Chapter - 13

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NB: From now the conversation is between Ash's inner self and Serena.

The atmosphere grew heavier as a sense of foreboding crept into the air around Ash. What had been pleasant moments ago had shifted into an eerie and unsettling feeling.

Serena's instincts were on high alert, sensing the change in her surroundings. It was as if a shadow had fallen over the tranquility that had been present before. She turned her head to look at Ash, who was sitting right beside her, only to find him giving her an odd and uncomfortable glance. This was unusual; while she had been shy around Ash, she had never felt uneasy under his attention. If anything, she had cherished it.

Serena's face tensed as Ash spoke again, "We finally meet again" but this time, his voice held an uncanny depth to it, accompanied by an unsettling sensation. A chill ran down her spine, and her instincts had her on edge. She slowly reached for her Pokéballs, readying herself for whatever might come.

"Who are you?" she asked, trying to mask her instinctual fear. Ash chuckled, his voice now possessing an eerie undertone. "You caught on quicker than I expected. Perhaps it's a woman's intuition," he replied, his gaze shifting away from her.

Serena's unease remained, and she didn't respond. "How long do you intend to stand guard?" Ash scoffed, his tone mocking. "Ash, what's happening?" Serena questioned, hoping that this was just some sort of act on Ash's part.

But Ash didn't seem inclined to offer her answers. Instead, he continued speaking, his words dripping with an unsettling calmness. "There's no use holding your ground against me. If I wanted to, I could reduce you to ashes without lifting a finger," he proclaimed, leaving Serena shaken, though she remained steadfast, maintaining her defensive posture. "Calm down, girl. I don't have the time to turn someone into a crisp right now. Let's get down to business."

Serena's guard remained, her uncertainty growing as she struggled to make sense of Ash's words. Something was definitely off.

"Allow me to introduce myself," Ash began, his tone carrying a peculiar cadence. "I am Ash, or to be more precise, a fragment of his consciousness that has existed within him for quite some time." Serena was rendered speechless by his revelation.

"What do you mean, a part of him? You're nothing like the Ash I know," Serena retorted after a moment's pause, her skepticism apparent.

"Exactly. That's the point. I am not the Ash you know and look up to," Ash paused before continuing, his tone devoid of emotion. "Well, I can't say it just admiration for that fool that i've seen in your eyes, but that's beside the point."

"Huh?" Serena's anxiety was escalating as his words began to unravel.

"The bottom line is, I am not Ash as you know him. I'm more like a side of him that had remained dormant beneath the surface of his mind. An alter ego of sorts, if you will. Through a series of events, I managed to gain consciousness after being forced out of his mind a few times," Ash explained.

Serena listened intently, her doubts still lingering. "Why should I believe you?" she asked, a question that was only natural.

"Without me, the man you hold so dear would have met the same fate as our Pokémon," Ash responded, his words delivered with a chilling gravity.

"What do you mean?" Serena's confusion deepened.

"The answer should be clear if you think about the Ash you hold in high regard. Could you imagine him making the call to escape while leaving his Pokémon to perish in the face of danger?"

", he wouldn't," Serena realized, her thoughts aligning with Ash's disturbing explanation.

Serena's thoughts were racing, her mind grappling with the implications of Ash's words. The image of the courageous and selfless Ash she knew clashed with the unsettling notion that there might be another aspect of him, one that she had never encountered before.

Ash's eerie smile stretched across his face, the light glinting in his eyes as he leaned in slightly. "You're catching on, aren't you? The truth is rarely as simple as it seems," he remarked, his words dripping with a mix of amusement and something darker.

Serena's heart raced, her uncertainty growing with each passing moment. She was torn between the fond memories she held of Ash and the unnerving revelation before her. She wanted to believe it was all just lie but in her mind the explanation seemed solid as well.

"But why reveal yourself now? And why to me?" Serena's voice trembled slightly, betraying her inner turmoil. Ash's expression shifted, his gaze growing more intense "Well, I have some things I need you to get done for me," Ash's alter ego stated, his tone revealing a sense of expectancy.

Serena's brows furrowed as she regarded him with a mixture of suspicion and caution. "And why would I do anything for you? I don't even know if I can trust what you're saying."

Ash's alter ego leaned back, his expression a blend of amusement and something more sinister. "Trust is a delicate thing, isn't it? But think about it, Serena. You have a choice – you can either stand against me and let the world as you know it crumble, or Join me, and together, we'll create a new order," he enticed, his words like a spider's silk, both captivating and dangerous.

As Serena grappled with the weight of his proposition, a shiver ran down her spine. The choice before her was monumental – to stand against this new, enigmatic aspect of Ash or to embrace the darkness he promised.

The alter ego's gaze held an intensity that was almost hypnotic. "Imagine a world without pain, suffering or betrayal. A world where there's no concept of winners or losers, where every individual stands on an equal plane."

Serena's mind spun with the implications of his words. A world devoid of pain and suffering sounded almost utopian, yet the cost seemed too high – the sacrifice of emotions and the essence of what made humanity, well, human.

"Where is Ash? Why are you talking to me please leave." Serena pleads unable to handle this complex talk.

Serena's plea held a desperate note, her eyes searching for any remnants of the Ash she knew within the enigma before her.

"Ah, the questions you seek... and the answers you yearn for," he mused, his tone carrying a touch of condescension. "But don't you see, Serena? I am Ash, just as much as the version you knew. A different facet, perhaps, but undeniably a part of him."

Serena's patience wavered, her heart racing as she struggled to comprehend the complexity of the situation. "You can't be Ash. Ash would never speak like this, would never propose something so... unnatural."

A ghost of a smile danced across his lips, a hint of amusement tainting his features. "Ah, but what is 'natural,' Serena? Is it the pain that humans inflict upon each other, the heartbreak that follows every fleeting moment of happiness? Or is it the pursuit of a better world, unburdened by the chains of emotion?"

She shook her head, feeling both frustrated and conflicted. "You can't simply erase what it means to be human. We thrive on emotions, on connections. It's what makes us alive."

His gaze bore into her, unrelenting. "And yet, have you ever stopped to think how those very emotions have driven humanity to the brink? relationships shattered by betrayal, hearts broken by loss. Is that the existence you wish to perpetuate?"

"I just want Ash back. I want things to be the way they were," she whispered, her voice finally cracking.

His expression softened infinitesimally, a glimpse of a shared sentiment flickering in his eyes"Perhaps you will understand what i am saying later."

"Tell me where Ash is," Serena implored, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "Let him come back to me." Ash's alter ego could only chuckle at the girls fleeting request.

"I hope you'll keep what happened today just between me and you, it was nice meeting you." Ash's alter ego says as if he's about to say good bye to Serena.

The air around them seemed to be still, the gravity of his words hanging in the silence. Serena's gaze remained locked onto him, her emotions a tempestuous mix of confusion, frustration, and a lingering hope that there was a chance for Ash to return.

"Wait," she called out, her voice filled with a newfound determination. "You can't just drop all of this on me and expect me to stay quiet. I won't betray Ash's trust by hiding this from him."

He chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Ah, that unwavering loyalty of yours. Admirable, truly. The choice is yours to make."

"Tell him," he continued, his gaze unwavering, "how you feel. Waiting around, hoping for change, won't do you any good. Serena."

His words echoed in her mind, a whisper of truth that struck a chord within her. It was true, she had kept her feelings hidden for so long, waiting for the right moment that might never come. And here was this alter ego of him, pushing her to confront her emotions head-on.

"Fine," she said, her voice resolute. 

A glint of something unreadable flashed in his eyes, his lips curling into a half-smile. "Very well, Serena. Remember, the choice is yours to make, and yours alone."

With those enigmatic words Ashs' alter ego withdraws and the Ash we all know emerges, the one Serena loves with all her heart returns to her.

She couldnt help but feel relieved when she heard his usual voice with its subtle tone of warmth. "Ashhh, i'm so relieved to have you back. What was that thing??" Serena ask referencing Ash's alter ego.

"I dont know much to be honest with you, he looks like me but isnt me" Ash tries to explain but he couldnt find the right words to explain what he knew. He stood there unable to express what he wanted to, Serena gently hugs him and says "You don't have to explain, its okay"

"Serena," Ash's voice held a note of sincerity, Serena intervenes "Shhh."

In the fading light, their conversation slowly wound down, leaving a gentle quietness in its wake. Serena's unwavering faith in Ash's character shone in her eyes as she looked at him, a soft smile gracing her lips. Her words carried a conviction born from the depths of her heart.

"It's uncertain what lies ahead," Serena began, her voice a blend of hope and determination, "I believe in you, Ash. No matter the challenges, I know you'll find a way."

Ash met her gaze, a mix of emotions swirling within him. The echoes of his own desires and doubts mingled with the reassurance that Serena's words brought.

With a nod and a heart full of gratitude, Ash offered Serena a small but genuine smile. "Thank you, Serena." they shared a silent understanding.

The sun had finally set and under the canvas of the night sky, the stars twinkled like ancient promises, and a soft breeze rustled through the leaves of Pallet Town. Ash and Serena had set up a small campfire near the gravestone, its warm glow flickering in the darkness. The gravestone itself seemed to radiate a sense of serenity, as if it held the memories of the pokemon who had once graced this land.

Sitting side by side on makeshift cushions, Ash and Serena stared into the dancing flames, lost in their thoughts and the unspoken emotions that lingered between them. The crackling of the fire was the only sound that dared to break the silence, a comforting backdrop to their quiet companionship.

The firelight painted warm hues on their faces, casting shadows that danced with the flames. As they sat in the embrace of the night, the weight of their shared memories seemed to draw them closer, like two pieces of a puzzle finally falling into place.

"Do you remember the last time we camped out like this?" Serena asked out of nowhere with a soft chuckle escaping her lips. 

Ash's eyes sparkled as he recalled the memory. "How could I forget? It was during our journey through Kalos. We were caught in that rainstorm, and we took shelter in that old cabin."

Serena laughed, the sound carrying a carefree melody. "And Clemont and Bonnie were so scared of the ghost stories that they couldn't sleep all night."

"It was quite an adventure" Ash admitted.

 "Just like everything else we've been through." Serena added, her gaze drifting to the gravestone.

Serena looked at the fire, her expression a blend of contemplation and nostalgia. "You know, Ash, I used to think that the path of a Pokémon Trainer was all about battling and winning."

Ash chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on the flames. "Yeah, I guess I thought the same when I started. But it's about so much more than that, isn't it?"

She nodded, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "It's about growth, about discovering who we are and what we want to become."

" It's also about the bonds we form with our Pokémon and the people we meet along the way." Ash adds in.

"Exactly," Serena agreed. 

"And those bonds, they shape us, make us stronger." Ash said, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

They shared a moment, the unspoken words echoing between them like a symphony of emotions. The fire's glow seemed to intensify, mirroring the warmth that blossomed between them. In the back of her mind Serena still didn't know if Ash's inner self was planning something bad, She knew she had to keep her love out of danger and sorrow. But what could she do? 

Serena scooted a bit closer, their shoulders almost touching. Ash didn't mind the physical touch, he did not understand the meaning it held for Serena and her intentions. Was she finally trying to reveal her love for him?

How would she reveal to Ash that she has loved him for a very long time and can't imagine a life without him? How would he react if she did?

Chapter done~~~~~~~~~~

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