𝒗. lunatic

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       DEREK WAS DEAD. Or at least that is what Scott told her after he dropped a drunk Stiles off at their house.

The Alpha pretended to be Scott in a message and texted his girlfriend to meet him in the middle of the night at the school. Lydia and Jackson arrived with Allison, which resulted in all the five of them being stranded at the school.

There was not enough room in Jackson's car for them to drive away and Stiles' Jeep would not start without the battery, which Alpha threw out of the window.

There was no way out.

After an argument and after Stiles punched Jackson (something Ivy most regretted not witnessing), they concluded that they should call for help.

Lydia called and after the first beep the operator picked up. The woman on the other end of the line said the department had received a tip-off that there would be prank call about the school.

But Alpha didn't trap them to frighten them. He trapped them in order to force Scott to do what he expected him to do: kill his old pack to join the new one with him.

And all of this was happening while Ivy was sleeping like a toddler.

"This was on the porch." said Stiles as he made his way into Ivy's room and dropped a small box on her bed.

Ivy paused to apply black eyeliner under her waterline. Turning in his direction, she looked at him with furrowed brows. "The hell is that?"

"The box." responded Stiles nonchalantly. The 22-year-old gave him an annoyed look when her little brother added in a sarcastic remark. "But I don't know, I could be wrong."

Ivy rose from her seat to walk over to the desk. Her hand grabbed into one of the desk drawers to get a pair of red scissors. "Any plan on what we will do tonight?" asked Ivy as she made the incision with the sharper side of the scissors in the small box.

"What we have been planning all along." responded Stiles confident in his plan. "We'll chain Scott to the radiator so he cannot get out."

Ivy gaped at him in disbelief. "Who in their right mind would sell you a chain?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know what website I ordered it from."

She scrunched her nose in disgust after she gave him a pointed look.

The last thing Ivy could think of was Scott McCall wolfing out, chained to a radiator adorned with a pink fur add-on.

But she may have wanted to have it immortalized on camera as irrefutable blackmail footage.

Her hand dipped into the box. She removed the bubble wrap to take out her new phone a moment later.

An unused phone that was a much more recent and better model than her old one.

The surprises did not end there when Ivy noticed something else.

Sorry for losing my temper, love. It won't happen again.

The letter was generated by a computer and printed on a piece of paper. Ivy had to admit that Alpha was smart for not attaching a note that could have been handwritten.

Especially since it was someone who was close with her and she could discern the character of the handwriting.

That is why Dr. Deaton being an Alpha didn't make any sense to her. 

The Alpha was someone who cared enough to save her life and Ivy never exchanged a word with Alan Deaton.

Whoever the Alpha was, it was not the one Stiles was speculating upon.

"Furry sugar daddy wasn't on my to-do list for 2011, let's just say." Ivy commented in a sarcastic vein as she handed a piece of paper to Stiles to have him read it as well.

A groan escaped from the mouth of the 16-year-old. "First of all, you are disgusting." said Stiles in a disgusted tone. "And secondly, how come you got a new phone and this something tried to make Scott eat me alive?!"

"Because you are annoying." Ivy told him when she pressed the button that turned on the phone.



The last thing he remembered was waking up pained after being ran through by claws, with his blood dripping from his mouth and thrown against a wall by Alpha.

As he awakened, his surprise escalated into anger when he learned that, owing to Scott's fraudulent accusations, he was now the most sought-after fugitive in the state of California.

Was Scott proud of himself? Of course not. But he had to come up with something at short notice to ensure that the question Allison never wanted to know the answer to was not forthcoming.

He was convinced that Derek was dead, and thus the idea of pinning all the murders that took place in Beacon Hills over the past month to him.

"Derek." Ivy snuck in from the back of his house and whispered his name to come out. "Derek, you twerp, I know you're alive!" whispered-yelled Ivy, looking in every possible direction to make sure no one was following her.

The tall brunette yelped when someone's strong hand dragged her inside.

"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU ANIMAL!" The Stilinski girl shouted, alternating between hitting her tormentor over the head with a hot bag of food.

"Ouch!" A man's voice cried out in pain under the blow of a hot bag of food on his head. He tried to cover himself with his front arms. "Not again!"

Ivy opened an eye when she heard a well-known voice, her hand hovering over his head. "Derek?" Her tone of voice softened, coming across his unsatisfied face. "Oh, you're alive."

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Derek annoyed by her presence.

His annoyance was not associated with the fact that he did not want to see her, but only that her harmless visit had been too risky.

"I heard what happened at school." Ivy explained her unanticipated visit and picked up the bag that had food inside. "I brought Chinese to cheer you up."

Derek arched an eyebrow, which caused Ivy to add: "Before I whacked your head with this... Obviously."

Ivy walked past him, the old panels creaking beneath her brown calf-length boots.

"You really forgot what happened the last time you were here?" His tone was more of a statement than a question, his voice permeated with frustration over her presence.

"Oh, yeah," Ivy stacked the food on the coffee table ⎯ if it could be called that. The furniture survived the fire, its brown color was the color of burnt wood now. Each corner was unsheathed on every possible side. "You got your ass kicked and I had to steal a gun to save you."

"This is not how I remember it."

"It's okay, Derek. Being delusional is still a thing," Ivy said, honoring him with a look when she lifted her head from above the table. "See? More reasons to cheer you up with food!"

His expression still unchanged, his green eyes monitored as Ivy shuffled around his living room as if it were her own.

To this day, she knew every inch of his family household ⎯ maybe that is why she moved there with a casual familiarity without having to ask where what was because she remembered.

"I'm not hungry." Derek said.

"I tell the boys that you cried at Titanic when we were 15 if you don't sit down here and eat with me." Ivy threatened with a supercilious smile.

Derek narrowed his eyes, trying to retain his cool. "I did not cry."

"Oh⎯" Her eyebrows shot up. "So you don't mind if I just spill the beans?"

His jaw muscles tensed. "Fine." said Derek, walking in the direction of the table with the food where a satisfied Ivy smiled under her breath that she got him to eat. "But I still didn't cry."



Several Sheriff's Department cars now parked next to the ambulance on the side of the road led Ivy to envision the worst-case scenario.

Upon noticing the look of fear in her little brother's eyes and how he fervently searched for their dad, Ivy Stilinski came to the realization that he was thinking the same thing. 

She was pushing through a multitude of people alongside her brother when she spotted how gurney was rolled out of the woods.

The 22-year-old shook her head. "No, no⎯" said Ivy when tears filled her brown eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand after she saw the burned hand hanging from the gurney.

Stiles froze when all of his anxieties came tumbling back. He once again felt like an 8-year-old who had cried at the hospital bed of his ailing mom.

That fateful night when their mom deceased flashed through his mind. Her strengthless hand slipping from his childish hand with the last beat of her heart.

He remembered every small detail of that night. Stiles remembered that Ivy left him all alone for about ten minutes while she went outside to talk to Derek. He remembered how their dad had been unable to make it to the hospital, and most of all, he remembered that their mom's condition had started to improve just a day earlier.

For a long time he didn't understand why Claudia passed away when her state of health improved.

"Stiles? Ivy?" A well-known voice blared behind them, which made Stiles and Ivy turn around. The two being in a state of stupefaction saw Noah in front of them ⎯ unharmed and frustrated as to why his children were again found at the crime scene. "What the hell are you two doing out here?"

A relieved sob escaped Ivy's lips, preceded by a short laugh when she rushed over to Noah and locked him in a tight embrace, which was mirrored by Stiles a moment later.

The Sheriff of Beacon Hills was shell-shocked by the momentary display of affection by the two people most beloved to him, but did not question it.

He pushed all his worries about the on-going case aside and put Ivy and Stiles on the pedastal.

Absorbed in a moment of family consolation, they failed to notice the black SUV pulling up and watching everything from afar.

"Ivy Claudia Stilinski." Kate Argent read from Ivy's old ID. She slipped the plastic placard into the green jacket she found in Derek's house and was wearing at the moment. "Really close with Derek Hale and his family."

Her older brother Chris Argent looked at his little sister with a doubtful frown on his face. "Should I care where you got this information from?"

"Tell me something first," Kate changed the subject in order to evade explanation  ⎯ her intuition hinted that Chris would not be satisfied with how she detected that there was still an affinity for Derek Hale. "That night you came across the two Betas?" asked Kate and got an answer in the form of a nod of the head. "One of them was smaller, right? Was he just smaller? But is there a possibility that it might not have been him, but her?"

"You have an idea who it might be?" asked Chris, the corners of his mouth raised and formed into a smirk.

"I'm working on a theory."


author's note:

i am like a deadbeat parent to this fic, but it was about to time to step up and give y'all a chapter (watch me disappear for the next three months LMAOO)

anywayyy, the next chapter is the cousin miguel episode, which means only 4 episodes / chapters and we're in season 2!!!

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