Part 8 : Angry Devil

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Hi Guys...!!!

I'm back with next part...!!!

I know its something different from other stories you have read but Still please give me response as I'm really disappointed from its response...!!!


Previously : History...!!!


Devil's Angel

Part 8 : Angry Devil

Location : Dark World

SwaSan Room

As both SwaSan were both on bed with him on top of her...their temperature was also raising with passing time...seeing His Love in her beauty was making HIS Lustful desires taking a toll on his body...not being able to bear any restriction between them...he get up from her and ripped his own shirt and pant leaving him in his naked glory...

Swara who was till now confused what to do cones into senses hearing tearing sound...and saw HIM in only his birthsuit making her to shy and shocked as well...she glups visibly seeing his hard muscular chest...she quickly turns on bed and hides her face in pillow not able to see him...

Sanskaar who saw her turning around in shyness smirk and slowly slowly started to trase his hands on her bare legs making her shiver in pleasure and clench bed sheet in her fits...soon his hand reached on her inner part in between her legs...sensing something crawling on her most private part she immediately clench her both legs together so his hand couldn't further move forward...

While he understand her hesitation and stops his movement their just for few seconds to make her relax...removing his hand he climb the bed and now he was on top of her front facing bed and his chest glued on her back and his face buried in her neck...slowly yet gently he pit his whole wait on her not wanting to squeeze her...she also welcome his warmth with open heart...

He started to kiss and bite on her nape making her arch her back and a soft moan escaped from her lips making him feel he is the only one who can make HIS Mate feel this way...he loves the effect he has on HER and as well as which she has on HIM...

Kissing and biting on her nape he reached towards her hands and intertwine hers with his...he was licking her back making it wet his saliva and she was moaning his name softly and soon the sound of moans was increasing with each passing second...the dream which he had always dreamed was now becoming reality...She beneath him moaning his name and him pleasuring her...loving her like there is no end to it...

As both we're lost in their passion and desires soon their was a knock on both were lost in each other they didn't heard the sound clearly...soon when the knocking was continuous...this makes the DEVIL to gets up angrily...this knock also make Swara come in her senses and she hurriedly covers herself with blanket to hide her modesty...

Sanskaar who was furious on the person who has disturbed his private time with his mate was Now boiling in rage...soon he opened the door and saw the person standing outside with so much hate that like he will burn Him alive...

Sanskaar(roared) : what the hell...??? How dare you to disturb your King and Queen's private moments...(irritated from his silence)now tell me fast before my patience runs out...

Soldier(bowing his head and trembling in fear) : My...Lord...Attack...I...Sorry...

Sanskaar(shouts angrily) : tell me clearly before I rip you apart...

Soldier(still bowing his head said in scared voice) : My Lord White World Army is Attacking us...I...

Sanskaar(shocked from sudden Attack) : what...???

Solider(explain the whole situation) : yes My Lord...we are trying our best to stop them from entering Palace...we thought to inform you first as You are with Queen...

Sanskaar(orders him) : you go...I'm coming in few minutes...

Soldier(bows respectfully and left) : Yes My Lord...

Saying so he left from there...Swara who was sitting on bed wrapping blanket around her was now shocked hearing the solider...As Sanskaar turns around He saw His Queen with worried expression...he sighs to control his anger and quickly dess up...

Swara(shocked) : really White Army attacking the Palace...

Sanskaar(wearing his clothes) : I don't know...but We will know soon...(warns her lovingly)you stay here and don't come out from this room...this room is the safest place for you...and yes I'll make a protective barrier around no one could enter inside...

Swara(worried for him) :

Sanskaar(smiles at her concerns and moves towards her) : you don't worry about me...I'll be just take care of yourself...OK...

Swara only nodes...he smiles and pecks on her forehead lovingly making her feel blessed...soon he left her in room and was gone to deal with White Army...


Outside Dark Palace

All soldiers were standing and waiting for their King...and soon they saw him coming with black wings riding on air currents...he lands in front of his army and saw the person who is leading White Army has wear a hood to hide his Face...

Person(smirks) : so we meet again Dark King...

Sanskaar(asks angrily) : who are you...??? And why are you attacking my Palace...

Person(evilly) : well White God has issued an order to elimate all Dark we are following it...

Sanskaar(didn't believe his words) : its impossible we have an agreement with White World that we will stay away from each other and will not bother each others creatures also...

Person(smirks evilly) : well The order is here we are...(shouts)Attack...

Soon White And Dark worlds creatures were fighting and everywhere was blood shed...while the Person who was leading White Army vanished in thin air...


Inside Palace

The Person who was leading White Army was now in Palace...he was looking here and there like searching for someone...soon he reached at the top floor and feel a powerful magic wave...he follow the trail and reached outside SwaSan Room...

He uses his all magic and broke the protective barrier which Sanskaar has made with his Magic...he open the door and enters inside...


SwaSan Room

As Swara was sitting on bed worried...she feel some negative wibes...she stood up from the bed and see towards door...suddenly door opened and a Person came in....

Swara(afraid from him) : who are you...???

Person(smirks) : well that's not important who am I...important is this...that you are coming with me...

Swara(shocked unable to understand his mysterious words) : what...???

Person(moves towards her) : well let's not waste anymore time...come let's go...

Swara(moving backward and afraid from him) : No...I'll not go anywhere with you...

Person(sngrily) : looks like I have to use other tricks...

He moved forward and hold Swara's wrist tightly in his grip and started to drag her towards room door...


Outside The Palace

On the hand Sanskaar who was fighting with White Army suddenly senses danger...he felt like scared and helpless...he knew he can't be afraid from anything and neither is he that only mean one thing...Swara is in Danger...


SwaSan Room

He quickly teleported himself back in room and sight in front of him was Enough to release his inner DEVIL...

Within no second he ripped that person apart from His Mate and pinned him to the wall holding his neck...he was sucking life from him...while the person was wriggling in his grip badly...on the other hand Swara was really scared seeing Sanskaar's new side...


Next : clearing Misunderstanding...!!!


I know I'm super late...!!!

But what to do I was sick...!!!

Please do votes and comments and tell how was the part...???

...Thank You...

...Allah Hafiz...

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