𝟗 - 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬

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Taehyung and Y/N came back home and they were still inside the car. Y/N was sleeping and Taehyung just tried to wake her up.

"Y/N-ah wake up.."

"pls..gimme 5 mins"

"Y/N we are at home..pls wake up"

"I can't..pls..I wanna sleeeeep" Y/N said while pouting.

how cute she is while sleeping..

"Then lemme carry u"

"What?" Y/N got up from the sleep and wiped her eyes and looked at Taehyung with a dizzy look.

"I said that lemme carry u, Y/N" Taehyung said while smiling at her reaction.

"No need" Y/N said and got out of the car.

Inside the mansion~

"Aren't there anyone?"

"Eomma went to Busan.. Others have already left for a mission"


Taehyung was glaring at Y/N's face which was redden..

Suddenly Taehyung took Y/N in his arms, taking her in bridal style..

"Hey..Tae..what are u doing?"

"Carrying u to the bedroom.." Tae said while frowning and started walking upstairs.

"Tae..My legs aren't broken" Y/N said while giggling and laughing..

"It's ok..I haven't carried u in 7 yrs"

"Ahh...Taehyung-ah.. keep me downnn!" Y/N nagged while slapping on Tae's chest yet she looked happy and joyful..

"Okie..u really wanna get away..I can keep u down" Taehyung said while looking deeply at Y/N's eyes.. Within a seconds Y/N's smile vanished and she lost in Tae's eyes just like she lost in her dreamland. Y/N blushed.. yeah she felt like her cheeks were heating up.

"Ahh..Tae..ah..it's not like that..ca-carry meee..don't get angry" Y/N said while diverting her gaze from Tae's face.

And Taehyung burst into a laugh at her reaction..tears started come out of his eyes..

"Gosh..Y/N.. u are such..i dunnoo..first u wanted to get down..now u are saying me to carry u"

Y/N blushed.

"Tae..stop teasing me..Y/N-the queen is ordering u to carry to the bedroom"

"Y/N-ah...how childish u are" Taehyung said while chuckling.

"Okie..keep me down then"

"Y/N..take a hot water bath otherwise u'll catch a cold"

"Hey..taeboo..don't give me advices.."

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

After few mins~

Y/N was laying on her bed. She has changed into her pijamas. Taehyung was sitting on the bed getting ready to start a chat with his BFF.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry again for what I did"

"It's just ok Tae..u apologized once, but-"


"But u have to do me a favor for what u did" Y/N smirked.

"What's with that smirk?"

"Nothing" Y/N winked while biting her bottom lip.

Taehyung got butterflies.. yeah.. he was obsessed with her winks.. but never told Y/N that he really loved her winks so much.

"I'm glad as that rude mafia has gone and now u are the real Taetae" Y/N smiled.

"I never thought that I would meet u again" Tae said.

"But I really believed that I would find u oneday" Y/N said.

Both were silent for few secs, letting the moments that they spent together come into their memories.

"I am sorry Y/N-ah..I couldn't protect u that day" Tears were trembling in Tae's eyes.

"It's ok..I have been worrying for the entire 7 yrs, thinking that u died cause of mee"

Y/N said while wiping Tae's tears..


It was 7 yrs earlier.. Y/N and Taehyung were best friends ever.. Taehyung was the most famous guy in school and Y/N was crushing on him secretly.. Y/N never told that she loved him, instead of it Y/N was with Taehyung either in happy times or sad times. On the other side, Taehyung liked Y/N a lot; her smile, her chuckles, her winks and everything made him feel happier. But never said Y/N that he liked her more than others.. Y/N lived in a dorm with her friend- Jiho.

One day, Y/N was studying while listening to some lofi music.. her roommate - Jiho was getting ready to leave.


"Tell me"

"I'm going out for shopping.. I'll be a little late.. if u like come with me"

"mm..Jiho, I have to finish my projects"



Y/N was concentrating on her school work, while eating some snacks too,writing down some notes and highlighting important facts..

but it was weird after few mins..she could smell something bad.

But she didn't take it that much she still focused on her work.. but the smell got worse.

She took off her headphones so she could hear the screams of people.

She peeked outside through the window and looked down. she could see some men looked like mafias were going out of the apartment.The apartment was slowly burning from the bottom.

fuck! the apartment is on fire!

Her heartbeat almost stopped.. yeah she got really really scared... She suddenly ran towards the door, tried to open it but someone has already locked it! She didn't have a key either.

She could only realized one person at this time..yeah..it was Taehyung.. so she suddenly took the phone and dialed the number and called.

"T-t-taeee.." Y/N couldn't utter a word either.

"Y/N,What's wrong?"

"The apartment is on fire.. and the door is locked!"


"I can't unlock it!"

"Y/N, hold on..I'll be there in 5 mins"

"Okie..please come soon"


Y/N hit the door, kicked the door trying to brake the lock but nothing helped. She could see red fire flames were coming through the windows and it was hard to breath in few mins..

The smoke was getting worse and Y/N coughed and coughed. She fall on the floor holding her throat, it was too heard to breath as lack of oxygen.

Finally the door opened but she clearly saw that he wasn't Tae.. he was another boy that she hadn't seen before.

The boy had worn a black mask and black tight jeans and a t-shirt and he also looked like a mafia.. He helped Y/N to got up and got out of the room. When Y/N was getting out she could see her friend- Jiho was laying on the floor-covered with blood on her face..

"Omg..Jiho.." Y/N screamed and went towards her with crying face.

"Please help me to carry her to the hospital" Y/N pleaded at the boy.

"She is dead" The boy said coldly.

"Noooooo" Y/N cried, she couldn't held her tears when looked at her dead roommate, but the boy grabbed Y/N's hand and got out of the apartment, jumping over the fire flames and brought her to the medical unit. She could see ambulances and people were runing everywhere hastily. the place was full of loud noises. Y/N was so weak she could only remember that everything went blur of her sight.

Taehyung came to the apartment.. he tried to get into the apartment, but he wasn't able to get in as the firefighters stopped him. And Taehyung could see his father was talking with some men. He quickly ran towrds his dad.

"Appa" A man with a cold look turned around to see Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" He frowned.

"You know, Y/N lives there..where is she now?" Taehyung asked slowly as he was so scared to talk to his dad- the king of mafia world.

His dad leaned closer to Taehyung and held from his shoulders.

"She is already dead"

Taehyung's face went dark and he felt like his heartbeat stopped and the whole world broke down.

"Wha-what?" Taehyung asked he couldn't speak either, tears were trembling in his eyes.

"Her body hasn't found yet.. the firfighters and police say that she is dead"

"No..I don't believe that.. "

"Son, u have to believe it"


They told each other what had really happened..

"I know that ur appa fired the apartment"

"hmm" Taehyung sighed.

"My appa said me to change my school too as it was dangerous for me to stay with u"

Now Taehyung was feeling so frustrated.

"Y/N, my appa didn't want see us together even as best friends"

"I know Tae, ur appa hated me, he wouldn't think that we were just best friends"

"hmm..He always overthink"

"Okie.. let's stop talking about this now" Y/N said.

"ok..u look tired... get some rest"



"I wanna go home, my parents have been looking for me, I miss them so much"

Is she saying that she wanna go home? hmm..I hurt her a lot.. maybe she is tired of me..


Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts.

"Ok..I'll bring u home tomorrow evening.."

"Thanks then" Y/N smiled.

"But Y/N, I wanna spend time with u, let's go out and enjoy before u leaving. ok?" Taehyung asked with a light smile.

"Aww..I would love to" Y/N said with a cute pout on her lips.

"If I would be a time traveler I would travel to the past and make everything right- i mean what I did to u" Tae said while looking down.

"You aren't a time traveler, that's the problem" Y/N chuckled.

"Then, I'm leaving..good night" Taehyung said and thought to get up.

"Taetae" Y/N called him with a bright smile.

"Stay here until I feel asleep"

It gave Taehyung a weird feeling but how can he say no to what Y/N asks?

"Okie then.. I wanna sleep too so fell asleep quickly"

After few mins~

Taehyung could hear soft snores from Y/N as she felt asleep. Her hair was just messed and fall on the face so Taehyung removed the hair strands to see Y/N's pretty face.. Her face, shut eyes, chubby cute cheeks and rosy lips- Taehyung loved them secretly... Taehyung settled the bedsheets over Y/N and made her comfortable before leaving. He was about to leave but Y/N grabbed his arm and hugged against her chest like she hugs a pillow. It gaves him butterflies.

Taehyung tried to get his arm back but he couldn't. if he would try one more time to pull back Y/N would have woken. But Taehyung didn't want Y/N to wake up.. Nothing left to do except laying beside her. Taehyung kept glaring at her face and caressed her soft hair. He missed her best friend so much who stayed with him everytime that he needs help the most.. After few secs Y/N threw her legs and arms over Taehyung and cuddled while whining something but he couldn't hear what she exactly said. He had never been this close to any girl. Anyone hasn't hugged him this tight.. He could feel that Y/N snuggles her nose in his neck.. Her hot breath hits tae's neck.. Taehyung felt like butterflies disco dancing inside his stomach. He felt so warm and relaxed..

finally u are with me Y/N-ah.. I don't wanna lose u again.. being with u make me happier..

However after few mins Y/N pulled back so Taehyung thought to leave.. He closed the door behind him and walked towards his own room.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes and smiled delightfully.

yayy..finally I cuddled with him.. I think the dayout will be fun tmw.. maybe the dayout will feel more like a date with my best friend..nah..date with my secret crush...

Y/N thought happily and felt asleep,diving into her dreamland..


okie..I updated it tdy..I'm not gonna upload it next week.. exam will be on the 10th.

I think u enjoy reading this ff.. Thank u for reading,voting and commenting.

Thank u so much for 1k reads.. luv ya all! <3 😍

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