Detective's Death (Sherlock Much?)

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This is written for contest 9: Sherlock Much?

Detective Allen pulled her car beside the yellow tape that separated the street from the house that was the crime scene. She took in a deep breath before slumping back into the driver's seat. She did not know of she could find the courage to go in there even if it was bright daylight. She had seen many crime scenes before but, this one was  different. It was personal. It was where her best friend and partner had been murdered twelve hours ago.

Now, only twelve hours later the police the police declared the death of the greatest detective in this town a suicide. The newspapers and the newschannels were running the same stupid story that Detective Myrna had killed her former friend in his house before walking to the yard where she called in the murder and then, killed herself too.

Rohanna Allen could not believe that anyone would buy that but, apparently everyone did. Well, everyone except her and the man currently sitting in the passenger seat.

"So, we going in or not,"Max asked.

"I am going in. You're not," Ro replied. "Don't look at me like that. You're a civilian. You're not allowed in the crime scene. You'll contaminate the evidence."

"It's not a crime scene anymore if the cops think they've solved the case is it?" Max questioned. "What do you expect to find in there? You said the forensics and the other two detectives already looked and found only Myrna and Ron's prints and no evidence anyone else had been in there." Ron was the owner of the house and the friend the police thought Myrna had killed. She could not still wrap her head around the fact.

"I don't know," Ro said, before she pulled the door open. "Stay in the car."

"Why'd you ask me to come if I wasn't going to be of any help?"

"You're helping. You're going to watch and see if anyone comes. Call me if anyone comes. There's also a gun in the compartment."

"What am I supposed to do with a gun?"

"Shoot if it looks like the killer," Ro said before closing the door and ducking under the tape to the scene.

"There are two problems with that. One, I don't know how to use a gun and two, I don't know what the killer looks like," Max yelled after her but, she was already gone

Half an hour later, she came back to the car, feeling exhausted and fighting back the tears that treathened to spill. Max did not say a word. He just moved to the driver's seat since, she had slipped in the back and pulled out of the street.

It was so frustrating. She had not found anything. Just the grass in the front yard splattered with Myrna's blood and the walls in the room inside splattered with Ron's blood. There had not been any other person's blood on the crime scene. Which was weird since, the wounds on Ron led her to believe that Ron had fought his attacker and Myrna had been stabbed in the stomach.
That was it. Ron had fought back. Fiercely. That meant his attacker was bound to have a few bruises. If Myrna did not have any that would rule her out and the chief would open the case back up. Hopefully.

 Unfortunately, though, she had seen Ron's body when they had moved him into the morgue, she had not seen Myrna's. 

'Guess we are going to the morgue next,' Ro thought as she tried extremely hard to fight the bile crawling up her throat at the thought of seeing her dead best friend. She managed to hold it in until, they walked out of the morgue. Then, she moved to the bushes and threw up. Using the water bottle in the car she washed her mouth of the horrid taste wishing she could wash away the  memory of seeing her dear friend lying on a cold metal table. She had looked so peaceful and you would have thought she was asleep if you ignored the huge gaping hole in her stomach. Fortunately, their were no other wounds. She and the medical examiner had looked. There was no evidence that she had fought someone before dying. Ofcourse, wounds could fade but, recent wounds were more prominent and darker on a dead person. At least, they were before the body started rotting away. She retched again at this thought before, slipping into the passenger's seat in the car while, Max moved to sit in the driver's seat. He turned his face away from Ro before sitting in the seat. However, Ro was a good a detective. She caught his grimace of pain.

"Where are you hurt?" She asked, "how did you get hurt?"

"Oh, it was just a stupid accident. I fell off Will's bike when I was driving it last night," Max said sheepishly.

"Did you see a doctor?"

"No. It's not serious. Just a small bruise."

"When did it happen?"

"Around nine something, why?"

"Was Will with you? Did he see you after?"

"What in the world, Ro? What's with the questions?" Max snapped.

"Well, excuse me for being a concerned friend."

"That didn't sound like you being a concerned friend. It sounded like you  interrogating me like having a bruise makes me some sort of criminal," Max said, angrily. Ro chose not to respond.

"You think I am a criminal. You think I did it. Just cause I am hurt. Well, you know what. I saw you rubbing your left arm as if it hurt a couple of times today and I didn't accuse you of killing them. I didn't even know Ron. Hadn't even heard of him before he popped up on the news. And Myrna was my friend just like she was yours."

"I am sorry I accused you. It's just I have got nothing and my friend's dead. And every second I go on without finding her murderer makes me feel like I am failing her. Though, now I am starting to think that maybe, she did do it. She had a motive and they found her body there. Just take me home, Max. I am tired."

"I am starting to believe she did it, too," Max said quietly beforing turning the car in the direction of Ro's house.

The rest of the ride was silent. They did not even say goodbye when Max pulled the car away.

Ro walked into her house and straight into her bathroom where she washed her tired face. It had been an exhausting 24 hours. It was not easy following detectives making sure they thought Myrna's death was suicide and that she was Ron's killer and then, begging the chief to open the case back up and walking through the crime scene again and then, the morgue. She had not been pretending when she had thrown up in the bushes but, going to the morgue had been necessary to convince everyone that she was in denial that her partner was a killer. She had a new found respect for killers. It was not easy to cover up murder. It was going to be worth it, though. With Myrna dead and discredited, she was going to be the top detective now.

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