First Case: The Vanish Rainbow Stone (The Scene)

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3rd Hot month, 300

Oh man! This is rich pokeple(1) house like, in this Hot month like this the house still super cool and make me can't effort to wake up. Lying on the bed, suddenly someone yet really loud at me:

"Hey! Wake up or not. I let you guy sleep here to find my Rainbow Stone not for relaxing."

I open my sleepy eyes and front of me is Mr. Nyasu crossing his arm look at me with an angry face. So I slowly craw out of the bed and look at the next bed.

"Huh!? Where's Shou" – I ask.

And then I turn around to the armchair yesterday, he still on it with the weird pose, but already sleep, drooled from the corner of his mouth. So, he slept like that the whole night, how could he doing that!? I jump out of the bed and come near by the chair, wake him up, wake him up. Then his eyes moving and open, he stretch body and yawn, but then his face turn strange, it like he got a stomached

"Numb, my leg is numbing" – he say

Leg numbness!? Yep, sleep with that pose for the whole night, it weird if he doesn't numb. And I give him a little massage and pull him up

"What wrong that pose!?" – I ask.

"Oh! Each time when I'm getting too focus to the case I will accidently sitting like that."

"Weird, huh!? Anyway did you find anything yet!?" – I ask.

"I'm not sure let me talk to Akai." – Shou answer.

And then I, Shou and Mr. Nyasu walk to the living room where the 5 other suspects and Akai have sat. The room decorate luxurious sofa, it look gentle but the atmosphere is heavy. The reason must be by the case. Shou run to captain Akai whisper something with him. Then Akai call in one of his teammate tell him something and he ask Mr. Nyasu:

"Chief, do you have any room we could use for the testimonies?"

Mr. Nyasu nod his head and lead us to a room look like a working space with a desk and some chairs. Mr. Nyasu say:

"You guy can use my working room."

After that Akai call the other teammate lead Nyaruk in. We start the investigation, my job is write down all what they say. And Nyaruk step in, his face look really calm but so complacent s if nothing had happened, he pulled out his chair, sat down, put his feet on the table and crossed over. Akai began to ask:

"Can you tell us again what you said yesterday?"

Nyaruk replied:

"You guy so annoying, yesterday I have already told it. Isn't it when Stone disappeared, I was standing beside my father? Why are you asking so hard? "

"It is true that when Stone disappeared, you was with Mr. Nyasu, but according to Shotarou's inference, the Stone was swapped from the previous night or even before the exhibition opened a bit. So I want to ask, where did you go from last night until the exhibition started, "said Akai

"So annoying. Last night? Let's see, I had dinner with my dad and my stupid sis at 7 and went to the my room, slept until the next morning. When I got up, it was about 9:00 am then I ordered Tsutsu to brought me something to eat and I brushed my teeth and washed my face a bit, then went to the exhibition area at about 10 o'clock at that time."

"So, you didn't go out all night, did anyone testify?" Akai asked

"Really!? I should call someone for testify when I sleep? You're kidding me. "

After saying that, he slap his hand on the table and stand up and continue:

"Did you guy enough asking thing? I have an appointment today. "

"Okay! You can go, "Akai answer.

Hearing that Nyaruk turned around to open the door of the room to go out and slam the door while walking and grumbling something that I could only hear, " Crazy people, who go to sleep with a witnesses." Then we invite the second daughter, Nyako in. She come in with a pink dress, her neck is wearing pink pearls, and blonde hair curled up looked very noble. She pulled out the chair slowly and sit down like a princess. Akai started asking:

"Where did you go from last night to the exhibition?"

"Last night! When I finished eating, I went to my room and asked Tsutsu to get a mask for me. Then about 10 o'clock, I told the Tsutsu to help me take off that mask and put on the night mask for nearly 30 minutes then I asked her get out and I went to sleep. At about 7 o'clock in the morning, I heard the Tsutsu voice but I ignore. It was not until 8 o'clock when I got up and removed the makeup mask, breakfast was nearly 10 o'clock, I came to the exhibition area with Tsutsu. When I came out, I found the annoying brother standing there and then I stood next to Dad until the exhibition began. That's all "- she replied in a proud voice, trying to get high.

"So after 10:30, you're in the room alone, no one has proved it, right?" Akai asked.

"Hey, are you nuts, I have to ask the witness when I want to sleep! Have you done!? It's time for me to have tea "she replied grimly

"Okay, you can go," Akai say as he sighed.

She scoop up her face and go out. After walked out the door, she open the fan in her pocket to cover her face and leeave. Then we invite Mr. Nyasu to come in, and when he arrive, he slap his hand on the table loudly and say:

"Why am I the suspect? Isn't me, the Stone owner? Why am I stealing something that belongs to me? "

It is reasonable to say it, but Akai refuses

"That's true, but you bought an insurance for the Stone, worth 1 billion pokekin(2) and I know you're in need because of a loss-making investment? So I think you plotted to steal it for insurance. "

He again banged on the big table:

"How could you think like that, even if I loss-making, I never do such disgusting things." Then he calmly sit down and cross his legs to speak, but the voice was still a little frustrating:

"Now, what do you want?"

"So last night, before the exhibition took place, Where were you!?" Akai asked

"After I finished my meal at around 7:30, I went to the office and called Bairi, I played chess with him at around 11 o'clock, then went back to my bedroom. The next morning Mr. Bairi called me up to help me bathe, change and bring breakfast to the room. Around 8 o'clock when I went out to order the servants to prepare for the exhibition. "Mr. Nyasu said

Then we invited him out and called Mr. Bairi and Tsutsu, Akai asked:

"Where did you go from last night to the morning of the exhibition?"

Mr. Bairi speak first:

"Last night, after serving the meal for Master Nyasu and his child, I went with Tsutsu to the back of the kitchen and waited for them to finish eating and around 7:30 am the boss asked me to go to the room to work with him. At 11:00 he told me he was tired and I helped him to his room and then went to my bedroom. At about 5 am I woke up and prepared to go down to the kitchen then I saw Tsutsu cooking the breakfast so I ate with her for a bit and then woke up the boss and help him change and eat breakfast. Then we, together went to the exhibition hall. It was 8 o'clock in the morning and there until Nuget disappeared. After that, everyone knows everything. "

Tsutsu in turn say:

"And I, like Mr. Bairi, finished cleaning the table, I was summoned by the landlady to give her an herbal mask and I stayed with her for about 10 o'clock, to help her wash the herbal mask and replace it with a nourishing mask. then she kick me out. I went back to my room clean it a bit and about 11:00 when I went to sleep. In the morning of 4:30, I woke up to cook breakfast until 5 o'clock and saw Mr. Bairi came down and have breakfast with me for a little while, then I went to call Lady Nyako about 7 o'clock but until 8 o'clock she got up and asked me to bring food. So I reheated and brought it up for her and then cleaned. After that we went to the exhibition area at about 10 o'clock. "

"So both of you have no evidence of absence from 11:00 am to 5:00 am the next day?" - Shou asked

Both nodded Akai's signal to them to go out and invite the last suspect Rik. He entered in a harsh manner as if he didn't relate, sit down and say:

"Why is there a part of me? I'm just watching over that stupid stone! "

" Nope! You are the most capable of stealing because you're the one who stayed there all night, " – Shou said

" Now! Could you tell us what did you do in the night before the incident?" Akai say

"Okay, for proving I'm innocence what to lose to tell you. That evening, I went to the kitchen to get food before I started the shift. As soon as I ate and went to the spot and stayed there until the next morning about 8 o'clock, the boss and Bairi arrived, I went to the bedroom until everyone rumbled Nuget's disappearance. That's it. "He answered with a confident face.

"I see that there are some gadget help you watching the Stone, did you use it!?" Akai asked.

"Of course, those things are very good, it was made by Sumaru. I don't need to stay in the exhibition area all the time, just sit in a room not far away from the observation area. About every 1 hour I went to check once. "

About 6 years ago, I built a remote observation device called a video transmitter and gave it to Mr. Nyasu to help them guard the Nuget every time the exhibition hold.

"Su's so talent" Shou said. I scratched my head in confusion, at the same time Akai let Rik out and turned to Shou

"What do you think?"

"Uhm ... all of them didn't prove I was absent from the scene from 11pm onwards. I think it will be a bit difficult, but let me find some more evidence, "Shou say and gesture to go outside for me. I follow him and he say

"Now let's go find each one of our rooms"

"Finding!? What exactly do you want to find? " – I asked

"That thing!" Shou answered so briefly that I couldn't understand it. What is that thing but I still follow him. First we go to Mr. Nyasu's room, a room as large as 2 times the room yesterday we slept. In the middle of the room putting a huge bed across from the bed was a picture of him and his wife. His wife, the one he loved dearly had lost because of the illness 10 years ago, leaving him with two unruly children who only clung to his father. Also, there is a nice set of sofa and table with a series of bookcases. The room is simple but exudes the position of the owner of the room. We look around and find Shou's "that thing", honestly I didn't know what that thing was. Searching everywhere but nothing strange so we go to Nyaruk's room, a room smaller than Nyasu's room but still big with the middle bed and a portrait of Nyaruk at the head of the bed. His room don't have any furniture but instead was a big paper desk in the corner of the room fill with tools that seemed to be sculpted. Around his bed full of cabinets and fill with statues, seemingly that he made them himself, they are quite beautiful and wonderful. We also ransack the room but couldn't see anything and move to Nyako's room. Her room is completely different from the other two, pinks from the beginning to the end, the pink bed, her portrait is full of rooms they are caged in pink frames of her room in addition to a big pink dressing table. The part is a closet that is full of clothes and of course they are also pink. But this room is nothing but Shou finds a delicate Nuget shaped glass pendant with some items to make it. And we went to the room of Mr. Bairi and Tsutsu they were the same with a single bed, a normal reading chair and table and a wardrobe of them were nothing special. But I found out that they were very tidy perhaps because of their particular characteristics. Finally we find in the room of Rik, opening the door to the room is no different from the other two but it's very messy of clothes, blankets and pillows messing up like just happened a fight. We also sreach and find a sum of about 50 million pokekin. We take them and mean to come back and tell Akai. On the way Shou says:

"Should it hot today, but not hot at all, it's hot, right?"

"Now you do notice? You don't know! The rich family has a air conditioning system that helps them in the house always have only 1 level temperature. In the cold months, they use fire and the hot months are like it is replaced by snow and ice so we don't get hot, "I said

"Really? "Let's go find that air conditioner," Shou said

We track the vent and arrive in front of a room with a badge say air-condition room. We open the door and the cold air spill over, so I cringe and Shou also shake, but he is frowning and staring at the steps leading down. We follow these steps to get down. Down here, there are more than 30 ice sheets that were as high as me, evenly and neatly in the surrounding room, the cold air kept coming out constantly.

"So cold Shou, what are we doing here?" I say and shaking

"Find that thing" Shou answer

Then we split up and ransacked the room I was walking while trembling. I should able to fire up the tail hard to keep it warm, but so the ice sheets would melt so I have to endure it. Shou suddenly yell

"Su, come here and look"

I rush over to Shou and he show me on an ice sheet that had a corner that look like someone had been taken. I lowered my head and looked at the spot a little bit, then I find that there was a thin layer of orange-colored fur that was so close that I have to look closer before I could see Shou.

"Shou where there is a thin patch of hair nearby is probably when the perpetrator try to cut a piece of ice and left his fur but I don't know who it is. If it was just this thin, I couldn't see anyone on the outside who lost their hair, " – I tell Shou

Shou bent down to look and ponder for a moment and then stand up and run super fast. leave me behind

"Shou !!! Wait up "say I run after Shou. Shou run to Akai say something to his ear and I stand at the door breathing heavily. Done Shou goes out and winks then says:

"I know who the perpetrator is. But tomorrow we will cast a small plan for him to reveal himself. "

And we go to our room, Shou to jump straight into the bed laughing and being happy. And I write what happen today on this diary and go to sleep

(1) It mean people in Pokemon wolrd

(2) The money unit

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