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((Does anyone actually still read this? 😂 I probably sound like a broken record by now but I really am sorry for not updating much. And holy fuck 1.6K reads!!! Thankyou!!))

Jack's POV

The doctors are thinking of taking Y/N off life support. She's only been here for a day and they're giving up already.

Mark has been a right mess since the doctor told us, everytime a doctor passes he glares heavily at them, as if daring them to go near Y/N.

According to the doctor Y/N had been too 'damaged' to fix. It sounded as if he was calling her a item. Mark must've thought that as well since he started yelling at the doctor.

"Mark come on please." I pleaded, it was never a good thing when Mark was angry, he either starts crying or quite terrifying.

Mark spun and glared at me, "Jack this girl is not an item and this man thinks he has the right to call her one." He then turned back to the doctor. Who was inching back towards the door.

"Don't you ever disrespect a woman like that again." The doctor didn't reply, he just walked out and closed the door behind him.

Mark shook his head and walked over to me, and placed his head on my should and sighed.

"She isn't actually dying right? Tell me these words are a lie." I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. (A/N yes I just quoted a song.)

"It's fine Markimoo, she'll be fine." I said soothingly. Though I think I was mainly trying to convince myself that.

What if she doesn't make it?


I have been locked in this dark, endless abyss, everything is silent, well except for the occasional whisper or scream. Despite how ear piercing the scream was, it was sort of comforting in a way, it broke the silence.

I could move, in a way. I could walk, but it felt like I was walking on nothing, so I stayed still and hoped something would happen.

Suddenly, another blood curdling scream filled my ears, it sounded like it was coming from all directions.

Then it stopped, and everything was quiet again. Well not for long, I heard a quiet whisper. I tried to turn to see where it was coming from, but couldn't see anything due to the darkness.

Where was Dark? I hope he doesn't show up, to wherever I am.

What do I remember last? Dark was pulling me down the hallway... Towards the door where I met Mark and Jack... And he opened the door and pushed me out, I blacked out.

Was I dead? Is that what happens when you die? You get trapped in an endless dark abyss? Well I hope not. This is NOT exactly my idea of fun.

I started hearing more voices, they got louder. This wasn't normal, normally it's just a scream or a whisper.

I listened to the voices.

"...she'll be fine." Was that Jack? Unless it's a guy with the same accent as Jack.

"But what if she's not!? What if they do take her off life support?" That must be Mark. Wait I'm on life support? Did they find me? They must've. So I'm probably in a hospital. Well at least I hope so.

But then there was another voice. "YOU'RE GOING TO WHAT!?" I winced, that was quite loud. It was another male, his voice sounded familiar.. but I don't know where from.

"No you NOT gonna fuckin take MY little cousin who went missing four fuckin months ago away from me!"

I was gone for four months? I didn't think it was that long. Huh.

"Mr Adr-" another male. Why so many males. He was cut off by the raging voice.

"No! She is my best friend you are not gonna take her away. You're gonna fuckin man up and do everything it takes to help her!"

There was a long moment of silence. Before the newer voice said, "Well to be completely honest with you, there's not much we can do. All we can do is wait." After that I couldn't hear anything else.

((I'm such a horrible person I'm sorry 😂😂😂))

Words: 711

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