𝟏𝟎 - 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡

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"Y/N.. hurry up"

"just gimme 1 min" Y/N said while taking her side bag.

"Y/N, we have to go before others come back"

"Wait..I'm coming" Y/N ran downstairs.

Y/N's outfit

Taehyung turned around as he heard footsteps..He smiled. Y/N thought that Taehyung looked happier than other days.. 

"I thought that u would spend another hour for dressing up"

Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Ok..now I'm ready..let's go"

"Wear this mask"


"Y/N..we are mafias.. we have so many enemies"

"U can wear it..Mr.Kim..I won't wear"

"U forgot that I am ur friend?"

"No..How can we even breathe properly.."


"Taehyung,I know why u wear masks when u go out"


"To hide ur beautiful face"

"Y/N,Are u crazy? we're getting late"

Y/N leaned closer to Taehyung's face biting her bottom lip and wrapped her arms around Taehyung's neck giving him shivers on spine.Y/N was glaring through her sharp eyes into Taehyung's.. Taehyung kept glaring at her face admiring her face features; her eyes, her pinkish cheeks, rosy lips that he always love secretly..

What's wrong with her?

"U are so handsome"


Y/N chuckled and pulled away.

"Taehyung..u are so careful about ur face"


"Be careful about this too..Don't tuck ur t-shirt into ur trouser next time, if not girls will probably ask for that seeing ur b--"

"Aish...enough Y/N.. u're wasting time!"

Y/N chuckled and Taehyung grabbed Y/N's wrist and went outside and got into the car.

Inside the car~

"Tae..now first tell me where are we going tdy?"

Taehyung thought for a moment.

"Where are we going..where?"

"I just asked that question, now u're asking it from me" Y/N frowned.

"ohh..actually.. I won't tell u"

Taehyung said while looking at Y/N.

"Ohh..is it like a surprise?"



"Y/N, u're talking too much"

"Yes" Y/N gave a teeth smile at Taehyung.

"Shut up ur mouth"

"Tae, Can u shut up my mouth?" Y/N said teasingly.

Taehyung leaned closer to Y/N and kept staring at her, Y/N's eyes widened and started blushing..

It's somehow weird..why is he close this much?

"Hey, why are u blushing? I just wanted to put ur seatbelt on" Taehyung said and pulled away.

"ah..yeah..got it" Y/N looked away while fixing her hair strands shyly.

At the restaurant~

"So, u wanted me to bring me there?"




"Haven't u dated any girl before?"

Taehyung frowned.


What the fuck I just said? shit! my mouth!

"no..I mean..it.no-"

"I have dated girls but I'm not dating u" Taehyung said while smirking.

"Yeah.." Y/N gave a fake smile at Taehyung.

"You aren't my girlfriend"


"And this is not a date"


Y/N was still giving that fake smile.

"So what's wrong with this place?"


Y/N looked down.

"Y/N, let's go"

Y/N was a little bit sad.. Yeah..Y/N has had feelings for him since childhood.She wrote about him in diaries, thinking about him, imagining a life with him.. but what does she do if Taehyung hasn't feelings for her? The whole imaginations and dreams will be damned.

Taehyung ordered some food and Y/N forgot about what Taehyung said. 

"Taehyung, remove ur mask"

"I can't" 

Y/N rolled her eyes.

"How can u eat then?"


(A/N: I feel so hungry now..)

"Aww.. these look so delicious"


"Let's try then"

Taehyung was staring at her whole time.. He smiled at how Y/N took her meal..

Y/N is cute everytime when she's sleeping,eating or chuckling..

Y/N looked at Taehyung's face.

"Hey.. u aren't eating.. Are u daydreaming?"


"This place is not bad... I think this is better than a date"

"Y/N, why are u talking about a date? do u have a crush or--"

Y/N choked in her food and coughed.

"Y/N, don't be so hurry..eat slowly" Taehyung said while giving a glass of water.


"Answer to my question"

"ahm...actually I haven't someone like that or anyone hasn't asked from me"

Taehyung thought for a moment..

"oh..got it.."


"These food are so tasty..I ate a tasty meal after a long time.. u only gave me a piece of bread earlier" 

"Ok.now forget it..I'm sorry"

"Tae, thanks for the treat" Y/N said and looked down.



"If u have any crushes tell me too, I'm still ur bestfriend"

how can I tell when u are my secret crush.

"Actually I have a crush on a famous actor"

"Hmm.. Is he handsome than me?"

u are the most handsome one......



"So what about u?"

"mm..I have a crush"

Y/N looked into Taehyung's eyes.

"Who is that?"

"I have a crush.. that one is not one of my friends"

Then that one is not me.. shit! I'm not his crush.. now I know that I'm not his crushhhh

Y/N stood up..

"Tae, I wanna go to the toilet..wait for me here"


Y/N went inside the toilet.. she looked at the mirror. Her reflection was blurred.. The thing that Taehyung said to her came back into her memory; "this is not a date", "I have a secret crush.. that one is not one of my friends".. A tear was dropping along her cheek. She thought that she could win his heart anyway.. She only wanted him, she didn't build up any relationships thinking that she would find Taehyung anyway.. A lot of boys asked from her but she ignored that all. She only needs her secret crush so badly.

After few secs the door creaked and it opened reavealing Taehyung..

"Ahhh..Taeh---" Y/N screamed.

Taehyung rapidly came inside the toilet and closed the door behind him and covered Y/N's mouth with one hand and he kept his finger on his lips signaling Y/N not to scream.

Y/N was about to fall down her body wasn't balanced so Taehyung wrapped his arms without letting Y/N fall.. Y/N's eyes were widened and cheeks started heating up.. she felt like butterflies in her stomach.. They weren't blinking just only looking into each others' eyes. 

Y/N fake coughed.

"lemme go"


"Are u lost nuts???"


"Then entering to a toilet like this?? even which is for ladies.."

"Shh! Jungkook has also come there"

"So that's why u came there??"

"Y/N,he saw me that's why I come there, he doesn't think that I may come there"

"That shameless brat! how he forgot what we did to him in mission?"

"So we have to wait here"

"No..Tae..We have to teach a lesson to that bastard, he is still following u!"

"Y/N, don't go"

"Why?? I really wanna slap him right nowww!"

Taehyung tried not to laugh but he couldn't.

"Are u crazy? Why are u giggling?" Y/N frowned.

"Your zip..u haven't--"

Y/N looked down she realized that she hadn't zipped her denim. She quickly zipped it and looked at Taehyung and quickly averted her gaze.. She felt like she was heating up and blushing from nervousness. 

"Forget it..Y/N..Before u teach him a lesson, consider about u"

"Ok" She said while looking away.

Taehyung turned her to his side and cupped her cheeks and gave a sweet smile.

"Don't be shy..Y/N..let's forget it..come..I'll drop u from home"

They came to the car park.



"Aren't u sad that I'm gonna leave u?"

Taehyung thought and gave a light smile;

"mm..what do I do if my little Y/N is gonna leave me.. u wanna see ur parents.. I'm sad a little bit"

Y/N stared at Taehyung for some time and gave a soft peck on his cheek.

Taehyung shocked at her sudden reaction..a light smile was drawn on his lips.

"Let's go then"

At somewhere~

"I saw him there. he was probably with that bitch Lee Y/N!" 

"What do I have to do sir?"

"Kidnap him"

"Ok sir"

"I will kill u all if u fail this time"

"We'll exactly catch h-him sir"

"Go! without wasting time"

I will get u this time Taehyung.. u know how much I feel needy when I look at u..my handsome boy.. I really wanna feel u and fuck u so badly..How can i see u being with that Y/N? You are only mine, Taehyung... 


Comments and thoughts here....Is this story boring, interesting or what? how do u feel? 😊

Let's see what'll happen to Taehyung in next chapter.

Thank u for reading,voting and commenting..Luv ya all <3 😍

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