Chapter 7 - No Cinnamon rolls

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They had reached home and Avaloth was in his room again. She was sitting on his bed and he asked, "Your belly is full, now what are you doing here?"

"I'm sleepy." She said as she laid down on the bed and Andrew's brow twitched. She occupied his bed as if it was her.

"You! Just go back to your house, will you?"

In his reply, she answered with soft snores. Is she serious!

Andrew got near and saw she had already fallen asleep. He let out a frustrated sigh.

Anyways, it wasn't like he needed to sleep anytime soon because he would finish the game today and then do his homework.

He went back to play his game. It wasn't easy to kill the final boss but he did it. He was the third one to finish the game but he had maximum kill and minimum dying so in the world bilboard of top players he got first rank while third one to finish the game.

His chat box filled with messages and he saw more subscribers came to his streaming channel.

He smirked. "Nice."

He replied them with just one message, "Thank you for watching the game. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it. Cya."

A lot of hearts and compliments came but then a few messages caught his eyes. It said, "When will you reveal your voice?"

A lot of his followers asked the same question and some of them asked to reveal his face as well. Well, he wasn't planning to reveal his face at all. He knew he had followers from this town as well and they would annoy him so better not reveal anything for now.

He replied, "Soon." And logged out of his account.

He got a message in his mail and he checked it saying his account had been credited. His smirk turned to a grin.

The promotion of this game had ended and people were redeeming rare items from his code. The more people came the more he would get money.

Of course, he needed to keep playing the online multiplayer mode. The good thing was this game had many multiplayer options and he liked them so, he decided to play everyday for a few hours.

He searched other gamers if they were playing any other interesting game. The popular one was a horror game. The group of players would be transferred in a house or somewhere and there would be a ghost whom they had to kill but that wasn't easy because they needed to find some artefacts to decrease its power first. But it wasn't easy either because the ghost would try to hunt them down and within that they needed to find the artefacts.

It was a lame concept in Andrew's eyes. Other than its gory graphics, he didn't like it. He didn't want to play it.

He searched for more games but again there were some otome or dating games that never interested him. He wanted some action or some hard mission. After some more searching he decided to take rest for a few days. He had heard there was a military game would be released on next week. He might go buy it.

He again opened the game and thought of playing multiplayer.

"What is that?" He heard a voice just beside him.

He tilted his head at Avaloth and asked, "You are awake?"

She nodded with a grin as she stretched her back. "So, what is it?" She pointed at a gun.

"It is a game and this is a gun. You kill people with it here and get gold and rare items." He said and told her many information about the game. She listened it with concentration as she nodded.

"I want to play too." She said with excitement, her eyes sparkling.

"Do you even know how to play?" He asked as he had a doubt.

"No." She said immediately and added, "But you can teach me."

"I don't have time. I am going to study. Go back to your home." He stood up and looked at the clock. Although he still did have time but it won't hurt to finish everything early.

"My home is not here." She said.

"Then go where you are living for now." He said and turned off the computer.

"Err... Can I stay-"

"No!" His answer came out from his mouth before she could say anything.

"Okay." She didn't argue much like she used to yesterday.

She went to the window and slowly went out as Andrew started to do his homework. After sometime later, he went for dinner as his parents discussed on his admission of Princeton.

He came back to his room and he expected Avaloth would be here but she didn't come and he was glad as now he could sleep peacefully. He flopped on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

In the morning, Andrew was about to turn to his sides, when he felt something tingling his nose and not to mention, his body couldn't move because something was blocking him.

He groaned in his sleep as tried to remove whatever was tingling his nose and his hand caught a strand of long hair. His eyes shot open as he looked at his sides.

He groaned again. Avaloth was sleeping peacefully beside him like a little cat while her hair scattered over his bed and some of it came to his nose.

He wanted to shout at her but her face felt so serene he didn't had the heart to do it. She wasn't even touching him and he was surprised that in the single bed her body could adjust without even without touching him. She did look malnourished though.

He recalled her saying that she hadn't had food for days. He was a bit curious at how could a devil couldn't get food?

He looked outside and saw light hadn't appeared yet which meant he still had some time to sleep and he wasn't feeling much energetic to shout at her now. He would talk to her in the morning.

Thinking that Andrew went back to his slumber.

In the morning, Andrew woke up and thought of giving Avaloth a lecture but when he looked beside him, he saw she wasn't there.

"Nevermind." He mumbled and went to shower. When got ready for school he felt her presence.

He looked behind and said, "Will you stop sleeping on my bed at night? I couldn't stretch my arms."

Avaloth blinked as her body stiffened. "I-I never came."

He raised a brow, "Oh you didn't, did you?"

She shook her head and asked with a smug face, "Did you see me coming?"

"Yeah, I saw you laying beside me."

"You are lying. If you had seen me, you would have scolded."

"So that's mean you came."


Andrew gave her a look. He said looking offended, "And here I thought of buying you a cinnamon roll but liers don't get anything."

Her eyes sparkled as she confessed immediately, "I came! I came!"

"No cinnamon rolls for you."

She pouted, "But I spoke the truth! Besides it was cold yesterday." She mumbled the last words.

"And I said not to disturb me when I'm sleeping, studying or gaming."

"But I didn't!"

Andrew gave it a thought. On the contrary, she didn't. She didn't even touch him as she took the corner and occupied very minimum space. But her hair did.

"Anyways, go now. I am going to school." He said as he packed his bag.

"Err... What about my cinnamon rolls?" She asked innocently and he eyed her. He wasn't sure if he was amused or annoyed at her audacity. She kept barging his room, she kept using his bed and now she demanded cinnamon rolls as if she had all the rights to do it.

"No cinnamon rolls!" He said with a harsh tone.

"But I am hungry..." Her tail wiggled behind her as she nibbled with her dress.

"Then go buy your own food."

"How to buy?" She asked immediately.

He was now getting irritated. She had a lot of questions and he wasn't ever that much talkative. He felt like he was talking a lot these days.

"You need money to buy those." He corrected, "Actually you need money to buy everything."

"Where do I get this money thing?"

"You have to work to earn money."

"Where do I work?"

"Oh man!" He groaned as he tapped his temple. "Will you just go now? I am getting late."

She looked at him warily and slowly got down from the bed. She seemed like a cat as her feet did absolutely no sounds when she got out of the window.

He needed to lock that window. He went there and felt the chilly wind against his skin. He looked outside and saw the sky was a bit gloomy. Was it going to rain?

Come to think of it, Avaloth didn't have much clothes on her. She wasn't lying when she said last night was a bit cold.

Andrew took a deep breath to calm himself. He had been losing his cool these days. He took his bag and went downstairs leaving the window open.

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