past and it never felt pleasant for her. 

"I take that as a yes since you didn't deny it either. Anyway, I didn't expect that you would take my advice. That hair ornament with the colour that I recommended" he said. The red tint on the scientist's face is getting visible. 

"Don't take the wrong idea, FBI. I didn't do it for you, I simply like it since it's a new collection from a local brand that I like" she clarified. Sera noticed the kind of remarks that Shiho gave, she was telling a half-truth. Sera was sure Shuu-nii also noticed that too. Yet she refused to think of which statement of her words was true and which was a lie- she didn't want to find out. 

"However, I must admit, it suits you," he said. 

"Shut up," replied Shiho. 

Sera on the other hand was a little affected by that. How could he... How could he have noticed Shiho's hair ornament and even praised it but not her earrings? Did he ever care about her? Sera thought that this was a little bit unfair on her side, but she didn't want to act like a child and cried it out. 

Not long after that, a sight of her second brother, Shukichi was there as he approached them. Sera's face lightened as she was sure Shukichi-nii would say something about the distinct accessories that she wore. Besides, she was closer to Shukichi than the oldest one, maybe that was the reason why Shuu-nii hadn't said anything about it. 

"Ah, finally Shukichi-nii! Seems like you shaved, didn't you?" asked Sera. The guy chuckled. 

"Well spotted Masumi! Oh! It seems what the old lady said was true. Shiho, that kimono looks good on you. Do you mind if I take a picture and send it to her, it will probably cheer the poor lady up" said Shukichi, which then made Sera's jaw drop. 

Even Shukichi-nii too?! 

The girl wanted to whine so bad yet she had to suppress her childish needs and try to find out what they were even talking about. She had no idea what her brother meant by 'old lady'. She was also curious about the kimono that Shiho wore. When she thought about it, she didn't see the scientist ever going shopping for a kimono before- or else, she would invite her to buy one too. 

"Old lady? Picture? What is going on?" asked Sera, trying to get some insight despite the little jealousy that she had in her heart. 

"I was having a shogi tournament the other day, Shiho and some of your friends were there, watching my match. After I finished the match, my opponent's wife talked to me and said that Shiho resembled her daughter who was dead almost 20 years ago" said Shukichi. 

"The look on her face, clearly indicated how she missed her dead daughter. The old lady hugged me instantly and offered this kimono that belonged to her daughter. Of course, I refused at first, but she strongly insisted, telling me that this kimono suits me and she would be happy if I accepted it. I didn't have much choice and here, I'm wearing it, hoping at least it would make her happy" continued Shiho as she looked at the kimono with a hint of sympathy appearing in her eyes. It did suit her, it really did. 

"You didn't invite me to watch Shukichi-nii's tournament?" asked Sera as she looked at Shiho with a slight heartache wounding her. There was no way they would hang out without her, never. Shuuichi on the other hand didn't say anything as he listened in silence. 

"Hold up, didn't you remember that you had something to do with Mary-kaasan the other day. I did ask you to join but you refused" said Shiho, defending herself. Sera stood there in silence as she tried to remember that exact moment. The girl then released an awkward laugh in response as it did ring a bell in her mind. Guess her jealousy and anger took over her a little bit. 

"That is true, I see, well, I could take a picture of her later at the festival. The background and the lively atmosphere will make it even better" said Sera as she tried to sound as neutral as possible. Shukichi took a quick glance at her before he agreed. Indeed the famous shogi player noticed her weird behaviour. 

On the other hand, Sera was basically having a lot of thoughts in her mind. The little desire that was placed in her heart really wanted at least one of them to realize what she was wearing. None of them talked about it, they only talked about Shiho's. 

"Are my brothers blind or what? They didn't see that or they pretend to not see that?"

"Also Shiho-chan you damn lucky. You basically stole my brothers"

Sera released a deep sigh after questioning almost everything mentally that stuck on her mind. Thinking of it made her head hurt, even worse than trying to solve cases. 

Then Sera's face lightened up again as she heard her mother's voice. She had hoped with her mother. There was no way her mama was going to ignore this little weird and rare change of style that she made. Mary might not even praise it but at least she would point it out- Sera knew perfectly how her mother would react to this and she couldn't wait. 

"I thought all of you had already left," said Mary as she walked in their direction. The older woman looked at them, then at Shiho and finally at Sera, observing their outfit, looking from top to bottom. 

"This is it! Mama will notice it" thought Sera. 

Little did she know, what she was expecting and hoped for was totally in vain. Once again, she got ignored by her mother. 

"I didn't know you would use that pouch bag of mine, Shiho. Nonetheless, it matches perfectly with your kimono and the hair ornament. You looked great" she said. 

Once again Sera's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe it. She just witnessed it, she just witnessed the ultimate betrayal of her own family that she dearly loved. Her family wouldn't even look at her right now. This was unacceptable! 

"You gave her your pouch bag? And nothing for me? Mama, you're being unfair" whined Sera, totally losing her patience. She didn't care if she sounded childish but it was really unfair on her side. No one said anything to her and even praised the little change that she made. Yet they kept praising the scientist- as if she was the youngest member of this family. 

This may sound dramatic and childish to her but Sera thought she was being replaced. 

"It's not like you're going to keep and use it anyway. You didn't like that kind of stuff in the first place, that is why. In the end, it would be a waste if I gave you that. Stop complaining" said Mary. The thing that played in Sera's mind was that Shiho not only stole her brothers but her mother too. The atmosphere was slowly getting awkward as no one talked. Shiho, who noticed the unpleasant atmosphere, decided to break the silence. 

"Now now, we better leave, they must be waiting. Let's go?" said Shiho. The four of them then left the spot as they finally went to the festival. The car ride was pretty casual for Shiho as she listened to both Shukichi and Shuuichi having small talk, it didn't turn out awkward as she would imagine. On the other hand, Sera was quiet. Usually, she would be the loudest in the car. 

Shiho had some suspicion and she could understand why Sera acted like that. The thing was, the scientist didn't exactly know how to make up with her. She was not an expert when it came to something like this. 

As they finally reached the spot, Shiho decided to do one thing and she hoped this would work. 

"Akai-san, I certainly know you didn't have any plans. Would you mind joining us once in a while? It wouldn't hurt your FBI pride. Besides, you should treat yourself" said Shiho with a composed voice. She might sound dumb to ask him for something like this. For Sera's sake, she would do something ridiculous like this. 

Shiho thought, by asking Shuuichi to join them would make Sera happy. Shiho certainly knew the fondness and inspiration that Sera had for his oldest brother. The scientist thought this little act would cheer her up a bit. A pause filled the space as the scientist didn't get any response from him. 

"Come on now, you don't usually get this kind of invitation from me. You should be grateful" said Shiho, trying to persuade the man. It didn't take long before she finally got a response. 

"Hm, sure," said Shuuichi. 

Sera screamed internally. She did invite him to join them earlier and he coldly refused it- saying that he was too old for something like this, bla bla and now what was that?! He agreed to Shiho just like that? This was clearly unfair. Life was unfair to her. Too unfair. Sera kept asking in her mind what exactly made Shiho that special as she got every attention from her family. 

"You guys, all of you are unfair and mean!" burst Sera. Her eyes were a little teary. The tomboyish girl left the car without saying anything as she walked to where people gathered, slowly blending herself in before she vanished between the crowd. 

"What's up with her?" asked Shuuichi, completely clueless. 

"I don't know, I will talk to her later," said Shukichi, a little concerned with Masumi's sudden tantrum. 

"No, let me do that. I will talk to her instead. Both of you, just enjoy the festival" said Shiho as she sighed. She thought it would be a great idea but it didn't turn out that way. 

Who knew someone with that tomboyish behaviour, all tough and strong could become sensitive like that? Whatever it was, the scientist felt she was being responsible for it and she had to fix it. 


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