Chapter 1

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It was a normal day at training, Ava and I knocked over targets with a crashing blade though the air, wondering when mom and dad would be back. Mom and dad went to a world trip and gave us the key to our house for when we were done with training.

I always think about going into the house without permission from my trainer, Ms. Emily, but they are stronger than I am. 

Anyways, we were just practicing aim, when red lights started flashing. 

"Uh oh." I said to Ava. "This hasn't happened in seven years!"

Intruder. A voice boomed Intruder .

I had a flash back:

"Mommy!" I said. " I'm scared!" She held my hand.

"Stop!" our trainer Luke said. He was always intense to everyone, even eight year olds. "Keep training!" He scowled at us. "Ava looked as if she would burst into tears. She was always so emotional then.

"Everything is fine." my dad whispered into my ear. I felt better.

Woah, I thought. I grabbed my 15 year old twin sister Ava's hand, and my dagger, then ran towards the door as if I wanted to crash into it. 

"Ava, we need to keep watch." I said. 

"Amelia," She said, pulling back her black hair, similar to mine. "I am heading over to the safe room. They will protect us in there."

"We are ahead of our class! Everybody knows that we are ready to fight." 

"Well, this is a war we are fighting!" Ava said. "At least get permission to fight."

I rolled my eyes and say, "Fine." In an annoyed tone. I headed over to the safe room. 

Inside, everyone was huddled up, except for the trainers. I heard frightened whispers, Of what might happen. 

"Excuse me, Mrs. Emily." I say over the whispers of the room. "Can I keep watch?" She looked unimpressed.

"You think you are ready?" She told me off with annoyance in her voice. "What makes you think that?" I was not surprised by this.

"Well, my parents, and my rankings. Oh, plus the dagger I have." I thought she would laugh, but she looked offended. When I tried to talk, she interrupted.

"Have you ever fought in a war?"she said seriously.

"No." I responded quietly.

"Well, in a war, you fight. There are no mistakes, only death." I was stunned by her strong words, and foolproof stare. Most here respond with something like shut up, or just snarl. Some even threaten me. I slip the dagger into my pocket. She has changed me. Changed me good.

"Ava,"I said. She looked up at me. "Why do our people go on the rough side, not the better one?"

"F.M.M.I aren't the bad guys if thats what you're going at!" she said angrily."Lets get back to training."

"We can't, lockdown remember?"I said swiftly.

"Turn around!" she demanded. I did so. I saw training dummies getting punched, kicked, shot, and chopped. Oh. Right. " Remember?" she said in a mimicking tone. I can not belive I forgot.

As soon as my dagger flew through the air onto the target, I felt fresh. I forgot all of my doughts. Then they came back with more. I didn't like the safe room because trainers are so harsh. maybe because they don't want people transfering to the other side. Expecaily me.

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