Part 1 : Punishment

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Hi Guys...!!!

Here I'm with Part 1 of thus story...before starting I want to tell you all that its a short story...!!!

I'll end it till 10 Parts hopefully...!!!

And yes Happy Valentine's Day to My All Lovely Readers...!!!

So here we go...!!!


Devil's Angel

***Part 1 : Punishment***

Angel World

The Head Angel is sitting on his seat and all other Angels are standing in front of him...he is looking towards a beautiful Angel girl who is standing bowing her head down...

Head Angel(asked) : So Swara why you did this???

Yes the girl is Swara...

Swara(tries to justify her side) : Sir I haven't did anything...its all a accusation on me...I'm innocent please believe me...

Head Angel(raised his eyebrow) : and why should I believe always broke rules and have cross all limits...

Swara(crying) : but I'm innocent I...

Head Angel(sternly) : No I'm not listening to anything you always lied to us regarding your activities...(scolds)you know if you would have accept your crime I would have reduce your punishment but now no Mercy...

Swara(sobbing and pleading) : but I'm saying truth this time...its not lie...please believe me...

Head Angel(shouting angrily) : you want me to believe you...when you was found on crime tried to kill an innocent Angel Child...and yes I'll not listen to anything now...and now its time for your punishment...

Swara(tries to say something) : but...

Head Angel(with a stone face announced his judgment) : Enough...and your punishment is from now on you will live like a human being in Human World...Guards come here and cut her wings...than take this girl and throw her on Earth...

Swara(pleading badly) : No...please cut my wings...please...I...

She was pleading but no one was listening to her soon Guards came towards her and one guard hold her so she don't move and other with a Sharpe sword cut Swara's wings in one go...the whole Angel World was echoing with Swara's Screams...she was screaming due to pain but no one was showing any pity on her...
Swara was a very beautiful elegant naugthy and kind heart Angel world all were jealous from her beauty and her other words she was perfect...Soon someone plot a evil Plan and Swara tapped in that plot and was now getting punished due to someone's sin...


Location : Earth

New York

A girl in her early twenties badly injured is laying in a dark Ally...Its night time and raining like cats and dogs...the poor girl is lying unconscious on cold hard floor in winter and Now its raining...she started to shiver due to cold...

Two Men in mid twenties who were going towards their house after returning from their work places notice something unusual and moves towards that Ally and were shocked to see a young girl in such a bad condition...her clothes were torn and she was bleeding...yes her shirt's back was red due to blood which was now spread around her body due to rain drops...

Both moves towards her take her with them...they reached in front a flat and go was lifting girl and other was unlocking the soon as they enter in house a girl in early twenties sees them and was shocked see a young girl with them...before she could say something the man who was holding the girl runs towards a room and make her lay on bed...the other girl soon came behind in room following him...

Girl(asks worriedly) : what's this Jack...who is she...???

Jack(Man 1)(explain the whole situation) : I don't know Jenny...we just found her in a Ally she was injuried badly so we brought her here...and Nicole(Man 2) is calling doctor...till than you change her clothes...I'm waiting outside...

Jenny(nodes) : OK...

Soon Jack left the room and Jenny started to change that girl's clothes who was totally unaware from her surroundings...

*Time Skip*

Its a new bright morning with new hopes and new happiness...we can see that the girl on bed is slowing opening her eyes...she sees here and there and than notice a lady sitting on bed and sleeping resting her head with hardboard...she tries to remember what had happened and soon all events comes back in her mind like a Strom making her cry on her helplessness...yes she is Swara...Jenny who was sleeping feels some movement and hear some faint cries...she wakes up and see the other girl crying badly...being kind heart she hugged Swara and parts her back to sooth her...

Jenny(assures her) : hey...please don't cry...everything is are here with me save...OK tell me your name...

Swara(spell with great difficulty) : S...Swara...(holds her thoart)wat...water...

Jenny(turns towards other side) : wait...

She picks up the glass from side and after filling it with water she gives it to Swara who glups the whole water in one go...

Jenny(asks politely) : do you want more...

Swara nodes yes...after drinking water she feel somewhat good...but still she was sad as she has lost her wings...just than Jack and Nicole came in room and were shocked seeing the girl awake...Swara becomes scared seeing them and tries to hide behind Jenny...

Jenny(politely) : hi there is no need to be scared from them...they were the one who brought you relax...

Swara again nodes...

Jack(asks) : do you mind telling us why you was in that Ally injuried and alone...

Nicole(smiles) : yes you were badly injured...last night doctor said you have lost too much blood...but I'm happy your awake now...

Swara(Monolouge) : I can't tell them I was an Angel...what if they sold me...I have heard about humans how cruel they are...but these humans have saved my life...but still I can't trust them I can't tell them truth...I have to lie... But what should I say...think Swara...

Jenny(asks seeing her lost) : are you alright...its OK if you don't wanna tell us...we are not forcing can take your time as much as you want...

Swara(cooking a new story) : I...I'm a orphan...I used to live with my friends but they all betray me...and throw me out last night...I was not knowing where to

Jack(suspiciously) : but why was you injuried...I mean did they Beat you...

Swara(shouts) : No...I...(meekly)I just fell on road and injuries badly myself...

Jenny(smiles cheerfully) : well no can stay here with us...we have no issues...let me introduce you to them...I'm Jenny this is my husband Jack and this is Nicole Jack's younger brother...

Swara(smiles) : Nice to meet you all...

Jenny & Jack



Dark World

A man in his mid twenties with huge black wings is sitting on a couch and reading a black book the whole room is filled with darkness there is only the light coming from fire place and illuminating the room...suddenly there was knick in door...

Lord(cold voice) : come in...

A man comes in and bow in respect...

Man(tells the matter) : My Lord our men has detected an unusual scent in New York...

Lord(asks coldly) : what kind of scent...

Man(hesitantly) : its...its an Angel's Scent...

Lord(shocked) : what...

Man(fearing from inside) : yes My Lord...

Lord(talks to himself) : An Angel on Earth intresting...(orders)well prepare for hunt...we are going to hunt that Angel...go...

The man again bows and left from there while the Lord comes in light and is revealed to be Sanskaar the Devil himself...he remembers something and smile but soon that smile was placed by an angry look on his face...


Next : Devil on Hunt to Angel...!!!


So here was first Part...!!!

I hope you all would have love please do votes and comments to support me...!!!

And yes Read my other story...!!!

Obsession Beyond Limits

Till than Bye Bye...!!!


...Allah Hafiz...

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