Chapter - 9

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As the intense battle unfolded between Reshiram and Charizard, a sudden shift occurred in Ash's demeanor. His voice deepened and took on a more assertive tone as he glared at Lance, seemingly unconcerned about the raging legendary Pokémon clash.

"Ash, stop Charizard before it gets hurt badly," Lance urgently ordered.

Ash shot Lance a disgusted look, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Since when did I start taking orders from a scared fool like you?" he retorted, his words catching Lance off guard.

Closing his eyes, Ash focused his inner strength, directing his aura towards Reshiram. His actions were cryptic, leaving others puzzled about his intentions.

Meanwhile, in another part of Eindoak Town, Cynthia and her team valiantly battled against Zekrom's overwhelming power. Despite their best efforts, they could barely make a dent in the formidable Pokémon's defenses. As Zekrom prepared to unleash its most devastating attack, panic spread among Cynthia's group.

"Everyone run!" Cynthia shouted, fully aware of the imminent danger. Zekrom's mighty attack engulfed the entire area, reducing everything to rubble and leaving devastation in its wake. The destruction was swift and unforgiving, leaving people, Pokémon, and dreams shattered in its path.

As the chaos settled Zekrom was gone vanished without a trace, Cynthia found herself barely conscious, catching a glimpse of two mysterious figures with hoods aiding the injured and saving lives amidst the wreckage. Exhausted and disoriented, she couldn't muster the strength to react to their presence. 

One of the hooded figures approached her with gentle care, binding a Pokéball to her neck with a delicate thread. He caressed her cheek tenderly, his eyes reflecting a mix of experience and kindness. "Don't die on me, my little girl," he spoke softly, conveying genuine concern.

The other hooded man, revealed to be Tobias, returned Kyurem to its Pokéball Kyrum was the one who defeated Zekrom, and Tobias engages in a mysterious exchange with his companion. The conversation hinted at a secret plan and a pivotal role assigned to Tobias.

"Are you sure about this?" Tobias asked.

"Yes, I am," the other man replied confidently. "I'll need you to stay here and make them believe it was just you."

Tobias nodded in acknowledgment, seeking clarity about Reshiram. "What about Reshiram, sir?"

"i'm sure, It's been taken care of" the man replied, surprising Tobias with the resolution of yet another enigmatic situation. He then entrusted Tobias with ensuring everyone's safety and vanished without a trace.

As Cynthia began to regain her strength, she found herself in a makeshift first aid center, with Ash sitting silently by her side, seemingly lost in sleep. She tried to wake him with no success, but his slight movement indicated that he was still aware of his surroundings.

At that moment, Tobias appeared, his cold and detached demeanor unchanged. Cynthia recognized him from before but couldn't place where they had crossed paths. Despite his apparent lack of concern, he provided her with a cup of water and an unexpected warning.

"Don't get yourself killed," Tobias advised, his eyes momentarily showing a hint of something deeper. He gestured towards Ash and added, "And that boy... don't let him bring out his other self. You'll regret it."

Cynthia was left puzzled and contemplative as Tobias walked away, eventually vanishing into thin air. Grappling with the weight of his words, she made her way outside to the bustling scene of wounded and displaced people.

She soon found Lance in the crowd, who rushed to her side with concern. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked.

Struggling to find her voice, Cynthia managed to respond, "Yes, I'm fine, just a bit dizzy." 

 "Is Ash awake yet?" Lance inquires.

"No, he's still asleep," Cynthia replied, her thoughts still consumed by the events that transpired.

Lance noticed her torn outfit and added with genuine care, "You look terrible right now. Maybe you should rest."

Pushing aside her own well-being, Cynthia's focus shifted back to the matter at hand. "What happened to Reshiram and Zekrom?" she asked with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Lance's response shocked her to the core. "As for Zekrom, I don't know what happened to it, but what I do know is your brother almost tore Reshiram apart," he revealed, leaving Cynthia utterly perplexed.

Denying the notion that Ash could be capable of such aggression, Cynthia resolved to uncover the truth behind the extraordinary events and her brother's puzzling behavior.

~~~~~Flash back two hours~~~~~~~~

Ash closed his eyes, clenching his left palm tight and using his right arm to concentrate his Aura towards Reshiram. He entered a state where he could do everything without needing to open his eyes. His power allowed him to see through everyone and everything, finding their weakest points.

He gave a devilish smirk as he could see the blood and Aura flow through Reshiram, knowing exactly what he had to do. Without saying a word, Charizard understood Ash's intentions. "Ahhh, I feel you again. Feels great to be in sync," Ash said with a blissful smile, seemingly talking to Charizard.

Lance and the others watched as Charizard relentlessly attacked Reshiram. Ash seemed oblivious to everything else, engrossed in the battle. His movements were fluid and precise, as if guided by an unseen force. He dodged Reshiram's attacks with ease and struck back with calculated precision.

"What raw power," a fellow member of Lance's team remarked, but Lance corrected him, "No, it was all calculated. Ash anticipated each and every movement, and his bond with Charizard is on another level."

Ash's focus was solely on the battle at hand. "Oh man, just die already," he teased playfully before descending the building to get closer to the action. "How about I slice you to pieces? Dragon claw, go!" he exclaimed with excitement.

Reshiram lunged forward, attempting to crush Ash under its own weight, but Charizard intervened just in time, delivering a powerful Thunder Punch to Reshiram's jaw bone. The two mighty Pokémon clashed, the force of their attacks causing shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield.

"How cute," Ash laughed like a maniac, reveling in the intensity of the battle. "We'll burn you down to the earth. That'll be spectacular to watch," he said, his voice gleeful as he displayed a level of confidence and power that astonished everyone present.

 In the midst of the intense battle, Ash's face displayed an unsettling gleam of excitement, yet deep within, his heart was heavy with sadness for the fate that awaited Reshiram. Despite the ruthlessness that sometimes accompanied his sense of justice, he knew he wasn't driven by evil intentions. But as the decisive moment neared, he seemed resolute in his decision to end Reshiram's life, believing it was a noble act that would save others from harm.

Lance's urgent pleas to Ash fell on deaf ears, and the young trainer remained silent, his mind seemingly consumed by the unfolding events. In that charged moment, Ash turned to face Reshiram, offering a respectful bow as he softly uttered, "I will pray for your soul~". The words were laden with a mix of sorrow and determination, revealing a side of Ash that empathized with the plight of the Pokémon before him.

However, in that critical moment, something extraordinary occurred. Time itself appeared to slow to a standstill, and an inner voice within Ash began to whisper. "You're wrong," it said gently but firmly, challenging his resolve. As the world around him came to a halt, Ash felt an internal struggle.

Within the depths of Ash's mind, a voice challenged his decision to end Reshiram's life. The voice, seemingly separate from his own, pleaded for compassion and understanding. "I won't let you hurt Reshiram anymore," it insisted, urging Ash to reconsider.

However, Ash's demeanor remained unyielding. He reasoned that he was merely sparing Reshiram from further suffering, arguing that it had only followed the orders of its misguided trainer. Yet, the persistent voice countered, reminding Ash that Reshiram had remained loyal and truthful to its master, highlighting the importance of trust and love.

As the conflicting voices clashed within Ash's consciousness, he felt a profound realization sweep over him. The voice's words struck a chord, causing him to question the very foundation of the world's principles. Love, hatred, trust, betrayal, winners, losers—these concepts, which shaped the world's struggles and conflicts, now seemed flawed and inadequate to Ash. In that moment, a surge of determination coursed through him, fueled by an intense desire to challenge and transform these flawed beliefs.

Breaking free from the haze of conflicting thoughts, Ash's vision cleared, and time resumed its natural flow. With a sudden clarity of purpose, he screamed vehemently, "Kill it!"—ordering Charizard to unleash its fiery attack upon Reshiram.

But as Ash's command rang out, the voice within him, once again pleading for compassion, issued an apology to Charizard. The apology seemed to strike Charizard like an invisible force, causing the loyal Pokémon to hesitate mid-air. The unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between Ash and Charizard was momentarily disrupted, as if a ghostly fist had punched through the haze of battle.

"Darn you!" Ash's voice brimmed with frustration and anger as he confronted the voice within. The voice, now taking on the form of the Ash everyone knew—the sweet and compassionate individual—spoke with an eerie calmness, announcing its intention to take control of Ash's body. Panic gripped Ash's mind as he realized he couldn't move, feeling trapped within his own consciousness.

"You won't escape this time," the voice declared, its words resonating with a chilling finality. In this mental struggle, the two sides of Ash faced each other, locked in a battle of wills. The familiar, empathetic Ash had grown stronger, fortified by newfound insights and compassion. He understood the importance of morality and the consequences of his actions.

"You lack morality," Ash accused his alter ego. "Your thirst for vengeance makes you unfit for this world." He refused to be governed by the darkness that once consumed him. Determination gleamed in his eyes as he made a choice—to imprison the alter ego within the deepest recesses of his mind, a decision fueled by the newfound understanding that vengeance wasn't the answer.

However, his alter ego scoffed in response, attempting to dismantle Ash's resolve. "You're no different from me," it taunted, reminding Ash of the moments of doubt and darkness that once clouded his mind. "You sought answers in me," it accused, trying to plant seeds of uncertainty in Ash's heart.

The internal battle raged on, each side grappling for control. Ash's alter ego, once a dominant force, now found itself challenged by the strength of the compassionate and empathetic Ash that had emerged. But even in the face of this taunting, Ash held firm. He knew he had changed, grown stronger, and found a new purpose beyond revenge.

His mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions, but Ash's unwavering determination prevailed. With every ounce of strength, he resisted the darkness, refusing to be consumed by it once more. The alter ego's influence began to wane, weakening as Ash reinforced his commitment to his newfound path.

In that moment of struggle, a blinding light erupted within Ash's mind. The alter ego recoiled, unable to withstand the force of Ash's resolve. Slowly, the light enveloped the darker aspects of Ash's consciousness, binding them in an ethereal prison.

As the light subsided, Ash's vision cleared, and he felt a newfound sense of peace within himself. The darkness had been vanquished, and he was once again in control of his own thoughts and actions. The alter ego, defeated and imprisoned, remained a distant echo within his mind, a constant reminder of the person he once was.

With the mental battle concluded, Ash's attention returned to the real world.

Conflicting emotions still swirled within Ash, but he knew he couldn't allow himself to be consumed by anger or vengeance. His experience had taught him the importance of empathy, compassion, and finding a better way forward.

In that moment of introspection, Ash made a silent promise to himself—to be a beacon of light and hope, not just for his friends and Pokémon, but for the world at large. He knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to face it head-on, with an open heart and an unwavering sense of justice.

Ash looked around at his friends, who had been watching the intense battle unfold. Their expressions reflected concern and relief, but also a deep sense of admiration for the strength Ash had shown them.

With his friends standing beside him, united in purpose, Ash felt a renewed sense of hope. The journey ahead would be challenging, but he knew that together, they could face whatever trials came their way. And in that moment, as the sun began to set on the horizon, Ash took his first step toward a future filled with empathy, understanding, and the power of genuine connection with others.

  ~~~~~~~Chapter Ends~~~~~~~

What will be the general reaction of everyone to Ash's actions? Will they hold any resentment towards him, considering they are only aware of part of the story??

Let me know what ya'll think!!

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