Chapter 33: want anything?

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Authors note:

Go read last chapter. Really important.


Lucas' POV:

Later that night I arrived at Riley's house.

"Lucas." I said into the buzzer.

Someone buzzed me in and I walked in.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey. You don't mind if Farkle is here?" Riley asked.

"No as long as you aren't making out during the whole time." I laughed.

"We won't." Farkle smiled.

"So just us three?" I asked looking around.

"Uh we'll." Riley started.

"Maya?" I asked a little happy.

"Nope." Farkle and Riley said at the same time.


We sat down.

The door then bursted open.

Maya's POV:

I bursted threw the door upset with Riley. I left a little before Riley so I could buy the tickets and she didn't even show up!

"Riley! When I find you I will-" I paused.


"Why the heck is he here?" I asked Riley feeling I was going to cry.

I don't want to see him. It's bad enough were in every class together . Now Riley brought him to our house.

I felt my cheeks go red when he stared at me.

"Maya. We love you. We want you happy." Farkle said from a doorway.

"I don't want to be happy." I said and headed for upstairs.

Mr Matthews was standing there. My faced dropped.

"Your helping them?" I asked disappointed.

"Maya. We love you. Please just watch a movie with him." Mr Matthews said.

"Fine." I said choking back my tears.

I walked back over to Lucas. I sat next to him. This is very awkward. Riley and Farkle left.

Someone played the movie. Of course. It's the grudge. One of the movies I hate. Want to know why? Because it scares the crap out of me.

I mean people like get possessed and I mean black long hair and a noise that sounds like a dying frog.

How could that not scare you!


"Want anything?" I asked Lucas.

We didn't talk the whole movie. The movie was almost done.

Lucas' POV:

"Want anything?" Maya asked me.

We basically didn't talk the whole movie. This is the first time we've talked since this morning.

"No thanks." I said.

Maya rolled her eyes and got up to get a drink.

"Are you sure?" She asked once again.

I knew what I had to do.

"Yeah I do." I said.

I got up silently and snuck up behind maya.

"What do you want?" She asked and turned around.

She gasped. I smiled at her. Just to tell her that she is safe with me.

She seemed to smile back. I then leaned in and kissed her.

I've missed her lips. She ended up kissing back.

My hand was on the wall holding myself up and another wrapped around her waist.

Maya wrapped her arms around my neck. We started to make out a little.

Her lips are so sweet and soft. Like cotton candy.

We separated. Her eyes were still closed. She opened them slowly.

We smiled. We heard clapping.

"Yay!" Riley cheered.

Lucas and I laughed.

I looked over at mr Matthews. He was smiling. He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him.


I'm sorry to say this but...

This book is almost done.

But I am working on three new books but I'm updating only one of them as soon as this book is done. Which will be finished by the end of this week.

Xoxo see ya

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