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I entered the room silently avoiding his eyes staring at me.

I don't know what to say, so I thought to wish him...

"Good Afternoon Sir," I said but I think I made the mistake looking at his amused face for a nanosecond...

Of course, he must be thinking you as a duffer only because last time you were showing him your rudeness and now looking all nervous...

"Parker," he said in his thick voice...

"Huh???" I asked confusingly...

"Call me Mr. Parker, not Sir, Ms. Vedhika" he said...

Ohh, he knows my name... offcourse idiot its his company and didn't you got an email from him. So, definitely he got it from company's records.

Also, I wanted to correct him that its Vedika, not Ved-hika...but I choose to ignore that...

"Ok, Mr. Parker" I said...

Now What? Should i stand like this or settle down on one of the chair myself? But he didn't told me to take a seat.

Uff!!! Its getting awkward...

And where are others? Didn't they get an email for the preponed meeting? Don't tell me he is going to do a meeting with me only. But it is not possible because I am not the correct person to do that. I am only an assistant to my manager.

And where is Mr. Evan Mills, my manager? I know he won't ditch me. He is a sweetheart. On the very first day, he made me comfortable in the office by his talks as well as his way of backing up the team is commendable.

I mean back in India my manager was not at all supportive. She never used to listen to her team. A good leader in the team is very much important. And for that, he/she should be a good listener as well.

"Are you going to stand like this whole day and stare at me?" His rude voice backs me to the present situation.

My eyes widen with this accusation of his. I was not staring at him definitely.

You know the situation where you're lost in your thoughts while staring at the same spot constantly. Your eyes are at some person or thing but the mind is not here. This was my situation.

"I was not staring at you, Mr. Parker" I started with an angry tone but at the end soften my voice realising with whom I am talking.

"I know better than you" He said with attitude...

Badtameez Jallad (Arrogant Devil)... Though I wanted to say this on his face knowing he won't understand but I can't take any risks.

I love my job very much!!!

Soon Mr. Evan enters the room and I thank the lord for it.

"Hello, Mr. Parker. Sorry for being late" Mr. Evan said shaking the hand with the devil.

"It's okay Evan!!! You're not late. I was early" Jallad said...

"Yeah!!! And you're already here." Evan said looking at me...I passed a smile at him.

"Mr. Parker, she is Ms. Vedika Mehta, joined recently in my department. She is very good in designing" evan said making me smile broadly...

Not everyday your manager would praise you infront of the boss...

"Yeah I already saw how good she is and in which task" he said glaring at me...

What have i done? Why he is glaring me?

"Sorry i didn't get you?" Mr. Evan asked him.

"Nothing Evan. Welcome Ms. Mehta... I hope you have your good time here at Parker Corporations" He said with a tight smile extending his hand for a hand shake...

"Yes, Mr. Parker" I replied while extending my hand...

His hand is way too cold and it send a shiver ran down my body. I wanted to immediately withdraw my hand but he gripped my palm with a little pressure, then rubbed my skin with his thumb.

What is this? Why is he not leaving my hand? To unclasp my hand, i dig my thumb nail on his skin but his smirk increased by this action of mine.

He then left my hand...It all happened in few seconds that Mr. Evan didn't noticed anything. But i know he did all that on purpose.

"Let's start the meeting..." Mr. Parker announced...

I immediately took my position beside Mr. Evan while Mr.Parker was sitting on the head chair...

Mr. Evan explained all the things and Mr. Parker corrected wherever required while i kept noting down all the points throughout the meeting.

I don't want to say this but he is something extraordinary in his work. He exceptionally pointed out the mistake i did in the project.

I gave him correct name...Eagle eyes... because his eyes captured his prey at the very first time only...

"Anything else you want us to add, Mr. Parker?" Mr Evan asked

"That's all for now. And I want the revised designs by tomorrow morning" he said making me mad.

Because there are lot of changes and it will take atleast a day...

"But Mr. Parker, don't you think it will be hard for us to complete the work in the stipulated time" Mr. Evan said with hesitation in his voice... i nodded my head...

"Did not you told me an hour back Evan that your assistant is very good in designing. I guess it won't be hard for her to complete it by tomorrow morning" he said making me raise my head to look at him.

And guess what he was already looking me with his eagle eyes. I nervously looked down in my notepad.

What is his problem? Its feels like he is doing it deliberately.

"Um...yeah...we will try our best Mr. Parker" Mr. Evan said...

Finally, it ended. I hurriedly collected all the things while i can feel certain someone's eyes staring at me.

Oh god!!! I am feeling nervous. Any girl would be in my place.

I am an introvert. No, it won't be a right word to define me. I am someone if mingles with anyone cannot stop talking with him/her but i got nervous with strangers. I won't talk to them until they ask me some question.
So, if anyone know what i can be called as could tell me.

After collecting everything...i walked out with Mr. Evans.

"Vedika will you do everything alone or you need helping hand?" He asked me.

See i told you, he is too sweet...

"No Mr. Mills, i will manage" i said with a smile.

"Please don't call me Mr. Mills.  I feel like i am a grandpa... everyone call me Evan so you also call me by my name" he said making me nod my head.

"And Good luck...i know you will manage it" he said...

Going back to my cabin. First thing i did was eating. What man, i am hungry. I don't want to starve myself because of those eagle eyes.

Soon i get back to work.

It was 7:30 p.m. when phone ring...

"Yes Pa" i asked answering the call.

"When are you coming back it's already late...?" Pa asked me... My offices hours end at 6:00 p.m but as i had work so i stayed back...

"It will take another half an hour for me to wind up my work" i said looking at the work in hand...

"OK then I will come to pick you up" Pa said from the other side...

"It's not required pa, I'll book an Uber back home" i said...

"Its final I am coming" he ordered...

"OK then see you" i said as there is no use to deny it.

I sometimes feel burden as though they both are sweet heart still i have little hesitation within me for asking something from them.

Like if it was my papa, i would have already called him to pick me up without thinking further.

My eyes moist by thinking about them but i shut my emotions and focused on my work...

Think about that Jallad Vedu, he will kill you with his eagle eyes if you don't complete this work.

This thought was enough for me to come back to my work...

After half an hour, i exited my cabin. Whole office is silent, mostly everyone left.

I saw the elevator door was about to close. So, i ran as i don't want to wait for another 5 minutes as our office is at 30th floor.

Luckily someone inside the elevator pressed the button to stop it.

I entered the elevator and said "thank yo-" but my voice stopped in middle as you can guess who was the lucky person inside.

Ughh!!! Why this jallad???

I pressed 0 button to go to ground floor. And stand infront of the door as he was standing behind resting his back on mirror inside the elevator.

Why did i ran earlier to catch the lift. It was much better if I waited for next one or even better to climb down the stairs. No Vedu, it would have been very hard for you to climb down 30 floors.

My poor lazy legs won't bear the stress that much...Okay, don't judge me but i am very lazy person.

And what the hell happened to his Private elevator. I know there's one...i have seen myself where specifically mentioned only for bosses.

"Under maintenance" I heard someone's voice and realised it was Jallad talking...

Did i thought that aloud? Please no!!! Don't embarass me more.

"Did you said something Mr. Parker?" I asked turning around acting ignorant...

His lips twisted upward after listening me. Why though I don't know?

"Nothing Ms. Vedhika" he said after sometime...

"Its Vedika Mr Parker not Ved-hika" i corrected him this time as its irritating whenever someone mis-pronounce your name...

"Yeah Ms. Vedhi-ka" he said again...

And i rolled my eyes...isse na hoga (he won't be able to)

"I don't have H letter in my name Mr. parker" i said annoyingly...

He opened his mouth to say something but ding sound of the elevator stopped him.

I hurriedly ran out of the elevator to avoid any kinds of talks with him. Pa was already waiting for me.

So i just sit in the passenger seat in the car.

"How was your day Vedu?" Pa asked me once he started the car.

"It was a bit hectic Pa...i had to prepare a design to show it to my boss tomorrow. So, got little late..." I explained him everything about my day minus the meeting with the Jallad...

"Hmm..." He just hummed...

"And I am sorry because of me you had to come that far..." I apologized...

"Don't be...Why parents are for? Specially fathers, they can come to pick their tired daughter from their work. Right?" He said making me relaxed...

"Yes..." I said...

"So, you're settling well in your office?" He asked me...

"Yes i am liking it. Though the work culture is very different here from india but i am liking it so far. My team members are good. Also, Sara my college mate from india helps me a lot in the office" i explained him...

See i told you na, i talk alot with whom i am comfortable...

"Its good to hear dear..." Pa said smilingly...

"Pa, have you decided how will we utilise the money?" I asked him...

"Think about it again. Do you really want to give that big amount to Charity?" He asked still unsure about my decision.

"Yes pa, mumma always wanted to help the needy children but due to our limited income. She used to do it only a bit. Now when i got an opportunity to fulfill her dream, i want to invest whatever amount i got from the policy" i explained him...

"What about you Vedu? Don't you need money?" He asked me...

"Pa, i already have an investment made in my name, then i am earning well. And i have why would i need that much of money. What will i do with such a big amount. And mummy would be happy atleast i fulfilled one of her wish" i told him thinking about my mumma...i miss you both...

"Hmm... actually i have a suggestion..." He said...

"What Pa?" I asked him...

"There is a charitable trust of one of my client. We can invest in that" he suggested...

"Will it be fruitful? They are good choice?" I asked him...

"Yes... actually what they do is sponser the poor child's education and when they stand on their feet, they take back the money inform of donation to help others" he explained me...

"Wow, that's a very nice thought...can i meet them? I would like to see myself how they work?" I said enthusiastically...

"Yeah, i will arrange your meeting with them" he said...

"Okay, cool" i said...

After having my dinner, i went to my room and called my besties... Its becomes our habit to talk at least twice a week...

It must be late around 11:00 p.m there in India but i want to talk to them...

"Hey girls how are you both? What is going on" Su asked us...

"Yr married life sucks...i am tired after making dinner for whole family. It tiring to handle both office as well as home...It was better before marriage when mom used to serve dinner as soon as i get back from work" Ri started her rants about marriage...

"Serves you right bitch...haha...what happen to your princess image, han?" Su said giggling...

I chuckled along with her...As i remember Riya's exact words before marriage...

I am a princess and they don't do any household chores...I will have army of househelp who will command on my will...Even in future, if my husband demand me to do that...i will tell him...Fu*k off!!!

We are mad girls...I know she said jokingly that time but Su will not leave a chance to tease her...

"Shut up Bitch, otherwise you will get husband who will make you do more work than mine. I am only making food but you will do all cleaning, dishing etc etc" Ri said in anger...

Can someone say they are both 26 yrs old lady... Behaving like a kindergarten kids...

They started arguing and i had to interfere in between...

"Shut up you both... can we talk something sensible" i asked them...

"Hmm Vedu, you tell how is everything going on there?" Ri asked me...

"It was going good till today morning" i said...

"Why morning? What happened after that?" Su asked me...

"Hmm...i happened to meet my boss today" i said thinking about that jallad...

"Is he hot? Is he handsome or not???" Ri asked immediately...

"Ohh madam, control your horses... you're married if you've already forgotten that" Su scold ri...

"So what? Do we have to pay tax if we—married women—ask about some hot guys?" Ri asked...

"No Madam we won't ask for any tax but if your husband listen to you right now, he will definitely gonna ask you lot of tax" Su said while i can sense some double meaning in it.

But i choose not to ask as they will tease me till death for this...

"Vedu leave her and tell me how was your boss?" Ri asked me...

"He is scary girls" i said thinking about his stares...

"What? Like our 65 yr old professor back in college" su asked immediately...

"Ohho Su, he is not that old. Infact he is young, maybe 28 or 29..." I said clearing the confusion...

"Ohh!!! Then tell us in detail what actually happened?" Su asked...

I told them rude he was, how he hold my hand more than required and his stares on me constantly...

"I think you offended him thats why he was rude to you" Su announced...

"I only asked him who is he and what he was doing in my cabin? Will it considered as offending him?" I asked frowning...

"Hmm...maybe he liked love at first sight" Ri said making my eyes widen...

"No way...its nothing like that" I shouted...

"Then you tell us what is the matter with him?" Su asked me...

"How would I know? I have decided not to come in front of him and keep minimum interaction with him. Also, my designation doesn't required to be in contact with him so I don't need to worry... Right?" I said keeping my heart at rest.

But don't know why, i am scared of him. He without doing anything making me nervous with his eyes only.

We talked few minutes more randomly, then i went to sleep...

Next Day in Office...

I am not at peace today due to my nightmare. I again got the same dream but this time there was a difference... when someone pushed me from the cliff, one hand stopped me from falling...And when i turned back to see my savior, it was the same eagle eyes, those were haunting me yesterday during the day...

What was that dream about??? I am so distressed due to this...

Soon my intercom ranged...i picked up the was Evan...

"Hey Evan, i was about to call you...i have finished the changes. I will drop it in your cabin soon" i told him...

"There is no need to do that Vedika..." He said...

"Ohh... you're coming to my cabin then??" I asked him...

"No, actually there is a change in plan... you're going to show the designs to Mr. Parker" he dropped the bomb...

What??? I don't want to face those eagle eyes...

"But why Mr. Mills. I mean i don't think i would be able to explain everything as clear as you can..." I said nervously...

It's not like that I cannot explain...I can but I want to avoid him...

"It's not my call Vedika...I think Mr. Parker got impress by your work. Thats why he told me that you will explain him today..." He explained...

That Jallad!!! Only if you knew Evan...

"Ok then, i will head to conference hall now..." I said getting up from the chair...

"He told me that he will meet you in his cabin..." He said dropping the another bomb on me...

Why he is calling me in his cabin?

How was the Chapter?

Where are the Votes guys??? If you're not liking it then tell me i will stop writing...but if you're liking it atleast pls vote🙏🙏🙏

And i will update bound by vows tomorrow...


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