Love In The Air 🥰

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At Noon

Avu Opened Her Eyes . She Felt Something Around On Her Tummy And Back Side .  She Saw That And Her Eyes Got Widened .

She Saw Sidd Is Hugging Her From Backside And Wrapped His Hand Around Her Tummy ,She Smiled Seeing There Position .

        Wanna See 🙈 There Position 👇

Like This Imagine Sidneet At Their Place .

She Is Feeling Butterfly In Her Tummy . Then She Placed Her Hand On His And Tightened His Grip . She Blushed And Started Smiling Idiot .


At Noon My Sleep Got Disturbed Because I'm Feeling Thirsty .So I Opened My Eyes and Saw The Time It Was 2.00 Pm Then i Remembered I Was Watching Movie And After That I Sleep Took Over Me . Then I Felt Something Arround On My Tummy And Back Side . I Turned Seeing Then Scene I Got Shocked Because My Love Of Life Hugging Me From Back Side And Wrapped His Hand Arround My Tummy . Vese To He Didn't Hugged Me Like This Before . But I'm That My Love Of Life Sleeping Peacefully While Hugging Me .

Then I Don't Know What Happened To Me But I Placed My Hand On His And Tightened His Grip Around My Tummy . While Tightening Grip I'm Feeling Millions Butterfly In My Stomach Like Fucking Seriously ,Now I'm Sure These Tummy's Butterfly 🦋 Is Gonna Became My Favourite 😌 .

Then Suddenly I Felt Something On My Cheeks ,Then I Moved Little Bit And Saw he Just Kissed On My Cheeks Like Fucking Seriously He Kissed On Mine Cheeks . Can You Imagine When Your Crush 🥰 And Love Of Life Kiss You On Your Cheeks Then What Will You Feel . Now I'm Feeling World's All Butterflys In My Tummy .

Am I Dreaming ,I'm Praying To God that if it's Just A Dream It Should Never Be Broken But After Some Time Reality Hit Me And Yes It Was Not My Dream He Really Kissed Me .Then I Heard Something Yeah Actually Sidd Is Murmuring Something .

Sidd (In Sleep) - Never Leave Me !

Avu (In Mind) - I Don't Know And I don't Understand Whom He is Asking Not To Leave 😕

Sidd (In Sleep) - Never Leave Me Avu Never I Can't Live Without You .


I Got dumbstruck listening To Him . He Really Said That Never Leave Me Avu I Can't Live Without You .But I Replied In Slow Voice And Said "I'm Not Gonna Leave You Ever Because You Are Love Of My Life Even If He Said To Me For Leave " . I Think 🤔 God is Being A little More Kind to Me Today . Well I'm Happy To Because Today I Got So Much Happiness 🥰 In My Life . THEN I Remembered Something And Hit My Head On Disbelief That I Got Wokeup Because I'm Feeling Thirsty But It's Already 30 Minutes And I'm lost in My Thoughts And In the World Of Love .

Then I Moved Little Bit And Took A Pillow And Placed It Under Sidd's Head Because I'm Feeling Like he Is Getting Uncomfortable With That Thiny Pillow . After That I Stood Up But I Sat On Bed And Started Admiring My Love . Because He Is Looking So Cute 🥰 While Sleeping And Remember He Is Looking Hot 🥵 Too Because He Always Sleep Shirtless . Now Don't Say That How Do You Know About Him So Much So I'm Telling You That He Mentioned Some Time Ago I Mean In Morning . But Yeah Guys Can You Imagine How can a Person Be hot And Cute at the Same Time Like Fucking Seriously .

I Don't Know What Happened To Me Suddenly ,I Moved Towards His Cheeks And Kissed Him On His Cheeks . He Smiled In His Beauty Sleep . Then I Saw Marks of My Lipstick Printed On His Cheek, I Put My Hand On his Cheeks   Where I Kissed On His Cheeks . Then Automatically My Hand Went Into His Messy Hairs , i Started Caressing His Messy Hairs .I'm Feeling Relax While Caressing His Hairs . After That He Has Started Moving So I Stood Up And Run Into Washroom .

At Sidd Side

I'm Sleeping Peacefully Then I Felt Something Like Current Type  In  My Body
So Because Of That My Sleep Got Disturbed And I Got Wokeup . But After Some Time Reality Hits Me . I Remembered Avni And Mee Was Watching Movie But After Sometime She Slept While Watching Movie  And I Slept After Finishing Movie .

Then I Saw Here And There But I Didn't Find Her . I Got Tensed And Panicked . I Shouted Her Name But No Use .The fear Of losing Her Made My Body Sweat . I Started Searching Here And There . Then I Remembered If She Went In Her Room So Went In Room But I Didn't Find Her . Then I Went Downstairs And Said To Servents About Her But They Said That They Didn't Saw Her From Morning . I Was Searching Her From Last 10 Minutes But I Didn't Find her Then Something Striked In My Mind I Went In My Room And Searched And Got To Know That Her Phone Is Only Here So Mean She Is Here only I Think . But Then I Went Towards Washroom . I Saw Washroom Door Is Closed From Inside .

Sidd (Shouted) - Avni Avni !

No Respone

Sidd (In Worried Tune) - Avu, Avni Are You There Hello Say Something .

No Response

He Called Her Name Many Times But He Didn't Get Any Response . So He Thought About Breaking The Door . After That He Broked The Door .

But When He Saw Something There the Ground Slipped Under His Feet...............

To Be Continued............

My First Cliffhanger 🥰🥰

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What He Saw There Any Guess ? 🤔

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