Chapter 10: The War Part 3

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(POV none, The Sub-basement)

(The Trader Tube Room)

"Okay, I just need to set the location for where I'm going to transport the Chaos Emerald," Tails Doll said before the lights went out all of a sudden. "Okay, I have to admit, he's clever," Tails Doll complemented.

"What do you mean?" Satanicus asked.

"He knew that I would have to use a trader tube to deliver the Chaos Emerald to X, so he cut the power so that the Chaos Emerald can stay put," Tails Doll explained.

(Just Outside The Trader Tube Room)

Lilac did her best to break down the door, but even with all of her techniques, she didn't even put a dent in the door, let alone blow it off its hinges, and also gave Lilac a lot of pain, but none of it's severe, thankfully.

"Ow! I can't tell if that's made out of titanium or something just as hard, but what I do know is that these guys didn't want anyone near the trader tubes," Lilac said in mild pain.

"I think I got an idea. Let me try something," Shifter said, then he went up to the door and tried to break it down. "CHAOS..." Shifter shouted, then he does what looks like a Chaos Arrows attack on the wall, but when Lilac took a closer look at the door, she not only noticed that the arrows weren't hitting the door at all and that his hands were stopping just short of the door, but she also noticed that the longer he used this technique, the darker the color of the arrows became. Lilac didn't question these because Shifter has used techniques that seemed rather weird and stupid, but they always worked the way they should've. When Shifter hit the door for real, the attack looked like a Chaos Javelin, except for the fact that the color of the attack was black and not green. Just before the door was sent flying to the wall, dropping the jaws of Tails Doll, Satanicus, and Lilac, Shifter shouted, "... CANNON!"

"Wow. That's just... wow," Tails Doll said in shock of what he just saw, but after processing what he just saw, he then asked, "How did you do that?"

"I just built up speed and momentum by using the high speed that I get with my arms and hands during a Chaos Arrows attack, stopping just short of the target, then I unleash all of that energy with an attack similar to the Chaos Javelin, but due to all of that stored up energy, it's a lot stronger than a regular Chaos Javelin. However, don't expect me to use this in a real battle due to how long it takes," Shifter explained, then said, "Lilac, get the Emerald. Me and Tails Doll have some unfinished business to attend to."

"Well, if that's what you wish to do, then I'll be happy to oblige," Tails Doll said, then his control gem lit up and after a bright flash of light, the two disappeared.

"Shifter!?" Lilac said worriedly.

"Relax, if Tails Doll literally just killed him, then you'd see his guts and blood all over the place. Tails doll just teleported Shifter and himself somewhere else," Satanicus explained.

"Why would Tails Doll leave you behind when he's going to need all the help he can get?" Lilac asked.

"Because he knows for a fact that Shifter wants to fight him without any support with any side. And besides, if he did that, then no one would be able to stop you from getting the Chaos Emerald," Satanicus explained.

"Well then, let's get started," Lilac said.

(Lilac vs Satanicus)

Satanicus had red laser blades that were on her wristbands. When she tried to it Lilac, Lilac took this as her opportunity to deal some damage onto her, but when she did so, all she did was hit a red laser shield that protected Satanicus. "Wait, what?" Lilac said, confused as to why Satanicus managed to get a shield out.

"My battle strategy is focused on both offense and defense," Satanicus said, then she put her red laser gauntlet knives back in play, and the fight continued. After many different attacks, Lilac then decided to try the Dragon Boost on Satanicus. After getting a fair distance away from Satanicus, Lilac then unleashed her attack at Satanicus, but yet again, she was denied by Satanicus' shield. However, Lilac did notice a crack on the shield when she hit it. "No more games of Cat and Mouse. Time for me to end this," Satanicus said, then, after hitting the ground and causing Lilac to go airborne, she then hit Lilac in the side with a red laser rocket, which then attached to her side and made her go spinning horizontally. "Once you hit the ground, the force of the spin being caused by that rocket will smash you to pieces!" Satanicus said.

"That's your plan?" Lilac asked, then admitted, "Well, I gotta admit, that will make me split like a melon." After a few seconds of struggling, Lilac had barely managed to get the rocket off of her. "Looks like I got the rocket off of me," Lilac said to Satanicus.

"That doesn't mean anything! At the speed you're going, you won't be able to get out of this one alive!" Satanicus said.

"Oh, really?" Lilac said, then, by using the rotation to her advantage, she was able to combine her Dragon Cyclone and her Dragon Boost, causing Satanicus to have a big hole in her chest, even though she was able to get her shield up. After that, Lilac then went over to the Chaos Emerald and grabbed it, allowing the team to have all 7 Chaos Emeralds. "Now all we need to do is get to the Master Emerald, and Equestria here we come!" Lilac said.

(POV none, the roof)

(Shifter vs Tails Doll)

Shifter and Tails Doll both ended up on the roof of the building, which was very big. "How do you like this for a change of scenery, Shifter? Now we have plenty more room to properly fight," Tails Doll said.

"Well then, let's get started," Shifter said, then he tries to hit him with his own version of the Sonic Wind, where he kicks at very high speeds, enough to create a wind blade composed of Chaos Energy, shouting, "CHAOS WIND!" However, the attack didn't hurt him, and when Tails Doll appeared behind Shifter via teleportation, Shifter attacks from behind with an attack that requires Shifter to kick with both of his feet with the bottom of them touching each other and launching a Chaos Sphere at Tails Doll, shouting, "CHAOS ATHLETE!" After teleporting again, Tails Doll realizes that Shifter is also relying on his instincts to help him fight. 'I need to get faster so that I can hit him more easily,' Shifter thought to himself, then he activated Ring Dash and went into the same battle stance as before, shouting, "RING DASH!"

'Huh? What the hell's happening to his body?' Tails Doll asked in his head, but when he realized just what Shifter was doing, he then said, "Kid's taking pretty big risks, I'll give him that." After he said that, he then tried to do a sneak attack on Shifter, but he just disappeared before Tails Doll got to him. "And with beneficial results as well," Tails Doll said before he got hit by one of Shifter's attacks.

"CHAOS ROCKET IMPACT!" Shifter shouted when he hit Tails Doll with his Chaos Impact, then he used a Chaos Wind boosted with the extra speed from Ring Dash, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET WIND!" Then, when Tails Doll was still down, Shifter used a Chaos Athlete that was also boosted from the Ring Dash's extra speed, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET ATHLETE!" After that, Tails Doll started to get back up and Shifter went out of Ring Dash exhausted.

After Tails Doll got back up again, he said, "I knew you'd have to go out of Ring Dash. It's like you're supercharging your own adrenaline. You pump Ring Energy into your Adrenal Gland, causing Adrenaline with Chaos Energy inside to be produced. Good thing you're not a human, because if you were, then that kind of process would cause your body to burst like a balloon, but since Mobian bodies are much more durable than a human's, you can handle it. A technique only a Mobian like you can use. However, using normal adrenaline does cause the increase in calories burnt and can come with the risk of side effects that cause dehydration and sickness, and who knows just how much the chance of suffering from these side effects has multiplied with Chaos Energy thrown into the mix. Not very smart, are you? You're taking days, maybe weeks, off your life just to get faster and stronger."

"It's better than letting all of my friends and family die right in front of me. I'll do anything to protect them, even if I end up killing myself," Shifter said, showing how far he'll go for his friends.

"I suppose that I should've expected an answer like that from someone who lost his mother at such a young age," Tails Doll said, making Shifter even more mad.

"DON'T YOU DARE MENTION MY MOTHER!!!" Shifter said, then he charged straight at Tails Doll,  throwing a barrage of Chaos Impacts, shouting, "CHAOS BOXING!" Tails Doll then threw his own barrage of punches, trying to outmatch the hedgehog. A few minutes of attacks later, Tails Doll goes for an uppercut and Shifter dodges it, but then Tails Doll knees Shifter, sending him flying. Right after teleporting, Tails Doll kicks Shifter back down onto the floor, the latter of which lands rather painfully. Tails Doll was about to strike Shifter before he could get back up, but Shifter dodged the attack just before it landed.

"TWIN TURBO TAIL STRIKE!" Tails Doll shouted, making his twin tails come of and hit Shifter in the gut. When Tails Doll teleported behind Shifter, Shifter saw that and attempted to counter attack. "WHY DO YOU BOTHER TRYING TO DEFEAT OPPONENTS THAT ARE OBVIOUSLY STRONGER THAN YOU!?" Tails Doll shouted just before getting ready to kick Shifter.

"BECAUSE IF I DON'T, THEN I CAN'T PROTECT ANYONE FROM MURDERERS LIKE YOU!!" Shifter shouted before stopping Tails Doll's kick by wrapping Chaos Silk around the leg.

"Wait, what!?" Tails Doll said, shocked that Shifter can create Chaos Silk, which is spider silk that has Chaos Energy flowing through it.

"CHAOS DRILL!" Shifter shouted as he launched the Chaos Drill at Tails Doll.

"ARGENT SHIELD: HELL KNIGHT!" Tails Doll said as he used a defensive technique that just made the Chaos Drill bounce off and Shifter to get dragged a fair bit of distance away from him. "I'm impressed that you know how to create Chaos Silk, but now it's time for you to die," Tails Doll said, then he teleported and coiled his tails around Shifter's neck, strangling him. Shifter then used Chaos Silk to use a technique that he just came up with so that he can be able to continue fighting.

"Not yet!" Shifter said, then he spun Tails Doll around in multiple circles at incredible speeds, shouting, "CHAOS SPIDER SILK: PINWHEEL!" Then, Shifter threw Tails Doll into the air as high as he could, then he followed up with a Chaos Spear, shouting, "CHAOS SPEAR!"

After dodging the attack, Tails Doll back down onto the floor and when Shifter came charging at him, Tails Doll put his right hand in the form of a finger gun, shouting, "PEASHOOTER!" After that, Tails Doll fired a projectile at Shifter's left shoulder, who easily felt the wound. Then, Tails Doll teleported behind Shifter and hit him with another Peashooter at him. "TRIPLE PEASHOOTER!" Tails Doll shouted, firing three Peashooters at Shifter, who kept feeling them as Tails Doll hits Shifter over and over again. When Shifter was on one knee, Tails Doll decided to finish the fireworks with a bang, firing a flaming Peashooter, shouting, "CHARGE!" After the attack hit, it bursts into flames on Shifter, who was screaming in agony at the pain that he was suffering through. When it exploded into flames and smoke, Shifter fell to the floor on his belly. "It appears that since I was expecting a real challenge, I'm sorely disappointed. I guess that you wasted all of your strength on pumping Ring Energy into your Adrenal Gland," Tails Doll said, wanting more of the fight that he was getting, which he would get more of because Shifter had gotten back up.

"So you wanted to get a real challenge out of me, did you? Well, I've got one more tactic. Just remember the fact that this was your idea, not mine," Shifter said, then he focused Chaos Energy into the Power Ring on his right hand, shouting, "RING FUSION!" Then, Shifter formed a Chaos Spear in his left hand, then he made the Ring Energy and Chaos Energy flow into his own body, making his right hand look like it turned Super, shouting, "CHAOS RADIATION!"

"Radiation?" Tails Doll asked.

"The energy travels throughout my body!" Shifter said to him, demonstrating it by making his chest have the same color of a Super form, then Shifter made the Chaos Spear even bigger with the new energy, saying, "Take a good look! The Chaos Spear in my left hand now contains the power of a Chaos Titan!" After he said that, he launched the Chaos Spear at Tails Doll.

"If this is a bluff, then knock if off," Tails Doll said, thinking that he can handle the attack.

"CHAOS..." Shifter shouted, just about to hit Tails Doll.

"ARGENT SHIELD!" Tails Doll shouted, thinking that he'll take it.

"... FLEETWAY SPEAR!" Shifter shouted, striking the giant Chaos Spear at Tails Doll, the latter of which greatly underestimated the force of the attack. The Chaos Fleetway Spear sent Tails Doll flying, scare and confuse some pedestrians down below, and grab the attention of G.U.N.

On a nearby Cult of X Hornet, Tails Doll had crashed onto it, with the flyer scared as hell.

"L-L-L-Look, I-I'm sorry that I hit you, s-sir! I-I didn't see you there!" the pilot stuttered, not wanting to die to Tails Doll.

"It is alright, I was in the middle of a fight. In fact, I think the competition is coming to me," Tails Doll said.

"TAILS DOLL!" Shifter shouted, wanting to beat Tails Doll so much.

"I'd get out of here if I were you," Tails Doll warned the pilot, but it was too little, too late, because Shifter had already began for his next attack.

"CHAOS FLEETWAY ATHLETE!" Shifter shouted as he launched an attack on Tails Doll, who dodged the attack with ease, but the pilot was another story. When Tails Doll realized that Shifter can't move around much when he has so much Chaos Energy weighing him, Tails Doll used his finger to pierce Shifter's skin, but thankfully, Shifter was able to send the Super Chaos Energy to his chest and made Tails Doll bounce off of him. After putting all of the Super Chaos Energy into his right leg, Shifter attacked Tails with a giant Chaos Wind, shouting, "CHAOS FLEETWAY WIND!" The attack cuts most of the buildings clean off, causing most of the pedestrians to run for their lives. After that, Shifter then tries to hide for a short amount of time. "Ring Fusion is pretty strong, but this side effect... Okay, so I used the Ring Fusion for about 30 seconds, including how long it took me to get over to where Tails Doll was, so I'm going to suffer from the inability to use Chaos Powers for about 30 seconds," Shifter said, unaware of what really just happened.

Tails Doll then appeared out of nowhere and said, "So this Ring technique leaves you with the inability to use Chaos Powers when you use it, and the longer you use it, the longer you can't fight? Looks like it's my lucky day, and your last, because your little Radiation stunt didn't hurt me." Shifter's eyes widened in horror as he prayed for his Chaos Powers to come back, but just when Tails Doll was about to kill him, he felt pain that caused him to clutch his stomach. 'His Spear attack must've injured my belly!'

After Shifter felt his powers coming back, he said, "Looks like my Ring Fusion technique did do a number on you after all. Looks like your stomach felt that one."

"I see. So that's the true power of your Ring Fusion. It turns a portion of your body into a Super form, giving that one body part the strength of at least one of the ancient Chaos Titans. However, don't think that a Cleric type like you can be able to defeat me," Tails Doll said.

"There you go, making the same mistake again!" Shifter shouted, then he threw a punch at Tails Doll, who blocked it with the bottom of his foot, then pushed him away.

"MEGA BLAST!" Tails Doll shouted, creating a giant energy shot that was about to hit Shifter, but the latter of which just barely dodged the attack. After dodging, Shifter then went into the same stance as when he activates the Ring Dash, saying, "This is it. I won't stop this until I make sure that you go down into hell myself."

"So, you're preparing to die because you've used up all of your strength?" Tails Doll Asked.

"I don't know what's going to happen if I do this again, but what I do know is that I need to stop you from killing anyone else!" Shifter said, then he activated Ring Dash again, shouting, "RING DASH!" After an intense stare-down, Shifter charged at Tails Doll and sent him flying in an instant, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET SPEAR!" When he sent Tails Doll flying, Shifter noticed that he seemed to be in less pain than the other times, but then he saw Tails Doll rebound from the attack faster than before. "He jumped back to recover more quickly!" When Tails Doll teleported behind Shifter and tried to hit him, Shifter dodged the attack thanks to the increased speed. Tails Doll kept trying to hit Shifter multiple times, but Shifter just keeps on dodging the attacks like they're nothing. After getting further away from Tails Doll, Tails Doll tries to hit him again, but Shifter blocked it with a single hand. Shifter then tries to hit Tails Doll, but Tails Doll blocked it with his own arm. Shifter then put his left hand behind himself, with a Chaos Lance in the palm of his hand, then he hit Tails Doll with the Chaos Lance, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET LANCE!" The force of the attack caused Tails Doll to skid on the floor of the roof that the two were on and to nearly collapse onto the floor. After that Shifter then follows up his attack with two Chaos Spears at nearly the same time, shouting, "CHAOS TWIN ROCKET SPEARS!" The force of the two Chaos Spears sends Tails Doll crashing into the railing of the roof and nearly falling off the edge of the roof. Then, Shifter tried to attack Tails Doll with a Chaos Rocket Javelin, shouting, "CHAOS..."

After getting back up, Tails Doll said, "I can't believe that I have to use the strongest technique in my arsenal on a pipsqueak like you." After he said that, Tails Doll teleported sideways in front of Shifter with his gem pointing towards him after shouting, "SUPER ART!" This confused Shifter until Tails Doll shouted, "ENERGY BEAM!" After that, Tails Doll started spinning, which caused a stream of red Argent Energy to flow straight through Shifter, causing him to be in a lot of pain from it.

However, despite the pain, Shifter was still able to hit Tails Doll with his own attack, shouting, "ROCKET JAVELIN!" The strike was enough to send Tails Doll over the edge, but he was able to grab ahold of the railing and get back onto the roof and back into the fight. However, it was clear that Shifter was in severe pain from the Energy Beam attack, due to the fact that he was on both of his knees. "I don't know how Tails Doll was able to do that or how he's that strong, but I do know that if he manages to make an attack like that connect one more time, then I'm going to lose," Shifter whispered to himself.

"MEGA BLAST!" Tails Doll shouted, firing a Mega Blast at Shifter, who was able to dodge it despite being in severe pain at the moment. Shifter then charged at Tails Doll and tried to hit him, but Tails Doll teleported out of the way. When Tails Doll reappeared, Shifter then punched Tails Doll multiple times, but Tails Doll blocked every single one of the punches. "What's wrong? You're starting to slow down, and your adrenaline technique's getting weaker," Tails Doll said, still blocking Shifter's attacks. Shifter then made his punches even faster, but Tails Doll was still able to block them. "It's useless! All of your struggle is being wasted right now!" Tails Doll said, still blocking Shifter's high speed punches.

Shifter then charged at Tails Doll and tried to swing his feet down on Tails Doll, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET MACE!" However, Tails Doll teleported out of the way.

"Even if you do defeat me, you'll die by the hands of an army because defeating someone like me is an automatic declaration of war against the Cult of X," Tails Doll explained to Shifter, then he fired multiple red, pointy projectiles at Shifter, shouting, "SPREAD!" 

Shifter was able to counter the attack by using a barrage of Chaos Impacts, saying, "I'll worry about that when I get to it. Right now, I need to worry about taking you down myself!" Then, after Tails Doll teleported into the air, Shifter meet him up there at high speeds to hit him with a Chaos Impact, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET IMPACT!" However, Tails Doll teleported next to Shifter and when Shifter turned around, Tails Doll was in the same position as when he did the Energy Beam attack. "No, not again!" Shifter said, knowing what's about to happen next.

"ENERGY BEAM!" Tails Doll shouted, using the Energy Beam on Shifter again, causing him to cough up blood and slide on the floor and hit the railing, causing smoke to rise up. When the smoke cleared, Shifter got back up and walked a few steps further before collapsing onto the floor again. "I win," Tails Doll said, then he walked to the stairs that led back into the building.

"N-Not yet!" said a voice behind Tails Doll. When he looked behind himself, Tails Doll saw that Shifter had gotten back up and he was squatting, had his right hand on his right knee, and his other hand as a fist and had it on the floor. "I'm not done yet! This isn't hell or anything like that!" Shifter said, still wanting to fight.

(Play One Piece OST-Let's Battle)

"You should've stayed down, kid," Tails Doll said, then he teleported next to Shifter and tried to punch him twice simultaneously, but Shifter countered the two punches with his own. Then, the two jumped away form each other and Tails Doll charged at Shifter, shouting, "SPREAD!" When Shifter landed, he then countered the Spread attack with multiple Chaos Impacts like before, with the two shouting as the struggle between the two had continued. After a few minutes of attacks later, Tails Doll then tried to kick him, but Shifter dodged it with finesse. Then, Tails Doll tried to hit Shifter with a Mega Blast, shouting, "MEGA BLAST!"

Shifter dodged to the side and then Tails Doll teleported into the air and charged at Shifter again, with Shifter finally getting a hit into the doll, shouting, "CHAOS ROCKET SPEAR!" However, after doing that, Shifter felt a gag reflex and begins to feel the side effects of the Chaos Energy-infused adrenaline, vomiting onto the floor with some blood in it. When Tails Doll charged at Shifter again, Shifter tried to knock him back again with two Chaos Spears, shouting, "CHAOS TWIN ROCKET SPEAR!" However, Tails Doll was able to dodge both Chaos Spears, then he teleported right next to Shifter in the same position as before. Shifter, knowing what Tails Doll was doing, jumped to the side to get out of the way. "I'm not falling for tha-" Shifter said, but was interrupted when he felt something on his back. When he checked, he saw that Tails Doll was right there, getting ready to use his Energy Beam. "Oh, come on!" Shifter said, getting ready for what was going to happen next.

(Stop playing One Piece OST-Let's Battle)

"ENERGY BEAM!" Tails Doll shouted, firing the Energy Beam right into Shifter's back, causing even more pain for Shifter, making him barely conscious. "Too bad the fun has to end right now. I was just starting to have some fun," Tails Doll said as Shifter closed his eyes and began to fall over. "I had more fun with Rebecca. Her screams, right before she exploded into a beautiful mess of gore, were priceless," Tails Doll said as he walked to the stairs that led back inside. After hearing that comment about his mother from Tails Doll, Shifter's eyes shot back open and he got back up before he hit the ground and after coughing up some blood, Shifter then screamed at the top of his lungs, making Tails Doll stop dead in his tracks.

"Did I scream enough for you, you damn doll?" Shifter said, then Tails Doll turned around and gave a look that showed pure anger. "CHAOS..." Shifter shouted, then he thrusted his arms forward so fast, they looked like they were gone completely.

"ARGENT SHI-" Tails Doll shouted, but got interrupted by a large number of Chaos Arrows hitting him.

"... ROCKET..." Shifter shouted, then, after hitting Tails Doll with two more Chaos Arrows in the face, shouted, "... ARROWS!" Shifter then screamed before Tails Doll began to be pushed back and onto the railing, tearing apart his connection between his upper half and lower half, shredding his arms and legs, and turning his head into a big pile of gore. Just before the railing supporting the broken down mess that used to be the Tails Doll gave way, Shifter then screamed with all of his might again.

(Inside the building)

"Uh, attention all cultists! I have an urgent message to report! Just now, Tails Doll, the leader of the Mobian division of the Cult of X, was found as a broken down mess of bones and guts! I repeat, Tails Doll has just been demolished by Shifter the Hedgehog!" said the loudspeakers of the building.

(On the roof of the building)

"That... was for my mom... you son of a bitch," Shifter said after his friends got onto the roof, knowing what had just happened.

'Well, well, he actually did it,' Lilac thought to herself, then she shouted, "ALRIGHT, SHIFTER, YOU KNOW THE DEAL! SHOW US YOUR BIGGEST SMILE YET!" After she shouted that, Shifter gave a big, toothy grin, enough to satisfy Lilac.

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