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"Sir? Sir? Sir!" 

The blonde man woke with a loud noise, looking around frantically before his eyes landed on the middle-aged flight attended next to him. The woman next to him, a sleeping baby in her arms, gave him a strange look. Yohio smiled apologetically at the woman, though his heart was struck with a surge of a homesick feeling at the sight of the child.

He had two children back at home. They were rather young, only toddlers. Twins. Rin, the female twin, and Len, the male twin. Rin was always wanting to go outside and play and make new friends. She loved the outdoors. She was friends with a whole lot of people, and Yohio couldn't be prouder of her ability to get along with others and problem solve.

Len, on the other hand, was different from Rin. But that didn't mean Yohio was any less prouder of him. He was quiet and preferred to stay indoors, being a rather shy yet sweet and thoughtful boy. Unlike his sister, he didn't rush forth without a plan. He tried to think things through and see logic, which was quite surprising for a boy of Len's age. He didn't make many friends, but the ones he did make, he seemed to hold close to his heart.

"Will you please come with me for a moment? There seems to be an issue with your luggage that should be addressed to you personally." The flight attendant politely said. Yohio nodded and stood up from his seat, cracking his back once he stood. The majority of the plane ride had went by quietly, and only now has he gotten up. Needless to say, he felt relieved when he stood back up. He was about to follow the attendant to the back of the plane when the woman next to him tugged on his sleeve.

"Excuse me," She said, picking something up from the floor, her sleeping child in her other arm. "You dropped this." She handed it to Yohio. He smiled.

It was a family picture that was taken about a year ago. His wife, Riliane, smiled widely at the camera, carrying Len in her arms while Yohio carried Rin up on his shoulders. In total, they took about 10 pictures since they could never get it right. The first few times, someone wasn't ready. After that, Rin or Len kept blinking. Yohio also had to literally run to get in the picture and get Rin on his shoulders in time for the camera to go off. It was near impossible, but they did it.

Although Riliane was nearly forced to give one of the twins up for adoption due to not enough money to raise a family of four, Yohio and Riliane worked hard enough to earn enough money to keep them both. Riliane loved both Rin and Len so much that the thought of losing one of them brought her to tears for hours.

"Thank you." Yohio told the woman. She chuckled.

"Your kids are beautiful, you know. So is your wife." This caused Yohio's smile to grow wider. He could never stop talking about his family. They were his whole world, though he hated to be away so often. But he finally had a job that could support the whole family, and he couldn't give it away just yet.

"They are, aren't they?" He chuckled. "Thank you, again." The woman smiled at him and gave a small nod before Yohio turned to follow the flight attendant to wherever she was leading him. Once they were where the other passengers wouldn't be able to see them, she turned to look at him, hands behind her back.

"So, what's the iss-"

Before he could finish, someone hit him from behind, and everything went dark.


When he woke, he was on land. Yohio could see the night sky above him, stars scattered everywhere, the sight of trees towering over him and the flashing lights of an airplane far up in the sky making him more alarmed than he already was.


He heard hushed voices speaking off to the side quietly, as if they didn't want to be heard. Yohio sat up, observing his surroundings. It appeared he was in a sort of light forest, definitely somewhere far from civilization. Snow blanketed the ground and fell from the sky, covering the tree branches and shrubs nearby. There were no light sources that he could see, the only light being provided from the moon and stars above. The sky was much clearer than it would be in the city, and the sounds of cicadas chirping and the occasional howl of a wolf from the distance made him come to that conclusion.

He sat up slowly. His head throbbed painfully. Yohio figured that it was because of that hit he took back on the plane. He didn't know how he was on ground and what the hell was going on, but he knew he had to get out of there. Now.

He began to stand, slowly, making sure that he made as little noise as possible. He could see the figures of two people talking a few feet away. Their faces were hidden by the darkness, but he could tell that one of them was female, judging by the heals and grey pencil skirt she wore. 

Yohio decided not to stick around to find out who the other person was. They stopped talking and turned towards him, and Yohio ran like hell.

They yelled for him to stop, but they must've been crazy if they thought that he would. He took a right turn- there was a cave straight ahead, and had he went in there, he would've been cornered with nowhere else to go. 

But before he knew it, he was on the ground with a heavy force pinning him down. "You will not disobey, Mr. Kagamine." A deep voice growled in his ear. "Or there will be very, very dark consequences."

Filled with panic, fear, and the thought of his family forcing him to fight for his life, Yohio turning and punched the person in the face. It was a man. Yohio couldn't see his face too well. He wore a black hoodie, the hood up and a black cloth covering his mouth and nose. All Yohio could make out was a pair of cold, teal eyes glaring at him.

He was struck back so hard that he could taste the blood in his mouth, and the mystery man stood up and kicked him in the stomach.

"You do not listen well, do you, Yohio?" He said, looking down at the man. Yohio gasped for air, hands grasping at the blades of grass under him. "I told you that there will be consequences, did I not?"

Yohio rolled over and kicked the mystery man's kneecap. He scrambled, trying to get back on his feet. The man let out a hiss of pain, and before he could start running again, he grabbed his ankle and pulled him back to the ground. 

"You- You really are a handful." The man growled. "I've got a way to keep you from running." He raised Yohio's leg and sharply, abruptly, bent it backwards before dropping it to the floor. He ignored Yohio's screams of pain- it was just a broken leg, nothing too serious.

Yohio grit his teeth and clutched his leg. It wasn't the first time it was broken. Once, he fell off a tree trying to get Pepper, the family cat, out of the tree near their home. It was a rather large tree, too, and the cat managed to somehow get on one of the higher branches. Well, when Yohio had just grabbed the cat, the little asshole jumped out of his hands and onto a branch below him, then finally made it down. But when Pepper jumped away from him, he was shocked and accidentally leaned the other way and ended up falling and breaking his leg. But it was okay. He got treated by his family and got time off from his work due to the injury.

This time, Yohio's family wasn't here. Hell, he didn't even know where he was. However, if he recalled correctly, he may have been somewhere in Russia about 30 minutes before he was somehow abducted and brought to land. Russia or the countries around it were his best guess as to where he was.

The man took out a remote of some sort and put his foot on Yohio's throat, limiting him to only a little air. From where he was, the Kagamine could see the flashing lights of the plane. "You see this?" He muttered, toying with the remote. "There's a bomb on that plane. This remote activates it, and it will go off in about 20 minutes." Yohio's eyes widened.

"Don't- please don't." He pleaded. "There are innocent people on that plane-"

The man grinned at him.

"I activated the bomb before we left."

Before Yohio could say anything, an explosion of fire engulfed the plane and lit up the night sky. The colors of red, yellow, and orange and the faint boom from the explosion sent Yohio into shock. All the people on board, dead. The woman with a young infant, the one who kindly gave him his precious family photo back, dead.

"See, Mr. Kagamine?" The man whispered to the horrified Yohio. "That is the very, very dark consequence I was referring to." He looked down at Yohio and took a picture from his pocket. It was the family photo Yohio treasured so much. He stared, horrified, as the man lit a match and set the corner of the photo on fire.

"And if you don't want your dear family to end up in flames, you better do what I say."


"And...that's what happened?" Len muttered. After thoroughly making sure that this wasn't a trick, he eventually decided to speak to his father. The shock from finding out that his dad was, in fact, alive hasn't worn off. Yohio nodded.

"Yes. From there, I've been at the Blackport prison for a while. Then, about 2 or 3 years ago, Tei left and smuggled me with her. I've been her slave and punching bag ever since then." Len looked at the ground. He leaned against the wall, Miku next to him, leaning against his side with Len's arm wrapped around her shoulder. The poor girl was shivering, and since Len didn't have a jacket to offer her, tried using body heat instead to warm her up.

Len didn't understand the feelings of anger and hate towards Tei. He barely remembered his father. Why should he be so upset?

Then he realized. Family is family. Yohio cared for and loved his family relentlessly. He was a kind man, Len remembered, that cared more about his children and wife than himself.

"So...uh, how have you been...?" Yohio started awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Len sighed.

"God awful." He replied. "If only that fucking asshole-"

"Language!" Yohio gasped, mouth agape from hearing the profane words that tumbled out of his son's- his oh-so innocent, adorable son!- mouth. Len gave Yohio a strange look.


"Language, Allen Rinto Kagamine!" Len gaped at hearing his full name, and Miku burst into laughter. 

"I'm- I'm 16, dammit!" Len sputtered, still flustered at hearing his full name. He never really heard it that much, but only his father would say it. Usually, it was because Len somehow fucked up. 

"Jeez, Riliane would freak if she heard those words come outta your mouth!" Yohio mumbled, and Len went quiet.

He never really knew exactly what happened to his mom. She was so caring and loving when he grew up, but then once Yohio disappeared, she began acting strange. Not as...loving and caring. And as of now, Len had no idea where she was. He didn't really care, either, but she was still his mom and weird or not, God forbid anything happen to her.

"She's been acting weird since you've disappeared..." Len mumbled. "Something about her just seemed...off. When I was away, at Blackport, she abandoned Rin and said horrible things. The night I returned, she was there. She was...she was saying horrible things. She said that she would've set Rin up for adoption if you hadn't talked her out of it. Then...she tried to hit Rin. I told her to leave, and she did. I haven't heard from her since."

Yohio's eyes had a faraway, concentrated look in them. It was the look Len usually had when he was thinking about something troubling, or when he was figuring something out. Then, finally, Yohio spoke.

"Your mother..." He muttered. "When she had you, she was in love with you both. But we were tight on money. We couldn't afford to keep you both. But...Riliane..." A nostalgic and loving smile graced his lips.

"She refused to accept the idea. She held on to you both tightly and cried for hours and hours. She refused to give you two up. Finally, the two of us ended up working so many jobs that we barely got sleep. A close friend of ours, the Shion family, took care of you until we finally, finally got enough money to support the four of us." Len lost his voice for a moment at hearing his father's words.

That couldn't be right. Riliane said she hated Rin, didn't she? Why would she lie about wanting to set her up for adoption?

"You're thinking, aren't you?" Yohio chuckled. "When you were little and you thought about things, you had the exact same look on your face. You always got this faraway look in your eyes and squinted your eyes, almost glaring at the floor. Riliane said you got it from me. Which, may or may not be such a good quality, considering that when I think hard about things, I tend to look like an angry giant who's about to kill a village." Len blinked.

"I look like that all the time." Len stated, pride almost lacing his words. "And that's why people don't bother me." Yohio sighed and shook his head with a chuckle.

"How did you ever get a girlfriend?"

"Never had one. It's just how I roll." Yohio looked shocked. His eyes were wide and he stared at Len in disbelief, then at Miku.

"What?! She's not your girlfriend?!" Yohio nearly yelled. 

"What? No! Of course not!" Len shouted a little too quickly, looking between Miku and Yohio with wide eyes and a flaming face. "Me? And Miku? Why would you think that? It's definitely not that kind of relationship!" 

Miku glared up at Len. "What, is there something wrong with me, Dumpling?" Len turned to glare at her. 

"Who said you can call me that, Leak Freak?!"

"Look at you two, fighting like an old married couple..." Yohio sighed. "How cute..." Len shuddered. 

"This is bull-" The look Len's father gave him made him improvise. "-crap. I mean, come on, all because she's a female friend of mine doesn't mean we have romantic relations!" Yohio raised his eyebrows and a sly grin made its way to his face.

"You two sure look like one. You've got your arm around her and you two give off that ridiculous lovey-dovey aura...especially you, Len. When you look at her, you've practically got hearts in your eyes-" Yohio cut himself off, sensing Len's blank 'are-you-serious?' stare.

"Oh...sorry." Yohio said sheepishly. Len waved it off, not really minding the small mistake. 

"It's fine," He sighed. "I don't really care anymore."

"But...what happened to you, anyways?" Yohio asked hesitantly. "You...should not be here. Did Tei take you hostage?" Len shook his head.

"Why do you have an eyepatch? What happened to you, Allen?" For once, Len didn't mind his father calling him by his first name. The room was filled with a thick silence once the question was asked. Len really didn't prefer telling others what had happened to him over the 2 years he was away. It was horrible. The things done to him, the things he had to do, and the choices he was forced to make.

Miku looked up at him expectantly. 

"It's...a long story." Len settled with, looking down at the floor once again. He felt a smaller hand on his soon after he uttered those dreadful words, and for once he took comfort in it instead of being flustered like he usually would. Yohio sighed.

"Well...as you can see, we have a lot of time on our hands..." Len looked at Yohio, then at Miku. Should he really tell them...?

A moment of doubt ran through his head, then he remembered that these were people he loved. People he could...trust. 

"All right, then. It started 2 years ago, when I was 14."

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