Chapter 15

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"Damn it!" Dante growled out as he shoved his way onto the stage and stopped dead in his tracks, the new man that appeared from above the stage was now standing on the main part and in his hand held Angel by her throat alone. Feeling his rage start to boil and spill over the edge as her hands fell limp, "Let her go!" Dante spat carefully stepping closer while drawing his silver gun branded with the name Tony Redgrave on the barrel.

"Ahhhh Son of Sparda, so you did take in my little weapon here." Kuro spoke in a lowly tune as he slowly moved his hand from Angel's throat to the front of the kimono she wore, watching this man move his filthy hands all over Angel drove Dante to the point of no return. "He he so the rumors of you and the weapon falling for each other were true." Kuro spoke up as he watch Dante point his gun but failed to shoot it, Kuro grinned even more slowly drawing Angel's face close to his own.

If looks could kill at this moment then he was sure that he Kuro would be dead, "Sure would be a shame if something were to happen to her....wouldn't it now?" Kuro asked placing a fingernail right along Angel's neckline. "I said let her go!" Dante growled firing a shot at Kuro's head who simply moved his head to the side for the bullet to graze by, "My my, no need to fire the gun." Kuro uttered smiling at Dante then his smile turned to a sickening smirk.

All stood watching Kuro start dragging his nails across Angel's skin thus leaving trails of blood to follow, Dante growled reaching to grab for his second gun and a loud piercing sound echoed around them. It was as nails on a chalkboard or of some big animal, everyone looking around trying to find the source, once the awful the sound died a bright white light appeared. "Where is this light coming from?" Dante thought shielding his eyes and tried to find both Angel and this new hostile named Kuro, hissing sounds reached his ears thus allowing his eyes to spot Kuro holding his arm.

It was all burnt, all the way to the bone and in one split second Dante noticed that Angel was no longer near this man, "Where is she?!" He thought allowing fear to rise in his chest. Throwing his eyes up brought his attentiveness to the fact that the bright light was coming from Angel her self, slowly opening her red eyes, they seem almost a clear red like a shining Ruby. "...Kuro.... You know nothing of what is to come....who this child will become....continue on this path and you will face the worst that is yet to come..." Angel spoke in a low but clear to hear voice, "As if! I will not give up! Not on my plan to become king of this world or on my plan to make you my queen!" Kuro hissed then snapping his fingers causing a neon green fire to surround him thus disappearing altogether.

The light faded from Angel as she closed her eyes, "Angel!" Dante hollered rushing forward catching her falling body. Quickly checking the wounds she had received from Kuro and found they had all disappeared, the only thing that seemed off was the fact of how cold her arm was from being touched by him. This new adversary had just shown up from out of nowhere and now he was laying claims to Angel, more then anything Dante knew he was going to have to make sure of his promise.

"I am sorry Angel, I let you get hurt again and now I...I..." Dante muttered as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Carefully breathing in her sweet scent, it was a calming scent yet he would never let her know that, heck he couldn't even tell her of the effect she had on him! "Why is it so hard to talk to her or even be around this girl?" He thought pulling back arguing with him self and trying to think what he should do.

He could let her get close to him and see him for who he really is or just keep her at arms length where she would be safe, it was like a war inside his own mind, allowing a sigh to slip threw his lips gently picking up the still passed out Angel in his arms. Carefully walking down the stage stairs and making his way back to the shop he knew of at least one thing, "I must not let another thing, demon, or man touch her ever again." He thought wearing a hatred glare on his face.

"..Da-nte.." Angel muttered in her appeared sleeping state breaking Dante's train of thought and casting his blue silverish eyes at her face, feeling his cheeks heating a lovely pink from her cuddling her way to his chest. "..don't....go..." She muttered again moving a hand to grip his shirt, heaving a sigh slowly smiling leaning his head down placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I refuse to leave you." He whispered into her hair line carefully continuing his way to the shop.

Meanwhile in other parts of the world, Kira the young demon hunter was busy slaying a demon. She looked around to the clouding sky as a few drops of rain hit her face, rolling down her cheek mixing with the blood from the demon she killed. "Trouble is coming, little sis.....stay strong." She thought closing her eyes to mutter a wordless unspoken pray to the heavens above, gathering her things and return to the main street from the darken alley, knowing her sister was safe. She knew that she must find Ray now or if there was anything to even find of him, "All its been is demon after demon in this area." She thought stopping in front of a building with its windows dark.

The twin daggers on her hips faintly glowed, narrowing her eyes and cautiously made her way into the place, her daggers glowing even more. Pulling one out and held it in front of her, "Find what I seek." She muttered watching the dagger float then shifted to a bright hell fire red. The dagger shot threw the open room and up a flight of stairs, running behind it as a means to keep it in sight, yet she kept a steady hand on the twin attached to her hip.

Running up at least seven flights watching the dagger come to a stop in front of a broken door, swiftly grabbing the dagger unfazed by the still glowing red flames. Carefully placing one foot in front of the other when lighting flashed across the sky, filling the room with light, her mouth falling open. The room appeared as if some fight had taken place, bullet holes littered the walls, blood spewed across the floor and the furniture.

Vigilante walking around the room more caused her to trip over something and upon inspection of the item or in this case, a body, "Oh no..."Kira muttered moving her self and carefully rolling the cold lifeless body over. Taking note it was wearing one of her sister's jackets, terror and dread filling her mind and rushing faster to discover who laid there, once the body was over she felt relief but sadness as well.

Staring back at her with lifeless eyes was once her dear friend Ray, "Oh Ray, thank you for protecting my sister. Without you, she would not be alive today." Kira muttered reaching up and gently closing the eyes, "I promise you, I shall get retribution for you." She thought placing the hands together, typing some buttons on her phone for fellow church members to pick up Ray's body.

"I will find who is behind this and make them pay dearly." Kira muttered in the empty room before making her way out and back to the now devoid streets, rain fell harshly and lighting crackled across the sky showcasing her bright emerald green eyes in the darkness of the night.

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