Chapter 7: The Street Chase

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(POV none, Spagonia)

On the overpass of a highway was Shifter, Eclipse, and Carol waiting for the convoy to arrive on the highway underneath them. When they did, Eclipse jumped from the overpass and landed on top of the car where he then killed the cultist that had the Chaos Emerald.

(A few seconds later)

Eclipse had managed to make it back onto the overpass with the Chaos Emerald in tow.

"Nice work, Eclipse," Carol said.

"Thanks," Eclipse said, blushing just a little bit.

"Yep, subtle as always," Shifter said, then added, "Response team's going to be here soon." After he said that, him and Eclipse got into the car that they used to blend in.

(Author's note: The image below shows what the car looks like.)

"Then let's get away from the crime scene before they do!" Carol said after getting on top of the car.

"Hold on!" Shifter said to Carol, then he drove off the bridge and out of visual, but a bunch of VTOLs known as Hornets appeared in the skies behind them.

(Author's note: The image below shows what the Hornet looks like.)

"Coming through!" Shifter said as he went past a car, then flew past more cars, saying, "Excuse me! Look out!"

(Play Red vs Blue Season 9 OST 11: Spiral)

"Here they come!" Carol said as she saw the Hornets behind them. After she saw them, two out of three of them came down from the airships and had jetpacks on them. One was a female, the other was a female, and both were covered in latex catsuits to hide their identities.

"They're behind us!" Carol told them as she kept a close eye on the male one because she knew that he would be the one that would try to steal the Chaos Emerald. However, what she didn't know is that the female was going to try to snipe her down so that she wouldn't get in their way.

"Eclipse, protect the Emerald!" Carol said as Eclipse noticed a red laser on her back. When he looked at where the laser was coming from, he saw that a sniper was trying to kill her. When the female sniper fired, instead of the bullet hitting Carol, Eclipse got on top of the car, then got in the way of the bullet and it went straight through him, but the trajectory was thrown off enough to just barely miss Carol.

"Eclipse?" Carol said after looking back to check on the downed Eclipse, then saw the female in the distance with her sniper rifle and said, "Sniper!" After the female fired again and Carol ducked her head to dodge the bullet, Carol noticed that the male was moving up again.

"Punch it, Shifter!" Carol said to Shifter.

"It's punched!" Shifter said to explain why he can't go any faster. After Shifter said that, the female came up to the front of the car since she couldn't get to Carol from a distance, and Carol kicked her off of the car and went for the Emerald. However, using her jetpack, the female then got back on the car, nearly kicked Carol off of the car, and she then got the Chaos Emerald from the unconscious Eclipse, but Carol kneed the female, knocking her off of the car and making her throw the Emerald into the air. Carol had a bit of difficulty getting the Emerald due to the fact that she kept accidentally bouncing it back into the air, but after a few seconds, she was able to get the Emerald into her hands, saying, "Got it!" However, the small victory was short lived as the male then kicked Carol, making her throw the Emerald into the air and the male to get it.

"Hold on!" Shifter said as he slammed on the brakes, saving Carol before she got a bullet to the head and making both Carol and the male land onto the back of a Flatbed Truck, which had metal barrels on it. When they were still airborne, Carol had just about managed to get the Emerald back from the male. The female then fired at Carol with dual-wielding pistols while the male threw a barrel at Shifter and Eclipse, the latter of which had just regained consciousness. The barrel barely made the car crash, but then the male threw another barrel at them.

"Would you quit throwing shit!?" Shifter asked the male. After finally driving at a stable pace close to the Flatbed, Eclipse jumped onto the female, who stopped using her jetpack and went for close quarters combat to conserve pistol ammo. The female then used her jetpack to dodge the incoming Black Arm, but Eclipse wasn't done as he then tried to punch her. However, the female then kicked Eclipse in the chest, knocking him back, and that made both him and Carol go back-to-back. After switching opponents due to having good combat experience together, Carol fought the female while Eclipse fought the male. After dodging bullets from the female's pistol, Carol then used her Wild Claw technique to cut the female's shoulder. "Oh, come on!" the female complained, then she threw one of her pistols to the male, who, after punching Eclipse then caught his fist before it hit him, shot Eclipse in the chest with it. Before the male was able to fire at Eclipse's head, Carol tackled him to the floor of the flatbed, shouting, "NO!" After she shouted that, Carol used the Wild Kick multiple times on him, then she threw him at the female, and he fell onto the ground of the road and almost got ran over before he rolled out of the street. Eclipse then got back up, shouted, "CHRONON BLAST!" and before he could use it, the female shot his leg, making him use it on the Flatbed's tires instead, causing the vehicle to be frozen during an explosion and not only making all four of them fall out of the street and into the buildings, but allowing the third cultist to get the Emerald when Carol dropped it.

(Author's note: The image below shows who the third cultist is.)

After he got the Emerald, the Tails Doll then made a tunnel that he went into close while Shifter was feet away. After getting on top of the car, Shifter made it into the tunnel just before it closed, then he ran towards the Tails Doll at incredible speed after shouting, "CHAOS BOOST!" After going past car after car and exiting the tunnel, Shifter then made it to a few feet behind of the Tails Doll, who then went onto the rooftops. After chasing the Tails Doll across the rooftops, the Tails Doll taunted Shifter by saying, "I do so hope that Rebecca is resting peacefully in Heaven."

After the Tails Doll said that, Shifter jumped towards it and got onto its body.

"Don't you ever mention my mother right in front of me! Especially since you're the reason that she's dead!" Shifter shouted at him before charging his head with Chaos Energy, then he headbutted the creepy-looking doll, shouting, "CHAOS BELL!" After he headbutted the doll, causing a bell sound to be heard, the two then crashed onto the streets below with Shifter exhausted. 

(Stop playing Red vs Blue Season 9 OST 11: Spiral)

After a few more seconds, Shifter saw Tails Doll slowly get back up, and he was just about to take advantage of Shifter's current state until a voice that was next to where the Chaos Emerald was dropped said, "The Chaos Emerald is retrieved, sir. I'm ready to head home." When Shifter saw who it was, it was another female in another fullbody latex catsuit.

"Good work, Satanicus," Tails Doll said to the new person.

"Thank you, sir," Satanicus said, then she teleported away.

"Better luck next time, kid," Tails Doll said to Shifter before teleporting back to the Mobian Cult of X hideout with Satanicus.

"Luck's got nothing to do with it," Shifter said as he revealed that while he was holding onto the Tails Doll, he managed to switch the Chaos Emerald in its hand with a fake by using Chaos Energy to transport them. After that had happened, the ship then came into view with Lilac holding out her hand to ask Shifter if she could pull her up.

(A few minutes later)

After finding Carol and learning that, surprisingly, she didn't need any help to get into the ship due to the fact that she didn't feel any pain at all. After searching for a few minutes, Shifter was able to find Eclipse in a vacant building, his arms crossed.

"Finally found you!" Shifter said as he ran towards Eclipse, but when he got close enough see every detail on his body, he saw something worrying. Eclipse was bleeding everywhere, even from his eyes!

"Why is your own blood all over your body!? Hey, are you alright!? Where's that damn doll's henchmen!? What in the hell happened here!?" Shifter asked Eclipse, shouting when he did.

"Absolutely... nothing!" Eclipse struggled to say.

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