Chapter 3: The Throwing Thing

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(POV none, Rocky Jungle Zone, Soumerca Egg Army Dig Site)

(Later that night)

After driving for a few hours, the three had managed to make it to the Soumerca Egg Army's turf, where the next Chaos Emerald would be located. After doing some scouting, Misty returned to Shifter and Eclipse and said, "The place is heavily fortified, and that Jump Panel over there leads to a steel cage that disrupts Chaos and Chronon Energy."

(Author's note: The image below shows what the Jump Panel looks like.)

"Well, do you have a plan, Misty?" Shifter asked.

"Just one: Shifter change the coordinates of the Jump Panel to a spot somewhere beyond the limits of the cage while I go create a distraction," Misty said, then added, "When I give the signal, use it, and propel yourselves into the base."

"How do we make the Jump Panel work properly?" Shifter asked.

"Just run as fast as you can towards it. It'll do the rest," Misty told him, then added, "Meet me at the base of the building."

"Okay, so what's the signal?" Shifter asked, but with no reply. When Shifter turned to face Misty, she wasn't there anymore. Shifter then said, complaining, "Gaia dammit, I hate it when they do that."

"For once in a while, we actually agree on something," Eclipse said to Shifter.

(A few minutes later)

The guys were still at the cliff side, waiting for Misty to give them the signal. Shifter had reset the coordinates on the Jump Panel, so they didn't need to worry

"What do you think she would do for a distraction?" Eclipse asked Shifter, trying to start a conversation.

"Who knows, probably, like, take out a soldier close to another so that the others would come over to them to see what's going on," Shifter said, then added, "That's what I would do."

"Well, what I would do is cause a stampede that straight down onto the soldiers, causing some of them to be sent to the sick bay," Eclipse told him

Right after he said that, a giant explosion that left a trail of electrical smoke behind happened in the center of the base, causing the alarm to sound and several soldiers to check it out.

"... Or she could do that," Shifter said, in shock of what he had just witnessed.

"Okay, credit where it's due, she's definitely better at distractions than the both of us," Eclipse said, impressed by what Misty just did.

"Yeah..." Shifter replied.

"Okay, come on over here," Misty told them over the Walkie-talkie, then added, "But do it quietly."

"Okay, let's go," Shifter said, following along with the plan.

"Um, yeah, I've used one of those things before, and I wouldn't use that if I were you," Eclipse warned Shifter.

"Well, you're not me, are you?" Shifter asked, then stepped onto the Jump Panel, which then caused him to scream due to how high up it threw him.

(Author's note: For those of you who are wondering, the video below shows what Shifter's scream at least sounds similar to.)

"D'OH! OOF! OW! D'UPTH! D'OOF! D'OW!" Shifter groaned after hitting the ground five times in a row then bouncing off it like a rubber ball, then stopped after hitting soft wool in a container, then said, still on the ground, "That was fucking bullshit!"

"Did you just say something?" A guard said to the one next to him.

"... Wut?" The other guard said.

"I said quietly," Misty reminded Shifter over the Walkie-talkie, then rudely asked, "What part of, 'quiet' don't you understand?"

"What part?" Shifter asked, getting up, then shouted, "HOW ABOUT THE PART WHERE I GOT THROWN 80 FEET IN THE FUCKING AIR BY THE GAIA DAMN THROWING THING!?"

(Another few minutes later)

The three were still searching every section of the dig site, trying to at least find information about where Egg Boss Thunderbolt was keeping the Chaos Emerald at.

(Author's note: Just for the people who don't read the Archie comics, the image below shows what Egg Boss Thunderbolt looks like, and also, just for those who are confused, she's small.)

"Hey guys, I got some good news and some bad news," Shifter told the others over the Walkie-talkie, then added, "The good news is that I found the Chaos Emerald."

"And the bad news?" Misty asked.

"Thunderbolt has her hands on it," Shifter told her.

"We already know that, idiot," Eclipse told Shifter over his Walkie-talkie.

"No, I mean she literally has her hands on it," Shifter told him.

"What do you mean, 'She literally has her hands on it?'" Misty asked. 

"I mean that she's currently asleep with the Chaos Emerald held tight in her hands," Shifter told her, then added, gossiping, "By the way, she's totally cuddling it like a stuffed toy." This comment made Misty and Eclipse stifle a laugh or two.

"A-Anyways, Shifter, get the Chaos Emerald before she wakes up," Misty ordered Shifter after straightening herself out.

"Roger that, ma'am," Shifter said and turned off his Walkie-talkie, then took out his camera phone, saying, "But not before having a little bit of fun with this moment. Just need to make sure that the flash and sound is turned off."

After making sure that the sound and flash were turned off and took the picture, Shifter then grabbed a nearby teddy bear, then sneaked up close to Thunderbolt to make the switch between the teddy bear and the Chaos Emerald.

"Why of course, Master Robotnik. I'll go and get you something to drink," Thunderbolt murmured in her sleep, making Shifter nearly laugh out loud after hearing that.

"Of course I love you, Master. What kind of maid would I be if I didn't?" Thunderbolt said in her sleep, making Shifter stifle another laugh upon hearing that.

'Oh, Sweet Gaia, that's both brilliant and juicy,' Shifter thought in his head.

After some difficulty, due to the humiliation of Egg Boss Thunderbolt and the movement of her fingers, Shifter had managed to pry the Chaos Emerald free and replace it with a teddy bear.

When the three had rendezvoused with each other, Misty asked Shifter, "Did you get the Emerald?"

"Got it right here," Shifter told her.

"Good," Misty said, then asked, "Do you have anything else to report?"

"Only that the last time I checked, Egg Boss Thunderbolt was having a dream about being Eggman's own little maid," Shifter gossiped, making the others giggle a little bit.

"Okay, now let's get moving before every single one of them wakes up and Thunderbolt finds out that her Chaos Emerald was stolen from her," Eclipse said, wanting to get out of the dig site as fast as possible.

Just as they were about to be out of the Soumerca Egg Army's territory, a fireball was launched at the three, causing a big explosion that caused all of the Egg Army Soldiers that were asleep to wake up, including Egg Boss Thunderbolt, who was a little bit pissed of at the thing that she was holding was not the Chaos Emerald that she had in her possession.

"GRAAAAH!" Thunderbolt shouted at the top of her lungs, then she sounded a unique alarm that meant that the Chaos Emerald was stolen.

When Shifter, Eclipse, and Misty looked in the direction of the fireball's origin, they saw a bunch of demons that look as if they want to cause trouble throughout all of Mobius.

(Author's note: The image below shows what the demons that throw fireballs look like.)

"I believe that you have something that belongs to me," Said a voice behind them. When the three looked behind themselves, they saw that Egg Boss Thunderbolt was awake and that she had brought her entire army with her.

"Well, this is a nice way to leave this bit of our journey: Out of the frying pan and into the shit," Shifter said, stating how bad things got so fast.

"And it appears as though you won't be getting out of this problem," Thunderbolt said to Shifter, then asked, "Any last words?"

"Did you know that you talk in your sleep, Thunderbolt?" Shifter asked, trying to be a dick to the Egg Boss.

"No, why do you ask?" Thunderbolt questioned.

"'Of course I love you, Master Robotnik. What kind of maid would I be if I didn't?'" Shifter imitated, making Thunderbolt's blood to boil and most of her soldiers to start laughing due to how embarrassing it was. Their laughter caused them to pass out from a powerful jolt of electricity caused by Thunderbolt.

"Anyone else want to laugh at the embarrassment I gave myself during my slumber?" Thunderbolt asked her soldiers that were still conscious, which made all of nod their heads nervously due to how terrified they were.

"Now, where was I?" Thunderbolt asked before she turned around and got a faceful of fist from Shifter.

"CHAOS IMPACT!" Shifter shouted after he charged Chaos Energy into his fist to make the force of the hit even stronger, causing a minor shockwave that sent Thunderbolt flying.

After Thunderbolt was sent flying, Shifter then turned towards her men, then fired multiple high speed Chaos Energy projectiles at them, shouting, "CHAOS ARROWS!"

After all of the soldiers were KO'd, Shifter then said, "Misty, Eclipse, you deal with the Imps. I'll deal with Mrs. Robotnik over here."

"Since when did you start giving the orders?" Misty asked Shifter.

"Since no one else has a fucking plan!" Shifter shouted to Misty.

"Alright, fine! I'll do it!" Misty told him, hating the idea of fighting alongside a Black Arm.

"Good. Now, Make sure that you keep a distance from the Imps' claws so that you get to keep all of your limbs, and make sure that you dodge their fireballs because that's concentrated Hell Energy coming straight at you!" Shifter told Misty and Eclipse.

(Misty and Eclipse vs Imps)

When an Imp was charging at Misty, she made two different colored ball-like bubbles: a red one and a blue one. After the bubbles formed, she then made the balls spin around like they were a single top that was spinning on its side. When the balls stopped spinning, she then made the bubbles hit each other, which somehow blew the Imp clear out of the dig site, and during the whole thing, Misty shouted, "TEMPEST WIND!"

"That's the same trick you used on that Hell Knight," Eclipse commented, then asked, "How do you do that, by the way?"

"I can be able to make three different types of bubbles: one that contains hot air known as a Heat Ball, a bubble that has cool air in it called a Cool Ball, and a bubble containing electricity called a Thunder Ball," Misty explained, then added, "When used individually, the only thing that they're good for are parties, but if the balls were to be combined, then they can easily alter anything about the weather within the vicinity."

"Impressive," Eclipse told her, then heard Imps coming at him from behind.

"CHRONON SHIELD!" Eclipse shouted, creating a domed shield of Chronon Energy that knocked back all of the Imps.

When all of the Imps were badly injured to use any Hell Energy to construct fireballs, Eclipse was about to bring an end to them before Misty combined two Thunder Balls together, causing a bolt of electricity to strike the Imps, shouting, "THUNDEROUS STRIKE!"

"Shifter said that both you and me had to deal with the Imps, not just you," Eclipse said to get Misty's attention.

"What's your problem? They're dead, aren't they?" Misty asked.

"My problem is that if we're going to work together, then we need to show some teamwork as partners," Eclipse said, which angered Misty.

"Let's get something straight here: We are not partners. We never were partners. In fact, the only reason I fought with you just now is because Shifter was the only one who had a plan at the moment," Misty told her, then walked over to where Shifter and Thunderbolt were duking it out.

'What's her deal with me?' Eclipse thought, then caught up with Misty.

(Shifter vs Thunderbolt)

"You know, if Eggman were to allow it, then you would definitely be a lovely little maid for him," Shifter said before the fight began, which made Thunderbolt even more angry.

"ELECTRIC CHARGE!" Thunderbolt shouted, firing a beam of electricity at Shifter, who blocked it with a barrier of Chaos Energy, Shouting, "CHAOS SHIELD!"

"You are going to pay dearly for that comment, rodent," Thunderbolt said, then started to charge up more electricity to continue the fight, while Shifter thought of a way to beat her.

"ELECTRIC STORM!" Thunderbolt shouted, bringing down a massive pillar of lightning towards Shifter, the impact of which caused a massive cloud of smoke to appear.

"That takes care *huff* of that," Thunderbolt said, so exhausted due to how much energy she used in that last attack that she couldn't even move.

"Takes care of what?" a voice in the smoke cloud said, and after the smoke cleared, Thunderbolt's eyes widened in fear and her jaw dropped in shock at what she was seeing. Shifter survived that attack without so much as a scratch!

"Impossible! How did you...?" Thunderbolt asked in disbelief.

"I used a technique called the Chaos Armor, which encases my body in Chaos Energy and prevents me from moving. Not only that, but it's only resistant to energy-based attacks," Shifter told her, then put a smug look on his face, saying, "Thanks for using up all of your energy into that lightning bolt, by the way."

After he said that, Shifter then put his hands behind him and formed a Chaos Spear in his right hand, and a dark blue energy sphere known as a Chaos Lance in his left. "Next time, think with your head instead of your fists. CHAOS..." Shifter said before thrusting his hands forward and combining the energy spheres into one, forming one green energy sphere that made Thunderbolt shake in fear, then the sphere sent Thunderbolt flying, with Shifter shouting, "JAVELIN!"

After that, Shifter, Misty, and Eclipse regrouped and finally managed to leave the dig site.

"So much for keeping quiet so that Eggman doesn't try to give his other Chaos Emerald some more defense from us stealing it," Shifter said to the others.

"Then we'll just have to find another way around the defenses of the next Chaos Emerald's location that Eggman controls," Eclipse said, then asked Misty, "Where's the next one?"

"It's on the Death Egg," Misty said to them.

"Please tell me you're joking," Shifter said to Misty.

"I'm not," she said.

"You know what? Fuck it. Let's just take it by storm," Eclipse said.

"Yeah, fuck it. Let's just do that," Shifter said, agreeing with Eclipse.

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