Devils and Pirates

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We see Ashton as he appeared from a purple light and was seen falling down into an ocean as he was seen surfacing from the water.

Ashton: Great, I'm probably miles from land and I don't even know any way to get to dry land.

Then Ashton looks at his back and sees black wings come out as he sees them.

Ashton: Oh yeah, right. Forgot that I'm a devil.

Ashton starts flying until he sees a big ship with a snake motif

Ashton: Any ship will do.

We see Ashton as he flies to the ship as he lands on the deck and looks around.

Ashton: I just need to find the captain and see if-

A large number of women appear and point their spears at his neck

Ashton: Beg for my life and go peacefully? I'm not armed, I swear. Please don't hurt me! I really mean no one any harm!

We see Ashton as he was seen grabbed by the women and was taken into a cell.

Ashton: This is going to be a long trip isn't it?

We see the ship as it was seen arriving at an island as we see Ashton as he was seen looking at the wall.

Ashton: How am I gonna get out of this? (Realizes) Oh right.

We see Ashton as he pulls out his staff and he realized what he was doing

Ashton: Wait, these are women! I never harm women unless they throw the first punch, come on there has to be something else. Oh yeah.

Ashton then transformed into a fly and flew out of the cell and out of the ship

Ashton: (high pitched buzzing voice) Ok now if I was the captain of a pirate ship where would I be?

Ashton then looked up and saw a palace at a distance.

Ashton: Oh there.

We see Ashton as he was seen flying to the palace as we see him land on the roof and change back.

Ashton: Wow. This place is very-

Then the roof he was on broke as he was seen falling down into a room and landed in water.

Ashton: Help! I'm drowning! Call the coast guard!

Ashton then opened his eyes and saw that the water was only shallow.

Ashton: Oh, it's just shallow water.

As Ashton stood up, he then looked and saw that there was someone in the room as well as he then looked to see it was a woman and noticed she didn't have any clothes on and notices her back had a large red mark

Ashton: Oh my god ma'am I am so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do anything perverted! I didn't see anything!

Then the doors opened as we saw two women enter with weapons in their hands.

Marigold: What's the matter? I heard a loud crash!

Sandersonia: Are you ok? What happened?

They then looked and saw Ashton.

Sandersonia: Am I seeing things or is that a man?

Marigold: What is a man doing on our island?

We then see Boa as she stood up and stepped out of the water as we see Marigold place a white dress on her.

Marigold: Shroud yourself from his leering gaze.

Ashton: Wait, I didn't do anything I swear!

Boa: My secret is out. He saw my back.

Then Sandersonia and Marigold stood in shock about what Boa had said as Ashton looked confused.

Marigold: Then we mustn't let him leave the castle alive.

Ashton: I don't see what the problem is, I just saw her back is all. But that did look kinda interesting.

Boa: What you saw is a secret we would die to protect or rather one that we would kill to protect in this particular instance.

Ashton: Secret? What secret?

Boa: Take those questions to the grave with you.

We then see Boa as she brought her hands together into the shape of a heart and aimed at Ashton.

Boa: Love-Love Beam!

She fired a heart shaped beam at Ashton expecting him to get hurt.

Ashton: Um, was that supposed to do something?

We then see Boa as she brings her hands together again.

Boa: Love-Love Beam!

She then fired the beam again as we then saw Ashton as he looked unaffected.

Ashton: Hey, nothing happened. Tell you what um I'm just gonna go. Sorry for breaking your roof and everything

We then see Ashton as he was seen running and jumped out of a window as they watched.

Marigold: From this high up? He's out of his mind!

Ashton then landed on a cloud nimbus and Boa then made a kiss making a heart as it stuck on her finger and aimed at Ashton.

Boa: I got him, Pistol Kiss!

She fires her attack at Ashton and once again he is unaffected by it

Ashton: Are you ok? Your powers might not be working to the best of their abilities.

We then see Ashton as he was seen sitting on a broken piece of the roof

Ashton: Listen I get it. You hate men, and I sometimes hate men too but I'm just trying to get home to my friends. Now that I think about it I should probably fix your roof. Wouldn't want anyone else to see that mark on your back.

We see Ashton as he was seen putting the pieces of the roof back in the hole.

Ashton: Oh, and don't worry I won't tell anyone else about this place. Honestly, I don't think anyone else would believe me. Not Dimitri, not Rias, not Akeno, or even that Chun-Li lady. Your secret is safe with me Miss.

Marigold: How dare you insult the pirate empress!

Sandersonia: We should take the man-thing to the arena for a trial!

Ashton: But I-

We then see them grab Ashton and start dragging him away.

Ashton: Was it something I said? Wait of course it was. I had to open my big fat mouth.

We later see Ashton as he was seen in an arena as Boa and her sisters were overlooking the arena.

Ashton: Look, come on I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to offend anyone! Honest!

Boa: I'm ready for my explanation now, specifically I would like to know how you got on to this island and what you want here.

Ashton: I'm just as confused as you are, all I know is that I was just in Kuoh Academy in Japan and the next thing I know I found myself in the middle of the sea and next thing I know I ended up crashing into your bathroom.

Boa: An unlikely story, lying to me will only guarantee you an excruciatingly painful death.

Ashton: I'm not lying, but you have a ship right, so if you can just let me go and give me a ride back to my friends and I'll never come back or tell anyone about this place.

Boa: I don't think so.

Ashton: I'm serious I won't tell anyone about this island, no man, woman, or devil (Realizes) Oops.

Boa: I grow tired of this. End him!

We then see a large panther pounce on Ashton

Ashton: Oh come on! Give me a break!

Boa: The panther you see is known as Bacura, the beast stands as the official executioner of Amazon Lily for generations. When it's done, there won't be a single bone left to remember you by.

We see Ashton as he was trying to keep Bacuro from biting his face.

Boa: Oh my, it appears Bacuro seems famish today.

Ashton: Well, he ain't eating me!

Ashton then summoned his staff and made it extend as it hit Bacuro, sending him into the crowd as they looked in shock at what Ashton had done as he held his staff.

Ashton: How can you act so cruelly to others?! You just do this to someone when they are trying to say that they're sorry, how can you act so calmly?!

Boa: What you don't understand is I will be forgiven for anything I do, absolutely anything. And the reason why is because I'm beautiful. Just look at me, I'm sure you'll agree.

Ashton: Actually no, you make me sick. While yes you are very beautiful on the inside you are just a horrible person! I have a philosophy "no matter what you look like if you have an ugly personality ugly is what you are". And sister that is you to a t.

Boa then looked in shock at what Ashton had said to her as we see the entire audience was in shock at what Ashton said as Boa leaned back.

Marigold: Stay strong sister.

Boa: This simply cannot be happening, there's no man alive that can resist my allure, it's just not possible! (Looks at Ashton) So long as that man exists in this world, I shall never know peace again.

We then see the audience starting to get upset.

Woman: How dare you hurt the snake princess like that!

Woman 2: Make the man suffer for his crimes!

Woman 3: Execute him!

All: Execute! Execute! Execute!

Boa: Marigold, Sandersonia, defend my honor and take his head.

We then see Sandersonia and Marigold both come down to the arena and look at Ashton.

Sandersonia: You got it, we'll get the job done sis.

We then see Marigold and Sandersonia as they both transformed into their giant snake forms

Ashton: Wow. That is awesome! An anaconda and king cobra are great snakes to turn into! (Realizes the two are swinging their weapons at him) Right eyes on the ball!

Ashton then jumped out of the way as he looked at them.

Ashton: (In his head) Come on Ash, there has to be something you have up your sleeve. Oh, now I remember!

Ashton then jumped to the air as he then pulled out some of his hair and threw the strands of hair as they began to transform into clones of Ashton as we see them arming themselves and attacking the sisters as we see the real Ashton as he was seen riding on a nimbus cloud as we see him making the sky rain with many of his own clones as we see Marigold as she started to spit a purple substance at the clones making them vanish as we see the real Ashton flying on his cloud as a clone was tagging along with him we see him and his clone both both turned into anvils knocking the sister down with Sandersonia's top falling off and over the edge of the arena

Ashton: Try not to move

Sandersonia then looked to see Ashton on her back and many of his clones were seen holding her tail trying to keep her from falling

Ashton: And before you say anything I'm not taking advantage of you I'm trying to cover your back

Ashton clone: That's right, just because you all want to kill me doesn't mean that I want to do the same to you.

Ashton: I'd rather die shielding what you bare than having everyone see the mark. And if that doesn't prove I'm trustworthy then just kill me now

We then look to see Boa as she was looking surprised to see Ashton was willing to sacrifice himself to protect her sister as we see the clones pulling.

Ashton: Come on guys, heave!

Clones: Ho!

We see the clones all pull Sandersonia back to the arena with all their might as we see Ashton walk to Sandersonia.

Ashton: Look, about before I'm sorry about that and I think we got on the wrong foot, so I want to give you something to show I'm sorry for everything. But first (hands her back her top) You should probably put this back on.

Ashton then walked up to where Boa was as she looked at him.

Boa: Why would you do that?

Ashton: Like I said before, I said I wouldn't tell anyone your secret and I always keep my promises. But if it isn't too much trouble, where do you prepare your food? I would at least like to make everyone on this island a meal.

Boa: Very well, but I believe you have not told me your name.

Ashton: Oh right, my name is Ashton Wukong, and as I am a devil, but I am not like any other devils that you or you people have heard of. And it is a long story.

Boa: Then tell me everything.

Later on, we see Ashton as he had made food for everyone on the island as he was seen in Boa's palace in her room as he had explained everything about himself to Boa and her sisters.

Boa: So, you along with your friend had been struck down and left to die by a fallen angel.

Ashton: Pretty much.

Marigold: And no one had ever gone to find the one responsible for your death?

Ashton: If only, fallen angels and devils are able to erase people's memories of them existing. For example, when a fallen angel completes its goal, he or she erases any memories and records of themself from those around the target.

Sandersonia: But what was the goal of the fallen angel who had murdered you?

Ashton: Obviously to kill both of us, but only if they have discovered there was something in us that was threatening or dangerous. But I wouldn't even be here if Rias hadn't intervened.

Boa: That's the one that brought you back, right?

Ashton: Yes, and she allowed me and Dimitri to have us both make our own peerage.

He then made a chess board and had his evil pieces on it.

Ashton: A peerage is basically like a chess board and a peerage must have 1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, and 8 pawns

Boa: And do the people assigned by those pieces have qualities?

Ashton: Well, the queen is the second in command while the knights are speed support, the bishops are the magic support, the rooks are the peerage's powerhouse and lastly the pawns are pretty much the foot soldiers. The first line of defense but still incredibly dangerous.

Boa: And how many have you had so far?

Ashton: So far, I only have one knight, while my friend Dimitri has let's just say that he has more than me

Boa: I see.

Ashton: And I'm trying to find people but I haven't had much luck

Boa: Then accept my offer of having me as your first pawn.

Ashton: Are you sure? Once you become a devil you won't be the same ever again.

Boa: I still want to be a part of your peerage

Sandersonia: So do I.

Ashton: Well... Alright.

Ashton then held up two pawns as they glowed and went inside Boa and Sandersonia

Ashton: It's done, but I should warn you two, as devils you'll both be vulnerable against any angelic or holy object or being

Boa: Very well.

Ashton: But I was meaning to ask if you could help me with getting back to my friends because as I've said I just appeared here.

Boa: Then I will have to give you this

Boa gives him a big fruit covered in swirls

Ashton: What's this?

Boa: They are called devil fruits. You eat it and you get a superpower like us. This is the nene nene no mi or fittingly the devil devil fruit. This one can mimic other devil fruits

Ashton: That's pretty cool.

Boa: But you should know that if you do eat a devil you will lose your ability to swim.

Ashton: I was never a good swimmer anyway. But think you can help me with finding my way back to my time?

Sandersonia: Of course. And I know of two more potential peerage members.

Ashton: Wow, thank you. Who are they?

Sandersonia: Their names are Nami and Nico Robin and they are friends with this pirate named Monkey D. Luffy.

Ashton: So you really think they will join us?

Boa: I'm certain they will.

Ashton: How would we even reach them?

Boa: Leave that to us.

Ashton: Ok.

We later see Ashton as he along with Boa and Sandersonia were on a ship as they were seen sailing through the sea as we see them sparring

Ashton: Now that you're not trying to kill me I can say this. You are a skilled fighter Sandersonia. I haven't had this much fun in a while.

Sandersonia: Same here.

Lookout: Captain! Thousand Sunny off the port bow!

Boa: Looks like we found them sooner than I thought.

Ashton: Which means we can have a talk with them.

We see Ashton as he summoned his staff and leaped up to the sky and was on a nimbus cloud and flew to the other ship as he sees the crew.

Ashton: Ahoy Straw Hats! I am Ashton Wukong, the great sage and monkey king I've heard a lot about you all.

Ashton then looked and saw Nami and Robin and smiled

Ashton: Now these two I've heard the most about (creates bouquets of flowers) These are for you.

Robin: Why thank you.

Ashton: And I came here because I want to have you as part of my group. Don't worry Luffy, they'll still be part of your crew. Besides, any friend of yours is a friend of mine.

Nami: But why us?

Ashton: I'll explain once we all get to a place I'm from. As soon as I figure out how to work my new devil fruit powers. Boa said that the devil fruit I ate lets me mimic devil fruit powers, but how?

Ashton then shot purple sparks from his hands

Ashton: Whoa did I do that, guess it works depending on what I'm thinking of, if that's the case maybe I can give this a try.

Ashton held his hands up as they glow and we then see a few more spark shot out

Sandersonia: Maybe try moving one arm in a circle

Ashton then moved one of his arms in a circle motion as we then see a purple portal appear

Ashton: Hey cool.

Ashton then walked near the portal and stuck his head in it as he looked around and sees Dimitri

Ashton: Dimitri, am I ever glad to see you.

Dimitri: Where have you been?

Ashton: Long story, but I can explain it to you with some guests.

We then see the others walk out of the portal as Dimitri sees them.

Dimitri: Oh. I see you've made some friends

Ashton: Yeah and some new members for my peerage.

Boa: So you are the one Ashton has told me about, Dimitri if I must assume?

Dimitri: Yeah, Dimitri Leonidas.

Boa: It is an honor to meet you. (Look at Rias) And I assume you were the one called Rias?

Rias: Yes.

Boa: I thank you for saving the lives of Dimitri and Ashton.

Rias: They were both important, I couldn't let them die. So I had to use my magic to heal them both.

Nami: Heal them? What do you mean?

Ashton: I may have forgotten to mention that Rias is a literal devil. And she had to reincarnate us as devils.

Nami: And she still healed you both?

Rias: Even when reincarnated their wounds couldn't heal on their own so I held them close and used my magic to heal them.

Robin: Oh.

Rias: It only works if we are undressed.

Ashton: And there's the uncomfortable part

Dimitri: But it is a pleasure to meet your new friend Ash.

Boa: You had to be naked in order to heal others? Sounds like fun.

Ashton: Oh no.

Akeno: And I think I need to have a word with you Ashton.

We then see Akeno as she grabbed Ashton by his shirt collar

Ashton: I'm in trouble, aren't I?

Akeno: Big time.

We then see Ashton as he was being carried off by Akeno.

Dimitri: I have a feeling that Akeno is going to give Ashton a serious whooping

Boa: I will see how he will be after this.

We then see Boa walk off to follow Ashton as Dimitri just sighed thinking what will come to Ashton.


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