His fears

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I'm so sorry, Y/N. It seems that he recognized me. I can't understand how that happened." His mother said with a sigh as she took a seat beside you as soon as Jungkook left.

"Yes. It seems that way." Your eyes saddened while looking depressed towards the path he walked off. "It seems that after everything... he never forgot his mother."

"You will not go after him?" Her husband, a middle-aged man asked you, voice soft, warm eyes as he looked your way. He seemed restless, like he didn't know what to do with himself. Debating on if it was better to say anything or if he should sit next to you and comfort you while staying silent.

"No. Right now he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me. It's better to give him some space. Besides, I trust him. I know he can take care of himself and arrive home safely." You warmly smiled at the man. It was the first time you saw him but even so, you weren't cautious when it came to him. He looked genuinely concerned so you decided to give them both a chance. They seemed good people. The man's appearance screamed rich but remained honest and generous. You could see what Jungkook's mother saw in him. He spread kindness and light. And not in the last, he seemed reliable.

"I don't want you two to fight because of me, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I only wished to see him for a few minutes. I was thinking only about myself and my needs and didn't think about the consequences of my actions. I should have taken into consideration the possibility of Jungkook recognizing me. He is so sensitive when it comes to trusting someone due to his experience with people. I'm afraid that he will take everything in the wrong way and end up believing that you are on my part thus against him. All your efforts and patience..."

"My efforts and patience will not be wasted. Nothing ever comes easy, when you are trying to build something. I will not regret anything. Besides, he will not leave me. Because he knows deep inside that I will always want what's better for him. Right now he is just a little... Disappointed in me. He is hurt." Your heart twisted painfully. "But... He knows me. He knows that I will never do something to harm him deliberately."

"What happened, Y/N?" Mingyu was the first person I came across as soon as I entered his house.

"He is here?" I asked while taking my shoes off.

"He has just arrived a few minutes ago. I couldn't ask him anything. He didn't give me the opportunity as he shoved me away before locking himself in his bedroom." Mingyu told me with a frown.
"What happened?" He asked as he helped me take my jacket off.

"He saw his mother and now he hates me I guess. I'm sure it wasn't that hard to figure out that I was the one planning the whole thing. Especially after I mentioned his mother."

"Was he furious?" I asked, my shaking voice giving my anxiety away.

"No. He looked... hurt." Mingyu let me know as he hung the jacket up.

"I think you should have prepared him first before bringing his mother into the equation." Mingyu softly said. I could feel his eyes burning me.

I bit the inside of my cheek.
"I'm sure he never wanted to see her, Mingyu. No matter what I would have said it wouldn't have worked. And for him to get better he needs this closure with his mother. He has to know that he was loved and wanted. He still is."

"I know it's painful to him. It's frightening having to face the past over and over. It's like a never-ending circle. And I'm so sorry for doing this to him. It kills me that I have to be the one who hurts him. But what can I do? There are so many things to take care of. I don't even know where to start and where to end it. There is Naeun who clearly has some evidence that Jungkook is the victim here. There are Mark and Kai who I have no idea who the heck they are and what they are capable of. And now his mother. I think I'm starting to freak out a little here."

"That's why I decided that it was better if I meet up with Naeun in your place. Here." He reached for my hand to place something in it. Looking down my eyes widened seeing the same tape Naeun showed us the other day.

"And it's more."

At Mingyu's words, I lifted my head to see him holding a small black notebook. It looked like...

"This is Jin's diary," Mingyu confirmed my guessing. "When you have time, take a look at both of them."

"So, this means that we should search for a lawyer?" I couldn't help a smirk reach my lips.

Mingyu grinned. "The best one."

I knocked at the door to announce my arrival and entered. Closing the door behind me slowly I dared to let my eyes lift and my stomach flipped the moment I saw him sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the foot of the bed, his head hanging low as tears flowed down his cheeks.

My lips trembled. I couldn't move. I couldn't utter a word. This until he lifted his head and our eyes locked. The hurt in his eyes took my breath away.

"I'm sorry," I whispered sufficiently loud for him to hear. My back pressed into the door as I didn't dare to make a single step toward him.

"When you asked me if I would love you even when you make mistakes and disappoint me, did you also refer to this moment?"

I nodded and bit down on my lip as I shifted my eyes down to my feet. I couldn't look at him and see how much pain I provoked him. I prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

I heard him sigh, then a moment later some movements. I still couldn't look into his eyes. I just fluttered my eyes closed and waited for him to yell at me to get out. I was expecting him to say that he never wants to see me again. That he will never forgive me.

"What you did, was a stupid thing, indeed but... Now it doesn't matter anymore." His soft voice took me completely off guard.

"I thought you were mad."

"I was, but not anymore."

"I disappointed you." My voice cracked as emotion clogged my throat.

"I can't deny that, but I know that you didn't do it to hurt me."

"Why don't you look at me?" He asked, his fingers brushing my cheek before taking a hold of my chin.

"I can't see the hurt and the disappointment you're eyes are carrying. Not when I was the one provoking it."

"Why did you do it? You knew very well that I don't want to see that woman." The pain in his voice brought tears to my eyes. I started to hate myself more and more.

"I know how much she hurt you. I know that her decisions destroyed your life. I know that the pain you're carrying will always remain there and it's hard to forgive her. But I also know that she searched for you all this time and that she worries about you. Maybe it was the worse decision I could take but I couldn't say no to a mother who wants to see her child. I didn't know that you will recognize her. You seeing her wasn't part of my plan. But it happened. You have all the right to hate me."

"I did hate you. So much."

I burst into tears.

"Look at me."

I closed my eyes and lowered my head ashamed as a whimper passed through my parted lips.

"Y/N. Look at me."

"I cant." I brought my left hand to the back and searched for the doorknob. A feeling of suffocating hit me in one go.

"You wanted to know everything. What I feel. What I think. Everything I went through. You didn't say it many times, but it was enough for me to know how much this means to you. And now I'm willing to tell you... what I feel. Don't you want to know, huh Y/N? But for that, first, you have to look at me."

"You will tell me? Everything your soul is carrying?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything. Everything from the moment your mother abandoned you."

"Then here it is."

"My mother... She gave up on me. She left me out there in the open. Unprotected. Vulnerable. She turned her back on me and never looked back. And I stayed there waiting for her. I was so sure that she will come back any minute. Because she was all I had. Because... She was supposed to love me. What else could I have done?"

"Months passed and I was still there, inside that big building, void of joy or any other feeling apart from a heavy solitude. Some people would change me and feed me. But their heart wasn't there. After all, I was a child picked up from the street. A nobody's child.
Sometimes they would get tired of taking care of me. I was the youngest among the other kids, therefore, it required more attention and attendance from the staff. Sometimes they would end up hating me and beating me. Until I stopped doing anything. Even if I was hungry or needed to go to the bathroom, I would keep silent. I stopped drinking water so I wouldn't need to go to the bathroom at the night. So I would not disturb and annoy them. I just wanted to be accepted and not be hated anymore. But no matter what I would have done, their behavior wouldn't change. They wouldn't stop telling me how useless I was. They wouldn't stop throwing it in my face that I wasn't wanted there." Tears filled his eyes and began streaming down his cheeks as he continued pouring his heart out.

"And then... They came. Finally, someone wanted me in their life and I was so happy. Everything to last only one day. It wasn't at all how it was supposed to be."

"They destroyed my life! They took me to their house only to rip my soul apart! All I wanted was someone to want me. To acknowledge me. All I wanted was a mother and a father to take care of me and tell me that I'm important. That was everything I have ever wanted. But no matter what. No matter how much time passed. No matter how much I struggled to become better... it was no one there. Only that man who... Who claimed that he loved me.
At first, I didn't know what he was doing. I thought that maybe this way is how a parent shows his affection. How could I have known that what he was doing wasn't right? Was no one there to teach me that."

"And then it's you. And I'm freaking out each time I'm holding you in my arms. I'm so happy being like this with you but at the same time, I'm scared as fuck because I can destroy everything with one stupid move or a few words said in anger. I have no idea where this thing between us will bring us. I have no idea if I can give you everything you deserve."

"Jungkook... I don't want you to give me everything. I just want you to be you. No matter what, I'll be here for you. I will not go anywhere."

"Weren't you the one who said that will leave me if I go to others? I understand where are you coming from. I understand your feelings. I know you and your heart. But that's about it. The problem here is that... I don't know myself and what I can do tomorrow. And I live with this fear each day. The fear of losing you. The only one who ever accepted me."

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