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Vedika's POV

“Vedika, Mr. Victor is calling you in his office.“ One of my colleagues informed me.

Today marks the completion of one month in this office. And I am glad that I am in a happy place surrounded by the best people. The decision of moving here was not that bad, as I thought at first.

I glanced at the clock as I made my way to Mr. Victor’s office which is two floors up than ours, feeling a mix of curiosity and nervous anticipation.

The company's projects had been progressing smoothly, but a sudden call from him usually meant something significant.

Reaching his door, I knocked lightly.

“Come in,” Mr. Victor’s deep voice called out.

I entered the spacious office, its walls adorned with architectural blueprints and awards. Mr. Victor was seated behind his desk, a serious but welcoming look on his face.

“Hi, Mr. Victor. You wanted to see me?” I asked, trying to keep my tone steady.

“Yes, Vedika, please have a seat,” Victor said, gesturing to the chair opposite his desk. “I wanted to discuss something important.”

I sat down, my mind racing with possibilities. “What is it?” I couldn't hold back my question.

“First, let me commend you on your exceptional work on the Riverview Towers project. Your designs and leadership during the construction phase were impressive,” Victor began, leaning forward slightly.

“Thank you, Mr. Victor. It was a challenging project, but I enjoyed every part of it,” I replied, feeling a swell of pride.

This was my first project in this office. And i tried to give my best. I was not the Project Lead but under Mr. Victor's guidance, he allowed me to take the liberty to lead the project.

“Your dedication and skill haven’t gone unnoticed. That’s why I’m pleased to inform you that we’re promoting you to Team Leader.”

My eyes widened in surprise and excitement. “Really? That’s incredible news! Thank you so much.”

To become a Team Leader in such a short span of time, is itself a very big achievement. I couldn't ask for more.

“You’ve earned it, Vedika,” Victor continued with a smile.

“As Team Leader, you’ll be in charge of our new sustainable urban development project. It’s a high-profile assignment with a lot of moving parts, but I believe you’re more than capable.”

I felt a surge of energy at the prospect. “I’m honored by the opportunity. I’ll give it my all.”

“Good to hear,” Victor said. “You’ll be overseeing the design team, coordinating with engineers and city planners, and ensuring the project meets all sustainability guidelines. I’ll send you the initial brief, and we’ll have a kickoff meeting next week to outline the timeline and key milestones.”

“I’ll start preparing for it right away,” I said, already thinking of ideas and strategies for the project.

“One more thing,” Mr. Victor added, his tone turning slightly more serious. “This project is crucial for our company’s reputation in sustainable architecture. Your leadership will be key, but remember, you have a strong team and I’m here for support whenever you need it.”

“Thank you, Mr. Victor. I appreciate your confidence in me and the support,” I said, feeling both the weight of responsibility and the thrill of the challenge.

“Alright, let's show you your new cabin,” He said surprising me once again.

“Ne... New cabin???“ I asked in a bewilderment.

“Ofcourse, why so shocked?“ He asked with a raising brows.

“Umm, it's just... Today is full of ssurprises" I said in a shy tone.

“Let's go” He urged, to take a step.

We walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

I tried to contain my excitement, but my heart was racing. A new cabin—this was more than I had imagined!

When he pressed the button to the top floor, i looked at him in utter shock...

“Th... This floor???“ I asked as I know only very few senior employees have their office on the top floor along with the CEO of the company, who is none other than Mr. Devil.

“Actually, your cabin would have been on the same floor as mine, but none of it was vacant. As of now, you will have to adjust on the top floor, for probably a month or so, then you will be shifted.“ He explained but none of it makes sense.

“I can easily operate from my existing place, then. There is no need to shift” I suggested as I can already hear the gossips that would move around the office.

“I have already discussed with Mr. Secretary. He is okay with the arrangement.“ He said make me wonder if someone is doing it deliberately.

“Umm, okay,” I said as I can't oppose my senior.

Once we reached the floor, Mr. Victor told me that the right side is the CEO office and the left side is for the remaining staff.

We turned towards the left and stopped after walking for ten or so steps.

I saw various cabins along the way with the nameplates of the seniors. I can say, all the top and creamy layers of the employees sit here.

I am not liking it, to be honest.

“This is it,” Mr. Victor said, stopping in front of a door with my name already engraved on the plaque. “Go ahead, open it.”

After some hesitation, I turned the handle and stepped inside.

The room was bright, with large windows that allowed natural light to flood in. The office was modern and elegantly furnished, with a sleek desk, a comfortable chair, and bookshelves lining one wall.

On another wall, there was a large screen for presentations and video conferences.

“This is amazing,” I said, unable to hide my smile despite my hesitation.

“It’s well-deserved,” Mr. Victor said, standing at the door.

“I know you’ll make great use of this space. Now, settle in, and let’s start making big things happen.”

I took a moment to soak in the reality of my new space. The view from the top floor was breathtaking, overlooking the city skyline and river. I could already envision how productive and inspired I would feel working here.

Still, a small part is opposing the idea.

“Thank you again, Mr. Victor. I’ll make sure to live up to the expectations,” I said earnestly, turning to face him.

“I have no doubt about that,” he replied, his expression warm and encouraging. “Now, take some time to settle in. The move to a new office can be quite the transition.”

He left me alone in my new cabin, and I began to look around.

After a while, I walked back to my previous seat to collect my belongings.

As I was collecting my stuff, my eyes moved to the photo frame of my family.

“Mumma, papa, I wish you both were here with me to witness my achievements, something you had always dreamed of.” I murmured with a lump formed in my voice.

“Here is our new Team Lead. Guys, do congratulate her and of course, don't forget to learn tips and tricks from her, how to climb the ladder in such a short span of time. ” Someone's voice brought me back.

I turned around to find Stella with her two lackies sneering at me.

I rolled my eyes internally as this is not the first time she is finding a reason to mock me.

I don't know what her problem is? Be it the day I got my first assignment or the day when Mr. Victor praised me in front of the team.

She always thinks I don't deserve all these. But I don't care what she thinks. Others opinion doesn't matter to me as I know I am doing my best.

"Thanks, Stella," I said, trying to keep my voice neutral. "I'm looking forward to the new challenges."

"Challenges," Stella repeated, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, sure. But who knows, to get this role, with what you have compromised with." Her words may not be direct but everyone understands her unspoken words.

Murmers started among the employees.

“What do you want?“ I asked her directly as Stella's remarks were starting to become a routine annoyance, and i want to stop that.

“You have not been here for a month, already became the Team Lead. How so?“ She taunted.

“You may not understand this, Stella. But what I am getting today is always because of my hardwork and dedication, that you definitely lack.“ I retorted.

“Now get out of my way” I said as I collected my belongings.

“Hah, as if I don't know. You guys may not know, but i was there with her in the branch office. You know, she used to flicker around our CEO. She even entered our CEO office.“

Stella's words were like a sharp slap, freezing the air around us. The murmurs grew louder, and I could feel my colleagues’ eyes burning into me, some curious, others skeptical.

As everyone is aware that Mr. Devil doesn't allow any woman near him. But I always doubt that.

“She even entered our CEO’s office,” Stella continued, her voice dripping with insinuation. “Who knows what went on in there?”

I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. Stella's venomous remarks were getting out of hand, and I needed to address them head-on.

“Enough, Stella,” I said firmly. “Whatever you think you saw or heard is your assumption, not fact. I got this position because of my work ethic and skills, nothing else. If you have any issues with my promotion, take it up with Mr. Victor or HR.”

Stella’s smirk faltered slightly, and I could see the uncertainty flicker in her eyes. She hadn’t expected me to stand up to her in front of everyone.

“You’re good at pretending, Vedika. But some of us can see through your act,” she retorted, but her voice lacked its usual confidence.

Ignoring her, I turned to my other colleagues, who were still watching the confrontation unfold. “If anyone has concerns about my role or how I got it, I’m open to discussing it directly. I believe in transparency and fairness, and I’m here to contribute to the team’s success.”

There was a moment of silence before one of my colleagues, Rob, spoke up. “Vedika, you’ve proven yourself with your work on the Riverview Towers project. You deserve this. Congratulations on your promotion.”

“Yes, definitely. And Stella, it is evident that the problem is not in Vedika's work but your jealousy over her promotion. So, be wise and head back where you came from” Lisa supported me.

Others nodded in agreement, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Stella huffed and walked away, her lackeys following closely behind.

I thanked Rob and Lisa for their support, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

As I made my way back to my new cabin, I reminded myself that no matter the challenges or opposition, I had earned my place here.

Entering my new office, I placed the family photo on my desk, letting it be a reminder of my roots and the hard work that had brought me here. I took a deep breath, settling into my chair, and looked out over the cityscape.

The view was indeed inspiring, and I felt a renewed sense of determination. This was my space, my opportunity to make a real impact.

I would prove Stella and anyone else who doubted me wrong by leading the new project with integrity and dedication.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a notification from Mr. Victor: *“Initial brief for the new project attached. Let’s discuss any questions you have at our meeting tomorrow.”*

I opened the document, scanning through the details of the sustainable urban development project.

The scope was ambitious, involving cutting-edge green technologies and innovative urban planning. The challenge was daunting, but I felt ready.

I started jotting down ideas and initial thoughts, my mind already racing ahead to the project’s possibilities.
As I turned on my computer and began reviewing the brief for the sustainable urban development project, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, looking up.

A tall, well-dressed man entered, holding a tablet. His confident stride and air of authority were unmistakable.

"Vedika, right?" he asked, extending a hand. "I'm Draven, the Head of Operations. We haven’t had the chance to meet properly yet."

I shook his hand, noting his firm grip. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Draven."

Of course, I have seen him many times with Alvaro.

"I heard about your promotion," he said with a smile. "Congratulations. I’ve seen your work on Riverview Towers—impressive stuff."

"Thank you. I’m really excited to get started on the new project."

"Great to hear. I’ll be working closely with you on the operational aspects, so I thought I’d introduce myself and offer any support you might need. This project is high-stakes, but from what I hear, you’re more than up for it."

"I appreciate that," I replied, feeling slightly more at ease. "I’m sure we’ll be in touch a lot."

Draven gave a nod and glanced around the office. "Nice space. I see why they wanted you up here."

I smiled, not entirely sure how to respond. "Yes, it’s a bit overwhelming, but I’m adjusting."

"Well, if you need anything, feel free to reach out," Draven said. "I’ll leave you to it. Welcome to the team, Team Leader."

After he left, I sat back in my chair, feeling a bit more settled. Mr. Draven seemed genuine, and it was reassuring to know there was support available. I turned back to my computer, immersing myself in the details of the project.

As the hours passed, my initial unease began to fade, replaced by a growing excitement for the challenges ahead. I was determined to prove to myself—and to anyone who doubted me—that I deserved this promotion.

By the end of the day, I had sketched out some initial ideas and strategies. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city. I stood by the window, looking out at the view and feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

There was a knock before Lisa showed her face.

“Hi Ms. Team Lead, can i come in?“ Lisa teased me.

“Why are you asking when you're already in?“ I asked playfully.

Lisa laughed and walked in, carrying a small box. “I brought you a little office-warming gift,” she said, placing it on my desk.

“Oh, Lisa, you didn’t have to do that!” I exclaimed, touched by her gesture.

“Well, I wanted to. Open it!” she urged with a grin.

I opened the box to find a lovely potted plant inside—a small peace lily. “Thank you, Lisa. It’s beautiful,” I said, admiring the glossy leaves.

“I think it’ll be perfect right here.” I placed it on the corner of my desk, where it could catch the light streaming through the window.

“It’ll brighten up the space, and besides, every office needs a bit of greenery,” Lisa said with a smile. “I’m really happy for you, Vedika. You deserve this.”

“Thank you, Lisa. Your support means a lot to me,” I replied, grateful for her kindness.

Lisa looked around the office, taking in the view. “Wow, this place is amazing. I can’t believe you’re up here!”

“I know, it still feels surreal,” I admitted. “But I’m excited. This is a huge opportunity, and I’m determined to make the most of it.”

“I have no doubt you will. You’ve got this,” Lisa said encouragingly. “And if Stella gives you any more trouble, just let me know. I’ll be happy to put her in her place.”

I laughed, feeling reassured. “I might just take you up on that. But I think she’s gotten the message for now.”

“Hmm, i hope so. By the way, we are going to the club tonight to celebrate your promotion. And let me warn you before you deny.“ She warned her finger at me.

“Is that so?” I asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

“Yes, it is!” Lisa insisted. “You deserve to celebrate, and a night out will be just the thing to kick off this new chapter.”

“Well, when you put it that way, how can I say no?” I said, giving in to her enthusiasm.

“Perfect! We’ll go there together at the post office. Also, Neil will be tagging along.” Lisa said.

“Umm, okay” I said in an unsure tone as i was thinking this will be our girls night out. But i am fine with Neil as well as he has become a very friend of mine in the last few weeks.

As i would be late tonight, i thought to drop a message to Mr. Devil, then on second thought, i informed Uncle Rex as i am supposed to be angry at a certain someone.

It made me reminiscing the morning incident.

Early Morning

As I woke up, I found myself wrapped in his strong arms. I tilted my head toward my left to find the most handsome face I'd ever seen enlarged in front of my eyes.

He was sleeping peacefully with his face buried in my neck, giving me a warm feeling with his breath.

It tickled me, and I felt goosebumps all over my body. I tried to distance myself, but he pulled me towards him even more.

I turned to check him, but he was still sleeping. This was the first time in a month that he was still asleep.

Usually, when I wake up, his side will be cold. My hands twitched, eager to touch his hard jawline.

Oh god! Even a woman wouldn’t have such a perfect jawline. And I can forget about mine, the plain Jane.

I am too ordinary, a next-door girl, that sometimes I feel inferior in front of this Greek god.

I don’t know why he chose me. Sometimes I feel like he just did some charity to me because, according to our deal, I would have to help him in some matters.

But to date, he hasn’t disclosed or mentioned anything except that I have to take weekend classes to learn his culture.

I am learning slowly, step by step, some traditional values. To say, it is totally different from what I have seen. Sometimes, I feel like I am some princess of an ancient era who is learning ways to groom.

Earlier, when he told me about it, I was not keen to do it, as that didn’t sound good to me. Yet I couldn’t deny it. Now, I look forward to my classes. Strange, isn’t it?

As I lay there next to him, I couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of emotions. Gratitude, confusion, and an inexplicable warmth swirled inside me. He seemed so unreachable and perfect, yet here we were, tangled up together.

Sleeping with him in the same bed doesn't seem strange now. I have become habituated to it. His closeness doesn't seem foreign to me.

In the past month, we may not have talked much, but I have observed that he is not as bad as I used to think before. He is well-cultured, sincere towards his people, mostly cold, yet you can see some warmth in his actions.

Trying not to disturb him, I carefully slid out of his embrace and got out of bed. I padded softly to the bathroom, my mind still buzzing with thoughts.

Well, I have shifted back to the master bedroom because every night he would be in my room for some reason.

As I cannot escape being in the same bed with him, it doesn’t matter to me where I sleep. So, I suggested moving back here to his room.

Once I was dressed and ready, I made my way downstairs.

“Morning, Uncle Rex and Aunt Mary,” I greeted them.

Aunt Mary is the one who teaches me on the weekend. Alvaro appointed her, and she lives here with us.

“Where is the young master, madam?” Uncle Rex asked me.

“Umm, he is still sleeping,” I replied as I took a sip of the coffee.

“Sleep...sleeping? At this hour?” Uncle Rex asked, surprised.

“Umm...yes,” I answered unsurely.

“Strange. He never sleeps this late,” Uncle Rex muttered, shaking his head.

“Well, he seemed pretty tired last night,” I said, trying to shrug it off.

"You may not be aware, young madam, but young master has insomnia from a very young age. He couldn't sleep easily. And even if he sleeps, that too for not more than 3-4 hours” Uncle Rex informed me making me shocked.

"Really? I was not aware of it" I replied, somewhat feeling guilty for no reason.

I mean, I have been sharing bed with him for more than a month now, yet i was not aware of this fact.

Well, he seems fine to me and i never felt that he had trouble sleeping.

“Well, it’s good that he’s resting. He’s always working too hard, not at all caring for his own health” Uncle Rex muttered like a caring parent.

I sat down on the chair to start my breakfast. As i took a bite of my pancake, Uncle Rex called Mr. Devil to join me in the breakfast.

I turned around to see Alvaro walking in, looking as composed as ever. As always, his presence filled the room with a certain intensity that was hard to ignore.

He was dressed in his usual grey suit pant. As he walked towards me, my heart skipped a bit.

“Morning,” he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee and sitting across from me.

“Morning,” I replied, keeping my tone light. I control my blushing face as i saw his bicep under his coat as he lifted his cup to take a sip.

These strong arms remind me of the morning scene. This was the first time for me to wake up in that position. I felt awkward and embarrassed.

I concentrated on my food and not giving attention to wayward thoughts.

Uncle Rex and the other househelps left us in that awkward situation.

For a few minutes, we ate in silence. The clinking of cutlery on plates was the only sound filling the room. I could feel him glancing at me from time to time, as though he was debating whether to say something. Finally, he spoke up.

“I have seen that you have made a few friends in this office?” He made it a statement rather than an inquiry.

“Umm...“ I replied unsure of what he was trying to say.

“It's good to have some friends, but be careful about others intention” Alvaro’s voice was casual, but I could sense the underlying tension.

“What are you trying to say?“ I asked.

Alvaro’s jaw tightened slightly, and I could see he was holding back what he really wanted to say. “You know, Vedika, I’m not sure you should be so close to that guy, whatever his name is.”

I paused, setting down my fork. “What do you mean?”

“I have seen you many times going out with him but I didn't comment on it as it is your life and your friends” He continued.

“Then why are you interfering now?“ I asked getting annoyed now.

Neil is such a good person. And why is he sounding like i am cheating on him?

“He is not just a colleague,” Alvaro continued, his eyes fixed on me. “It’s clear he has feelings for you, and I don’t trust his intentions.”

I frowned, taken aback by his words. “Neil is just a friend, Mr. Parker. He’s been really supportive since I joined, and I think you’re reading too much into it.” I justified.

Alvaro shook his head, his expression unyielding. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Vedika. It’s not just friendship.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I replied, my voice rising in frustration. “Neil has never done anything inappropriate. You’re being paranoid.”

“I’m not paranoid,” Alvaro retorted, his tone hardening. “I’m just trying to protect you from someone who might not have pure intentions.”

I couldn’t believe we were having this argument. “You can’t dictate who I can or can’t be friends with. I’m capable of making my own decisions about people.”

“I’m not dictating anything,” Alvaro said, his voice calm but firm. “I’m just warning you. You’re new here, and not everyone is as they seem.”

“Neil is a good person,” I insisted, standing up. “And I won’t let your suspicions ruin my friendships.”

Alvaro stood up as well, his gaze unwavering. “You should be careful, Vedika. Not everyone is as trustworthy as you think.”

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my temper in check. “I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself. I know who my friends are.”

“Just don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Alvaro said, his voice softening slightly. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Also, don't forget that you're wife” He warned making me fumed in anger.

With that, he turned and left the room, before i could retort.


A very long chapter for your guys.

Please share your reviews as I don't know if I am writing something meaningful or not. I am dismotivated with lack of response.

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