Chapter 3: The Student Council

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Nobody's POV:
While strolling in the hallway, the girls follow the young man who is taking them to the student council. However Jackie is still annoyed and she's losing patience about this whole "crime thing".

"Man this is bullshit!"

She cursed while walking with her sisters.

"Jackie calm down."

Delilah assure her.


She snarls at her sisters, but Juliet smack her in the head.

"Knock it off, we're going to clear the misunderstanding and I don't want to screw things up."

She sternly informs her.

"Since when do I-"


Kyra shouts as she starts to loses her patience with her, Jackie sighs reluctantly.

"Ugh fine."

"Speaking which, we're here."

Juliet assures them as they stop to see a swirly staircase to the student council. The young man smiled politely and bowed.

"Here's the student council, have a nice visit."

He assures them as the sisters glance the stairs where all of them gulped silently, but remain calm.

"Well here goes nothing girls."


The girls then walked upstairs where the student council awaits for their arrival. Later in the student council, four men are eager to meet the Fitzgerald sisters where music starts with bold ballad.

(Play the music above^)

Rem: Give up, checkmate. It's time to confess!

All: Say yes!

Urie: Come along little butterflies, I'll enchant you with a sigh.

All: We love your sweet soul!

Mage: You will become mine! Leap and embrace you!

All: Kiss you!

Shiki: Poor little you. I will break you, gently.

All: Worship us!

Shiki: Everybody's hearts.

Mage: Will be stolen.

Urie: To the ends of eternity:

Rem: They will fall.

Shiki and Mage: Charmingly.

Rem and Urie: Sweetly.

All: Labyrinth of depravity!
We are, Shikō Academy's
Student council of the third library
We bless who come
And bestow a seal
The forbidden, flower garden
Shikō Academy student council
You can't run now
From our captivating charms!

Meanwhile outside of the school council, the sisters stood upon the front door. Juliet softly breaths in and out to calm down and be patient about this.

"Well here goes nothing."

She then opens the door as the sisters went inside, the girls were fascinated by how huge the student council is. Then the four stopped when they met four men face to face. The student president has sandy blonde hair and aquamarine eyes wearing a regal navy blue vest and pants, along with black and white shoes.

The Vice President has tinted brown hair which is done halfway with a thin small braid on the left side of his head. He also has golden eyes. He wears a white uniform which consists of a white blazer with the badge of the Shikō Academy and a white dress shirt; the blazer has blue buttons and he wears a belt around the waist. He wears white pants and beige dress shoes.

The school secretary looks pretty muscular looking since it's obvious he's the bad boy type. He has long blonde hair which is done halfway up in a bun, using a yellow ribbon to keep it intact. He also has yellow eyes. He wears a his school blazer halfway off his shoulders, and a sleeveless white shirt beneath. He also wears a loose, yellow necktie.

Finally there's the school treasury of the student council and he's a creepy as well. He has purple hair short, messy purple hair, with long bangs that fall in front of his blood orange eyes. He wears a blue uniform like Mage but looks more sophisticated than his outfit.

I knew something's suspicious is going on, these guys are from the anime we watched last night.

Juliet thought where her sisters are dumbfounded to see their anime crushes.

"Oh my god...."

Delilah gasped with her eyes widen in astonishment.

"This has got to be a joke!"

Jackie baffled in disbelief.

"Nope, it's real."

Kyra assured her with no doubt about it.

"So you do know about us?"

The sandy blonde young man asked as Juliet nods her head at him.

"Yes but why did you summon us?"

She asked politely.

"Yeah and what's with this crime bullshit?! We ain't stupid! Ow!"

Jackie winced and turn to Delilah with a frown when she nudge her in the rib. The blonde rebel smirked and whistle at the aggressive brunette tomboy.

"Girl's got guts."

He chuckled while smirking at the tomboy, but Jackie ignored him. Urie and Shiki on the other hand agreed with Mage.

"You have a point Mage, that girl's a feisty one."

Urie said with a smirk.

"Mhm just my type."

Mage agreed with him while smirking at Jackie.

"Umm...ew I rather have a goddamn explanation than going out with a dumbass blockhead like you."

She coldly rejects him which causes Urie and Shiki to burst out of laughter.

"You just got burn Mage."

Shiki chuckled softly while covering his mouth with his hand while laughing.

"Oh shut up Shiki."

He rudely retorts him while glaring at the creepy ravenette.

"Enough, now here's an explanation. I'm aware that none of you caused trouble today."

He sternly explained.


Jackie rebuffs him as she cusses him out, but Juliet puts her arm out to shut her up.

"Alright then, so why did you brought us here?"

She asked curiously with a stern expression.

"Well...this might sound strange to all of you, but....we're from another world...."

He explained.


Jackie bluntly asked while crossing her arms.

"Rem was doing an experiment in his office but something went really off when this large weird black smoke came out of nowhere and transported us to this strange world." The blonde haired delinquent explained.

"And we believe that you're the one who's responsible for the cause since we are all aware that you know who we are." The orange haired incubus explained. Juliet then sighed and look back at the student council members.

"Look I understand what you're saying, but we have absolutely no idea how you guys get into our world. So I would appreciate if you all of you gentlemen keep your distance away from us as soon as possible because we all know your tricks." She proclaims as she points her finger at the sandy blonde class president with serious turquoise orbs.

"So don't even bother trying to gain our trust because none of us will fall for two faced devils like you four." She sternly declared much to the shock of her sisters and the three student council members except for Rem who remains emotionless. As she turns her back at the devils with a huff and walked towards the door.

"Come on girls, we're leaving." She assured them as she strut her way out of the student council room.

"Wait Juliet!" Delilah exclaimed as she chases after her older sister with a concern look.

"Annnnd I guess we're done here soooo see ya never." Jackie bluntly stated as she left the room with her arms crossed leaving Kyra left behind.

Kyra then sighed at her sisters but looks at the four men with a sort-of awkward grin and giggled a bit.

"Thank you for having us, but I should get going now. It's a pleasure to meet you all...umm..bye..." She shyly stutters as she bows her head to the four student council members and scurried her way out of the room like a timid mouse.

(Author: omg Kyra's so adorable! 😆😍)

Rem's POV:
Right after the Fitzgerald sisters left the room, I sighed and pinched my forehead.

That did not go as I planned....

I thought while pinching my forehead.

"Well that didn't well as we expected, buuut....that girl with the short brown hair is quite attractive." Urie stated with a grin while holding a rose.

"No doubt about it, I'm calling dibs on the feisty tomboy." Mage proclaims with a smirk.

"Mmmm~ I like that cute girl, that poor little thing is hiding from me. Maybe I should make her open up to me~ GAH!" Shiki yelps as he looks down to see Roen biting on his leg. He crept a fake smile and pick up the quick tempered Pomeranian.

"That hurt you little runt! Do you want me to turn you into a fur coat?!" He asked darkly as Roen flails his arms barking and demanding to be released.

"Enough!" I bellowed as I turn to the men with a stern look.

"We will return to our own universe and we'll not stop until we get what we want." I sternly declared as the three men listened to me where this is just the beginning.....


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