Chapter Two: The Judgement

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I opened up my eyes. I felt like I have been drinking too much. I stood up with my puddinglike knees and tried not to fall down. Suddenly, a person appeared in front of me. Unlike everybody else, he stared at me with an undefinable look. I was scared of him because he came near to me. I heard a deep, calming voice talking. But what I heard scared me even more instead of calming me down. „You are dead. The judgement will happen in... What do you humans call it? Minutes? Well, I guess so. However, your judgement is about to happen in 30 minutes." He looked at me. „W-wait... I am dead? What is this judgement thingy you talked about? I-I don't want to be dead!
My dad h-he started crying!" I heard him sigh. „Do I look like I care for human feelings? You are dead. And dead is dead. Your father isn't important anymore since he is alive and you aren't. The judgement decides where you are going after your death. It is something like a test. If you have more good sides in you than bad sides, then you are allowed to go to heaven. But the opposite of you having more bad than good sides can also happen. Now leave me alone pathetic mortal."
And that was it. He turned around and just flew away. That was the first time I'd realise that he didn't just appeared, but came from a dark chair with a dark table. I wonder how I didn't noticed that. However, I walked towards him, and started to annoy him with my questions. „Who will judge me? What is this place? What are heaven and hell like?" „Ok... You are really annoying did you know that? Do you promise me not to ask questions after I have answered these questions?" „I promise!" I heard him inhale loudly, and then he started talking to me: „So, the judge is an animal like creature, the animal that fits most to your personality. To your second question, this is kind of an wormhole, right now
we are on our way to the room where your judgement will happen. Third question: I can't answer that. That would change the judgement." „Then I want another question answered ok?"
„Alright. Fine! One last question!" „Thank you! So, is the hell really that bad? I mean not like you need to describe the hell, more like, uhm... you know... Is the hell really as bad as written down in the bible?"
„No it isn't. That is a big misunderstanding in the human world.
The hell, in fact, is just a place where the bad souls rest forever. The good souls are... How should I explain this...
Having a.... Uhm... They have better circumstances for living as a dead person. I know that sounds weird, but did you understood what I mean?" „Yes! Thanks for explaining a little bit to me!" „No problem at all, just shut up now! I really need to get back to work now!" „Ok, Ok, I will shut up now!" I could see him having a little blush. I smirked lightly and turned around. Looks like he isn't a bad person at all. If he even is a person.
After 15 minutes of waiting, he came over to me. „Time to get judged Kitai!"
„How do you know my name? Can I get your name please? I would really enjoy at least knowing your name." He nodded. „I read your soul, besides I heard your father shouting. My name is Icarus." „Like... THAT Icarus?" „Exactly. Now hush! Get your judgement!" He looked at me with a big smile. I stood up, looking in his eyes and smiling back. He guided me to the „door" as soon as I opened it, I was im a different room. It just looked... normal. The only difference between a normal room where the judge decides what the punishment is, and here, is the animal judge. It was an owl. It looked at me and winked to sit down. It started talking in a voice that sounded like mist. „So, let the judgement begin. A small creature flew to the owl and whispered something in the animals ear. It kind of made me uncomfortable. The owl just stared at me. I was getting nervous and was expecting something to happen. After like a year of staring, the owl started to talk. „The results are in Kid." The creature again flew to the owls ear and started whispering again which also made me feel uncomfortable AGAIN. The owl looked shocked but then started to stutter at me: „S-so the t-test results... t-they..." I was getting annoyed by everything just now. The owl stared at me for like a year and then couldn't finish a sentence. „Just tell me you dumb owl." „You are 50% good, and 50% bad... Go back to Icarus. We will come at you again at some point. Probably tomorrow." I just stood up, and went back to Icarus with no other word. „Hey you. Whats the result?" I sighed and answered: „Well that stupid owl said I am 50% good and bad. Now I'll have 'till tomorrow just waiting for them giving me a dumb result of a test that was basically just staring at me for like a hour." He chuckled and grinned. "Sounds like fun. You said the animal was an owl?" "Yeah. Is something wrong with that?" "Nope, I just was curious. So, I am done with work. Shall we play a game?" "You have games here? And yes please! I am so bored. The only beautiful looking thing in here is you!" I saw him blush again. "Well w-we have every game you can think of. Wanna play Mario
Party?" "Wait where is the Switch for it?" He just laughed and snapped with his fingers. "So thats why you don't got bored to death." "Yep." He snapped again and I saw a couch and a huge TV with Flatscreen appearing. I just stood there watching the miracle happen. "Come on now! I want to see you lose to my skills!"
"Ha. You think so." We both sat down and I was wondering why I didn't get sleepy or hungry or anything like that. "Icarus?" "Yeah?" "Why don't I feel hunger, thirst and everything like that?" "Your dead now buddy. There is nothing anymore that could make
you hungry. You are just a soul." I looked at him. Then I started crying and lying down on his lap. "Hey, hey, don't cry, Kitai you are something special. Come on now. Let it all out at least." I just kept on crying for like 10
minutes. Then the last thing I know is a kiss on my forehead before falling asleep. As I woke up, Icarus was still sleeping. I realised that my head was still on his lap. Yawning, I took it off his lap and stretched a bit to get a feeling in my body again. Icarus awoke after I stretched. He looked at me with big eyes. "W-we fell asleep... How? How is this possible? We shouldn't be able to get tired." I looked at him. I didn't really care about that fact. I touched my forehead. I saw him blush. I walked towards him, like I want to shout at him, he walked backwards slowly. Then he ran against a wall. He looked at me with fear. Instead of shouting at him, I gave him a kiss. A deep long kiss with no words. We enjoyed it. As I let go, he looked me in my eyes surprised by my reaction. "Y-You... Kissed me..." He looked at me, and quickly kissed me again. I replied happily. In this stupidly short time
I fell in love with the heroic Icarus. After he let go of me, I sealed his lips, he was about to say something but I didn't care. I furiously started kissing him, and saw him melting under my kisses. Suddenly something knocked on the door. I let go of him, even though it hurts me a little bit. The owl came in. "You will be reborn. In another world since we can't judge you at your homeworld. You'll lose every memory of this." The last words shocked me the most. I looked at Icarus. I felt tears running down my cheeks. "And Icarus, you have sinned. You are gay." I looked at the owl angry now. I wanted to kill the owl. He is mine... I don't want to lose him already! I-I just met him! "Icarus you
will be burned." That were the last words I heard. Now the pain in my heart is sealed forever.
It can't be removed. I saw Icarus walking to me giving me a long last kiss. I saw the owl making some sort of signs and then I saw Icarus burn in front of my eyes.
This... This can't be! Stupid god and stupid demon lord for setting up rules
Like this! I am gonna get my revenge one day...

I opened my eyes seeing multiple people staring at me. "W-where am I?"

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